Movies about Train travel
Trains have been present in our cinematic landscape since the very beginning, when cinema’s founding fathers Auguste and Louis Lumière premiered Arrival of a Train (1895). So, what better way to prepare for one of our Rail Trips than by watching these 10 films starring trains? If you’re joining us on a trip you could even download a few to watch onboard.
Harry Potter a Kámen mudrců (2001)
Film’s most famous train is a fictional one. The Hogwarts Express is synonymous with the entire Harry Potter series, but the seminal journey that takes Harry, Hermione and Ron from the doldrums day-to-day muggle life to the magical landscapes of the wizarding world (or, as we know it, the Scottish countryside) is never topped. What other form of transport could do the job as evocatively? Imagine going through security at Hogwarts International Airport, or booking an enchanted Uber? It wouldn’t have quite the same effect. And, if you didn’t already know, you can experience Harry’s journey yourself – as the route (and train) depicted on screen is based on the Jacobite Steam Train. Book a spot on our Edinburgh and the Scottish Highlands by Train trip, and you can gaze in awe at passing lochs, remote villages and, of course, the stunning Glenfinnan viaduct, as you chug your way not to Hogwarts, but to the small fishing village of Mallaig, which we can assure you is every bit as magical.
Generál (1926)
The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
Wes Anderson loves trains. Perhaps it’s the symmetry, the old world charm or simply the interesting characters you can discover onboard. In 2016 he brought his signature style to a wholesome H&M Christmas commercial set onboard a train, and in 2021 he even designed his own carriage on Belmond’s British Pullman, which chugs through the English countryside. The Darjeeling Limited, set almost entirely on the fictional train of the same name, is his ultimate ode to rail travel. It stars Anderson regulars Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman as brothers who embark on a journey not only to find their mother, but also to rehabilitate their family relationship. The film was shot mostly in Jodhpur and Udaipur, and you can visit both by joining our Regal Rajasthan trip.
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Před východem slunce (1995)
While the bulk of Richard Linklater’s indie classic takes place on the charming streets of Vienna, it’s a train meet-cute that sets off the intellectual’s ultimate romance fantasy. Jesse (Ethan Hawke), a US backpacker heading to Vienna, boards at Budapest. He’s reading, as is Céline (Julie Delpy), a university student en route to Paris. They get chatting and, as the train pulls into Vienna, spontaneously decide to hop off and continue the conversation. The rest, as they say, is history. The film’s main focus is on youth, love and the ever-changing flow of a thrilling conversation, but the premise that sets it all in motion is a nod to the romance of train travel. We’ll take you on the same journey, in reverse, on our Berlin to Budapest Rail Trip, which stops off at Vienna on the way. Who knows who you might strike up a conversation with onboard…
Krátké setkání (1945)
We can’t speak about trains and romance without mentioning Brief Encounter. David Lean’s British classic is clearly an influence on Před úsvitem, with the central love affair starting and famously ending at a railway station. Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard are magnificent as Laura and Alec, the two married middle-agers who become entangled in forbidden desires. Few films have had a greater influence on on-screen romance, and few have managed to so viscerally capture the intimate thrill of falling in love, which Lean makes all-the-more atmospheric thanks to the fog-like steam billowing from incoming and outgoing trains.
Dáma zmizí (1938)
Alfred Hitchcock was the master of tension and he clearly loved the dramatic potential of trains. 39 kroků (1935) shifts into gear when Richard Hannay boards the Flying Scotsman from London to the Highlands. It’s onboard a train from New York to Chicago that Cary Grant’s Roger Thornhill dramatically hides from the police and strikes a connection with Eve Kendall in North by Northwest (1959). There’s also Cizinci ve vlaku (1951), a typically twisted psychological thriller, but it’s with Dáma zmizí that Hitchcock goes all out on the tracks. This beguiling disappearance thriller plays with the idea of seeing is believing, as Margaret Lockwood’s Iris Henderson is thrust into a mystery of self-doubt when her post-concussion concerns for the old lady she previously saw on the train are gaslit by her fellow passengers. Hitchcock uses the confines of carriages to brilliant effect, much like Sidney Lumet did decades later with Vražda v Orient Express (1974) – it’s no wonder that murder mystery carriages have become a popular fad in rail travel.
