Filmy o dobrovolnících
Making a conscious decision to volunteer is accompanied by a lot of stress. Torn between trying to pack lightly to thinking whether your best friend can fit into the suitcase together with kilos of home food and all your childhood photos, you sometimes need to take a breath.
One of the best ways I know are films. Today I want to share some best “medically proven remedies” you can take to get comfy with volunteering.
Proč sledovat: to start appreciating the beauty of a new place over slight discomforts of your living conditions. And because everyone needs to see that beach!
Kdy sledovat:
- when afraid of spending a year in “a dog kennel”;
- when worried that you won’t find friends;
- when your new home doesn’t look as perfect as on the picture they sent
2–3. Night on Earth (1991) or Paris, je t’aime (2006)
Proč sledovat: to understand that the same place looks different in the eyes of different people.
Kdy sledovat:
- when tired of the place you are volunteering at;
- when afraid to live around strangers;
- when you need to see new perspectives.
4. Everything is Illuminated (2005)
Proč sledovat: připravit se na kulturní šok and language barrier.
Kdy sledovat:
- when you have no idea what to expect from your project;
- when looking for a higher purpose of your project;
- when your work is connected with cultural heritage;
- when you are a vegetarian.
5. Wonder Woman (2017)
Proč sledovat: připravit se na zachránit svět (white bears/Alpine tulips, etc.)
Kdy sledovat:
- when you need a reminder of the purpose of volunteering;
- when trying to save the world;
- when your work is connected with peace promotion and bringing happiness to the world.
Proč sledovat: to learn the art of packing lightly.
Kdy sledovat:
- when you are afraid to be alone;
- when not sure why you decided to do it in the first place.
7–8. Everest (2015) or La La Land (2016)
Proč sledovat: to remind yourself that any experience is a good experience, even if you fail.
Kdy sledovat:
- before volunteering starts to not get your expectations too high;
- when something is not going according to the plan;
- to push yourself to take more initiative.
9. Fire at Sea (2016)
Proč sledovat: to understand local communities and that every story has two sides (at least).
Kdy sledovat:
- before voluntary work with refugees/migrants;
- when you want to understand contemporary world challenges;
- to be more humane.
10. Cinema Paradiso (1988)
Proč sledovat: to understand social work in malé komunity.
Kdy sledovat:
- before volunteering to find your way with people;
- when trying to understand cultural significance of a local community;
- to take more initiative.
11. The Durrels in Corfu (2016)
Proč sledovat: to enjoy life without excessive amounts of peníze.
Kdy sledovat:
- when trying to blend into local community;
- when you have a bit of free time.
So have fun and enjoy your volunteering experience!
10 Movies that Make Me Pack My Bags
If you already suffer from terminally itchy feet, you need to be careful what you expose your impressionable mind to, otherwise you might find your bags packed and a plane ticket in your hand before you know what’s what.
As a warning, here are a few of the movies I have to avoid unless I’m ready to take to the seas.
Roman Holiday (1953): It may be best known as the film that launched Audrey Hepburn’s career as a doe-eyed movie star, but I know it as the movie that makes me wish I was sipping champagne on a patio in Rome.
The Darjeeling Limited (2007): It’s common knowledge that one of the best ways to travel through India is to use the country’s iconic train system, but there are few movies that remind me of this fact better than this Wes Anderson flick about a trio of brothers guilty of the ole’ I’m-going-find-myself-in-the-East notion.
Lost in Translation (2003): Okay, yes, the two characters in this movie aren’t exactly excited to be in Tokyo, but their meanderings and the culture shock they go through just makes me want to take up that challenge and come out on the other side better than they did.
Into the Wild (2007): I think we can all relate to the overwhelming desire to «get away from it all» once in a while. Of course, the character in this movie kinda’ takes that feeling to the extreme, but you can’t really blame him as he ventures far out into the gorgeous Alaskan wilderness. just, um, ignore the ending.
The Motorcycle Diaries (2004): This Spanish-language film is based on the true story of Che Guevara’s life-altering trip across South America with his best friend in 1952. From the long, stretches of road to the beautiful towns in between and the movie’s climatic final destination in Venezuela. well, it téměř makes me want to get a motorcycle.
