Movies about Vegetarian
The cinematic mode of the documentary is and always has been the perfect conduit with which to enact change. Countless feature films have been able to point real-life policy in the right direction. The likes of Errol Morris’ Tenká modrá čára, Michaela Moora Americké kuželky pro Columbine a Gabriely Cowperthwaiteové Blackfish have affected real legislation that has changed the reality of their subject matter. For many individuals considering a drastic lifestyle change, often it is through watching personal accounts of encouragement, or documentaries, either feature-length or YouTube shorts, that help to persuade and stimulate. Documentaries are a gateway to further thinking, conversation and debate, having the genuine ability to change your life.
Such is true for the vegan and vegetarian communities, where films have long been a crucial part of recruitment and education, from recent efforts such as Seaspiracy to earlier films such as Vidličky přes nože. Whilst documentaries are integral to forcing change, live-action feature films have also been effective in changing the mind of consumers. From the live-action work of Bong Joon-ho to the documentary efforts of Andrea Arnold, let’s take a look at the most compelling arguments for vegetarianism below.
10 movies that will turn you vegetarian
10. Nausicaä z údolí větru (Hayao Miyazaki, 1984)
Whilst not speaking directly about the involvement of humans in the food industry, Studio Ghibli’s Nausicaä z údolí větru is a compelling argument for environmental change. Merging a delightfully fun, thrilling animated tale with an environmental subtext of genuine importance, Miyazaki puts the need for a reversal of climate change at the very heart of his classic. Considering that adopting a vegetarian diet is one of the best ways to reduce one’s carbon footprint, Miyazaki’s film makes for compelling viewing.
9. Nepříjemná pravda (Davis Guggenheim, 2006)
Perhaps the most famous documentary regarding climate change remains Nepříjemná pravda by Davis Guggenheim, a sobering analysis of the state of the climate in 2006. Terrifyingly, the statistics of the film may be a little outdated over a decade since its release, though this shouldn’t put you off watching the essential film, with the former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore, putting together a comprehensive argument.
Much like the aforementioned movie, although Nepříjemná pravda doesn’t directly address the meat industry, changing one’s diet remains a great way to make a personal impact on the improvement of climate change.
8. Super velikost mě (Morgan Spurlock, 2004)
Speaking of popular documentaries, Morgan Spurlock’s memorable evaluation of the contemporary McDonald’s fast food franchise was a compelling argument against the industry, as well as on meat eating as a whole. Breaking down how animals are bred and killed to make their way into burger patties, chicken nuggets and more, meat eaters may think twice about consuming beef after watching this. Even almost 20 years after its release, Super velikost mě remains worth a watch, and if you want an updated version, there’s always the 2017 film Super Size Me 2: Svaté kuře!
7. Potraviny Inc. (Robert Kenner, 2008)
Many food-related documentaries have tried to change attitudes to human consumption across the years, with Potraviny, as a výše uvedené Super velikost mě presenting the most famous arguments for global change. Helmed by Robert Kenner, the 2008 documentary highlights the pitfalls of the American corporate-controlled food industry, revealing some terrifying home truths and shocking scandals across the way.
As well as an argument against the meat and dairy industry, Potraviny Inc. also acts as a terrific starting point to explore a whole range of food documentaries, including Naštvaný a Co zdraví.
6. Kotě (Chris Noonan, 1995)
Everyone’s favourite movie about a humble sheep pig, Chris Noonan’s Kotě, is an adorable family drama that follows Babe, a tiny pink porker who is raised by sheepdogs on a rural English farm and is taught to herd sheep. Featuring an impressive voice cast that includes such names as James Cromwell, Hugo Weaving, Miriam Margolyes and Russi Taylor, Kotě has long been a family favourite across the world. Having several conversations throughout the film about his previous destiny to materialise as a slice of bacon, you’re heartless if you don’t feel even a little bit tempted to go vegetarian after this.
5. The Game Changers (Louie Psihoyos, 2018)
There are countless great documentaries about going vegetarian, but this one might even go one step further and turn you vegan. The film follows a UFC fighter whose world is turned on its head when they discover that everything he knew about dieting was wrong. Having to face a new reality of understanding, they adapt their lives and pursue success in their sport with a fully plant-based diet.
Featuring several big names from the world of sport and athletics, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, one of the greatest action stars of all time, and Louis Hamilton, this one’s worth your time if you’re a gym-lover.
