Filmy o řidičce žena
Did you know that cars are the most used prop or entertaining sidekicks in movies, television and YouTube?!
Petrolheads will watch their weekly car shows, where many men will amp up their bromance behind the steering wheel, while their women stand by like shiny hood ornaments.
So, trying to steer away from the cliche that all female drivers are bad, like in bezradný, and the mandatory chases in cops shows, going shopping, collecting their children from sports practice etc., I found it hard to pinpoint a list of marvellous movie moments of a woman behind the steering wheel.
So, here are a few I do know of…
The List of Lady Drivers in Movies
With the help of some magnificent readers from my vibrant email group, and in no particular order…
Družičky, the Maid of Honour drives a crappy car that gets the attention of the local law. It represents how badly she’s gone in life, not fixing anything especially that tail light on the car.
Chyťte zloděje, of the vintage romance movie era shows Grace Kelly elegantly cruising the cliffs of Monaco in a convertible.
Julia Roberts knows a stick-shift in a Lotus from the movie Pretty Women.
Herbie plně nabitý with a young Lindsay Lohan and a race track.
Transformátory 1,2. Brief as it is, we do see some ladies steering, just a little considering the cars drive themselves.
Pryč v 60 sekundách is a classic movie with Angelina Jolie doing some fancy steering.
Hledáme, again Angelina Jolie does a dash in a Corvette, I’ve mentioned more about this movie below.
Even though I’m starting to feel like I’m repeating myself, we have another Angelina Jolie driving movie! This time she’s doing her driving thang in Pan a paní Smithovi where she even goes so far as to run over her (estranged) husband. Is this a life-imitating art thing?
The Fast and Furious Franchise has Letty, Michelle Rodrigues, giving the men a drive for their money.
Motovidlo has our esteemed Dr Jo (Helen Hunt) chasing down tornadoes in her Ex-husband’s new pickup! You go girl.
Mad Max Fury Road—is basically one long road race, with Charlize Theron doing some major damage.
Italská práce—again, Ch arlize Theron.
Atomic Blonde & Stará garda, are Charlize Theron movies as a total kick-arse heroine!
Jolt – Involves another strong action hero – Kate Beckinsale (Underworld Series) really takes the wheel in this movie.
Da Vinci Code— Sophie Neveu jumps sidewalks and speeds away from the Police in reverse! Skilled.
Bonny from Bonny a Clyde sláva.
Rychlost—Sandra Bullock drives and jumps bridges in a bus! Oh yeah.
Thelma and Louise—The ladies who started it all in this chick-flick classic of their cruise in their convertible. (Huh, there’s that model of car, again.)
Dlouhý polibek na dobrou noc—Geena Davis, again, this time she plays the forgetful spy who hijacks a semi-trailer full of explosives!
Terminator movie franchise features Sarah Connor and a few deadly cyborgs.
Kill Bill I & II is another road trip movie with a vengeance and its Yellow wagon.
(Let me know of your favourites to add to this list.)
The Memorable Cars That Made Movie Magic
While we’re on the subject of cars, here’s more on those traffic-stopping vehicles that made the stars shine in their movies.
Again, in no particular order…
pálkař‘s Batmobile and her many makeovers for each movie upgrade.
James BondJe many Aston Martins
Bourne Identity has one of the coolest car chases in the smallest and crummiest car ever. It’s clever.
Ferris Bueller den Off is what not to do with your BFF’s dad’s car, yet we all want to!
Návrat do budoucnosti—what we could do with our own Delorean?
Blues mobile in Blues brothers
John Wick I, II, III. And that 1969 Ford Mustang.
Mary Poppins made Chitty Chitty Bang Bang famous, right?
Ecto-1 in Krotitelé duchů—was a hearse and an ambulance—which almost makes it a van.
Christin e is a Stephen King story that reminded me of Bumblebee’s bad sister.
JK Rowling’s flying car in Harry Potter is also a legend.
Lastly, I can’t go past Armageddon’s demon-destroying roadster of muscle and metal, Nadpřirozené Impala.