Pláž (2000) A young Leonardo DiCaprio ventures into remote Thailand to find an elusive, supposedly «idyllic» island with a strange map and meets some other wayward souls. Enough said.
Seven Years in Tibet (1997): A beardless Brad Pitt spends — you guessed it — seven years in Tibet on the eve of China’s invasion of Tibet. Based on the true story of an Austrian mountain climber who befriended the Dalai Lama during this tumultuous period.
Amelie (2001): This movie doesn’t actually have any travelling in it — in fact, its titular character doesn’t venture away from home at all, really — but its Paris backdrop, quirky characters sitting around a French cafe and escapades around bus stations, city streets and canals makes me want to style my hair into a cute bob and run away to the City of Lights.
An American Werewolf in London (1981): Yeah, I know, the story of these two backpacking friends travelling through Britain doesn’t really have a happy ending — spoiler alert: one gets killed and the other turns into a werewolf — but I can’t help romanticizing the foggy moors and mysterious pubs filled with dark secrets.
The Lord of the Rings (2001): If New Zealand’s leading role as the fantastical realm of Middle Earth doesn’t make you want to put on a pair of leather boots, strap on a sword and run around the mountains, there may be something wrong with you.
Well, those are my favourite travel-oriented and not-so-travel-oriented movies. What are yours?
Films about volunteers
List of the best films about volunteers according to the audience: This Is Our Time, The Slender Thread, River, Big Miracle, Class Rank, Mercy Street, Herself, Frost, A Perfect Day, Dear Santa.
Nahoře jsou nové filmy roku 2020, popis děje a upoutávky na filmy, které již vyšly.
Mark | imdb: 5.2 |
Žánr | drama |
Země | USA, Indie |
Trvání | 01:44 |
After graduation, five friends set out to make a difference in the world for God. Their ambitions are high, their passions are strong but will they have the courage to fulfill their calling regardless of what comes their way. The sacrifice they are asked to pay may just be too high. Through Godly council from an outside source, the group realizes that this is not their time after all, it’s all His.
Mark | imdb: 7 |
Žánr | drama |
Země | Spojené státy americké |
Trvání | 01:38 |
Alan is a Seattle college student volunteering at a crisis center. One night when at the clinic alone, a woman calls up the number and tells Alan that she needs to talk to someone. She informs Alan she took a load of pills, and he secretly tries to get help. During this time, he learns more about the woman, her family life, and why she wants to die. Can Alan get the cavalry to save her in time before it’s too late?
Mark | imdb: 6 |
Žánr | detektivka |
Země | Kanada, USA |
In the south of Laos, an American volunteer doctor becomes a fugitive after he intervenes in the sexual assault of a young woman. When the assailant’s body is pulled from the Mekong River, things quickly spiral out of control.
Filmy o vztahu otce a syna
Filmy o přátelství
Filmy na sociálních sítích
Mark | imdb: 6.5 |
Žánr | melodrama, drama, rodina |
Země | USA, Velká Británie |
Trvání | 01:47 |
Based on an inspiring true story, a small-town news reporter (Krasinski) and a Greenpeace volunteer (Barrymore) enlist the help of rival superpowers to save three majestic gray whales trapped under the ice of the Arctic Circle. ‘Big Miracle’ is adapted from the nonfiction book ‘Freeing the Whales: How the Media Created the World’s Greatest Non-Event’ by Tom Rose.
Mark | imdb: 6.5 |
Žánr | komedie, melodrama, rodina |
Země | Spojené státy americké |
Dva středoškoláci spojí své síly ve snaze předběhnout místní školní radu. Vedeni svými rodinami vstupují do nebezpečného slova politiky a během toho se dozví něco o lásce.
