Movies about Using others
Sometimes sci-fi just means movies about spaceships and cool gadgets, but great sci-fi has always been a close examination of the human condition as much as it is about the aforementioned spaceships and cool gadgets.
By now, science fiction has basically explored the complete spectrum of human experience, from the optimistic utopia presented in the Star Trek series to the apocalyptic scenarios in movies like 12 Monkeys or Snowpiercer. Here are 10 sci-fi films in which social conflict is used to explore deeper concepts about human nature.
1. Soudržnost (2013)
A group of friends are having a dinner party while, coincidentally, there’s a comet passing over them at the same time. It’s not initially treated as a big deal, but they have been warned that because of the passing comet, some strange occurrences might happen so it’s best not to leave the house if possible. Without delving too much into spoiler territory, because the film is quite intriguing; as soon as they start leaving the house, very bizarre things do happen.
The people who have already left the house aren’t exactly the same ones who return, even though they still look the same. People aren’t sure who to trust, or what these apparent impostors are hiding or why. This close group of friends who were having a nice dinner party become increasingly suspicious of each other and it isn’t long before strange turns to violent.
The film uses the concept of doppelgangers and multiple universes to explore the meaning of self and the fragile nature of friendships, relationships and trust in general. Even though by all plausible accounts they’re still the same friends they always were, distrust turns them immediately into complete strangers.
Even though there’s a lot of mystery to Circle, it’s a high-concept film and it’s fairly straightforward about what’s going on from the offset. There’s a group of 50 people standing in a circle in a dark room; all brilliantly comprised of mostly unknown actors, so that you’re constantly guessing who you are supposed to be rooting for. Someone is killed every 2 minutes, and soon enough they figure out they’re supposed to vote for who will be the next one to die.
People start telling their life stories, but given the 2-minute time limit, they identify themselves in smaller and smaller groups like old vs. young, people with terminal diseases, criminals, minorities, racists… it goes on and on until there’s only one left. What’s genius about it is that it doesn’t really draw any conclusions after the outcome; it’s not a morality tale about discrimination.
It’s a dark look at people and what they are capable of doing in order to survive. It’s interesting to see who they prioritize, and the reasoning behind it. The film is bound to start long conversations about whom would you save and why.
Cube may have inspired many of the films on this list, like Exam and Circle. A group of strangers are exploring a maze made of nearly identical cube-shaped rooms; they don’t have a clue about how they got there and why they were chosen. Some of these rooms are deadly traps, which are very sadistic, though highly creative as well.
The people trapped inside don’t seem to have a connection between them, but they all have particular skills which help them to navigate the maze and look for a way out. All of them are named after famous real-life prisons.
At first they are working individually until they all find each other and agree that it’s safer and quicker to work together. After a while some of them start to lose it and it turns into every man or woman for themselves. It’s a movie that leaves more questions than answers, but it does say a lot about patience, teamwork, empathy, betrayal and most importantly survival.
4. The Signal (2007)
It’s tough to catalogue The Signal within a genre, mainly because it’s a collection of interconnected stories, each with a different tone that goes from gory horror to dark slapstick comedy to finally end in a violent love story
. It’s mostly a horror film because of the gore and violence, but there’s also the underlying sci-fi element that connects all the stories: all telecommunications and audiovisual devices start to transmit a mysterious signal that turns people into aggressive and murderous lunatics. It’s all open to interpretation, even the film’s ending, but it definitely means to say something about our dependence on media, gadgets and other electronic devices and what they can do to our relationships.
People fight because they can’t fix a TV when they’re trying to watch sports, people become oblivious of their environment because they’re too focused on what they’re listening on their headphones, people try to live up to ridiculous standards and social expectations on what a home party should be… It isn’t that farfetched, it’s just that this movie has turned the violence and aggression dials up to 11.
5. Time Lapse (2014)
Three young friends who are struggling financially discover the dead body of one of the tenants in their apartment complex, along with a strange camera that takes pictures which reveal future events from the next day.
They quickly take advantage of this in different ways: Callie is trying to rekindle her relationship with her boyfriend Finn, who is a painter that’s trying to get rid of his creative block, and Jasper is a compulsive gambler who is using his knowledge of the future to win bets. The group doesn’t really know how the camera works, so they figure they must faithfully recreate the events from the pictures or they might end up dead like the previous owner of the camera.
After a while, they start to feel enslaved by the machine, tensions rise and ulterior motives surface. The plot is very similar to Danny Boyle’s debut film, Shallow Grave, but the sci-fi time-travel element keeps Time Lapse fresh and interesting enough. The film explores manipulation and mistrust and how they affect all types of relationships and end up corrupting everybody, even more so than money or greed.
Inspire Giving and Serving Others with These Great American Pure Flix Movies
The Bible, and probably your parents, implores us «to treat others as you want to be treated.» In the spirit of loving others like we love ourselves, we’ve compiled a list of movies to inspire you to give and serve others. We’ve sprinkled in some encouraging Bible verses that are sure to get you thinking about how you can lend a hand to those in your community today.
Here are movies about giving and helping others worth streaming on Great American Pure Flix today:
Movies About Service
Divine Influencer: A Great American Pure Flix Original
Když oprávněný influencer všechno ztratí, musí pokorně důvěřovat Bohu, že pochopí, co znamená skutečný vliv. Zoufalá přijme práci v útulku pro bezdomovce jen proto, aby měla kde složit hlavu a rychle si uvědomila radost a smysl, který plyne ze služby druhým.
Starring Lara Silva from «The Chosen,» «Divine Influencer» is a movie about discovering your true purpose in life and recognizing that everyone from all walks of life are equal in God’s eyes.
Stream «Divine Influencer» exclusively on Great American Pure Flix.
