Filmy o výcvikovém táboře
Basic Training. It frightens a lot of people away from joining the military, and it unnerves those recruits who have enlisted up until their arrival. It’s awful while going through it, and then immediately afterwards, is considered no big deal. In the movies, it’s either played for laughs (Stripes) or made to appear much more awful than it actually is (Full Metal Jacket).
Here are the best and worst war movies about the combat training environment, whether its Basic Training or Boot Camp, Officer Candidate School, or Special Forces selection.
Hint: The basic plot of 90% of these involve a rogue student that does things his own way (not a good idea in the military), and/or a sadist instructor, but the student eventually earns the respect of his peers and instructors to graduate.
GI Jane (1997)
The first women have already gone through Marine infantry training and, in the future, women will also be allowed to try out for Special Forces roles. (As a former infantry soldier, I’m fully supportive of this move, provided they don’t lower standards.)
But before these headlines, there was , a movie where Demi Moore was the first woman to try out for the elite Navy SEALs (and also battles the evil politician who set her up to fail). As a film it’s fairly entertaining, but only if you can ignore the fact that all facets of the film are fictionalized, made-up, or unrealistic.
In other words, nothing about the SEALs as portrayed in the film is real. There is not a training camp in Florida. The SEALs don’t rape one another during SERE training. Delta Force operators don’t try out to be SEALs.
A tak dále a tak dále a tak dále.
This is a film premised on the idea of a woman joining an elite combat unit. It’s a real world question. So why did they make the decision to fictionalize so many parts of the film?
Tygří země (2000)
Private Roland Bozz is very much agains the war in Vietnam. Furthermore, it’s the waning days of the Vietnam war and everyone in the USA knows that the war is pretty much lost. Consequently, it’s a bit disconcerting when Bozz is drafted and sent to «Tigerland,» where he’ll train as an infantryman before being told by his superiors, that he will absolutely be sent to Vietnam.
Who wants to join the rear end of a losing war?
Tigerland has everything a great movie about Basic Training should have: Characters unsure whether they made the right decision, the obligatory sadistic drill sergeant, and the rebellious recruit trying to buck the system in a fight that he cannot win. Whereas other films would have played these same elements for laughs, this film plays it straight for serious drama, and it works.
Private Benjamin (1980)
Oh, how I miss the youthful Goldie Hawn! Goldie is in top form as a woman who joins the Army after her husband dies during sex (I don’t necessarily see the connection between the two, but I digress.) Goldie is «over-sold» on the Army, like we all were, and tries to quit — she’s shocked to find she can’t. In this movie, we get the classic 1970s Army Basic Training environment and a privileged Goldie Hawn who is shocked to find that her uniform doesn’t come in colors other than green.
Pruhy (1981)
One of the best war comedies ever made! This film made me laugh out loud throughout. And I say this in the context of being a very unfunny person who doesn’t generally have a sense of humor. (In most comedies, I barely let out a snicker, much less a full on belly laugh!)
When their drill sergeant is injured during a training exercise, Bill Murray takes it upon himself to finish training his platoon through to the end of the cycle. The Basic Training scenes are all pretty standard — the rope climb, the obstacle course, the runs — except, that it’s a Basic Training cycle being managed by Bill Murray. Which, of course, changes everything.
Důstojník a gentleman (1982)
If you haven’t seen the film, you’re probably at least familiar with the ending: Richard Gere in his Navy dress whites, enters the factory floor and picks up Debra Winger, carrying her off the floor while the factory staff cheer. Music swells in the background: Up where we belong! Where eagles fly.
Yes, very cheesy. Very mock inducing. But also very well done. And Louis Gossett Jr. plays a heck of a mean Gunnery Sergeant. Richard Gere is charismatic and has tremendous on-screen presence (this was his glory youthful days.) The film tells the classic Army training story: A rebel in military training, fighting against both the system and the drill sergeant. The drill sergeant, of course, eventually learns to respect the rebel’s innate leadership.