For fifteen seasons, this car has been beaten, shot, rolled, slammed, raced, and even got to play chicken with the devil himself, all while stirring up crossroad dust. It’s more than a prop in over 14 seasons. Yes, I am a fan of the car with her creaking doors, tunes cranked, and the rumble under the bonnet. But she’s also the family car, inherited from their father, that is home to the two brothers Sam and Dean. She’s known as Dean’s ‘Baby.’
Famous Vans Found Onscreen
Bout time we Van-damn this diesel’s dance across the tarmac and talk about the van. (No, I haven’t been sniffing the fuels.)
Vans have their place, like in the novel, UNPLANNED PARTY , for work. Vans are also commonly used by lurking cops who are stalking the bad guys. But there are those exceptions to the rules, such as:
A-Team’s Mr T’s Baby
Little Miss Sunshine also had a yellow family van that they bonded over while pushing it along the road.
Dumb and Dumber’s Matt Cutts’ van—yes it was a van covered in fur and like a dog. And for the record – it’s an annoyingly dumb movie!
And the cartoon classic is Scooby DooJe Mystery Machine.
Worthy of another mention, in the movie, Hledáme, there is a car chase scene where a pet puppy van chased down a Corvette! Whaaaat. Oh yeah, it was a killer, right down to the bobbing heads of toy pets on the dashboard.
Women Cruising in the Outback
I write about women who can drive in the outback, not just in cars, but quads, bikes, utes, 4wd’s, road trains, and planes, where they deal with crocodiles and cattle in one of the most amazing and unique environments found on the planet. It’s pretty much part of my backyard and in the Bestselling outback series about a tiny remote Northern Territory town called Elsie Creek.
In THE ART OF DUST where we have a mumpreneur who attempts to restore a mini-truck she’d learned to drive in.
We have a crazy outback road race in CAKED IN DUST, that’ll leave you in stitches. Laughing that is.
Hrdinka v THE FOOTBALL WHISPERER, uses her ute to rescue horses while offering aid to a professional footballer.
In The STATION, we meet the heroine who drives a tricked-up rally car because she love playing navigator in rally racing, and sets a new land-speed record for… well, you’ll have to read the story to find out. HERE>>
But then you have the ultimate road trip in on story – THE SISTER TRIP. Two sisters in an old vintage Ford are on a treasure hunt across the outback, it’s one that’ll keep the pages turning.
Oh, and if you know of more women driving in movies, I’ll gladly add it to the list.
Tři nejlepší filmy o autech se ženami na sedadle řidiče
Pokud hledáte nějaké nové filmy, které by se vám zalíbily, a už vás nebaví staré tropy mužů sedících na sedadle řidiče ve filmech zaměřených na auta, máte štěstí. Nedávný úspěch Nomadland (2020) obnovila zaměření na roli žen ve filmech o společnicích, které nás dostanou z bodu A do bodu B, naše vozidla. kočovná země následuje Fern, silnou, nezávislou ženu a moderní nomádku. Fern cestuje a žije ve své milované dodávce. Tento dojemný film založený na stejnojmenné populárně naučné knize uchvátil svět, a to nejen pro své historické vítězství v kategorii nejlepší režie na udílení cen Akademie. Tento film nás také nutí prozkoumat role aut ve filmech, které se týkají žen. Pokud jste milovali kočovná země a prahnou po dalších filmech o ženách za volantem, zde jsou tři z celkových nejlepších.
1. Thelma a Louise (1991)
Klasika z nějakého důvodu, Thelma a Louise zaznamenává příběh dvou nejlepších kamarádek, které se společně vydají na víkendový výlet, aby unikli před svým nudným životem. Na jedné zastávce na jejich cestě se muž pokusí sexuálně napadnout Thelmu, což přiměje Louise, aby zakročila a zastala se svého přítele. Poté, co muž urazí Louise, střelí ho do hrudi a okamžitě ho zabije. Odtud se road trip film změní v kriminální thriller, protože Thelma a Louise jsou nyní na lam. Film sleduje různé potenciální střety obou žen s policií a jejich bezpráví na cestě. Ústředním prvkem filmu je Louiseův Ford Thunderbird z roku 1966, který slouží jako bezpečné útočiště pro oba přátele. Thelma a Louise se dobře dívá na mužské chování v kontextu žen a zkoumá význam ženského přátelství a dále význam aut v ženské autonomii. Film končí ikonickou scénou dvou žen, nakonec zahnaných do kouta úřady, které je chtějí za vraždu, a rozhodnou se sjet z okraje útesu v Grand Canyonu a ukončit své životy podle svých vlastních podmínek. Obraz Fordu Thunderbird, který se řítí z útesu, se stal kulturním symbolem, který se v umění a filmech opakuje ještě roky poté. Film nejenže v době svého uvedení získal Cenu Akademie, ale pro svůj kulturní a estetický význam byl v roce 2016 vybrán k uchování v Národním filmovém registru.
