Movies about Unsuccessful
11 Best Movies About Overcoming Failure And Kicking A**
And sometimes it can be difficult to see the light, especially when faced with failure.
However, movies show us that failure is inevitable. If you want something in life, failure is part of the process.
It’s not all smooth sailing on the road to success.
If you’re struggling with failure in your life, check out the movies below. Some of the movies are fictional, whereas others are based on true stories.
11 Best Movies About Overcoming Failure
- The Dawn Wall (Best for adventure)
- The Pursuit of Happiness (Best for family)
- Stronger (Best for unexpected tragedy)
- Breaking Bad (Nejlepší pro vymáčknutí všeho ze života)
- Unbroken (Best for standing strong in the face of evil)
- Southpaw (Best for getting back on track)
- The Shall Not Grow Old (Best for putting your problems into perspective)
- The Bucket List (The most uplifting movie on the list)
- Síla (nejlepší pro budování impéria)
- Rocky (Best for underdogs)
1. The Dawn Wall
The Dawn Wall tells the story of two climbers, Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Joergeson, as they attempt to climb the Dawn Wall of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park.
This is a truly remarkable film that captures the determination and perseverance of these two men as they strive to achieve their dream.
Caldwell and Jorgeson’s journey is not without its challenges, and the film does an excellent job of capturing both the beauty and danger of climbing.
The Dawn Wall is an imposing sight, and it’s clear that reaching the top will require courage, strength, and skill.
The Dawn Wall is an inspirational film that will leave you feeling inspired and motivated. It’s a must-see for anybody who wants to overcome failure in life.
Oblíbený citát:
“I think everybody has their own secret dawn wall to complete one day, and maybe they can put this project in their own context.”
Kevin Joergeson
2. The Pursuit Of Happiness
If you’re looking for a feel-good movie that will inspire you to pursue your dreams, then I highly recommend “The Pursuit of Happiness.”
Will Smith gives an excellent performance as Chris Gardner, and the story is truly inspiring.
You follow Chris and his young son as they hit rock bottom. From divorce to becoming homeless, this movie keeps you engaged to the very end.
I like this movie because Chris Gardner never gave up. Even when the unthinkable happens, he continues pushing forward.
It’s crazy the lengths people can push themselves when in pain, right!?
Oblíbený citát:
«Máš sen. Musíš ho chránit.» Lidé nemohou něco udělat sami, chtějí vám říct, že to nedokážete. Jestli něco chceš, jdi si pro to. Doba.»
Chris Gardner
3. Silnější
I was so skeptical about the movie “stronger.” I thought it would be a cheesy, cliche Hollywood story where everyone is perfect and nothing goes wrong.
But to my surprise, this movie tells the true story of Jeff Bauman’s life after losing his legs in the Boston Marathon bombing.
It doesn’t sugarcoat any of Jeff’s struggles with learning how to walk again or getting out of bed each morning, but at the same time, it never makes you feel sorry for him.
Instead, this film shows Jeff as an inspirational figure who has found strength in himself that he didn’t even know existed.
When I look at my own life, the most inspiring times are when I’m going through pain.
Of course, what happened to Jeff Bauman is terrible. However, sometimes the most traumatic times reveal what we’re made of.
It’s difficult to know yourself when you’re living an unfulfilling life doing something you hate.
Oblíbený citát:
“It seemed so trivial at the time, like the most ordinary thing in the world. I guess that’s usually how it is before bad luck, or random chance, changes your life.”
Jeff Bauman
4 Zlomení špatného
Breaking Bad is one of the most intense and well-made shows I’ve ever seen. The acting is phenomenal, and the plot is so cleverly constructed that I never knew what was going to happen next.
If you’re looking for an edge-of-your-seat thriller, then Breaking Bad is definitely the show for you.
But more than that, it’s a TV series with failure, adversity, and constant challenges.
The main character is Walter White. He is a university professor who has just been diagnosed with lung cancer.
Rather than drifting through life as he had been, he becomes a drug lord. Oh, and did I mention his best friend is in the DEA!?
Even though what Walter White did was wrong, he followed his heart and faced challenges along the way.
The thing I took away from Breaking Bad is that when faced with death, fear evaporates. Everything you ever avoided comes to the surface, leaving you with a simple choice.
To give your dream one last chance? Or not?
But why wait until close to death to chase dreams? Do it now!
