Movies about Waking up from a nightmare
The answer: no one — ever — in the history of the universe. What are we talking about here? Well, you know in movies when a character is fast asleep and then all of a sudden they spring up, eyes wide, mouth agape, sweating and panting like they’re me walking up a flight of stairs? That.
Even though it can be a little overused and cliché, the «rude awakening» is a staple of cinematic history and language. In fact, 89 of these rousings (did I just make up that word?) have been put together in a montage by editor Roman Holiday (aka: Matt) to celebrate decades of unnatural, but oh so classically dramatic reactions to restless nights. (You can read the full list of films used right here in the video’s description.)
One thing that came to mind while watching this montage was how different directors and DPs shot these things. Really, how many ways can you capture someone shooting out of bed? (The bright-eyed dreamer in me says an infinitillion. The cynical Daria-clone in me says «Shut up, you.») But really, it seems like setting a camera on a tripod right in front of where the subject will end up was the camera position of choice. But why? Why not add a little more pizzazz — a dolly, zoom, or něco? These people jsou shooting out of bed in a great amount of fear and anxiety — why not let the cinematography communicate that?
Also, can we just, for the record, unanimously agree that the clip from Ven z těla (1:59) is the best one in this video? Thanks.
What do you think about how «rude awakenings» are shot? What was your favorite from the montage? Let us know down in the comments!
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A pokud přijedete do Park City.
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Když budete v Park City, nezapomeňte navštívit Canon Creative Studio, které nabízí celou řadu panelů a příležitostí k předvedení zařízení Canon. Více o tom zde.
Žádné zpravodajství filmové školy o Sundance 2024 vám nepřináší Kanovník.
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The 50 Most Common Storytelling Clichés
Want to be original? Avoid some of these clichés.
Storytelling has been an essential part of human culture for thousands of years, and as a result, certain storylines and plot devices have become so common that they are now considered clichés.
While these storytelling clichés can be used effectively when used in a fresh and creative way, overuse of these tropes can lead to predictable and unoriginal stories.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most common storytelling clichés, why they became popular, and how writers can avoid relying too heavily on them to create truly original and engaging stories.
‘Šestý smysl’Credit: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution
The 50 Most Common Storytelling Cliches
Clichés are commonly used phrases or expressions that have been overused to the point where they have lost their original meaning and impact. Despite their overuse, clichés persist in storytelling because they are often familiar and easily recognizable, which can help to convey a message or idea quickly and effectively.
Although clichés can be used to get the desired effect a writer wants, many writers often rely on them as a safety net and doesn’t lead to originality.
Before sitting down to write, check out this list of common clichés to avoid:
- Vyvolený: This is a character who is destined to save the world or accomplish a great task. This character is often given special powers or abilities that make them unique and powerful.
- Láska na první pohled: This is a plot device where the two main characters fall in love with each other immediately upon meeting, without any development or reason for their attraction.
- The villain monologue: This is when the villain explains their entire plan to the hero, giving them a chance to escape or thwart their plan.
- The final battle: This is a climactic fight between the hero and the villain, where the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
- Bůh ex machina: This is a plot device where an unexpected event or character comes in at the last moment to solve the conflict and save the day.
- The mentor dies: This is when the wise mentor figure dies, usually to motivate the hero to take up their mantle and continue their quest.
- The hero’s journey: This is a classic storytelling trope where the hero goes on a journey of self-discovery, facing trials and challenges along the way.
- The misunderstood villain: This is when the villain is portrayed as having good intentions or a sympathetic backstory, making it hard to see them as a true villain.
- The happy ending: This is when all the conflicts are resolved, and the characters end up living happily ever after.
- The damsel in distress: This is a plot device where the female character is often kidnapped or in danger, and the hero must rescue her.
- The twist ending: This is when the story takes a sudden turn that is meant to surprise the reader or viewer but has become overused and predictable.
- The sidekick: This is a character who accompanies the hero and provides comic relief or support, often being overshadowed by the hero.
