Movies about Waiting room
The Waiting Rooms is a character-driven documentary film that uses extraordinary access to go behind the doors of an American public hospital struggling to care for a community of largely uninsured patients. The film – using a blend of cinema verité and characters’ voiceover – offers a raw, intimate, and even uplifting look at how patients, staff and caregivers each cope with disease, bureaucracy and hard choices.
The ER waiting room serves as the grounding point for the film, capturing in vivid detail what it means for millions of Americans to live without health insurance. Young victims of gun violence take their turn alongside artists and small business owners who lack insurance. Steel workers, taxi cab drivers and international asylum seekers crowd the halls. The film weaves the stories of several patients – as well as the hospital staff charged with caring for them – as they cope with the complexity of the nation’s public health care system, while weathering the storm of a national recession.
Čekárně lays bare the struggle a determination of both a community and an institution coping with limited resources and no road map for navigating a health care landscape marked by historic economic and political dysfunction. It is a film about one hospital, its multifaceted community, and how our common vulnerability to illness binds us together as humans.
Director, Producer, Cinematographer
+ Production Credits
Peter Nicks
Linda Davis William B. Hirsch
Peter Nicks
Lawrence Lerew
Výkonný producent
Scott Verges
Sally Jo Fifer
Ředitel fotografie
Peter Nicks
Lawrence Lerew
Zvukový záznamník
Lawrence Lerew
Original Score by
William Ryan Fritch
Další hudba
B. Quincy Griffin
Field Producers
Emma Cott
Singeli Agnew
Přidružený producent
N’Jeri Eaton
Přídavná kamera
Emma Cott
Singeli Agnew
Asistent editoru
Michael Goodier
Výrobní ředitel
David Eisenberg
Timelapse Photography
Petr Štěpánek
Výrobní asistenti
Taylor Richard
Patrick Kollman
ACMC Volunteers
Karen Weinbaum
Stephen Chang
Amer Abdulla
Ed Rudolph
On-line Editor
Loren Sorensen
On-line Facility
Video Arts
On-line Editing Consultant
David O. Weissman
Studio Kudos
Výroba zvukových příspěvků
Berkeley Sound Artists
Sound Design and Mix
Jim LeBrecht
Zvukový mixér
Dan Olmsted
Sound Editors
Patti Tauscher
Jamie Branquinho
Chase Keehn
Zvláštní poděkování
Harrison Altar, Mark Becker, Daniel Boggan, Jr., Andrea Breaux, James Chan, Tammy Chan, Carter Clements, Bonni Cohen, Elizabeth B. Crabtree, Jon Else, Rob Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman, Kenneth Garkow, Dorothy Graham, Mable Haddock, Alden Harken, Ira Hirschfield, Sandra Itkoff, Denise Kirk, Robert A. Lake, Wright Lassiter, III, Wendy Levy, Bill Manns, Jim Mittelberger, Stanley Nelson, Vanna Nicks, Alex Nigg, Helen Park, Arnold Perkins, Teri Reynolds, Stephanie Rodgers, Natalie Roe, Sophie Santee, Ellen Schneider, Evan Seevak, Steve Shortell, Shoshana Signer, Barry Simon, Ken Taymor, Corean Todd, Patricia Van Hook, Charlotte Wills, Gary & Lesley Zalewski
Výkonný producent pro ITVS
Sally Jo Fifer
Major funding for this film was provided by
The MacArthur Foundation The San Francisco Foundation
Additional funding provided by
Pacific Pioneer Fund The San Francisco Film Society
The Waiting Room is a co-production of Open’hood, Inc. and the Independent Television Service (ITVS), with funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), in association with Peer Review Films.
The Waiting Room was produced in part with the support of Firelight Media.
The Waiting Room is produced by Open’hood, Inc. which is solely responsible for its content.
© 2012, Open’hood, Inc.
Všechna práva vyhrazena.
+ More Reviews
New Documentary Explores Challenge to Public Hospitals in Serving Uninsured
The daily life of a large, under-resourced, urban public hospital, a new documentary offers no experts and no statistics, just a rare fly-on-the-wall look inside an overwhelmed and at times overwhelming system and its impact on patients and staff. – Jeffrey Brown, PBS News Hour
The Scramble For Care In ‘The Waiting Room’
The Waiting Room is often dryly funny; it’s very tense at times; it’s emotional, and it’s not didactic, which it easily could have been. It is frustrating, to be sure, but that’s sort of the point.
– Linda Holmes, NPR
Arts & Entertainment : Film Review
The Waiting Room doesn’t simply shed light on a broken healthcare system; like the best dramas, it humbly illuminates the human condition without narration or agenda.
– Ryan Little, Washington City Paper
Variety review of The Waiting Room
A rock-solid verite docu [that] provides ample evidence why our national health-care system needs fixing.