Oblíbený citát:
„Strávil jsem celý svůj život vyděšený, vyděšený z věcí, které se mohou stát, mohou se stát, nemusí se stát, 50 let, které jsem tak strávil. Ocitnout se vzhůru ve tři ráno. Ale víš co? Od mé diagnózy spím dobře. Co jsem si uvědomil, je ten strach, to je to nejhorší. To je skutečný nepřítel. Takže vstaň, vypadni do skutečného světa a kopni toho parchanta tak silně, jak jen dokážeš, přímo do zubů.“
Walter bílý
5. Nerozbitý
The movie “Unbroken” is about the story of Louis Zamperini, a man who was selected to participate in the Olympic games but was later drafted into World War II.
After failing his mission, being shot down over the Pacific Ocean, and spending 47 days adrift on a raft, he is captured by the Japanese and sent to a prisoner-of-war camp.
Louis goes through trials and tribulations that push him to the edge. Starvation, beatings, and hard manual labor – to name a few.
While his body deteriorates, his mind never breaks. No matter the obstacles he faces, he never gives up.
And guess what? It’s based on a true story!
I can still remember the final scene. The first time I saw this, I actually cried. Check it out:
Oblíbený citát:
“When Louie was in his sixties, he was still climbing Cahuenga Peak every week and running a mile in under six minutes. In his seventies, he discovered skateboarding. At eighty-five, he returned to Kwajalein on a project, ultimately unsuccessful,”
6. Southpaw
Southpaw is a boxing movie that follows Billy “The Great” Hope. In the beginning, he has everything going for him.
A beautiful wife and daughter with a bright future.
He became the heavyweight champion of the world.
But when tragedy strikes, his life falls apart and it’s up to him to pick himself back up again.
This move teaches you that you can overcome obstacles and failure. You’ll also learn to keep pushing through no matter what. There are scenes where Billy Hope is losing a fight.
However, willpower allows him to turn things around, even when his back is against the ropes.
Oblíbený citát:
“The more you get hit, the harder you fight.”
Billy Hope
7. Nezestárnou
“They Shall Not Grow Old” is an amazing documentary that takes a look at World War I from the perspective of those who fought in it.
Using footage from the time period and modern technology, the film brings to life the experiences of those who fought and died in one of the deadliest wars in history.
It’s a powerful and moving film that is definitely worth watching.
Watching this movie puts things into perspective. When you see what WW1 soldiers had to go through, your own failures seem minuscule in comparison.
Oblíbený citát:
“Arriving in the trenches was like an adventure. Like camping, but with a little danger to make it sporting.”
Vojenský veterán
8. Seznam Bucket List
The Bucket List is a heartwarming and life-affirming movie about two men who discover they are dying and decide to make the most of their last few months together by traveling the world and doing everything they ever wanted to do.
Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman deliver stellar performances as the bickering but ultimately close friends, and the supporting cast is just as good.
The Bucket List will make you laugh, cry, and everything in between, and is an excellent film for all audiences.
Similar to Breaking Bad, it also highlights how all fears disappear when death is close.
Oblíbený citát:
“You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.”
9. Moc
The TV show “Power” tells the story of James St. Patrick, owner of a popular New York City nightclub called Truth.
He owes the wrong people money, so he has to stay on their good side. But he’s also trying to change his life for his kids.
What I love about this series was that it didn’t take any time at all before they threw you headfirst into action-packed scenes!
The acting was phenomenal and there are some great twists that keep you coming back!
You don’t have to watch too many episodes before you’re hooked on this show!
Throughout the show, there are many instances where James is faced with failure. One that stood out the most happens in season 1.
Without giving away too much, somebody overdosed in his nightclub. This caused it to be shut down and new management was brought in.
That doesn’t stop James from pushing forward and regaining control of what’s his, though.
Oblíbený citát:
«Když chcete to nejlepší místo, jste ochotni udělat cokoliv, abyste ho získali.»
Tommy Egan
10. Rocky
Rocky Balboa is an inspiring character. He’s a man with nothing going for him, but he never gives up and eventually achieves his goal of becoming a champion boxer.
Even when Rocky loses, he takes it as a learning experience to train harder and come back stronger the next time.
Rocky’s story is one that all people can relate to on some level because we have all experienced setbacks at some point in our lives – whether it be losing someone close to us, not being able to provide for our families, or going through heartbreak.
However, here’s what makes Rocky such an important role model…
He shows us how no matter how many times life knocks you down – if you always get back up, you can achieve anything you put your mind to.
He’s never satisfied with second place and continues to push himself harder.
Oblíbený citát:
“Going in one more round when you don’t think you can. That’s what makes all the difference in your life.”