- The tragic backstory: This is when a character has a sad or traumatic past that is meant to evoke sympathy from the audience.
- The magical artifact: This is a powerful object that the characters seek, often being the key to their quest.
- The dead parent: This is a common backstory where the hero has lost one or both parents, motivating them to take action or seek revenge.
- The chosen one prophecy: This is when a prophecy foretells the arrival of a chosen hero who will save the world from an impending disaster.
- The evil empire: This is a common trope where a powerful empire or organization is the main antagonist, often being authoritarian or oppressive.
- The hero’s sacrifice: This is when the hero makes a selfless sacrifice, often leading to their death, to save others or complete their quest.
- The love triangle: This is when there is a romantic relationship between three characters, often causing conflict and drama.
- The training montage: This is a common trope where the hero undergoes intense training or preparation, often accompanied by uplifting music and quick cuts.
- The unrequited love: This is when a character is in love with someone who doesn’t reciprocate their feelings.
- The unreliable narrator: This is when the story is told from the perspective of a narrator who may not be telling the truth or may have a biased view of events.
- The forbidden love: This is when the characters are in love but their relationship is forbidden or taboo in some way, such as due to social class, race, or age differences.
- The mentor figure is secretly the villain: This is when the wise mentor figure is revealed to be the villain or to have a hidden agenda.
- The fake-out death: This is when a character appears to die but later is revealed to have survived.
- The «chosen one» is actually the villain: This is when the character who was believed to be the chosen hero is revealed to be the main antagonist.
- The time loop: This is a plot device where the characters are stuck in a time loop and must relive the same day or period of time over and over.
- The betrayal: This is when a character betrays the hero or the group, often leading to a dramatic plot twist.
- The clueless authority figure: This is when the authority figure in the story is portrayed as being out of touch or incompetent.
- The dead love interest: This is when the love interest of the hero is killed off, motivating the hero to seek revenge or justice.
- The voiceover narration: This is when a character provides a voiceover narration to the story.
- The quest for revenge: This is when the hero is motivated by a desire for revenge against the antagonist.
- The «meet cute»: This is a common trope in romantic comedies where the two love interests meet in an unlikely or humorous way.
- The villain who wants to destroy the world just because: This is a common trope where the villain’s motives for wanting to destroy the world are never explained.
- The chosen one has a special birthmark or symbol: This is when the chosen hero has a special birthmark or symbol that marks them as special or destined for greatness.
- The nerdy character who becomes cool: This is a common trope where a nerdy or socially awkward character becomes popular or cool.
- The final countdown: This is when the characters have a limited amount of time to complete their mission before a deadline or disaster occurs.
- The fated love: This is when the characters are destined to be together, often due to a prophecy or magical spell.
- The «evil twin» plot twist: This is when a character is revealed to have an evil twin or doppelganger who is causing trouble.
- The unlikely hero: This is when a seemingly ordinary or unremarkable character rises to the occasion and becomes a hero.
- The «big misunderstanding»: This is a plot device where the conflict is caused by a misunderstanding between characters that could easily be resolved if they just talked to each other
- The chosen one’s mentor dies: This is when the mentor figure of the chosen hero dies, motivating the hero to continue on their quest alone.
- The surprise family connection: This is when a character is revealed to be related to another character, often the main antagonist.
- The «bad guy turns good» plot twist: This is when a character who was originally the villain switches sides and joins the hero.
- The amnesia plot device: This is when a character suffers from memory loss, often as a result of a traumatic event, and must regain their memories to solve a mystery or piece together their past.
- The character who refuses to ask for help: This is when a character refuses to ask for help, even when it’s clear that they need it, leading to even more trouble.
- The secret identity: This is when a character has a secret identity or alter ego, often to protect themselves or others.
- The last-minute escape: This is when a character narrowly escapes danger at the last minute, often through luck or quick thinking.
- The big battle finale: This is when the story builds up to a big battle or showdown between the hero and villain.
