Movies about United states army
Throughout history, war has been processed, glorified, and protested through art. Ancient battle scenes stand as among the earliest artistic depictions in civilized society, used at the time for documenting wars won and for intimidating enemies. Since then, myriad impressions of wartime have been shared throughout every civilization and from virtually every perspective. Classic books like Ernest Hemingway’s “Farewell to Arms” stand as celebrated examples of anti-war works, while pieces like Diego Rivera’s “The Nightmare of War and Dream of Peace” incited controversy.
Among the most powerful mediums artists have found to transmit and better understand the effects of war is film. To determine the best American war movies, Stacker compiled data on all American war movies to come up with the Stacker score—a weighted index split evenly between IMDb and Metacritic scores. To qualify, the film had to have an IMDb user score and Metascore, be American-made, and deal explicitly with the United State’s involvement in a war. Ties were broken by Metascore, and further ties were broken by IMDb user votes. These are the women and men of Hollywood who have stepped into the shoes of the greatest heroes in American history, both real and fictional.
Keep reading to see which war movies have made the list, how many came from Clint Eastwood, and which Stanley Kubrik titles crested the top 20.
10 Army Veterans Who Made It Big in the Movies
Since the Army is the largest and oldest branch of the United States military, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the service has turned out more than its share of creative veterans, some of whom rank among the most successful entertainers in American history.
Here’s a list of 10 Army veterans who’ve made an impact in the movies.
1. Clint Eastwood
James Barber je bývalý zábavní redaktor pro Má zkušenosti z hudebního, rozhlasového a filmového průmyslu a chodí do zákulisí, aby vojenskému a veteránskému publiku přinášel zábavné zprávy, na kterých jim záleží. Přečtěte si celé Bio
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The Army Theater provides visitors with an immersive introduction to the U.S. Army and to the Museum. The film, “Of Noble Deeds,” which explores what it means to truly be an American Soldier. It includes footage of Soldiers and current Army operations along with re-creations of some of the Army’s most significant battles. The Theater’s 300-degree screen and external sensory elements envelop the viewer in sight, sound and movement. “Of Noble Deeds” is shown multiple times every hour and does not require a ticket. One showing every hour is presented with limited sensory elements and closed captioning.
Doporučený film
Of Noble Deeds
“Of Noble Deeds,” explores important aspects of the U.S. Army by focusing on the core…
“The power of noble deeds is to be preserved and passed on to the future.”
Brig. Gen. Joshua Chamberlain
Národní muzeum armády Spojených států
1775 Liberty Drive Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 (GPS Not Reliable — See Driving Directions)
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©2000-2024 National Museum of the United States Army
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We collect Movies about United states army rating based on ratings and reviews on popular services. To collect Movies about United states army we analyze rendition, popular services, comments, people reviews, forum comments and make our own rating. If you think there is a movie missing in the selection, you can leave a comment with the name of the movie that should be included in the selection. Let’s make a rating Movies about United states army together!