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Top 7 Post-Apocalyptic Movie Wastelands
While no one wants to die in a horrible apocalypse, sometimes you have to wonder what it would be like to survive the end of the world; Avoiding roving bands of cannibals while scavenging for food, clothes and, for some reason, gasoline. Would you have the chops to keep the hordes of wasteland raiders, giant mutant animals and nuclear zombies at bay? It seems as though the lawlessness of the bleak, empty deserts, where humanity no longer stands, has a strong appeal to all young people who have always wanted to pull a sawed-off shotgun from a hip holster and blow two holes through some dude in a hockey mask and a mohawk.
Hollywood has been exploring this concept thoroughly. With Rover, Hrana zítřka, Úsvit planety opic, After Earth, Elysium, Oblivion, This Is the End, World War Z, Snowpiercer, The Colony and many other films released or set to be released, it gives us a chance to go into the ol’ video vault for the 7 Best Post-Apocalyptic Wastelands.
(Global Pictures/Cannon Films. 1993. Dir: Boaz Davidson)
Admittedly, no one has seen this movie. Ever. This is because it is a terrible, terrible film. If you put Mad Max, Terminator, Children of Men and Van Damme’s cyborg together into a blender — making sure to take out all the things that are good about any of them — you would end up with this. Americký Cyborg: Steel Warrior was the film that ended the Cannon Films legacy, and that is truly an accomplishment in awfulness. That being said, it’s hilariously terrible, and what’s best about the whole movie are the settings. With an underground chapel made by radioactive mummy zombies, acid rain, corrugated-steel cities full of punk-rock gang-members and more industrial sets than you can shake a crudely fashioned wasteland spear at, Americký Cyborg: Steel Warrior is an entertaining amalgamation of every sci-fi film ever. The story follows a woman who is the only person on Earth who can conceive a child after nuclear war makes the planet’s population sterile. She has to travel across the ruins of America to get her baby to a safe haven. Along the way she is hunted by a relentless, leather-clad cyborg and protected by an often shirtless bodyguard. It’s a hard-to-find, so-bad-its-great classic, and well worth the effort.
(Pixar/Disney. 2008. Dir: Andrew Stanton)
While not technically “post-apocalyptic” in terms of bombs or wide-spread death, the Earth WALL-E is charged with cleaning up is certainly a wasteland. And, what’s more, it is a wasteland beautifully rendered in top-notch CGI in which the vastness of an empty planet is captured in all of it’s crushing beauty. Watching the garbage-collecting robot WALL-E picking up trash, building little trash cubes, and then erecting large structures out of those cubes gives you the impression of massive size much in the same way that those YouTube videos show you how small the Earth is in comparison to the mega-planets outside our solar system. It’s a great example of how a wasteland should look, and if only it were filled with leather-clad gang members and hobo-looking survivors fighting to stay alive, this would have been a genre-defining post-apocalyptic epic.
5. 9
(Focus Features/Relativity Media. 2009. Dir: Shane Acker)
In the future, when computers become too advanced, they rebel against their creators, and the human race is wiped out by giant mechanical demon monsters. Sure, there aren’t any humans in 9, but there are some adorable, hacky-sack human analogs. And because of the scale of the protagonists in the film, we get to see a new view of the world after. Instead of making weapons out of logs and trying to find ammo for your sawed-off, the heroes of 9 use kitchen knives for broad swords and shoot sewing needles as arrows. The vastness of the wasteland and the decrepit, crumbling buildings seem even larger and more imposing because of how giant they now seem in comparison to the heroes. If you want a good example of the world after a war with the bots, 9 je zásadní.
