Movies about Unsupportive coworkers
If you’re like me, reading one more article about COVID-19 is likely to make your head explode. As a result, for my April newsletter, I thought I’d do something a little different. Admittedly, I was inspired after making my way through all seven episodes of Tygří král (don’t judge), and I began thinking about how Hollywood has expertly capitalized on the fact that there really are some terrible jobs/bosses/co-workers out there. So, on the off chance that you’ve been yearning to return to the land of cubicle farms, burnt coffee, and semi-private restrooms, I present to you my top five movies that will make you appreciate working from home:
5. Hrozné šéfové – The title says it all. This movie does not quite reach the cult status of the remaining four, but you have to love a gloriously over-the-top Jennifer Aniston reminding us that women can be sexual harassers, too. Plus, Jason Bateman and a balding Colin Farrell desperately in need of some D&I training? Count me in.
4. 9 5 na – No list of workplace comedies is complete without the original. Yes, it’s a little dated, but it’s the one that started it all. Handsy boss? Check. Brown-nosing co-worker who eavesdrops on bathroom conversations? Check. Actualized revenge fantasy involving rat poison and a garage door opener? Check and check.
3. Ďábel nosí Pradu – If you are looking for an example of workplace bullying behavior, look no further. Miranda Priestly sets the bar. Add a naïve-yet-determined heroine, aloof-yet-neurotic co-workers, and a setting in New York’s high fashion industry, and you have movie gold. You may not be one stomach flu away from your goal weight, but I’ll bet that you never look at your blue sweater the same way again.
2. Office Space – I know what you’re thinking. And yes, I almost put this movie in the number one spot. After all, it’s the king of office comedies and eerily right on the mark. Who hasn’t had a run-in with the Bobs, coveted certain office supplies, or fantasized about parking in the boss’s spot? But this list isn’t limited to comedies, so I’m gonna need you to grab your flair, finish up those TPS reports, and read on for my number one pick, m’kay?
1. Die Hard – No other movie says “bad day at the office” like the action-packed Die Hard. Hear me out. First, all the employees are forced to attend an office holiday party on Christmas Eve. Who does that? Then they’re held hostage by some West German terrorists. The worst luck ever! And finally, their best chance for rescue is a wise-cracking New York police detective who must walk across broken glass barefooted to save them. Oh no! Yes, the premise is slightly ridiculous, but it’s a whole lot of fun. It also launched the movie careers of both Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman and deserves to be watched for that reason alone.
Well, that’s my list. Agree? Disagree? Have some movies to add? Let me know in the comments below. In the meantime, cue up these classics, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the rest of your time at home.
Want to get your annual harassment training done now? I’m currently conducting training for all sizes of companies virtually. Drop me a note if you’re interested in learning more.
The 20 worst coworkers in movie history
While more and more people are working from home, there is still a good chance that, at some point, you’ve had a coworker you couldn’t stand. Fortunately, in movies, a bad coworker can be entertaining. We wouldn’t want to work with them, but we don’t have to. Instead, the pain of others becomes our enjoyment. These are 20 of the worst coworkers in film history. Note that we don’t include bosses in this list. That’s an entirely different category.
Peter Gibbons
20th Century Fox
Peter is the protagonist of Office Space, the anti-corporation cult comedy. He’s also a lousy coworker. When Peter stops doing his work, it’s not like it goes anywhere. Plus, he convinces his friends to get involved in his illegal “Superman 3” scheme, which could have gotten them arrested.
Ed seems like a nice guy. There’s probably a reason he hasn’t been fired from Good Burger. However, he’s also entirely incompetent, but also enthusiastic. That’s a dangerous combo in the fast food industry.
Dennis Nedry
Played with contemptuous aplomb by Wayne Knight, Nedry is the true villain of Jurský park. We can’t blame the dinosaurs for just being dinosaurs, you know? Nedry, though, shuts down the park so he can escape with the dino DNA for a quick buck. It doesn’t work out for Dennis, who runs into a dilophosaurus on his way off the island.
Barry Judd
As John Cusack’s Rob Gordon puts it in High Fidelity , his friends Barry and Dıck just kept showing up at his record shop, and eventually, he put them to work. Barry, played by Jack Black, is not exactly made for customer service. He will happily excoriate you for your musical choices, even if it costs the store a sale.
Elizabeth Halseyová
Hey, the movie is called Bad Teacher for a reason. Cameron Diaz is not doing right by her students, for starters, but she’s also a terrible coworker to the other teachers at the school. Elizabeth does poorly by just about everybody.
Shelley Levene
New Line Cinema
The leads are weak, or so complains Shelley “The Machine” Levene in Glengarry Glen Ross. Played by Jack Lemmon, Shelley’s best days are behind him, but he’s desperate for one more big score. So much so, spoiler alert: he is the one who stole the Glengarry leads, screwing over all his coworkers.
Nick Marshall
First, Nick is a pretty generic chauvinist dude in Po čem ženy touží . He’s a bad coworker in that sense already. Then, he gains the ability to hear what women are thinking, and, well, that doesn’t make for a great coworker either. Who wants a dude reading their thoughts at work? It doesn’t help, these days, that Mel Gibson plays Nick.
Gaear Grimsrud
Criminals can be coworkers as well. Sometimes, it doesn’t go well. That’s definitely the case in Fargo. While Steve Buscemi’s Showalter seems like an annoying guy to deal with, it’s a truly bad coworker who murders you and feeds your body into a wood chipper. That is, of course, exactly what Grimsrud does.