Mark | imdb: 7.4 |
Žánr | drama, historie |
Země | Spojené státy americké |
Trvání | 00:30 |
Follows the lives of two volunteer nurses on opposing sides of the Civil War — New England abolitionist Mary Phinney and Confederate supporter Emma Green. Based on true stories and set in a Union hospital in the occupied Confederate city of Alexandria, viewers are taken beyond the battlefield and into the lives of Americans on the Civil War home front as they face the unprecedented challenges of one of the most turbulent times in our nation’s history.
Filmy o kanceláři
Mark | imdb: 7 |
Žánr | drama |
Země | Irská republika, Spojené království |
Struggling to provide her daughters with a safe, happy home, Sandra decides to build one — from scratch. Using all her ingenuity to make her ambitious dream a reality, Sandra draws together a community to lend a helping hand to build her house and ultimately recover her own sense of self.
Mark | imdb: 5.7 |
Žánr | drama, detektiv, armáda |
Země | Litva, Francie, Ukrajina, Polsko, Lucembursko, Monako |
Trvání | 02:23 |
Rokas a Inga, pár mladých Litevců, dobrovolně jedou nákladní dodávkou humanitární pomoci na Ukrajinu. Křižují rozlehlé zasněžené země regionu Donbass a vnášejí se do životů těch, kteří byli zasaženi válkou.
Mark | imdb: 6.8 |
Žánr | komedie, drama, armáda |
Země | Španělsko |
Trvání | 01:50 |
Somewhere in the Balkans, 1995. A team of aid workers must solve an apparently simple problem in an almost completely pacified territory that has been devastated by a cruel war, but some of the local inhabitants, the retreating combatants, the UN forces, many cows and an absurd bureaucracy will not cease to put obstacles in their way.
Filmy o studentech
Filmy o psychologech
Filmy o chudých
Filmy v reálném čase
Mark | imdb: 6.5 |
Žánr | drama |
Země | Kanada |
Crystal, a rich party girl, finds a little girl’s letter to Santa asking for a new mother, and she vows to win over the father and daughter before the holidays.
Mark | imdb: 7.3 |
Žánr | drama, vojenství, biografie, historie |
Země | United Kingdom, Denmark |
Trvání | 02:09 |
Testament of Youth je silný příběh o lásce, válce a vzpomínkách, založený na memoárech Very Brittain z první světové války, které se staly klasickým svědectvím této války z ženského pohledu. Spalující cesta od mladických nadějí a snů na pokraj zoufalství a zase zpět, je to film o mladé lásce, o marnosti války a o tom, jak pochopit ty nejtemnější časy.
Mark | imdb: 7.8 |
Žánr | dokumentární |
Země | Brazil, United Kingdom |
Trvání | 01:39 |
An uplifting feature documentary highlighting the transformative power of art and the beauty of the human spirit. Top-selling contemporary artist Vik Muniz takes us on an emotional journey from Jardim Gramacho, the world’s largest landfill on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, to the heights of international art stardom. Vik collaborates with the brilliant catadores, pickers of recyclable materials, true Shakespearean characters who live and work in the garbage quoting Machiavelli and showing us how to recycle ourselves.
Movies about ambulance
Filmy o podvádění
Filmy o nemocnicích
Filmy o pronásledování
Mark | imdb: 6.6 |
Žánr | melodrama |
Země | Japonsko |
Trvání | 02:03 |
Tsukasa got into a severe car accident when she was a high school student. She still suffers from the effects of that accident, with memory impairment and needing to use a wheelchair. Tsukasa falls in love with taxi driver Masaki. Even though they have difficulties, they try to make a happy family together, but they encounter another serious situation.
Mark | imdb: 6.9 |
Žánr | drama |
Země | Rakousko, Francie, Německo |
Trvání | 01:36 |
Christine is a wheelchair-using woman with severe multiple sclerosis. In order to escape her isolation, she makes a journey to Lourdes, the iconic site of pilgrimage in the Pyrenees Mountains, along with other people with varying disabilities. During her stay she begins to regain the use of her limbs. This is in contrast with others, who appear to have stronger faith than Christine but experience only slight, passing improvement. Her fellow pilgrims are eager to call it a miracle; however, as the pilgrimage draws to a close, exactly how accurate a claim this is becomes uncertain.
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