Movies about Troops
Feeling patriotic? Check out this list of best army movies that has been ranked by fans of army films. All of the top army movies are on this list are all good, but if you believe that your favorite army movies are not high enough on the list, be sure ot vote them up. Good army movies give civilians a taste of what our soldiers go through in battle and throughout their daily lives. While not all of these films feature war, they all use the army as a central theme and feature some of the best soldier moves ever depicted on film. You might also be interested in Vietnam War movies and World War I films.
Featuring war movies, movies about soldiers, and military films, this list of the greatest army movies includes Saving Private Ryan , Black Hawk Down , and Apocalypse Now .
What are the best military movies? The best soldier movies create an emotional connection with the characters and depict exciting army action. Movies on this army movies list depict all time frames from recent, modern militaries to the armies of the past. If you’re interested in the army, then these are the movies for you.
Love movies with these types of themes? Check out some great military TV shows here.
Edge-of-your-seat movies troops should watch for in 2024
With Hollywood strikes ending and film and TV production resuming, this year is setting up to be a big one for cinema. Last year may have unveiled a handful of military-centric films, such as “Guy Ritchie’s: The Covenant” and “Kandahar,” but there are even more action-packed thrillers around the corner in 2024.
Films that troops should have on their radar this year — even just as a means of escaping the barracks for a few hours — span fantasy to history and feature phenomenal casts, writers, directors, and, of course, special effects. Here’s a look at nine movies to get excited about in the months ahead.
Furiosa: Sága šíleného Maxe
The post-apocalyptic Australian Wasteland is back with a prequel chronicling the origin story of young Imperator Furiosa. The story traces back to her childhood and follows her journey before meeting Max Rockatansky. Anya Taylor-Joy (”The Menu”) takes on the role of the gritty Furiosa, with Chris Hemsworth co-starring. “Furiosa” is set for a May 24 release.
Pán prstenů: Válka Rohirů
Nearly 200 years before the Fellowship set out to defeat Sauron and destroy the one ring, there was “The War of the Rohirrim.” This animated adaptation is expected to fill in some story gaps between Amazon’s “Rings of Power” series and Peter Jackson’s beloved trilogy — particularly the fall of the kings of Rohan and the origins of Helm’s Deep. The film stars Brian Cox (”Succession”) as the voice of King Helm Hammerhand and is slated for a December debut.
Stará garda 2
A sequel to 2020′s “The Old Guard,” this film is expected to pick up right after the first film’s shocking end that left fans clamoring for more. The first movie centered on a group of mercenaries whose secret powers of immortality are exposed. The betrayal is explained, but the ending was left open for a follow-up, which began filming in 2022. Original cast members Charlize Theron, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and KiKi Layne reprise their roles.
Občanská válka
An all-too-relevant topic, considering today’s political discourse, civil war has broken out in the United States in this film by Alex Garland (”Ex Machina”). A team of journalists covers the fracturing factions across America amid tense scenes of militarized conflict. Jesse Plemons (”Killers of the Flower Moon”), Kirsten Dunst (”Fargo”), and Nick Offerman (”The Last of Us”) star, with the film expected to arrive in theaters on April 26.
Ministerstvo negentlemanského válčení
This Guy Ritchie-directed World War II movie tells the origin story of British special forces, stood up at the direction of Winston Churchill. The film, starring Henry Cavill (“Man of Steel”) and Eiza González (“Baby Driver”), is based on the Special Operations Executive, or SOE, which was sanctioned to use “ungentlemanly” tactics to fight the Nazis. The exact release date is still up in the air.
Útěk z Německa
Arriving in theaters on April 11, “Escape from Germany” tells the true story of 85 American missionaries from the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who narrowly escaped Nazi captors as World War II begins. The film is based on first-hand accounts from diaries belonging to the missionaries.
Land of Bad
Due out Feb. 16, this action thriller directed by William Eubank (“House of the Rising Sun”) boasts a big cast, including Russell Crowe, Milo Ventimiglia, and Liam and Luke Hemsworth. The plot centers on a JTAC mission in the Philippines involving a CIA asset extraction gone wrong. The trailer features tense firefights and some serious hand-to-hand combat, to boot. Even the MQ-9 Reaper plays a pivotal role.
Šest Triple Osm
Directed by Tyler Perry and starring Kerry Washington (”Scandal”), “Six Triple Eight” chronicles the impact of the U.S. Army’s 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, the only all-female, predominantly Black unit deployed during World War II. The women face racial discrimination, but ultimately prove to be a force for diversification of the U.S. military.
Nehynoucí láska
Based on a graphic novel, “Undying Love” centers on a former soldier named John Sargent and his love for a woman who happens to be a vampire held captive by her creator. It’s Sargent’s mission to kill her captor and set her free. Though details are scant and the cast hasn’t been announced, David Leitch (”John Wick” and ”Hobbs & Shaw”) is set to direct. To that, we say “Bring on the gun-fu.”
Observation Post je jednotné kontaktní místo Military Times pro všechny věci mimo službu. Příběhy mohou odrážet postřehy autora.
Sarah Sicard je hlavní redaktorkou Military Times. Dříve působila jako digitální redaktorka Military Times a redaktorka Army Times. Další práce lze nalézt v National Defense Magazine, Task & Purpose a Defense News.
Nejlepší vojenské filmy a pořady streamované právě teď na Amazon Prime Video
Pokud hledáte nejlepší válečné filmy ve službě Amazon Prime Video, jsme tu, abychom vám pomohli překonat algoritmus doporučení a dostat se přímo k filmům, které chcete vidět. Prime Video má nejrozmanitější katalog filmů a pořadů a někdy je těžké najít to, co chcete sledovat. Náš seznam vám může pomoci prosekat se přes plevy a dostat se k akci, po které toužíte.
Filmy na našem seznamu se zaměřují na války z jedné či druhé éry lidské historie, ale také uvádíme televizní pořady streamované na Prime Video, které obsahují několik špionážních příběhů.
Na Prime Video je zde dostatek vojenského sledování, aby to ospravedlnilo roční předplatné Amazon Prime. Můžete také sledovat nejnovější válečné filmy tak, že vyzkoušíte 30denní bezplatnou zkušební verzi Amazon Prime.
Nejlepší roky našich životů
James Barber je bývalý zábavní redaktor pro Má zkušenosti z hudebního, rozhlasového a filmového průmyslu a chodí do zákulisí, aby vojenskému a veteránskému publiku přinášel zábavné zprávy, na kterých jim záleží. Přečtěte si celé Bio
Blake Stilwell
Blake Stilwell je bývalý bojový fotograf letectva s tituly a zkušenostmi v oblasti grafického designu, televize a filmu, mezinárodních vztahů, vztahů s veřejností a záležitostí na Blízkém východě. Místo toho, aby cokoli z toho použil, se (nakonec) stal spisovatelem. Jeho práce se objevily na stránkách Business Insider, Recoil, Military Times, Coffee or Die, Skillset Magazine a dalších. Blake sídlí v Ohiu, ale často se vyskytuje jinde. Přečtěte si celé Bio
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