Movies about Used car salesman
It seems like a good bet that if a car dealership is in a movie, the cast will be involved in some unscrupulous activities. Regardless, it’s still nice to see our industry on the big screen, no matter the misconceptions associated with the business. This list of films is pretty eclectic, including corrupt salesman, con artists, surrealism, and even aliens.
Jedná se o Top Auto Dealership And Car Sales Movies:
Ojetá auta (1980)
You would think that a Robert Zemeckis directed, Steven Spielberg produced feature would be remembered. You would be wrong.
The mostly forgotten Použité vozy starred Kurt Russell in the lead role as a devious salesman, laboring for an unsuccessful used-car dealership. The lots principal rival, located directly across the street, spends the film’s run time coming up with various schemes to usurp his competitors.
Filmed primarily in Mesa, Arizona, the feature wasn’t considered a box-office success at the time. However, the movie was an eventual precursor to Zemeckis and Spielberg’s collaboration in the Zpět do budoucnosti trilogie.
Fun fact: several props from the movie were repurposed in the Sammy Hagar song “I Can’t Drive 55.” In response, Zemeckis used the song in Zpět do budoucnosti II .
Zloděj (1981)
Michael Mann is one of the best action directors of our time. This underrated gem follows star James Caan, fronting a neo-noir heist thriller. Frank (Caan) is a professional jewel thief and ex-convict. He operates a pair of successful Chicago businesses (a bar and a car dealership) as fronts for his criminal enterprise. Frank wants to get clean and begin living a legitimate life, reluctantly heading teaming up with a powerful gangster. Two crucial scenes take place on one of Frank’s lots.
Zloděj was the first feature film ever directed by Mann, who spent the first five years of his career in television. The movie was also the debut of actors Dennis Farina, William Petersen, and James Belushi. A several-minute monologue in a coffee shop is often pointed to by critics as the film’s peak; Caan also long considered the scene his favorite throughout his career.
Repo Man (1984)
This cult classic follows a supermarket clerk who takes a job repossessing cars when the owners fall behind on payment. The film has a constant hard-rock soundtrack, orchestrating the several car lots seen throughout the movie. It also involves a subplot involving aliens pursuing the protagonist. The less said about the confusing script, the better.
Repo Man was also a case of art bleeding into reality: for the film’s 25th anniversary, an Atlanta ad agency specializing in auto-dealer support service put together a promotion package called “Dan the Repo Man.” The marketing campaign promised “repos, lease release, pre-auction vehicles, demos, and more.” As a result, the dealership sold nearly 100 cars in four days, proving that off-beat promotions could still catch the attention of ardent pop culture fans.
Arizona Dream (1993)
The surrealist comedy starred Johnny Depp as a drifter attending his uncle’s wedding to a much younger woman. His uncle happens to be an incredibly wealthy Arizona car dealer, bringing his nephew home to keep the business in the family. As a result, the state turns into a funhouse of absurdity, with funky set pieces and bizarre details. And for some reason, the late Jerry Lewis is a co-star.
Though Depp already had Cry baby a Střihoruký Edward in his filmography, arizonský sen was the true signpost pointing to where the actor’s career would eventually go. He’s had one of the strangest IMDB’s of any A-list actor, going off the beaten path rather than selling out his art. He’s always chosen eccentricities over mainstream .
Fargo (1996)
In the best movie on this list, Jerry Lundegaard (William H. Macy) works for his domineering father-in-law Wade (Harve Presnell) as a car salesman at Gustafson Motors. What follows is midwestern earnestness disguising a sociopathic plot. Jerry is in deep with debt and becomes so desperate, that he hires two thugs to kidnap and ransom his wife. The price: a new Ciera fresh off the lot and $40k. The scheme goes to hell when the thugs shoot a state trooper.
The unforgettable dark comedy put the Coen Brothers on the map as a recognizable voice of nihilistic humor in American cinema. The cast was filled with career-defining roles, including Steve Buscemi, Peter Stormare, and generational talent Frances McDormand. The film was nominated for seven Academy Awards, winning in the Best Actress and Best Original Screenplay categories.
The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard (2009)
This clumsily titled comedy was directed by Chappelle Show co-creator Neal Brennan. Starring Jeremy Piven, who portrays a car sales guru for hire, he and his team are hired to help a struggling auto dealership. The team must sell 211 cars by the 4th of July weekend.
Most of the movie is actually set on a lot, unlike the others on this list. Each day leading up to the holiday portrays the dysfunctional team trying to get rid of their inventory, hounded by a rival dealership that continuously pressures them to purchase the lot. The movie was inspired by the aforementioned Použité vozy .
Samotář (2009)
The Michael Douglas fronted feature revolved around a successful car dealer in the New York area. A sudden illness causes him to partake in self-destructive behavior, embarking on an immoral binge. Ignoring his heart conditions, he abruptly has a serial sexual appetite, which obviously doesn’t help his cardiovascular health.
Mainly focused on Douglas’ central performance, the flick was a hit with critics, but made little impact at the box office, and was entirely ignored during award season.
The car business, its salespeople, and auto dealerships in general often get a bad rap. But we revel in the fun, comedic elements brought forth in these amazing classic car sales films because we know that most in the industry now are serious professionals with good hearts, doing good by their customers. We also love good humor, even at our own industry’s expense.