2. Max Max: Zuřivost Silnice (2015)
Mad Max: Fury Road je další iterací filmů z franšízy Mad Max, série filmů a knih, které se odehrávají v postapokalyptickém světě. Film se odehrává ve vyprahlé poušti bez přírodních zdrojů, jako je voda a ropa. Hlavní hrdina Max se spojí s Furiosou, divoce silnou ženskou válečnou kapitánkou, která se vzbouřila proti vůdci misogynního kultu s pěti manželkami, Immortan Joe. Společně ti dva prchají před vůdcem kultu a osvobodí jeho harém manželek a velká část filmu se soustředí na akční silniční bitvu v poušti, kde se Furiosa ujímá zjevného vedení. Furiosa je jasné spojení s jejím vozidlem, které je patrné po celý film, protože za volantem nikdy nepůsobí slabě, nervózně nebo jinak sebevědomě. Nakonec díky vztahu k autu zvítězí v silniční bitvě a v revoluci proti Immortanu Joeovi.
3. Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005)
Mnohem méně seriózní, ale stále skvělé prozkoumání společnosti žena-automobil, Herbie: Fully Loaded musí udělat tento seznam. „Genderový ohyb“ předchozích filmů franšízy Herbie the Lovebug, Fully Loaded se zaměřuje na mladou ženu a potenciální jezdkyni závodního auta jménem Maggie Peyton, která si na vrakovišti koupí ikonický Volkswagen Beetle. Netuší, že ten brouk je Herbie, naprosto vnímavý antropomorfní lovebug. Herbie vede Maggie přes četná závodní vítězství a ohromuje ostatní závodníky i pozorovatele. Herbie a Maggie se s postupem filmu stále více sbližují a ona se zároveň stává lepším závodníkem. V závěru filmu pomáhá Herbie Maggie vyhrát závod o vysoké sázky. Fully Loaded skutečně zachází s vozidlem jako s postavou, protože má vlastní mysl. I když je to banální, nemůžete popřít, že tento rodinný film oslavuje důležitý a symbiotický vztah mezi ženou a jejím autem.
Příští filmový večer nebo dívčí večer ve vás, zvažte, zda se podívat na tyto filmy, které ilustrují jedinečné a nedílné společenství, které existuje mezi ženskými postavami a jejich vozidly. Přeskočte odehrané filmy o autech zaměřených na muže a vyberte si jeden z výše uvedených, abyste si na noc nezapomněli.
Filmy o řidičce žena
Tilly Masterson — so rude
Both hands on the wheel please, Ms Kelly
Bad women, drivers.Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill!
Actually I’m sure Miss Piggy would be a terrible driver, she would naturally have a chauffeur
Even John Cleese couldn’t make this funny
I’ve told you a million times: mirror, signal, manoeuvre
I’m a bit behind the curve with movies. I just watched The Muppets – and loved it. There was one point of tension, when the girl got in the car on the wrong side – the one with the steering wheel – and I thought, oh no, here it comes, she’s going to weave all over the road, chase some pedestrians and squash Kermit.
After all, it’s like Chekhov’s law about the gun: if you put a gun on the mantelpiece in Act 1, it must be fired no later than the end of Act 3. On both the big and small screen, if a woman gets behind the wheel when there’s a perfectly good man around, you know she’s going to crash it.
On you Tube you’ll find hundreds of ‘bad women driver’ videos. No ‘bad man driver’ equivalents, though. In movies and on TV, women and cars don’t mix.