(LQ/JAF. 1975. Dir: L.Q. Jones)
A boy and his dog features a 16-year-old Don Johnson as Vic, who travels the wastes with his telepathic dog, Blood. Blood has psychic powers that he uses to find women for Vic to try and rape. Also, Vic and Blood are the good guys. No, I’m not kidding, why do you ask? While this sounds terrible, Chlapec a jeho pes is a cult classic for a reason. It’s cult because it’s incredibly weird, and it’s a classic because it’s wonderfully fascinating. The wastelands are ruled by small little towns, and there is an ever-present danger in the form of a glowing, green, mutant … something-or-other. You never really know what. But what saves this movie from being just another romp in the irradiated desert is when Vic travels to the world under the ground, where society has reverted back to a 1950s southern community with ho-downs and picnics and a wholesome feeling that is shattered by the giant cyborg men and moralistic dystopian government. Chlapec a jeho pes is definitely weird and surreal, but with Harlan Ellison as the writer of the source material, you can’t really go wrong.
(HSX Films/Palm Pictures. 1998. Dir: Lance Mungia)
Possibly the only sci-fi movie weirder than A Boy and His Dog, Six-String Samurai takes place in an alternate future in which America has been nuked and invaded by Russians in the 1950s, leaving Las Vegas as the only city left in the country. Elvis, who had been appointed King of America, has recently died, leaving the position open. So a number of warrior musicians set out on a journey to Vegas to claim the throne. Our hero is a Buddy Holly lookalike who is equally adept at playing a guitar as he is at jump-kicking a legion of bad-guys in their collective faces. The villain in the film is Death himself, who is apparently a heavy-metal rocker. Along the way, Buddy becomes the caretaker of an orphan, and he reluctantly begins to train him as a musician warrior. What makes this film so great are the trials these two face. A band of mariachi assassins, the entire Russian army (who are out of bullets), a cannibalistic family modeled after the Cleavers, psychotic Cosmonauts, underground monsters and a variety of other foes impede their path. This film was made for little-to-no money, and you can often tell. But even when the budget restrictions shine through, it almost makes the film that much more endearing.
(Dimension Films/The Weinstein Company. 2009. Dir: John Hillcoat)
“The Road” just came out, and unlike many of the post-apocalyptic films of the past, it is not fun. Not even a little bit. However, it is vastly more realistic. You won’t find any well-made mohawks in the world of The Road, just a lot of derelict-looking people sleeping in abandoned homes and under plastic tarps. The story follows a man and his young son, who are trying to make their way across the soul-crushingly depressing ruins of America while trying to not get eaten or raped. The thing that makes this film so important to the genre is that it takes a fantastical idea and makes it as human and real and terrifying as it really would be. They are struggling, not just to find food, but to find a place where they won’t be brutally murdered. What makes this film especially scary is that the tension never lets up. If you want a scare, and some incredibly moving performances, The Road has everything you could want in a wasteland film, except of course fun and a sense of exciting adventure.
(Kennedy Miller Productions/Warner Bros. 1981. Dir: George Miller)
Očividně, The Road Warrior is No. 1. What else could it be? There is no movie that defined the genre of post-apocalyptic films more fully than Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior. The film follows Max (Mel Gibson) as he travels the desert wastes, until he comes across a gasoline refinery. In this future world, gas is the most sought-after commodity, and the refinery is being menaced by a horde of psychotic wasteland raiders on mopeds and go-karts in S&M gear wearing well-crafted mohawks. The leader of the horde is the Great Humongous, and he wears a hockey mask and carries a long-barreled revolver. Now, reading that description, The Road Warrior probably sounds like the stupidest film ever made. But, be assured, it is the most fun you will ever have watching a wasteland fantasy. It is constant action, tons of excitement, great acting, really dark story-telling, and more than anything else, it set the tone for pretty much all the post-apocalyptic entertainment to come after it. You wouldn’t have a Fallout 3 bez Silniční válečník.
(Kennedy Miller Productions/Warner Bros. 1985. Dir: George Miller, George Ogilvie)
This film is not the best in the series, not by a long shot, however Bouřka‘s pop-culture impact is too great not to mention. Everyone knows what a Thunderdome is, even if they haven’t seen the movie. And most everyone has at least heard a Master Blaster reference and not gotten it. Well, watch Mad Max 3 and you’ll get it. However, you still probably won’t care.