4. Cowspiracy (Kip Andersen, Keegan Kuhn, 2014)
Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn’s 2014 film may be a little too intense for the regular viewer, but this is a truly worthwhile documentary for those willing to apply themselves to their study. Revealing just how unsustainable our reliance on meat produce is, the film follows the shocking journey of an aspiring environmentalist who seeks to explore whether a plant-based diet really is better for the planet. Responsible for much debate, as well as a semi-sequel named Seaspiracy, whichever way you look at it, Cowspiracy is a convincing piece of cinema.
3. Kráva (Andrea Arnold, 2021)
Usually found operating in the field of live-action feature films, in 2021, the British filmmaker Andrea Arnold took to the documentary space for the compassionate film, Kráva. Suggesting thoughts, feelings and consciousness beyond our simple understanding, by placing the audience in the empathetic position of an animal’s right-hand side, Kráva asks you to identify with such an existence and question the nature of such in the modern world.
Telling the story of a Cow and her separated calf, Arnold’s dialogue-less film is a noble human effort to unlock an ethereal, compassionate understanding of the truth of those we share our planet with.
2. Okja (Bong Joon-ho, 2017)
Poking fun at the hypocrisy of modern food industry practices as well as our ideological attitude towards eating animals, Bong Joon-ho’s powerful 2017 drama, Okja, follows the story of a young girl’s relationship with her pet, exploring how this familial relationship comes into conflict with a world that sees the animal as mere property. As Okja efficiently proves to illustrate, animals are individuals in and of themselves, not the sausages, beef jerky and burgers that we see on our supermarket shelves. Visiting a slaughterhouse as part of his research for the film, the filmmaker spoke of the “trauma” of such an experience. He stated, “It’s incredibly shocking. In actuality, I couldn’t even get one-tenth of the detail of the real slaughterhouse into the film. It was such an overwhelming and traumatic experience”.
1. Pozemšťané (Shaun Monson, 2005)
Exploring humanity’s use of animals for pets, food, clothing, entertainment and scientific research, Pozemšťané is an unflinching assessment of our relationship with the species we share our planet with. Taking six years to complete, the film, directed by Shaun Monson, covers pet stores, puppy mills and meatpacking plants, using footage captured by hidden cameras that exposed some of the largest food industries in the world. Opening the film with meditative images of the earth and its bountiful species, Joaquin Phoenix narrates: “Since we all inhabit the earth, all of us are considered earthlings. There is no sexism, no racism, or speciesism in the term earthling. It encompasses each and every one of us, warm or cold-blooded, mammal, vertebrae or invertebrate, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish and human alike”. It’s brutal and graphic viewing, but one thing’s for sure; it will turn you vegetarian.
5 Films That Focus On Plant-based Lifestyle
Plant-based eating style is a lifestyle change that many people are currently considering, however, this doesn’t mean that everyone has all the facts. Looking for the best and most educational vegetarian flicks out there? Look no further.
If you don’t want to jump into the deep with extreme and brutal films about the meat industry, there are many other types of documentaries available that cover topics from health, to environment, to animal advocacy. We compiled this list of the top 5 groundbreaking vegetarian documentaries that will give you all the facts you need on the subject and make you think deeply about the choices you make every day.
- Vidličky přes nože – If you’re relatively new to living plant-based and want to learn the basics of the health benefits of this lifestyle, Forks Over Knives is a great pick. This 2011 documentary talks specifically about plant-based nutrition and makes the argument that a plant-based diet is the solution to reducing risk and even reversing most chronic diseases.
- Maso Pravda – This documentary covers connections between livestock production and climate change. It shows that small dietary changes will lead to big results, contrary to the popular belief that a single person’s food choices don’t have much of an impact.
- The Game Changers – Those with an interest in both vegetarianism and athleticism will find plenty to love in The Game Changers. This documentary aims to inspire people by showing the power of a plant-based diet in elite athletes, soldiers, visionary scientists, and cultural icons.
- vegukovaný – If I had to pick one movie from this list to show my family and friends, Vegucated would be it! Through the eyes of three skeptical New York omnivores from different backgrounds who try to stick to a vegan diet for six weeks, this funny flick makes it very easy to relate to their feelings and struggles. The participants have their own health measured throughout the vegan challenge and get educated about all the ethical and environmental reasons why a plant-based diet is so important.
- Co zdraví – Focusing on exposing corruption in the government and organizations, this film questions several medical doctors and researchers about the growing body of evidence on the health dangers of animal foods and how they contribute to our leading causes of death.