11. Vykoupení z věznice Shawshank
The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 drama film written and directed by Frank Darabont.
It tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and her lover despite his claims of innocence.
The film follows Andy’s time in prison, where he befriends Ellis “Red” Redding, and finds himself protected by the guards after the warden begins using him in his money laundering schemes.
Andy slowly adapts to life in prison, eventually becoming the manager of the prison library.
After two decades in prison, Andy is finally released, only to find that his friend Red has been paroled years earlier. The two men reunite and find that they have much in common despite the different paths their lives had taken.
The film was nominated for seven Academy Awards and won two, including Best Adapted Screenplay for Darabont. It has since been recognized by critics as one of the greatest movies ever made.
The Shawshank Redemption provides great insight into overcoming failure and making the most out of every opportunity given to you.
After I finished the movie, I learned that to overcome failure, you need hope. Without it, you’ll never be able to pick yourself up from the ashes.
Oblíbený citát:
“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And good things never die.”
Ellis Redding
Proč investovat do čističky vzduchu?
If you want to achieve greatness in life, you need to take failure on the chin.
It’s bound to happen – there’s nothing you can do to prevent it.
Train your mind to accept it and you’ll go far. The movies and documentaries above will light the spark, but you still need to put in the work.
19 filmů založených na skutečných příbězích, které vás budou inspirovat, abyste se nikdy nevzdávali
Po desetiletí nás filmy bavily. Mnoho lidí si vychutnává myšlenku jít do kina a dívat se na film s našimi oblíbenými herci nebo herečkami. Někteří jiní si rádi koupí film a užijí si ho doma sami nebo se svými blízkými. Dnes existuje mnoho žánrů filmů. Příkladem jsou akční, dobrodružné, muzikály, biografie, komedie, romance, horory a motivační filmy. Ze všech těch motivačních jsou plné inspirace. Postavy těchto filmů překonávají obrovské překážky, aby dosáhly svých cílů nebo svých snů. Existuje několik motivačních filmů, které jsou založeny na skutečných událostech, které se staly. Čtěte dál a objevte 19 nejlepších motivačních filmů založených na skutečných příbězích.
Beautiful Mind
Tento film vydaný v roce 2001 vypráví příběh matematického vědce a nositele Nobelovy ceny Johna Nashe. Tento úžasný matematik, kterého hraje Russel Crowe, objevil velmi komplikovaný matematický koncept, který dostal název Nashova rovnováha. Navzdory svým schopnostem také trpěl schizofrenií. Film ukazuje, jak dosáhl úspěchu a neúspěchu ve svém životě, když se vypořádal se svou nemocí.
Štěstí na dosah
Tento film, vydaný v roce 2006, je založen na životě podnikatele Chrise Gardnera. Než dosáhl úspěchu, prošel celým rokem bezdomovectví a dalších bojů. Hrál Will Smith, vymanil se z naprosté chudoby a stal se úspěšným obchodníkem s cennými papíry. Film vás dojme k slzám nad jeho těžkostmi a umožní vám oslavit s Gardnerem, když dosáhne svých cílů.
127 Hodiny
Pokud někdy existoval film zobrazující sílu lidské touhy přežít, pak je to tento. Na základě knihy s názvem „Mezi skálou a tvrdým místem“ vypráví příběh Arona Ralstona. Byl to odvážlivec, který miloval objevování kaňonů. Ocitl se v úzkých, když ho uvěznil kámen v národním parku Canyonlands v Utahu v USA. Měl jen velmi malé množství jídla a vody, které natahoval po dobu 5 dnů. Aron použil svou videokameru k vytvoření videožurnálu. Nyní to použil k dokumentaci svých posledních hodin života. Když už se skoro vzdal, uvědomil si, že by si mohl zachránit život, ale musel by si amputovat ruku kapesním nožem. Film, který vyšel v roce 2010, je úchvatný a James Franco odvádí v roli Arona vynikající práci.
V roce 1985 provedl kardiochirurg známý jako Zbigniew Religa první transplantaci srdce v Polsku. Tento film byl uveden do kin v roce 2014 a oslavoval úspěchy tohoto skvělého chirurga. Ukazuje také odvahu a odvahu, kterou projevil, aby dosáhl lékařského výkonu.