(20 th Century Fox. 1977. Dir: Jack Smight)
In what is essentially a road trip movie, Alej zatracení is about the nuclear irradiation of America, leading to savage wasteland warfare, giant hissing cockroaches and intense storms. You know, a relatively generic apocalyptic wasteland. But it does have the Landmaster, the coolest damn wasteland vehicle this side of Mad Max‘s Diesel Carrier. The Landmaster can shoot rockets, it is hinged in the middle, it can climb huge inclines, can travel over anything, and pretty much is an unstoppable moving mountain of ass kicking.
(Canon Films. 1989. Dir: Albert Pyun)
Nejlepší část cyborg is the world built around the terrible plot. With a virus wreaking havoc on Earth, Jean-Claude Van Damme is a a freelance mercenary/bodyguard who is hired to escort a female cyborg from New York to Atlanta. Along the way they are hunted by a murderous gang of psychopaths. One of the funniest elements to the film is that everyone is named after products you can find at the Guitar Store: Van Damme plays Gibson Rickenbacker, and the leader of the evil gang is Fender Tremolo. Also, everyone is dressed like a gladiator at a rave.
The terror of «The Wasteland» is awfully familiar, albeit in a surprising setting: it’s a quarantine horror movie (made during the pandemic) that takes place in 19th-century Spain, using a sparse cast of mainly three. A beast lurks in the darkness outside the isolated home of a father, mother, and son Diego. They have escaped violence that tore their country apart, and live in fear of the human capacity to destroy. This proves to be an involving concept, but like many aspects of this film, it’s only captivating for so long. «The Wasteland» can suck you into its candle-lit world of discomfort, but it is not as claustrophobic as it could be.
Diego is our eyes and ears, played with notable young actor energy and intensity by Asier Flores. He witnesses the idea of the beast manifest itself within his parents, and their two different approaches to this unknown. Salvador (Roberto Álamo), Diego’s father of few words, wants him to learn to shoot a gun, and gifts him a monogramed rifle for his birthday. His mother Lucía (Inma Cuesta) appears less afraid, more in control, and wants to guide Diego through this unknown world with a gentler, less macho touch. Diego remains observant of it all, poking his head into the quiet spaces of his parents, trying to understand how they are holding it all together. All three performers give robust performances that demand a lot of reverence for the story’s self-seriousness; even when «The Wasteland» gets a little dry, there is still the respite of a full-bodied performance.
Diego can only go so far away from the house, and when he needs to use the outhouse at night, one of his parents must accompany him with a rifle at the ready. The open, quiet terrain around their home threatens them; ominous vistas add to the unease. Mystery has great power here, and director David Casademunt creates a rich atmosphere for this script he co-wrote with Martí Lucas and Fran Menchón. «The Wasteland» proves to be a handsome production with minimal elements, with cinematographer Isaac Vila painting their overall gray home with distinct brushes of candlelight and moonlight, using static wide shots to give us a full scope of their home. And for a long while, there’s not even a sense of what the beast looks like—the story does not need it. The threat of it is enough, especially after an incident in which a bloodied man appears on a boat, leading to one of the film’s standout, gruesome make-up effects.
In later plot turns that don’t earn our emotions, «The Wasteland» becomes a survival story in which paranoia is the beast that attacks his parents, making for a metaphor that flattens while the film’s slow burn grows tedious. There’s a line in which Diego learns that the beast feeds on someone’s vulnerability, and this lack of a subtlety early on is more a signpost about how the movie is going to hammer in its concept, using some blunt horror filmmaking, instead of enriching the metaphor.
Casademunt orchestrates a few modest horror set-pieces, usually with made-you-look editing or screaming string sections, but it all lacks a certain spark that could make it all resonate deeper, or later on, hurt even more. «The Wasteland» is the unique case of a horror movie with a more robust visual sense than a lot of its contemporaries, but that still doesn’t create a larger terror. It’s more the stuff of directors’ reels, not nightmares.
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