Movies about Unhappy ending
The Unhappy Ending: After finally deciphering the nature of the time-loop within which he is trapped, Donnie opts to sacrifice himself in order to smooth out a kink in the space-time continuum.
Bleak Implications: Not only does poor Donnie meet an untimely end, but Patrick Swayze’s paedophile presumably remains under the radar!
Reasons To Be Cheerful: The universe is saved from collapsing in on itself. And Mad World is rather beautiful, isn’t it?
Žádná země pro staré (2007)
The Unhappy Ending: Having already chased Josh Brolin to a bloody death off-screen, Javier Bardem proceeds to kill his wife, who has just returned from her mother’s funeral. Bemused and frightened by the trail of violence he has witnessed, poor Tommy Lee Jones is left a broken man, his worldview shattered alongside his faith in humanity.
Bleak Implications: The world has always been a violent, nihilistic place and what’s more, it always will be.
Reasons To Be Cheerful: At least Bardem refrains from killing the two young boys who assist him after his car crash.
Amistad (1997)
The Unhappy Ending: After the seemingly triumphant ending which sees Cinque and his fellow captives returning to Africa as free men, a passage of text appears on the screen revealing that Cinque returned home to discover his entire tribe had been captured by slavers.
Bleak Implications: He may have his freedom, but everyone dear to Cinque has long vanished. Not only that, but they have vanished into a life of slavery. Not much of a “welcome home” is it?
Reasons To Be Cheerful: At least Matthew McConaughey’s character scored a career-boosting courtroom victory.
Usmíření (2007)
The Unhappy Ending: As the film comes to its jarring close, it is revealed that both Robbie and Cecilia died during WW2, their reunion never coming to pass. The narrative is revealed to be the contents of a book written by a guilt-stricken Briony, who finally realises the consequences of her earlier lie.
Bleak Implications: Not only did Robbie and Cecilia both die before their romance could be fully realised, but Briony has spent a miserable life beating herself up about it. Bleak doesn’t even begin to cover it.
Reasons To Be Cheerful: At least Briony realises the gravity of her error. Not that its much use to Robbie or Cecilia.
Mizí (1988)
The Unhappy Ending: Consumed by a desire to know what happened to his missing wife, Rex takes the drugged coffee offered by the man who has revealed himself to be her kidnapper. When he wakes, he finds he has been buried alive. D’oh!
Bleak Implications: Not only will Rex suffer one of the most horrific deaths conceivable, he will do so in the knowledge that his wife went the same way. Truly horrific.
Reasons To Be Cheerful: At least he has closure.
Půlnoční kovboj (1969)
The Unhappy Ending: As Joe and Ratso sit on the bus headed towards a new life in Florida, the former realises the latter has died. Informing the driver of the news, Joe is told that the bus cannot stop, forcing the stricken man to sit next to his friend’s corpse for the remainder of the journey.
Bleak Implications: There’s no surer way of making God laugh than by telling him your plans.
Reasons To Be Cheerful: Joe isn’t as naïve as he was at the outset, although that may prove to be as much of a curse as it is a blessing.
Fallen (1998)
The Unhappy Ending: Denzel Washington’s hard-bitten cop taunts the demon Azazel whilst smoking a poisoned-laced cigarette he believes will render him useless as a host. However, as he dies, Azazel possesses a nearby cat and runs off into the night.
Bleak Implications: Denzel’s efforts were all in vain, and it will only be a matter of time before Azazel finds himself a new human to possess. Balls.
Reasons To Be Cheerful: At least Denzel’s spell under Azazel’s thrall was mercifully brief.
Miracle Mile (1988)
The Unhappy Ending: Amid the onset of nuclear war, Harry and Julie are rescued by a helicopter, only for said helicopter to crash-land in the La Brea Tar Pits. The screen fades to black as water steadily floods the compartment…
Bleak Implications: The love-struck couple are left to a watery grave, whilst LA is steadily blown to smithereens behind them. With nuclear war underway, humanity’s prospects don’t look the best…
Reasons To Be Cheerful: The final explosion that greets the end credits suggests a direct hit has put the pair out of their misery.
Moucha (1986)
The Unhappy Ending: Having endured yet another hideous transformation (this time fusing chunks of metal to its horrific visage) the Brundlefly finally gives up the ghost and begs former lover Veronica to put it out of its misery. She does, before collapsing in a heap of anguished sobs.
Bleak Implications: The whole sorry saga began as a result of Brundle’s misplaced paranoia which is depressing enough on its own merits. His eventual demise is simply the bitter icing on a particularly unpalatable cake.
Reasons To Be Cheerful: His research will likely make Brundle a household name…
Proutěný muž (1973)
The Unhappy Ending: Poor Sergeant Howie only got involved with the film’s pagan wackos because he wanted to save a little girl. As it turns out, he ends up burned alive, safe in the knowledge that she was in on it all along. Bastards!
Bleak Implications: Despite waiting the whole film for these rural hicks to get their comeuppance, it eventually becomes clear that there will be no such pay-off. Instead we are treated to the grisly demise of the man we’ve spent ninety minutes rooting for. Cheers.