Bullet Train (2022)
Japan’s famous Shinkansen has been surprisingly under-utilised in film, at least it was before David Leitch’s action comedy hoot starring Brad Pitt. Much like the titular train, Leitch takes the classical dramatic conceits of a rail journey and gives it a super glossy, high-tech twist. Smash together the slickness of Hollywood and the quirkiness of Japanese cinema, along with the modern fight choreography pioneered by Leitch himself, and what you get is a popcorn bonanza populated by a stream of larger-than-life characters. The Shinkansen’s futuristic features are constantly utilised with great invention, be it for narrative purposes or simply moments of action, to the extent that the movie itself couldn’t exist without the specificity of one of the world’s most iconic trains. The Shinkansen also plays a starring role in our 12-day Rail Trip in Japan, so you can experience the wonder of the Bullet Train with us, admittedly with a lot less violence and fewer cheesy Hollywood quips.
Konečná stanice (1953)
Italian master Vittorio De Sica’s legacy has been cemented by the great Zloději kol (1948), a film so impactful that it helped establish the Oscars’ Best Foreign Film award, and ten years on from its release was named the greatest film of all time by Sight & Sound magazine. Like Hitchcock, Lean and the Lumières before him, De Sica was attracted by the dramatic stakes and romantic setting of a railway station. This tale of forbidden love, not unlike Brief Encounter, was an Italian-Hollywood international production written in part by Truman Capote. The titular star of the film is Roma Termini, the Italian capital’s primary station, which is also the starting point of our Northern Italy Rail Trip – so Stazione Termini really is essential homework viewing for anyone joining us in Rome.
Vlak do Pusanu (2016)
OK, disclaimer, maybe you shouldn’t watch this Korean horror before embarking on a Rail Trip. But, if you’ve got the disposition for blood and guts on screen, then Yeon Sang-ho’s zombie epic is one of the genre’s finest, and one of the best uses of a train setting in movie history. A father and daughter are heading from Seoul to Busan amid a supernatural chemical outbreak. Cue a panicked boarding process, followed by classic zombie twists, ingenious action set-pieces and a plot filled with heart, humanity and character development. In some ways it’s the ultimate example of how a train can be the perfect vehicle for storytelling, whether it’s through tension caused by confined spaces, the metaphorical journey its characters can embark on while onboard, or the utter terror of a carriage full of crazed killer zombies – now that’s cinema! If you already are a lover of South Korea’s incredible catalogue of films then why not visit the country itself on our Soulful South Korea Epic Trip? No zombies, we promise.
Spojte se s podobně smýšlejícími lidmi na našich prémiových cestách kurovaných místními zasvěcenými a s péčí o svět
Protože jste zde, rádi bychom se podělili o naši vizi budoucnosti cestování – a směr, kterým se Culture Trip ubírá.
Culture Trip byl zahájen v roce 2011 s jednoduchým, ale vášnivým posláním: inspirovat lidi, aby překročili své hranice a zažili to, co dělá místo, jeho obyvatele a jeho kulturu výjimečnými a smysluplnými – a to je dodnes v naší DNA. Jsme hrdí na to, že po více než deset let miliony jako vy důvěřují našim oceňovaným doporučením od lidí, kteří hluboce chápou, čím jsou určitá místa a komunity tak výjimečné. Stále více se domníváme, že svět potřebuje smysluplnější a reálnější spojení mezi zvědavými cestovateli, kteří chtějí prozkoumávat svět zodpovědnějším způsobem. Proto jsme intenzivně vytvořili kolekci prémiových výletů pro malé skupiny jako pozvánku k setkání a spojení s novými, stejně smýšlejícími lidmi za účelem neopakovatelných zážitků ve třech kategoriích: Výlety za kulturou, Výlety vlakem a Soukromé výlety. . Naše výlety jsou vhodné jak pro sólo cestovatele, páry i přátele, kteří chtějí společně poznávat svět. Kulturní výlety jsou hluboce pohlcující 5 až 16denní itineráře, které kombinují autentické místní zážitky, vzrušující aktivity a 4-5* ubytování, na které se můžete těšit na konci každého dne. Naše Rail Trips jsou naše itineráře, které jsou nejpřátelštější k planetě a které vás zvou k vyhlídkové trase, relaxaci a proniknutí pod kůži destinace. Naše soukromé výlety jsou itineráře šité na míru, kurátorované našimi odborníky na cestování speciálně pro vás, vaše přátele nebo vaši rodinu. Víme, že mnozí z vás se obávají dopadů cestování na životní prostředí a hledají způsoby, jak rozšířit obzory způsoby, které napáchají minimální škody – a mohou dokonce přinést výhody. Jsme odhodláni jít tak daleko, jak je to jen možné, při kurátorství našich cest s péčí o planetu. To je důvod, proč jsou všechny naše cesty v cíli bez letu, plně uhlíkově kompenzované – a máme ambiciózní plány, abychom ve velmi blízké budoucnosti dosáhli čisté nuly.
14 Best Train Movies You Can’t Miss
Have you ever remembered the train cartoons you watched as a kid, like Thomas the train?