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Movies about Used car salesman
Best Movies About Selling Cars
13 July, 2022 Heather Collins 0 Comments 2 categories
When shoppers are searching for used cars for sale, they have a certain expectation of how it will go. This expectation is partly due to the various movies showcasing the way salesmen go about selling cars.
From shady salesmen to top-notch representatives of the trade, here are some of the best movies that feature ojetých vozů na prodej:
Použité vozy
It’s hard to imagine the star of Escape From LA, Backdraft, and Overdraft playing the role of a used car salesman, but Kurt Russel takes on the role beautifully in the movie Used Cars. This funny drama is about a man hoping to become a senator but instead finds himself after taking over a used car dealership.
With only three days to sell over 200 cars, Don “The Goods” Ready has to save his failing used car dealership. Can his team of sales sharks get the job done? Get ready to laugh, as this movie contains serious comedy from the first minute.
Just be careful who is watching, as this film is rated R for some of its adult themes.
Cadillac Man
With a cast of people like Robin William, Tim Robbins, and Fran Drescher, you know this movie has to be good. This film creates a stereotypical car salesman who sleeps with married women and makes quick money with used cars for sale. It isn’t until the boyfriend of one of his mistresses comes at him with a gun that this salesman decides to change his ways.
Ok, so the beloved movie Matilda isn’t all about selling cars, but you have to admit that seeing a movie with Danny DeVito as a sleazy car salesman earns a spot on this list. It’s a kid’s movie, so all of his “upgrades” are pretty laughable. Can you imagine if dealers with used cars for sale used glue to hold on bumpers or turn back odometers with a drill motor?
Tucker: Muž a jeho sen
This 1988 film stars Jeff Bridges and is directed by the man who brought us The Godfather, Francis Ford Coppola. It is based on the true story of Preston Tucker. Tucker comes back from World War II with the dream of building a revolutionary car concept. Did he succeed, or was his idea a huge miss? Watch the movie to find out.
If you’ve ever searched for used cars for sale, you’ve probably wondered what goes on behind the scenes at your local dealership. While Suckers isn’t necessarily a true story, it does seem to ring some accuracy to those in the business. Take a hard look at the business when you sit down to watch this movie.
Not Every Character Selling Cars is Shady
Not surprisingly, Hollywood takes the Shady Used Car Salesman archetype to the extreme. And even though it’s a competitive business, not every used car salesperson is a Harry Wormwood. They know that serving the customer’s best interest is better for the bottom line.
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The Top Five Car Salesmen in Movies
Shady, slippery, not to be trusted, and more to the point, shifty. This would describe the average car salesman for most people. But consider the fact that they’re trying to sell something that’s not a regular impulse buy and then think about what it takes to move their product. Not all of them are crooked as the letter S, but the effort it takes to sell a car can do strange things to people at work. In Hollywood dishonesty seems to be the root trick of the trade for car salesmen. Plus, the honest guys don’t always make the best stories.
5. Simon – True Lies
Sleaze with a capital S describes this guy. This is a mark of respect for the late Bill Paxton that he made this role so easy to buy. He pretends to be a covert government spy, he tries to be a successful car salesman. He’s got moderate success at both until he comes up against Schwarzenegger. You just don’t get to bs the governator and get away with it. Luckily Paxton’s character only had to pee himself to convince Arnold that he wasn’t any kind of threat.
4. Harry Wormwood – Matilda
Why is it that Danny Devito can play such despicable roles and make them believable? He’s an absolutely awesome good guy, but then he flip the switch and be a total slimeball. Wormwood is about as cheap as they get and illegal as they come when “upgrading” his automobiles. It’s a child’s movie so it’s easy to understand the idea of putting glue on the inside of a bumper and expecting it to stay, but idea of turning the odometer back with a handheld drill motor seems a little farfetched. Maybe the myth busters can sort this one out.
3. Rudy Russo – Used Cars
Seriously, can you see Kurt Russell as a car dealer? Well, it did happen, and in true style it was something with equal hilarity and drama that Russell is so well known for. His aspirations of entering the senate come crashing down when a scheme to keep the car dealership he works at running kind of short circuits. In the end however he finds that the car dealership is the real goal he should have been working towards all along.
2. Bobby B – Transformers
A lot of the scene has to do with the Autobot Bumblebee, but Bobby B tries to play it off like only he can. Wheeling and dealing the whole way through he does his level best to convince Sam and his father that he’s trustworthy and can be depended upon. I’m sure a lot of fans found it amusing to see a VW Bug, the same type of car that Bumblebee used to be in the cartoons, sitting to his left. It was even more amusing when he slammed his door into the bug as though he was insulted. Bobby B couldn’t wait to get the ‘bee off his lot not long after that.
1. Joey O’ Brien – Cadillac Man
Selling cars and sleeping with married women. Ah the life. At least it was all good until the boyfriend of one of his conquests came crashing through the glass storefront, literally, and pointed a gun in his face. At that point it would be reasonable for Joey to start promising to change his ways one would think.
Car salesmen aren’t all that bad, but there are some real questionable people out there.
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