Reasons To Be Cheerful: You can put on the Nic Cage version immediately afterwards and treat yourself to a good old chuckle.
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Movies about Unhappy ending
Endings aren’t always happy. Sometimes an unhappy, shocking or sad ending caps the film for effect. There may be small spoilery here. After all, you now know all these movies don’t end well, the team doesn’t win and the characters don’t come through (at least not all of them). Read only the titles and not the description, if you don’t want spoilers. Good films, sad endings. These are the best unhappy ending films of all time.
1 — Mlha (2007) Gruesome and poignant, the main character does a terrible thing at the end, only to find out it was entirely unnecessary. The least happy ending out there. Watch it a word of warning: it’s not a feel-good movie.
2 — Thelma and Louise (1991) After going on the run, two women are cornered. They drive off a cliff, literally. Not a happy wrap-up.
3 — Terms of Endearment (1983) the tear-jerker that won a slew of academy awards, including Best Picture. Starred Jack Nicholson, Shirley MacLaine and Debra Winger.
4 — Boy in the Striped Pajamas (2008) — During WWII, the son of a concentration camp commander befriends a boy of the same age who is a prisoner. The ending is sad for both.
5 — Say My Name (2014) Some love stories don’t end with a kiss, they end with a tear.
6 — Harold and Maude (1971) We lose a beloved main character at the end.
7 — A Star Is Born (1976) also remade in 2018 to less fanfare and quality.
8 — Wall Street (1987) Go directly to jail. No one wins in the end. Money and freedoms are lost.
9 — Planet of the Apes (1968) — the humans are the losers and the planet has already lost. The shocking final scene is memorable.
10 — Night of the Living Dead (1968) — in the end, the lone survivor, Ben, comes out of the house and is shot my police thinking he is one of the walking dead.
11 — Se7en (1995) Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, with Kevin Spacey as a brilliant criminal.»What’s in the box?» It’s not a happy ending.
12 — Maze Runner: the Scorch Trials, the second movie in the Maze Runner series. Things are not good at the end. Minho has been taken, and the world is still crumbling.. The first movie doesn’t end well either, as the world and the boys are in bad shape.
13 — The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) Sad and disturbing.
14 — Ender’s Game (2013) based on the novel by Orson Scott Card, at the end Ender realizes he has nearly wiped out an alien race and must make amends.
15 — Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) A sacrifice in death, a drop of blood.
16 — Queen and Slim (2019) Two lovers go on the run after accidentally killing a cop. It ends badly for the couple in the end.
17 — My Girl (1991) — a young main character suffers an untimely young demise.
18 — Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Yeah, half of humanity went poof! Doesn’t get sadder than that.
19 — The Departed (2006) A spy in the police department, and nothing ends well.
20 — I Am Legend (2007) our beloved main character, Dr. Neville, doesn’t make it, though his cure might. A slightly different take on Richard Matheson’s book of the same name.
Bonus 21 — Titanic. (1997) Well, the ship did sink, and a lot of main characters died. It has to be on the list, despite the inaccuracies and poor quality of the film itself.
- Also check out at Top2040 theBest Post-Apocalyptic Movies
Honorable Mention for movies with unhappy endings, goes to:
Cold Mountain (2003)
Zelená míle (1999)
On the Count of Three (2021)
Smažená zelená rajčata (1991)
Sometimes a director wants to make a point with agony or sorrow. Those were the saddest films in recent movie history. No happy ending there.
15 Movies That Were Supposed to Have Unhappy Endings
Some people look down their noses at happy endings. They dismiss them as pat, or formulaic, or saccharine. Personally? I like them, and I understand why others do too. Life is unhappy enough — and every single life eventually closes with the same unhappy ending. So why ne embrace happy endings in fiction? Sometimes, that’s precisely what fantasies are for; to vicariously provide us with the emotions we so rarely experience in our day-to-day existence.
On the other hand, some filmmakers reject happy endings for exactly that reason. They don’t want to give viewers vicarious pleasure, and they do want to capture the authentic flavor of reality. Sometimes the best way to do that is with a dark, depressing, and otherwise unhappy ending to their story.
But what filmmakers want is not always want audiences want — or, more importantly, what studio executives myslet that audiences want. As a result, you wind up with movies like the 15 titles below: Films that were initially conceived — and very often shot — with bleak conclusions in mind. Invariably, though, each of these movies wound up emerging from the production process with a far rosier finale than their creators initially intended.
This list reveals those original endings that were supposed to be much sadder and more depressing — and, from the sound of it, would have worked a lot better as a result. It’s unfortunate audiences didn’t get to see these films as their directors’ intended, although in some cases the deleted footage has resurfaced years later on home video. That is a kind of happy ending too, I guess, so maybe those don’t just exist in fiction after all.
Movies That Were Originally Supposed to Have Much Darker Endings
These movies were originally intended to end on down notes. Somewhere along the way, that definitely changed.
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