– Dennis Harvey, Variety
America on screen, for richer and poorer
Of all the memorable films on offer at Silverdocs, the most haunting by far is “The Waiting Room,” Peter Nicks’s engrossing cinema verite film set in the emergency room of the Highland Hospital in Oakland, California.
– Ann Hornaday, The Washington Post
SFIFF capsule: ‘The Waiting Room’
One of the best films in the festival, expertly shot by Bay Area filmmaker Peter Nicks, “The Waiting Room” is an astounding and moving look at a typical shift at Oakland’s Highland Hospital.
– G. Allen Johnson, SF Gate
Hot Docs Review
THE WAITING ROOM does two wonderful things before it’s all over. For starters, it takes a tedious situation and fills it with human emotion and real heart. That’s no small feat, since as sexy as a show like “Grey’s Anatomy” makes hospital work seem, the truth is that every part of it – especially the emergency room – is a real slog for all involved. The second, and perhaps most wonderful detail of the film, is the way it leaves the audience with a measure of hope.
– Ryan Mcneil , The Matinee
SFIFF Review: Peter Nicks’ Doc ‘The Waiting Room’
Bay Area filmmaker Peter Nicks gives you what looks like a Fred Wiseman movie, using the kind of raw material and a cinematographic precision that you would expect from a television show like “E.R.” It’s more distilled than Wiseman – shorter – but the pageantry, if you can call it that, is no less complex – hardworking employees under huge pressure who’ve seen it all, impatient sick people, an infusion of the suffering who have been laid off from their jobs, and lots of fear.
– David D’Arcy , Indiewire
Documenting the Uninsured & Publicly Insured in Oakland
“The film’s intimate perspective, that of people who have nowhere else to go, brings seemingly intractable political problem to the social level, rendering it a human problem.”
– Elien Becque, Center for Health Media and Policy at Hunter College
Examining the healthcare system through its public waiting rooms
One serious effect of the recession is many people’s inability to afford health care. And when people aren’t insured, they bring their medical problems to the only place required to take them: the public hospital emergency room.
– Holly Kernan, KALW
Oakland documentary project highlights Highland Hospital’s unheard voices
Oakland, CA filmmaker Pete Nicks always has an eye out for his next project. So when his wife, a speech pathologist, would come home at night and tell him about the people she worked with at Oakland’s Highland Hospital, he was struck by the stories of uninsured people he wasn’t hearing in the debate on health care.
– Emily Wilson, Oakland Local
True/False Day One: The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Taken as a whole, The Waiting Room takes the measure of a systemic failure, where science, faith, and simple logistics – it goes into some detail about the logistics of ER triage – are all completely insufficient.
– Christianne Benedict, Indiewire
A tense look at the U.S. healthcare system through a day in an Oakland, Ca. hospital
At Highland Hospital in Oakland, Ca., some patients are usuals. Some jump around from hospital to hospital. Others are new due to recent unemployment and are there against their will. But they all want the same thing — help.
– Brooke Shunatona, Vox | The Missourian
4 Healthcare Movies the Supreme Court Needs to See
With a recent premiere at the estimable True/False Film Festival and a slot on PBS’ Independent lens, this doc about a emergency room in California is generating good word of mouth. Indiewire’s Press Play blog called the film “a portrait of the wreckage of late capitalism… Taken as a whole, The Waiting Room takes the measure of a systemic failure, where science, faith, and simple logistics–it goes into some detail about the logistics of ER triage–are all completely insufficient.”
– Anthony Kaufman , Indiewire
Movie Review – The Waiting Room
The documentary was one of the more hard hitting films of the True False Fest, since this is something that ultimately effects everyone with or without healthcare as the senate and government are currently waging a battle over our health rights. But the beauty of the film is that it lets the story of those directly effected in the healthcare world tell the story.
– Nick Guzman, Another Plot Device
The Waiting Room (Nicks, 2012)
Peter Nicks’s The Waiting Room is the sort of documentary that advocates on either side of the American health care debate could end up pointing at to bolster their ideological claims. In my mind, though, there was something genuinely humble (and hence, a little brave) about Nicks’s twenty-four hour observation of a public hospital and the people who pass through its doors in the span of twenty-four hours.
– Kenneth R. Morefield, 1 More Film Blog
Health care’s problems, and possible solutions, in two films at Full Frame
The Waiting Room is a dreary but well-done depiction of why our health care system is so expensive and still produces lousy outcomes. Directed by Peter Nicks, The Waiting Room depicts a day in the life of the emergency room at Highland Hospital, a public facility in Oakland, Calif. America’s medically uninsured consider a visit to the ER as going “to the doctor’s,” as one woman, while waiting, tells someone on the phone.