- The group of misfits: This is when a group of diverse and often oddball characters comes together to achieve a common goal.
Cliché Plot Tropes to
Summing Up What Are Some Of The Most Common Storytelling Cliches?
In conclusion, while storytelling clichés may seem like an easy and familiar way to craft a compelling story, relying too heavily on them can ultimately lead to a lack of originality and creativity.
As writers, it’s important to recognize these tropes and strive to subvert or use them in new and exciting ways to keep our stories fresh and engaging. By doing so, we can create stories that not only captivate our readers or viewers but also challenge and inspire them.
So, next time you’re crafting a story, take a step back and ask yourself if you’re falling back on clichés, and if so, how you can turn them on their head and make your story truly your own.
Now go get back to writing.
10 filmů o snech a nočních můrách, které vás paradoxně udrží vzhůru
Můžeme získat provizi z odkazů na této stránce, ale doporučujeme pouze produkty, které máme rádi. Slib.
Kdybych měl dolar za pokaždé, když se probudím, převalím se a napíšu svému BFF nějakou verzi „OMG, neuvěříš ani tomu nejdivočejšímu snu, jaký jsem právě měl“, pak bych byl velmi bohatá paní. Budu první, kdo připustí, že někdy se vaše sny mohou zdát tak neobvyklé a náhodné, že se začnete ptát, jak na to váš mozek vůbec přišel, ale TBH, ta divoká jízda, na kterou se můžete vydat. zachytit nějaké zavřené oči je přesně to, co dělá sny tak fascinujícími. Stát se může doslova cokoliv! Můžete se odvézt do vesmíru, stát se kámošema s celebritou nebo se pokusit dopadnout sériového vraha na svobodě (ano, to jsou všechno skutečné sny, které jsem měl, a ne, nepamatuji si, jestli jsem chytil ho).
Se vším tím prostorem pro hraní pak není překvapením, že sny (a jejich mnohem úzkostnější protějšek, noční můry) inspirovaly mnoho filmová zápletka. Většina lidí samozřejmě zná hlavní hity inspirované snem, jako je Inception, ale existují tuny méně známých snových filmů, u kterých stojí za to odložit spánek. Takže bez dalších okolků, zde je 10 nejlepších filmů o snech a nočních můrách, které si určitě budete chtít prohlédnout.
Včera v noci v Soho (2021)
V tomto britském psychologickém thrilleru mladá ctižádostivá módní návrhářka se vztahem k 60. létům záhadně zjistí, že je schopna cestovat zpět do doby, když jde spát. Ale její sny začnou brzy vykazovat velmi temné trhliny.
Inception (2010)
Pokud jste to nikdy neviděli Inception, dovolte mi to pro vás rozebrat: Náš chlapec Leo hraje zloděje se schopností vstupovat do lidských snů a krást jejich tajemství. Nyní ale dostává nový a zdánlivě nemožný úkol – vtlouct někomu do hlavy nápad.
Čaroděj ze země Oz (1939)
Čaroděj ze země Oz nikdy nestojí za zhlédnutí. Od sledování cesty ze žlutých cihel přes sledování tajuplné čarodějnice až po probuzení Dorothy doma v Kansasu (naznačující, že to všechno byl sen), film je naprostá klasika.
Noční můra v Elm Street (1984)
Pokud chcete něco trochu temnějšího, se slasher filmem opravdu neuděláte chybu. v Noční můra v Elm Street, skupina teenagerů se stane obětí Freddyho Kruegera, který má super strašidelnou schopnost vraždit lidi prostřednictvím jejich snů. Fuj!
Dreamscape (1984)
Tento méně známý film Dennise Quaida je vážně podceňován. V něm se dospívající Alex Gardner (hraje Dennis) připojí k vládnímu projektu, kde je trénován, aby vstupoval do snů jiných lidí. Když ale nad projektem převezme kontrolu nový úředník, začne se ukazovat jeho temná stránka.