Trenér Carter
Je pro nás velmi důležité sladit studium a naše mimoškolní aktivity. Život je otázkou rovnováhy a to je to, co se tento film snaží inspirovat. Vydáno v roce 2005 a vypráví příběh Kena Cartera. V podání Samuela L. Jacksona se vrací na svou starou střední školu, aby trénoval basketbal. Poté, co se mu podařilo pomoci týmu zlepšit se, si uvědomí, že hráči obětovali svá studia kurtu. Ve snaze povzbudit je, aby brali studium vážně, stáhne tým ze všech soutěží, dokud si nezlepší známky. Je to drsný příběh o disciplíně a ambicích.
Nejrychlejší Ind na světě
Toto je film o závodníkovi na rychlostních kolech jménem Burt Munro, který byl uveden do kin v roce 2005. Strávil 2 desetiletí svého života restaurováním motocyklu Indian z 1920. let minulého století. Burt, kterého hraje Anthony Hopkins, čelil obrovským těžkostem při jeho přestavbě. Nakonec svůj projekt dokončil. Burt pokračoval v závodění na motocyklu v Bonneville SaltFlats v roce 1967 a překonal světový pozemní rychlostní rekord.
Tento film, který vyšel v roce 2006, je celý o příběhu Vince Papaleho. Byl učitelem, který se ve svém životě potýkal s řadou problémů. V zoufalé potřebě peněz měl Vince také práci jako barman na částečný úvazek. Byl velkým fotbalovým fanouškem, a když se objevila otevřená zkouška pro jeho rodný tým, Vince to zkusil a dosáhl nebývalého úspěchu.
Into the Wild
Vysoce výkonný student a sportovec jménem Christopher McCandless se prostě rozhodl zbavit se svého konvenčního života a hledat skutečný smysl. Zničil své kreditní karty, své osobní doklady a každý cent, který měl, věnoval na charitu. Poté se vydá stopem do aljašské divočiny. Tento film byl propuštěn v roce 2007 a zobrazuje výzvy a postavy, se kterými se setkal a které změnily jeho život.
Schindlerův seznam
Film se odehrává v Německu roku 1939. V době 2. světové války potřebuje německý politik a obchodník jménem Schindler vydělat na válce peníze. Rozhodne se tedy najmout nejlevnější pracovní sílu, kterou našel, Židy. Najímá 300 Židů a dává je do práce, zatímco jejich rodiny a přátelé jsou vyhlazováni nacistickými silami. Postupem času je těžké je skrýt a udržet jeho továrnu v chodu. Film byl propuštěn v roce 1993 a zkoumá drama a inspiraci, kterou Schindler vytváří.
Zachraňte vojína Ryana
Film, který vyšel v roce 1998, jasně zobrazuje životy vojáků ve 2. světové válce a jak se skutečně žilo v zákopech. Ukazuje příběh skupiny vojáků, kteří se vydávají hledat svého kamaráda, vojína Ryana. Nešťastný vojín ztratil ve válce již tři bratry. Skupina nemohla dovolit Ryanovi zemřít za nepřátelskými liniemi. Film sleduje jejich zoufalé pátrání a prozkoumává životní okamžiky každého vojáka.
Patch Adams
Lovec jménem Peter Adams trpí maniodepresí a hledá pomoc v psychiatrické léčebně. Po dlouhém trápení se rozhodne, že by si měl otevřít vlastní psychiatrickou kliniku. Získal přijetí na Virginia Medical University, ale uvědomuje si, že se mu nelíbí metody, které používají k péči o pacienty. S pomocí bohatého přítele Adams otevírá zdravotnické zařízení pro znevýhodněné pacienty. Tento film z roku 1998 ukazuje, jak utrpěl tragickou nehodu a čelil obrovským problémům, aby pomohl ostatním.
Films that explore the theme of failure – and why they matter
Let’s agree; there is something repugnant and distasteful about failure.
We do not want its energy-sapping vibe to dampen our spirits. We are afraid to let it sabotage our carefully constructed self-image. We cannot allow it to expose us to criticism and ridicule.
It is true that failure brings disappointment and a bruising of the ego.
It is a shadow that cannot be our friend. Or so we think.
Goya – Mournful Foreboding of What is to Come
But it is the fear of failure that paralyses more than the facts. It is the delusion that failure only happens to us (and to no one else) that weakens our resolve to fight. It is our resistance to the redeeming value of failure that holds us back from real personal growth.
A number of films have celebrated the idea of success and the successful and worked that into their recipe for box-office gold. These inspirational tales on screen tell us how it can be done. But there are other films that focus instead on the spectacular failures. And for those willing to see, there are equally valuable life lessons to be gleaned from these fiascoes and flops on film.