– Bob Geary, Independent Weekly (Durham, NC)
‘Waiting Room’ film looks at Oakland’s Highland ER
Nicks doesn’t concentrate on the adrenalin-fueled rush of trying to save lives. Instead, he uses Highland to focus mostly on the men, women and children who fill emergency waiting rooms each day as well as the caregivers charged with treating them and determining who gets seen when.
– Victoria Colliver, San Francisco Chronicle
Review: The Waiting Room – Hot Docs 2012
Living in Canada, it’s hard to imagine being in a position where you’d have to choose between buying groceries and paying for medicine or vital medical treatment. Unfortunately in the United States, that’s exactly the decision that many citizens struggle with each and every day.
– Kristal Cooper , Toronto Film Scene
A Day in ‘The Waiting Room’
The new documentary “The Waiting Room” takes place in and around the Emergency Room of Oakland’s Highland Hospital. Its patients are a cross-section of trauma victims and desperate families, many without insurance. We talk with the film’s director, Peter Nicks, about what he hopes people take away from this “day in the life.”
– Scott Shafer , The California Report
Health Care on Human Terms: Oakland’s Highland Hospital in The Waiting Room
Medical professionals at Oakland’s Highland Hospital emergency department see about 80,000 patients a year. The hospital also has northern Alameda County’s main trauma center, so during the year, more than 2,200 severely injured patients go there, whether they have health insurance or not.
– Emily Wilson , San Francisco Weekly
A cinema vérité portrait of a California city’s public safety-net hospital as it struggles to handle patient overload in a swooning economy and a constantly shifting landscape of health care policy.
About the Documentary
Highland Hospital, a vital part of the city of Oakland, California and the surrounding county, is stretched to the breaking point. It is the primary care facility for 250,000 patients of nearly every nationality, race, and religion, with 250 patients crowding its emergency room every day. Čekárně is an immersive documentary film that weaves together several stories that unfold in surprising ways in the ER waiting room. It is an intimate rendering of the story of our health care system at a moment of great change told through the eyes of people stuck — sometimes for up to 14 hours — in the waiting room. The film tells the story of a remarkably diverse population – as well as the hospital staff charged with caring for them – battling their way through the seismic shifts in the nation’s health care system, while weathering the storm of a national recession. It is a film about one hospital, its multifaceted community, and how our common vulnerability to illness binds us together as humans.
In a purposefully fragmented style, the film will follow young victims of gun violence, artists, and small business owners who lack insurance, steel workers, taxi cab drivers, and international asylum seekers, as well as the young doctors, nurses, and hospital executives struggling to keep the hospital running smoothly.
With the swelling ranks of the uninsured exerting unprecedented pressure on public hospitals, the state budget crisis undermining social service and medical funding, and the current health care reform package threatening to gut public hospitals, Highland faces extinction. Meanwhile, it’s just another day in waiting room.
Peter Nicks is an Emmy Award-winning shooter/director known for his courageous cinema vérité style. He directed/produced Čekárně, which was released theatrically in 2012 to critical acclaim, shortlisted for an Oscar and won numerous awards including the Truer Than Fiction Independent Spirit award. Nicks is a 2015 United States Artist Fellow in the midst of his trilogy of timely, immersive films exploring the interconnected narratives of health care, criminal justice, and education in Oakland, CA.
Linda Davis is an Emmy-nominated filmmaker who produced Čekárně (Nezávislá čočka), a vérité portrait of a day in the life at a public hospital in Oakland, California, which received critical recognition and an Independent Spirit Award nomination for best documentary. She also produced The Kill Team (Také Nezávislá čočka), about a soldier in Afghanistan who attempted to report war crimes committed by his platoon, which won Best Documentary Feature at Tribeca in 2013 and was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Investigative Journalism. Her experience includes work on several feature-length documentaries, including Znásilnění Evropy and Jon Else’s Wonders Are Many: The Making of Doctor Atomic.
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Movies about Waiting room
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- Mezinárodní filmový okruh
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- 2012
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- Mezinárodní filmový okruh
- 1 h 21 min
Summary The Waiting Room uses unprecedented access to go behind the doors of Oakland’s Highland Hospital, a safety-net hospital fighting for survival while weathering the storm of a persistent economic downturn. Stretched to the breaking point, Highland is the primary care facility for 250,000 patients of nearly every nationality, race, and reli . Read More
- 2012
- Nehodnoceno
- Mezinárodní filmový okruh
- 1 h 21 min
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- Mezinárodní filmový okruh
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Hulu (vyžadováno předplatné)
Summary The Waiting Room uses unprecedented access to go behind the doors of Oakland’s Highland Hospital, a safety-net hospital fighting for survival while weathering the storm of a persistent economic downturn. Stretched to the breaking point, Highland is the primary care facility for 250,000 patients of nearly every nationality, race, and reli . Read More
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