Linda Litzke
Frances McDormand won an Oscar for Fargo, but Marge seemed like a great coworker. In another Coen Brothers film, Po přečtení spalte, McDormand plays a terrible coworker. The kind who manages to get multiple coworkers killed while remaining forever chipper.
20th Century Fox
No, not Ash from the Evil Dead films, though he does seem like a bad coworker at the ol’ S-Mart. We’re talking about Ash from Cizinec. You know, the android who decides to kill everybody on board the Nostromo to bring back the Xenomorph to the corporate overlords. Sure, Bruce Campbell’s Ash is annoying, but he saves his coworkers’ lives, where Ash the android ends them. Hail to the king, baby.
Randall Boggs
Even monsters have to deal with office politics. Mike and Sully are friends, and they have each other’s backs, but the same doesn’t hold true for Randall Boggs. No, Randall is Sully’s main rival, and he does whatever he can to undermine the big star at the Monsters, Inc. corporation.
Frank Abagnale Jr.
Sometimes he’s a pilot, sometimes a doctor, and sometimes he’s working with the FBI. The problem is that, through it all, Frank is a conman. Chyť mě, když to dokážeš follows Abagnale as he cons his way across the country and the world, and having a conman for a coworker is never a good thing.
Tom Grunick
20th Century Fox
All three main characters in the very good Vysílání zpráv seem difficult to work with. Jane and Aaron are clearly good at their jobs and care deeply about journalism. Tom is the “pretty boy” anchor with some impostor syndrome. That makes him a more complex and interesting character, but it also gets to what makes him a bad coworker. As we learn in Vysílání zpráv, Tom unethically reshot and re-edited parts of his well-received expose, going as far as to insert a shot of him crying that he shot after the fact.
Bič Whitaker
Look, Whip is a great pilot. He rolled his plane and saved the day. The dude was also drunk and coked out of his mind when he did it. Let is about a pilot who, while talented, has demons that make him a danger every time he gets behind the “wheel” of a plane.
Alonzo Harris
Another Denzel Washington role. This one won him an Oscar. Washington’s charisma stands out in Tréninkový den , a movie that is pretty weak in many parts but wisely cast the two lead roles. Whip may have potentially killed his coworkers with his recklessness, but Alonzo actively hopes his new partner (Ethan Hawke) dies because it will get him out of a jam.
Phil Connors
It took Phil evidently years to become a good enough person to get out of the time loop of Hromnice. That speaks to how lousy he was to people at first. Played iconically by Bill Murray, Phil is rude to Rita, Larry, and Ned Ryerson. OK, so we get being rude to Ned.
Harry Ellis
20th Century Fox
From the second we see Ellis snorting coke in an office other than his own at the Christmas party in Die Hard, you can peg him as a problem. Ellis thinks he is smart and suave enough to buddy up to Hans Gruber, and he is not. After selling out John McClane and endangering all his coworkers, Ellis gets shot for his efforts.
Brian Fantana
Nobody at the San Diego news station in moderátor seems like a good coworker, and that includes Veronica Corningstone, to be honest. Brian, though, seems like the worst coworker. He’s brash and crude, but there’s also this: Sex Panther.
Obadiah Stane
Obadiah is a bigwig at Stark Industries, but as far as Tony goes, he is a coworker. Obadiah also, you know, tried to get Tony killed, and then he became the first villain in the MCU, Iron Monger, in Železný muž. Yeah, he sounds like a bad coworker, even if he occasionally brings pizza.
Roger Dorn
Sports movies are common, and teammates are coworkers, so there had to be a representative there. We’re going with Roger Dorn, the smarmy third baseman played by Corbin Bernsen in Major League. Even when the other team members come together, Roger remains smug and disaffected. He refuses to risk his health by trying on the field, and he’s a third baseman! That’s a key defensive position!
Chris Morgan je sportovní a popkulturní spisovatel a autor knih The Comic Galaxy of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 a Hromada popela dějin. Můžete ho sledovat na Twitteru @ChrisXMorgan.
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The Worst Employees in Movies
We all strive to be strong employees don’t we? And we’ve all had that coworker who could care less. Usually, working hard gets you results. So all we can really do sometimes is sit back and look at employees who really don’t care, and laugh.
Some employees are just plain old lazy. Others can’t help but be bad at their jobs. We’ve got a some of both in our look at the worst employees in the movies.
Randall – Clerks
Randall works at a video rental store. Randall doesn’t care about his job, at all. Sometimes he and his buddy Dante will close the shop early to play roller hockey. Randall’s customer service also leaves something to be desired.
President Camacho- Idiocracy
As President, you shouldn’t say bad words. The President also shouldn’t fire an automatic weapon during the State of the Union address. The President also shouldn’t make outlandish promises, and promise they’ll be done in a week. But President Camacho does all of those things. Some of them in song.
Barry – High Fidelity
When you’re a sales clerk, you should probably try to sell stuff instead of actively making fun of customers. Also, swearing at your boss might not be the best idea. It’s a wonder Barry was still allowed to work at the record shop.
Peter – Office Space
When the company brings in some specialists to ‘size up” the company, you probably shouldn’t tell them how much work you don’t do. Unless you’re Peter, and then well…
Elizabeth – Bad Teacher
When you’re a teacher, you probably shouldn’t be throwing dodgeballs at your students. Also, showing a movie on your first day while being hungover doesn’t sound like the way to go.
Dennis Nedry – Jurassic Park
There’s passive aggressive, and then there is Dennis Nedry. Dennis feels that he’s under appreciated and tries to screw over his old boss. That doesn’t work out so well.
Note: This post also appears at The Job Window, where Jason is the Social Media Specialist, and writes the company blog.
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