It’s all very formulaic — yet, for some reason — it works exceptionally well. As a cynic of these sorts of movies, I even got a bit misty eyed upon watching it. And for that alone, I have to mark it as one of the best.
Top Gun (1986)
This Tom Cruise film is a war movie about aerial combat, but it’s also a training movie. The school Cruise’s character attends is, after all, a Top Gun flight school. The film has all the requisite scenes for a training war film: The romantic interest in the instructor, the instructor that wants to see him fail, the cocky maverick student who does things his own way and gets by on his high level of skill, the best friend who fails out of the school and provides the film’s middle arc an injection of somber drama. Yes, you may have thought Top Gun was about aerial combat, but it’s more a war film about. well. school.
Heartbreak Ridge (1986)
Clint Eastwood plays Gunnery Sergeant Tom Highway in an iconoclastic role as the ultimate tough guy, assigned back to the field where he’s given command of a dysfunctional platoon of screw-ups. His job is to whip them in shape. When he arrives, his recruits (of a recon platoon, no less!) are visibly hostile, going so far as to try and fight him. Slowly, Sergeant Highway gives the platoon confidence, and as their confidence increases, their discipline returns. Just in time for them to all ship to Grenada, in the only American war film to focus on the very short lived battle.
Celokovová bunda (1987)
Full Metal Jacket is one of the most famous Vietnam war films ever made. My original review stated that it was overrated, but given that the first third of the film is consumed by one of the most infamous Basic Training scenes in cinematic history, it definitely deserves inclusion on this list. This is the definitive film of nightmarish Basic Training scenarios, combining both a sadistic drill sergeant, and a very dangerous screw-up, both of which are destined to have a violent collision course with one another.
Renesanční muž (1994)
Danny DeVito stars as an English teacher at an Army base attempting to teach recruits basic literacy. He has trouble reaching them until he introduces them to. Shakespeare! I’m not really sure what this film is supposed to be about: Is it a comedy as we watch the diminutive DeVito teach stupid soldiers? Is it a «touch your heart» movie as the soldiers learn to read? Or is it an «annoy the War Movies guide» movie, trying to be everything and nothing all at once. I think it’s the last choice.
Nyní v armádě (1994)
Pauli Shore joins the Army Reserves to become a water purification specialist. First stop, Basic Training where we get the obligatory laughs because — shocker! — the drill sergeant yells at him when he responds sarcastically. Or, consider the photo next to this description — look! Pauli Shore had to have his hair cut off! Boy, isn’t this funny?! Basically, this film is an hour and a half of Pauli thinking that being a disciplined, organized soldier is lame. I wanted to shake my television and scream, «No, Pauli! We’re not lame! You’re lame!»
An insulting film.
Muži cti (2000)
Although my review of this film was itself poor, the one part of the film I did enjoy were the scenes of training. Training to be a Navy Diver is difficult business, and as the first African-American, it was made that much more difficult for Carl Brashear. Consider a program that has a 75% washout rate. Now consider that this program was made more difficult for Carl than for anyone else, with Carl being given extra tasks, his commanders hoping he’ll quit. Now consider that Carl went through the program in total isolation, with not a single friend, as nobody wanted to partner with «a negro.» Now consider that the course instructor is determined to see him fail.
When you consider everything that Carl Brashear had to endure, the mind boggles at his level of dedication and discipline. Carl Brashear is a great sailor, a great man, a great African-American icon, and a great American. I just wish he had a better film. But, for its training scenes, it’s worth it.
Jarhead (2005)
Some really like this Sam Mendes film adaptation of the Anthony Swafford book. However, I do not count myself among them. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal as a Marine training for deployment to the first Gulf War, he and his fellow Marines are disappointed to find the war is over too quickly and that they never got the chance to try their craft. The entire film seems to rest on the (shocking!) premises that Marines and infantry soldiers want to participate in combat and that they are disappointed when they don’t get to! I presume this is supposed to be a shocking premises to the viewer, but I just considered it as an obvious assumption. Well, of course infantry soldiers want to be in combat! Am I missing something about this film?