Kůň dívka (2020)
Pokud jste byli traumatizováni koňskými dívkami na školním hřišti, nenechte se odradit názvem. Alison Brie hraje sladkou, ale pěkně nepohodlnou dívku (která miluje koně, atd.). Začne mít nějaké lucidní sny, které začnou rozmazávat její vnímání reality.
Alenka v říši divů (1951)
Je snadné na to zapomenout, ale po divokých dobrodružstvích Alice v říši divů se probudí doma v Anglii a uvědomí si, že to všechno byl jen sen.
Mulholland pohon (2017)
Poté, co autonehoda zanechá ženu ve ztrátě paměti, ona a její nový užitečný přítel hledají stopy napříč Los Angeles, ale jejich dobrodružství je zavede na temné cesty, které mísí noční můry s realitou.
slumberland (2022)
Může to být film určený pro děti, ale má Jasona Momoa, takže mě můžete přihlásit! Je o mladé dívce, která najde tajnou mapu do vysněného světa Slumberlandu, cestuje po něm v naději, že najde svého otce.
Nebezpečná metoda (2011)
Tento film je trochu zajímavý pohled na sny. Je o původu psychoanalýzy, která, pokud ji neznáte, zahrnovala docela dost analýzy snů. Ponoří se také do soutěže mezi dvěma z největších jmen na poli psychologie: Sigmundem Freudem a Carlem Jungem.
10 Horror Movie Nightmares WITHIN Nightmares
Is your totem still spinning? Here are ten horror movie nightmares WITHIN nightmares.
5. srpna 2021 5. srpna 2021
The nightmare sequence holds limitless possibilities for the horror film — dream scapes can be as abstract and imaginative as the writer wants, including the nightmare v a nightmare trope. Also known as the ‘false awakening,’ this is a weird form of lucid dreaming that means you wake from one nightmare straight into another. It’s also one of the sneakiest jump scare set ups around.
Some movies base the celý concept on dreams within dreams (Inception, Waking Life) to great effect, this trope however, is for pure shock factor. Our sleeper wakes from a horrific nightmare and breathes a sigh of relief and suddenly. BOOM! Straight into a second nightmare we didn’t even know we were in.
Some of the films on this list are of questionable merit; even Nicholas Cage can’t fix the most cynical of remakes but don’t worry, there’s plenty of top notch horror here too. Brutal revenge thrillers, classic 90s slashers, modern internet urban legends and yes, how could we forget — the purveyor of slumber slaughter himself, Mr. Freddy Krueger makes an appearance too.
Beware of heavy spoilers throughout and keep one eye on your totem — you may very well still be in a nightmare.
10. Jen’s Cave Nightmare — Revenge (2017)
Revenge does exactly what it says on the tin — this is Mad Max meets I Spit On Your Grave, and is not for the easily shocked. In fact, the opening act is so uncomfortable to watch, it almost strays into a different genre altogether.
Jen is invited to her rich boyfriend’s weekend hunting getaway in a remote luxury home overlooking an expanse of desert. When Richard leaves on an errand, his friend Stan viciously sexually assaults Jen, as Dimitri does nothing to intervene. Richard returns to the scene and instead of doing the right thing, he tries to persuade Jen to forget the whole incident. She flees but Richard pursues her, pushing Jen from a cliff and impaling her on the limb of a dead tree. Amazingly, she survives.
She finds refuge in a cave and using some peyote as anaesthetic, cauterises her wounds. She wakes and prepares to leave the cave when Richard suddenly appears and blows her head off with a shotgun, forcing her awake from a drug induced nightmare. She leaves again, Richard shows up with the shotgun, and bang, another nightmare. As she continues to dream, this time it’s trippy; lizards, flashbacks, revenge fantasies and once again, she wakes in the cave. That’s two fake outs in a row.
By the time she finally leaves the cave for real, the scene is set for her vengeance and you’re with her the whole way — Jen deserves every drop of blood she squeezes from these three scumbags.
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