What are you waiting for? Grab a family member, friend, pet, or even just some vegetarian snacks and prepare to rethink everything you know about living plant-based.
11+ Horror Films That Will Make You Consider Vegetarianism
While many forms of art deal with vegetarian themes, none do it as well as horror films. Where blood splatters, lambs cry, and rotisserie chicken wiggles and bleeds on the plate.
Kasey Rae aktualizováno 05
Banal brutality makes up modern existence. One example of normalized brutality is the consumption of animals. Confinement, torture, and slaughter are subjects otherwise saved for a horror film. Vegetarians live with the knowledge of this horror daily. Along with a thought best left unborn: that blood still pours when you aren’t the one holding the blade. The films on this list offer a sobering opportunity to confront the often-overlooked violence of everyday life. Along with the representation of animal slaughter from environmental, emotional, and ethical perspectives.
For most, horror films are a person’s first look at slaughter. Art has a well-established relationship with the ideology behind violent consumption. Paintings such as Saturn Devouring His Son by Goya show a father consuming his child. The painting itself is based on a Greek myth of a Titan that eats his children. Certain novels such as Něžné je tělo a Jediní dobří indiáni deal with similar themes of slaughter. In many of the films on this list, cannibalism and animal-meat eaters are simply two types of carnivores. One holds up a mirror to the other, revealing the darkness and complexities that surround our consumption as humans. Ready to cut through the flesh of these films to see what bleeds beneath the surface? Read on.
Best Films To Make You Vegetarian
Soylent Green (1973)
The year 2022 actually mohl have been worse. This dystopian sci-fi movie shows dried oceans and depleted resources due to climate change. While there are few elite citizens, most of the population is left in squalor. They must split the limited resources they have — mainly Soylent Green, one of their only available food sources. When the true ingredients that make the mysterious “nutritious wafers” are uncovered, chaos ensues. The film makes the point that human demand is far higher than what the earth can sustainably provide.
Texaský masakr motorovou pilou (1974)
Sally Hardesty (Marilyn Burns) and her friends travel to her old family home. On the road, the friends discuss animal slaughter with a local hitchhiker, even driving past a slaughterhouse. Their road trip is ruined by a chainsaw-wielding lunatic known as Leatherface. He and his cannibalistic family torment Sally and kill most of her friends in jejich family home, a home that is covered in the bones of humans and animals alike. “The heart of the film was about meat; it’s about the chain of life and killing sentient beings, and it has cannibalism in it,” director Tobe Hooper says, “although you have to come to that conclusion by yourself because it’s only implied.”
Eraserhead (1977)
Mazací hlava displays the absurdities of everyday life through a surrealist lens. Henry Spencer (Jack Nance) goes to his girlfriend’s house for dinner with her parents. Mutated chickens are served for the meal. Their bodies wiggle on the plates as they are cut into. This a disturbing reminder that when it comes to meat, to eat is to kill. David Lynch’s film is up for interpretation, as the filmmaker refuses to explain himself. One thing is certain. Henry feels alien in his environment, and vegetarians have a similar perspective, finding normalized rituals (such as eating animals) bizarre.
Kanibalský holocaust (1980)
A documentary crew goes missing while making a mondo-style film about a tribe of cannibals in the Amazon. Only the film reels are discovered, which hold deathly horrors. Cannibal holocaust is notoriously protested against for its obscenity, especially for its shots of actual animal abuse and death. Filmmaker Ruggero Deodato finds such a protest to be hypocritical. “They don’t make the connection between the food on the table that mummy has cooked from the supermarket, and the fact the animal has actually been killed.” The film is still banned in several countries partially due to its graphic violence towards animals.
Ticho jehňat (1991)
FBI trainee Clarice (Jodie Foster) needs the help of a convicted cannibal to track down a serial killer. The notorious Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) taunts and teases Clarice through the prison bars that separate them. In one instance, he unravels a horrible memory from her brain, the memory of screaming lambs being slaughtered. The sound haunts her now. No matter how many people she saves, they will never stop screaming. While only one of them takes an active role in the process, Clarice and Hannibal are connected. They both know the terror of a creature that is about to be killed and consumed. The screams of which will never be silenced.
Americké psycho (2000)
Delve into the mind of a rich psychopath. Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) is stuck in a successful, boring, and brutal life. Like horror fans, Patrick needs a bloody fantasy to get through life. In the film, scenes of animal murder are mixed with human murder. Both even happen alongside each other. The film contains beautiful shots of food before scenes of murder and gore, driving the point home that sometimes they are one and the same. Spreading and consuming violence, Patrick is stuck in a never-ending pain circle involving both humans and animals.