Best Military Training Movies to Watch Right Now
These military training movies would get anyone in shape. Just saying.
By Rowan Marley Published 6 years ago • 4 min read
America has some of the most incredible soldiers the world has ever seen, and unlike what most war movies may suggest, soldiers aren’t born excellent. They’re trained to be excellent, and that training is absolutely grueling.
Hollywood knows this, and that’s why military training movies are made. If you’ve ever wondered what the best ones out there are, this list will help you appreciate the work that needs to be done to join the military — and will also inspire you to get into shape.
Fun fact about this movie — Top Gun was the movie that inspired the most people to join the military. It follows a young soldier into the training that awaits him in the Navy, and all the turmoil that he has to overcome to be the best he can be.
Its inspirational message has made it one of the most acclaimed military training movies of all time. Besides, it has Tom Cruise in it, and he’s pretty good as an actor.
Americký voják Jane isn’t just one of the best military training movies ever made — it’s also one of the best Navy SEAL movies out there. This film tells the story of a US servicewoman who wants to become a member of the Navy SEALs, and actually does so.
The training scenes in this flick are brutal, as is the cutting dialogue. If you want girl power, look no further than Americký voják Jane.
Like many other films on this list, it’s kind of hard to keep Full Metal Jacket as solely a member of the military training movies subgenre. It has also received note for being both a war and anti-war film. Stanley Kubrick did a wonderful job of bringing out the harrowing sides of both war and pre-war training.
Raw and gritty to the core, it’s hard to deny the genius that is Olověná vesta. It’s one of the best war movies of all time because it’s so real.
Last stop before Vietnam for many, Tigerland was considered to be one of the most difficult training camps in America, during the war. Though it’s not as well-known as Top Gun, Tygří země seriously deserves a lot of accolades when it comes to the honest portrayal of war training during the 60s.
Tygří země zeroes in on the emotions of people who are about to be shipped off to war perfectly, and also shows a fairly accurate depiction of military life. That’s why it’s one of the best military training movies you’ve never heard of.
Důstojník a gentleman is as iconic as it gets. This classic film follows Zach Mayo as he enters Officer Candidate School. A natural loner, the 13-week ordeal teaches him a lot about the importance of human relationships, camaraderie, and teamwork.
If you have a loner soldier in your life, this is one of the best military training movies to watch with him.
Kdy American Sniper first came out, it made a huge splash in how people saw Navy SEALs. This particular movie was based on a true story of a real SEAL, who used his incredible sniper skills to save his brothers-in-arms’ lives, and protect his home country.
Human, yet shocking, it’s obvious why it was such a hit to anyone who sees it. It’s a great depiction of war, it’s a look into SEAL training, and it’s absolutely one of the most brutal military training movies in history.
Imagine deciding to join an army to protect a country where you are hated. Men of Honor shows the heartbreaking and inspiring story of a sharecropper who joins the barely-integrated Navy — and how he overcame everything, despite his training officer hating his guts.
Perhaps one of the most emotional military training movies on this list, Men of Honor will help you realize how much struggle remains when it comes to bridging equality, and will give you even more respect for people of color who choose to defend the flag.
There’s a certain point in everyone’s career where they end up looking at the «new blood» and ask themselves how bad did things get. Heartbreak Ridge is a movie that focuses on a Korean war veteran who has been put in charge of a badly mannered group of soldiers.
Admittedly, this isn’t the most accurate movie out there. In fact, USMC refused to endorse it. However, it’s emotional and entertaining, which is what makes it such a great watch.
Like many military training movies, Jarhead has fight scenes from war alongside very sobering glances into what boot camp is really like. However, it’s more than just a training movie. It’s a movie that shows what life is like after war, and the psychological toll that war can have on a soldier.