Discarded Things
When the life of Grace Wyatt, an esteemed music professor, is disrupted by the tragic loss of her husband, she retreats to substance abuse to cope with her grief. Tossed out of her lavish academic world and finally at rock-bottom, Grace seeks help from a Christian recovery center. It’s one of the movies about faith in God that’s worth streaming today!
Starring crowd-favorite, Karen Abercrombie, watch «Discarded Things» on Great American Pure Flix today.
5000 Přikrývky
Inspired by a remarkable true story, Phillip and his mom, played by Anna Camp, are determined to change lives after his father disappears due to a mental health crisis. Phillip’s generosity and faith spark a citywide movement. This movie will inspire you to give and serve even the «least of these brothers.»
Watch «5000 Blankets» now available exclusively on Great American Pure Flix.
Home Sweet Home
A romantic comedy about serving others for all ages. Victoria Tremont longs to find that special someone. She thinks she found that person in a stranger who walks into the coffee shop she currently works at. When she finds out he runs a ministry that builds affordable housing, she signs up to volunteer in order to get his attention. Will she be successful? Or will she learn the true meaning of serving others in need?
Stream «Home Sweet Home,» starring Candace Cameron Bure’s daughter, Natasha Bure, with a free trial to Great American Pure Flix right now.
Sladké inspirace
In this movie about giving back, four middle-aged ladies discover purpose when they launch a unique fundraising effort to save a local women’s shelter from imminent foreclosure, testing the limits of their friendship and themselves. If you’re looking for movies about service and giving to charity, this movie is for you.
Stream “Sweet Inspirations” on Great American Pure Flix with a free trial today.
Před Hranicí
A highly driven law student who dreams of serving others as a lawyer eludes her entitled rival as she retraces the path of the underground railroad.
Stream «Before the Border» right now on Great American Pure Flix.
Když se skupina cizinců sejde, aby opravila poškozený kříž, zjistí, kde je Bůh, když se dobrým lidem dějí špatné věci.
Watch «The Reason» and thousands of other faith and family-friendly movies and shows on Great American Pure Flix today.
How To Serve Others: Movies For Kids
VeggieTales: Bob Lends a Helping Hand
Bob and Larry are getting ready to put on a show about helping others, so Larry made himself a belt with a pair of hands and figures out that could be the point.
Watch «VeggieTales: Bob Lends A Helping Hand» and get access to the entire VeggieTales library right now on Great American Pure Flix.
Ztracený medailon
Když muž přinese krabici s dary do pěstounského domova, dva teenageři netušili, jaká tajemství se skrývají uvnitř. Dva přátelé cestují o 200 let zpět a stojí před záchranou svého ostrova a budoucnosti před nepřítelem.
That wraps our list of movies about giving back and learning to serve others. In addition to these powerful films about giving to charity and serving others, watch thousands of other inspirational movies, TV series and documentaries by taking advantage of your free Great American Pure Flix membership trial. You’ll have access to thousands of kid and family-friendly pieces of content — fun for the whole family.
Billy hallowell
Billy Hallowell pracuje v žurnalistice a médiích více než deset let. Jeho spisy se objevily v Deseret News, TheBlaze, Human Events, Mediaite a na, mimo jiné. Hallowell má B.A. v žurnalistice a vysílání na College of Mount Saint Vincent v Riverdale, New York a M.S. v sociálním výzkumu na Hunter College na Manhattanu v New Yorku.
Set on the Channel Islands in 1945, this atmospheric ghost story deals with a troubled young mother (Nicole Kidman) who moves her two children into a spooky mansion while awaiting the return of her long missing husband from the war. Alakina Mann. Alejandro Amenabar, whose Spanish film «Abre los Ojos» was remade as «Vanilla Sky,» wrote and directed. Christopher Eccleston, Fionnula Flanagan, James Bentley.
Načítání. Prosím, čekejte.
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- 2002 — BAFTA Film Awards — Nejlepší herečka v hlavní roli — nominována
- 2002 — BAFTA Film Awards — Best Original Screenplay — nominated
- 2002 — Zlatý glóbus — Nejlepší ženský herecký výkon ve filmu — Drama — nominován
- 2002 — Goya Awards — Best Leading Actress — nominated
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Nicole Kidman
Alakina Mannová
James Bentley
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Lost Meets an Original Other
In case you didn’t sign up for the Ausiello Scoop newsletter in time to receive last Wednesday’s inaugural edition, here’s the exclusive piece of prattle you missed out on: It was only a matter of time before the Others collided with The Others. Sources confirm that Irish actress Fionnula Flanagan — best known for her Oscar-worthy turn as Nicole Kidman’s spooky housekeeper in The Others (and more recently for her role on Showtime’s Brotherhood) — is in Hawaii shooting a guest stint on Lost. Will she literally cross paths with an Other, thus causing the universe to explode? Doesn’t sound like it. Executive producer Carlton Cuse hints that she’s playing «a person very important in Desmond’s life.» In related news, just 86 more days until Lost returns!
Po, 13. listopadu 2006
Lost Finale Mysteries Revealed!
ABC’s Lost wouldn’t be our favorite twisty-mystery series if the season-ender didn’t bring up more questions than it answered. Here’s our take on the most mind-bending moments from this year’s finale. The OthersThey say they’re «the good guys» — and we agree. We think «Henry Gale» and Co. are one-time Dharma Initiative members gone rogue. Now they are committed to stopping the Initiative’s crazy testing and they need strong-willed Jack, Kate and Sawyer to help them. The Dharma InitiativeSo the Initiative — with all its testing in meteorology, psychology, parapsychology, zoology and electromagnetism — is evil? Hell, yeah. Polar bears in the tropics, a phoenix rising and human guinea pigs — this can’t be good. Widmore L
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