A new online film fan community – – ranks top 10 films across every possible category – horror to heists, comedy to courtroom drama, and everything in between. In keeping with that approach, here is a look at ten films based on true stories that did not flinch from unpacking the personal catastrophes and the crashes. Films that did not end well, but that left us with invaluable lessons in resilience, perspective, fortitude, prudence and all those insights that only failure can teach us. Corporate scandals and miscarriages of justice are excluded from this particular list because unfortunately, there are so many of these examples of moral failure that they could do with their very own lists!
10. Titanic (1997)
James Cameron’s 11-Oscar-winning epic on the sinking of the RMS Titanic (starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet) ended predictably with a sunken ship; one that was deemed unsinkable! But it also ended with personal redemption for its main character, Rose (Kate Winslet) who finds love and finds herself in the midst of tragedy.
9. 300 (2007)
Directed by Zack Snyder and based on the comic series retelling of the famed Battle of Thermopylae, 300 pits King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and 300 Spartans against the ruthless Persian King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and his army of over 300,000 soldiers. Leonidas and his brave warriors are slaughtered after a spirited fight, but their story eventually galvanizes the Greeks to take on the Persians again.
8. Spartakus (1960)
Directed by Stanley Kubrick, this film starred Kirk Douglas as Spartacus, the leader of a failed slave revolt against the Roman Empire. He ends up crucified, but his dream of justice and freedom made him a universal symbol of rebellion against oppression.
7. Glory (1989)
Matthew Broderick as Colonel Robert Gould Shaw heads the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment (only the second African-American regiment in the Union Army during the American Civil War). The regiment leads the charge in the Second Battle of Fort Wagner, but suffers massive casualties with Shaw and his men dying side by side. Despite the defeat, the valour shown in that battle resulted in the United States opening the doors even more to black men for combat – a development that Lincoln saw as crucial in eventually securing victory.
6. The Mercy (2017)
Colin Firth delivers a superbly layered performance as amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst who tried but failed to complete the Sunday Times Golden Globe Race in 1968, and along the way, chose to falsify his progress. This solo voyage, where everything that could go wrong did, resonates with viewers with its realistic and unfussy portrayal of bad choices and tragic consequences.
5. The Mission (1986)
Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons play Jesuit priests with different definitions of success. Set in a Jesuit mission in 18th-century South America, the film – based loosely on events around the Spanish–Portuguese Treaty of Madrid – ends with all of the missionaries’ work undone by the massacre of the priests and the converts by Portuguese and Spanish forces. But the final scene shows children who survived the attack venturing further into the jungle; symbolic of the light which the darkness could not wholly overcome.
4. Statečné srdce (1995)
Mel Gibson’s rousing adventure epic tells the story of the failed Sottish rebellion led by William Wallace against King Edward of England. Despite a raft of historical inaccuracies, the film does not leave viewers empty-handed after the cruel execution of its hero. Instead, a new and unlikely hero emerges in the form of Robert the Bruce – one who had played both sides, but who would eventually lead his country to independence.
3. United 93 (2006)
Paul Greengrass presents the harrowing events aboard United Airlines Flight 93 (hijacked by terrorists as part of the September 11 attacks of 2001). The heroic charge by passengers to the cockpit failed to stop the terrorists from crashing the plane and killing all on board, but it did prevent a bigger catastrophe had it hit its intended target.
2. The Departed (2006)
Martin Scorsese’s remake of the Hong Kong film Infernal Affairs (2002) boasts a heavyweight cast of stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, Ray Winstone and Vera Farmiga. But this tense cops-and-gangsters tale of informants on both sides highlights just how much can be lost when you stop being true to yourself. Ultimately, key players find their covers blown, their personal lives in shambles and their days numbered.
1. Pád (2004)
Bruno Ganz is Adolf Hitler in Oliver Hirschbiegel’s powerful retelling of the final days of the Nazi empire. Perhaps nothing else on celluloid captures with such telling impact the sickening implosion that follows when unbridled power, barbarism and delusion go hand in hand. As a testament to one colossal and unforgettable failure of humanity, this film remains untouched.
In the final analysis, what these films do is provide us a different perspective. In their willingness to tell the tale of losers, these films show us that sign posts on the road to self-destruction are often ignored. They also remind us that failure itself is never permanent; although hope is not easy. And finally, they warn us that avoiding an open and fearless reflection on failure will only stunt and hinder us on this wild and wonderful journey called life.
Mournful Foreboding of What is to Come, Francisco Goya, Etching circa 1810, Wikimedia Commons Public Domain
Hostující autor Bio
Ivan Fernández
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