Excuse my sense of humour failure, but why won’t this stereotype die? Surely it’s time it packed its cases and retired, along with the bulldog-style mother-in-law and that amusing black chap called Chalky. Why can’t a woman just get in a car and drive it?
In The Muppets movie she did just that. She got in, they drove somewhere and they got out again. Amazing. Yet another reason to love those little foam, felt and fluffy legends.
I was a little ashamed to have doubted them. Maybe it was on my mind because I’d finally seen The Artist as well. It’s a great film, but as usual, when the girl got in the car, she weaved all over the road, chased some pedestrians and hit a tree.
She should have let the dog drive; he seemed to be able to do everything else.
I’ll be keeping up a Woman Driver Watch: please let me know if you spot anything.
Diana Rigg is seriously cool driving on ice
Good women drivers
V tajné službě Jejího Veličenstva (1969) Diana Rigg drives brilliantly in an icy car chase
Pryč v 60 sekundách (2000) Angelina Jolie steals cars; I assume she drove OK or it might have hampered her getaway.
Smokey a Bandit (1977) Sally Fields gets handed the wheel and expected the drive like a lunatic – she does.
Důkaz smrti (2007) pack of stunt women in a 1970 Dodge Charger get their own back on Kurt Russell after a fine car chase in Quentin Tarantino’s spoof .
Trust a man to spoil the fun
Battlestar Gallatica (TV series) OK it’s not a car, but not only is the top gun pilot a woman (Starbuck) but no one thinks that’s unusual.
Temný rytíř povstal Catwoman handles the Batbike with panache. Male members of the audience were, of course, watching her leather-clad arse, not her driving.
Thelma a Louise Have to count as good guys (girls). Every pair of women heading off on a road trip always calls themselves Thelma and Louise. I’m not really sure driving off a cliff counts as good driving, though.
Icons: Thelma and Louise
Bad women drivers onscreen
High Society (1956) Grace Kelly frightens Frank Sinatra by driving too fast
Chyťte zloděje (1955) Grace Kelly frightens Cary Grant by driving too fast (in a gorgeous Sunbeam Alpine Sports Roadster)
Get Carter (1971) Girl frightens Michael Caine by driving too fast. Drowning her in the boot seemed a bit of an over reaction, though.
Goldfinger (1964) Tilly Masterson (Tania Mallet) is the rudest driver ever, as she blasts her horn at Bond and barges past his DB5 in her Mustang Convertible
Ve směru hodinových ručiček (1986) Penelope Wilton drives an unfunny John Cleese in an unfunny comedy
Konvoj (1978) Why is Black Widow is the only trucker to overturn her rig?
Blacktop se dvěma pruhy (1971) The Driver tries to lure the Girl away from the Mechanic by giving her a driving lesson in the ’55 Chevy. She fails, he fails.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968) Truly Scrumptious drives into the pond. Twice.
Faster Pussycat Kill! Kill! (1965) Not actually sure what their driving was like, but they were bad. The Porsche is nice, though.
Před třídou (1985) Julie Walters prangs the wheel of her husband’s beloved E-type on some garden gnomes before an excruciating sex scene with Ian Charleston. A waste of a car and two excellent actors.
The Artist (2011) Woman driver in action is a let-down in an otherwise clever and funny film.
I believe the highest PP ever made was third. Let me know if you have evidence to the contrary
Simpsonovi Marge weaves all over the road and chases Homer into the garage, while Maggie learns to do the same.
Pan Am the sister double-crashes a ‘59 Caddy out of a parking space while fleeing her wedding in order to pour drinks in a plane.
The Sopranos Meadow’s poor parking distracted viewers so much, many missed Tony Soprano getting shot.
Brookside The mum turns round to yell at the kids: «I’m going to kill you!» Whoops.
Epizody I love Tamsin Greig, but I stopped watching when her character whines that she doesn’t want to go to LA because “I’ll have to drive”, before driving on the wrong side of the road headlong into another car. Hilarious.
Poslední letní víno Did that woman ever pass her driving test?
Chodící mrtvoly You knew it was bad news when the woman set off in a car alone. Sure enough, she looks down at the map and drives smack into a zombie.
Wacky závody why did Penelope Pitstop never, ever win?
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