Knedlíky (2004)
Humans will do anything to defy the aesthetic evidence of mortality. That’s why everyone flocks to Aunt Mei (Bai Ling). Her homemade dumplings provide an antidote to aging. No one knows how these magical and mysterious dumplings are made. Until a new customer investigates. Soon, Mei’s secret ingredient is revealed. She feeds her customers unborn human fetuses. Any shock this revelation may bring is stifled by the promise of good results. houskové knedlíky reminds its audience of humans’ passivity to cruelty when given the promise of pleasure, especially within the cosmetic and meat harvesting industry.
Lidská stonožka (2009)
Tourists awake in a creepy home, having been drugged by a German surgeon (Dieter Laser). While the tourists writhe in horror, the surgeon beholds his greatest dream and finest creation: The Human Centipede. The tourists will be sutured together by connecting their gastric systems. The surgeon did the same experiment on his three dogs, who died shortly afterward. Though their faces wear a smile made of stitches, the victims agonize over their painful new connection. The characters in the film share a digestive system that mirrors reality. After all, we all consume from each other’s actions. Whether it be meat from a butcher or a horror film from the mind of a writer.
Syrové (2016)
While studying to become a veterinarian, Justine (Garance Marillier) is forced to eat meat for the first time. This unlocks a hidden hunger for flesh. When animals don’t suffice, she begins to eat a different kind of meat. This violent need for flesh spills into all of Justine’s relationships, from sexual to familial. Eventually, she learns the reason for her family’s long-standing vegetarianism. That, for them, meat is meat. Once they consume one type of meat they relinquish all control over themselves. Their appetite turns to other, more familiar, sentient creatures.
Okja (2017)
Massive mutant pigs are bred for slaughter to meet the needs of the fast food industry. When one girl bonds with a mutant pig from the stock, she rescues it. They journey through the mountains together, trying to avoid detection. This sci-fi film led director Bong Joon-ho to visit a slaughterhouse. What he experienced there never left him. “I felt like the smell was following me,” the filmmaker says, “I’m gradually becoming a pescatarian.” Though a fantasy, this film is so close to our reality that animals are injected with growth hormones to keep up with market demands.
Spirála (2021)
A detective (Chris Rock) discovers Jigsaw traps holding broken human bodies all over the city. It seems that another copycat of the notorious “Jigsaw Killer” is on the loose. One trap leaves a victim hanging from a butcher’s meat hook. Their human corpse is nearly identical to an animal corpse while being skinned. Throughout the Pilka franchise, we often see Jigsaw and his devious partners wearing pig masks. Is one of the reasons for doing this to show the animal nature within us? Or to show the oneness of all sentient creatures? No matter the meaning, the films deliver ironic scenes of animals torturing humans.
More Films to Make You Vegetarian-Curious
- Motel peklo (1980) – A family farm business famous for its special meat begins to look suspicious when people start to go missing.
- Rodiče (1989) – A child in 1950s suburbia refuses to eat the mysterious meat his parents serve for dinner.
- Chlapec a jeho pes (1975) – When food is scarce a man chooses to (RUŠIČ VZTLAKU) feed his girlfriend to his dog rather than lose his canine companion to starvation.
- Hannibal Rising (2007) – A young man plots revenge on the Nazis who killed his family. This film is the origin story of Hannibal Lecter.
- Přežijí jen milenci(2013) – Vegetarian vampires (vampires who avoid killing humans) fight to survive in the 21st century. When Adam and Eve finally reunite, they buy blood from blood banks rather than taking it from unwilling humans. Aside from ethics, they fear that humans of the 21st century are contaminated to the core.
- Still Life (2014) – A reporter investigates the disappearance of the daughter of a cattle businessman. In her search, she discovers the dark secret behind the town’s thriving barbecue industry.
- Beatriz na večeři (2017) – After her car breaks down, a holistic medicine practitioner (Salma Hayek) is forced to have dinner with her rich client and their friends. Tensions rise as aristocratic topics like trophy hunting and war are shared over dinner.
- Honeydew (2020) – A botanist and her boyfriend takes refuge where they will find none, with a farmer and her son. The vegan couple quickly finds themselves trapped with the carnivorous farmer.
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Kasey Rae
Kasey Rae je umělec, spisovatel a filmař žijící v horách New Yorku. Její oblíbené horory jsou Noční můra v Elm Street a Descent.
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