Movies about World series
Revisit the World Series though the lens of MLB Productions and watch the annual journey and battle between the best of the best in Major League Baseball.
Official 2014 World Series Film: Giants vs Royals
The story of the San Francisco Giants 2014 World Series championship. Narrated by Colin Hanks, experience the journey through all 7 games of the 2014 World Series.
1 hr 26 min Jan 1, 2014 TV-PG
The 2015 World Series: Mets vs Royals
The Kanas City Royals have captured their first World Series in 30 years, in a drama filled series versus the New York Mets. Relive the 2015 fall classic.
1 hr 26 min Jan 1, 2015 TV-PG
The 2016 WORLD SERIES: Cubs vs Indians
The Chicago Cubs captured their first World Series in 108 years, in a historic and drama filled series versus the Cleveland Indians. Relive this memorable 2016 fall classic.
1 hr 28 min Jan 1, 2016 TV-G
TH 7 WORLD SERIES: Astros v. Dodgers
The Houston Astros captured their first ever World Series, in a historic and drama filled series versus the Los Angeles Dodgers. Relive this memorable 2017 fall classic.
1 hr 28 min Jan 1, 2017 TV-G
The 2018 World Series: Dodgers v. Red Sox
The 2018 Boston Red Sox dominated their way to a World Series title in a way they have never seen. A relentless march through the regular season led to a franchise-record 108 wins.
1 hr 28 min Jan 1, 2018 TV-G
TH 9 WORLD SERIES: Washington Nationals vs Houston Astros
Featuring exclusive access and stunning game footage, the 2019 World Series Documentary celebrates the Washington Nationals triumph over the Houston Astros.
A List of Every Baseball Movie in History | Baseball Almanac
Baseball movies are simply great and anyone who has ever watched Bang the Drum Slowly or The Natural know exactly what Baseball Almanac is talking about.
Listed below in chronological order is a list of every major motion picture where baseball is featured in the film or where one of the primary actors was a baseball player.
NOTE: The Year (of release) column might not always match-up to the Details column ( year) as their year specifically relates to the release of the video. Research by Baseball Almanac.
«The one constant through all the years has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It’s been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and what could be again.» — James Earl Jones
Baseball Movie Checklist
In Chronological Order | Research by Baseball Almanac
Did we forget an oldie? Did we miss a recent release? Share the omission with us today. Or, do you prefer talking about baseball movies? Share your opinions with serious baseball fans on Baseball Fever where we have an entire baseball movie section set aside for discussion!
Did you know that the first movie featuring any type of baseball action was called The Ball Game and it was produced in 1898 by Thomas Edison?
Start collecting baseball movies today — many of the movies on this page can be bought today thanks to our partnership with Amazon.
Where what happened yesterday
is being preserved today.
Best Baseball Movies
Batter up! If you’ve got a young fan in the house, one of these baseball movies is sure to be a home run. These movies will take you from backyard ball in Sandlot to pro women teams in League of Their Own to the big leagues with Jackie Robinson, Lou Gehrig, and Babe Ruth. And just like in Little League, there are tons of life lessons and character strengths kids can learn from these picks. You won’t strike out with one of these excellent films. Plus, be sure to check out our lists of great soccer, basketball, and football movies.
Filtrovat podle:
Předškoláci pro všechny věkové kategorie (2–4) Malé děti (5–7) Velké děti (8–9) Dospělí (10–12) Dospívající (13–18)
All Stars Charlieho Browna!
Klasické jízdné Peanuts obstojí ve zkoušce času.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2016)
Každý je hrdina
A formulaic feel-good movie with positive messages.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2006)
Andělé v outfield
Potěšující film o naději a baseballu.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1994)
Jackie Robinson Příběh
Životopisný film z 1950. let působí naivně, ale Robinson hraje sám sebe.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1950)
Sladký, poutavý skutečný příběh přitažlivější pro doplnění a starší.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2002)
Koshien: Japonské pole snů
Přesvědčivý dokument o největším baseballovém turnaji v Japonsku.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2021)
Život a doba Hanka Greenberga
Tento klenot zvedne náladu fanouškům baseballu.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2000)
Míle v botách
Inspirational baseball tale about a pitcher with autism.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2012)
Perfektní hra
Sentimental, inspiring tale about Little League underdogs.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2010)
Podívejte se na naši recenzi
Pride of Yankees
Heartwarming baseball classic for tweens and up.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1942)
Nováček roku
Zábavná, přitažená za vlasy baseballová fantazie má trochu slaný jazyk.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1993)
Provozování základen
Touching faith-based film shows the power of baseball, God.
V kinech (rok vydání: 2022)
Bezstarostná baseballová komedie má jazyk, sexismus.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1993)
The Sandlot 3: Heading Home
Baseball sequel has name-calling, bullying.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2007)
Talented young athlete overcomes challenges to excel.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2019)
Bingo Long Travel All-Stars a Motor Kings
Overlooked baseball gem for the whole family.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1976)
Henry a já
NY Yankees inspire cancer-stricken boy in animated film.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2014)
Home Run Showdown
Mostly family-friendly sports flick dabbles in stereotypes.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2012)
League of Their Own
Terrific story of women’s baseball has great messages.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1992)
Rameno milionu dolarů
Feel-good sports dramedy is a fine pick for tweens.
We collect Movies about World series rating based on ratings and reviews on popular services. To collect Movies about World series we analyze rendition, popular services, comments, people reviews, forum comments and make our own rating. If you think there is a movie missing in the selection, you can leave a comment with the name of the movie that should be included in the selection. Let’s make a rating Movies about World series together!