Finally, out of all of these, Major Payne is my favorite out of all military training movies — primarily because it’s one of the funniest out there. That being said, it’s not realistic in the least bit.
This movie involves a Major who was fired by the army, and put in charge of child ROTC cadets. The problem is, he has no idea how to work with kids, vůbec. Chaos ensues, and all is well. Or something.
Major Payneis a major pleasure to watch.
10 military movies to watch in the barracks when you’re bored
After graduating from basic training, you’ll either be off to your first duty station or additional specialty training. We’re not saying you’ll have a lot of free time, but you’re likely to have more downtime than you did in basic training. Here are our picks for the best military movies to watch when you get bored.
Military Movies: World War II Era
Zachraňte vojína Ryana
During basic training, you learn about honor, leadership, and integrity . Considered one of the greatest military movies, Saving Private Ryan takes you on a journey following several men who struggle to find the purpose behind their mission. Saving Private Ryan is a great representation of the importance of camaraderie in the military and the lifelong impact that camaraderie has on service members.
Tuskegee letci
Based on a true story, this movie tells the story of a squadron of African American pilots who faced segregation and prejudice during their time in the military. Proving themselves worthy of combat they became one of the most highly respected fighter groups during World War II, paving the way for full integration in the U.S. military.
Tuskegee Airmen, the movie, shows the value of believing in yourself and in your team – two qualities that will benefit you throughout your military career.
An artistic piece of cinema from Christopher Nolan with little dialogue that covers the Battle of Dunkirk in May 1940. This movie gives an overview of one of the most historic battles from World War II, making it perfect for history buffs. Dunkirk will have you glued to the screen.
Military Movies: Vietnam War Era
Full Metal Jacket
See if this movie accurately reflects your time at boot camp. During the first part of the movie, you’ll follow recruits going through Marine boot camp. Then, follow them on to their first combat zone – Vietnam. Full Metal Jacket is both difficult to watch and incredibly riveting.
Byli jsme vojáci
Watch the story of a three-day battle between American Soldiers who are heavily outnumbered by the Northern Vietnamese during one of their first battles. We Were Soldiers spotlights the realities of facing an enemy for the first time. While Army Soldiers fight for their survival, their wives are anxiously awaiting their return back home
Military Movies: Modern-Day
Top Gun
You’re bound to have already watched Top Gun before, but it’s an iconic movie that just never gets old. With action, emotion, and an amazing soundtrack, Top Gun is a fun movie for any viewer. Grab your buddies and see who can quote the movie the best.
Black Hawk Down
Inspired by real events, Black Hawk Down tells the story of U.S. Soldiers sent to Somalia to assist in humanitarian aid and weaken the current government. The failed mission forces Soldiers to survive and fight against unsuspected heavily armed insurgents while awaiting reinforcements. Black Hawk Down characterizes the bond made between brothers in arms.
American Sniper
Bradley Cooper stars as Chris Kyle, one of the most lethal snipers in U.S. military history, who is sent to Iraq on four tours of duty. American Sniper is a powerful story about the reality of war, and the effect it has on the service members it sends home.
Osamělý přeživší
Ever heard of the MURPH Challange? It’s a Memorial Day tradition, that invites people all over the world to partake in a physically challenging workout in honor of LT. Michael P. Murphy, a Navy SEAL who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Lone Survivor is the firsthand account of four Navy SEALs who were sent on a mission, that becomes compromised. This gripping movie shows the selfless sacrifices made by a team who proved that we are all capable of doing more than we think, and that you’re never out of the fight.
The Marvel Series
Sometimes movies that too closely depict or capture reality are not the most enjoyable to watch. So, if you’re into action movies but don’t want to see the often all too realistic recreations of war, the Marvel Series is a great alternative.
With 22 movies to watch, you can’t go wrong with any. Though, we challenge you to start from the beginning and watch them in their official order.
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