And have you ever wondered what movies are there with some action-filled or adventure-filled genres involving trains? Then get ready for what’s to come, as we made these 14 Best Train Movies for you to Binge-Watch and enjoy.
Shanghai Express (1932)
English, French, Cantonese, German 1h 22m IMDb
Ředitel: Josef von Sternberg
Hvězdičky: Marlene Dietrich, Clive Brook, Anna May Wong
Although the Shanghai Express film was released in 1932, it is still one of the best Train movies of the century. It had one of the highest scores among critics and moviegoers and also ranked high back then.
Even though this movie was 70 decades ago, our generation of moviegoers still enjoys having to watch an old treasure from the past, so you should add this to the list of train films that you are going to binge all night with a bag of popcorn.
This film is about a British Captain Meeting his old flame In Peking, China. But what meets him in his travels will indeed prepare him for what’s to come.
Strangers on a Train (1951)
Angličtina, Francouzština 1h 41m IMDb
Ředitel: Alfred Hitchcock
Hvězdičky: Farley Granger, Robert Walker, Ruth Roman
Another one of the classics from way before is “Strangers on a Train.” It is also one of the best Thrilling Train movies today, with a high critics’ score on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, and everyone that watched it enjoyed this old treasure of a film.
There is no doubt that it will also be added to your list to binge-watch, as it has thrilling and gorgeous cinematography about two train passengers striking up a conversation with one another that leads to a deadly chain of events.
Velká vlaková loupež (1978)
Angličtina, Francouzština 1h 50m IMDb
Ředitel: Michael Crichton
Hvězdičky: Sean Connery, Donald Sutherland, Lesley-Anne Down
The Great Train Robbery is another one from the classic era. The film takes place in England during the 1800s. And during this time, train robberies were quite frequent as some trains were private transport for bank money or rich folks.
A master criminal had devised a plan to get on the heavily secured train with the right group of skilled men to make this impossible task possible. The Great Train Robbery is an elegant and great film due to the simplicity of the plot
but has excellent entertainment in the movie, having 2 award nominations and high critic scores on the internet.
Runaway Train (1985)
Angličtina 1h 51m IMDb
Ředitel: Andrey Konchalovskiy
Hvězdičky: Jon Voight, Eric Roberts, Rebecca De Mornay
Runaway Train is a thrilling film made in the 80s. It is a film about two escaped convicts who went to a train station to steal and ride a crewless train.
Not knowing that there is a stowaway girl with them, they soon find themselves in a situation where they are trapped inside a speeding train with no brakes as they run out of control through Alaska.
The film is a solid, action-packed thriller, like many others, as it is exciting and entertaining to watch. Its serious tone makes it intense to watch the thrilling film as they had no way of stopping the runaway train.
It was great and enjoyable. Having a critics score, like many others, deserved a spot in our best binge-watching list.
Polární expres (2004)
Angličtina 1h 40m IMDb
Ředitel: Robert Zemeckis
Hvězdičky: Tom Hanks, Chris Coppola (voice), Michael Jeter (voice)
Ever wanna enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa on Christmas eve while you wonder what movie you want to enjoy while celebrating Christmas but still have the temptation to watch some fantastic and entertaining train films?
Look no further as the Polar Express is here, bringing you to a beautiful Christmas Eve movie. It is where a young lad embarks on an incredible Christmas journey in the polar express, where he and many other young kids go to the hometown of Santa Claus at the North Pole.
This film is very entertaining as it goes well watching on the night of Christmas eve and teaches the kids about friendship, leadership, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. But even if the film is geared toward kids, it is still enjoyable and entertaining for adults to watch.
The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
English, Hindi, German, Punjabi, Tibetan, French 1h 31m IMDb
Ředitel: Wes Anderson
Hvězdičky: Owen Wilson, Adrien Brody, Jason Schwartzman
It is an emotional but humorous film about three brothers traveling across India via train after their father’s death.
After a year since their father died, they must travel and bond with each other as their reunion has a reason to visit their mother in the Himalayas. The film is entertaining to watch as the writing, the plot, and the actors are top-notch in the film.
It has those emotional moments between the brothers and some comedic scenes that the viewers tend to enjoy throughout the film. The film is a success due to its visually pleasing scenery of India and its impact on the audience.
transsibiřský (2008)
English, Russian, Spanish, Mandarin, French 1h 51m IMDb
Ředitel: Brad Anderson
Hvězdičky: Woody Harrelson, Emily Mortimer, Ben Kingsley
A thrilling film of deception and Murder, it is also one of the most suspenseful movies on our list. The film is about a married couple taking a train home from Beijing, China, to their home in Moscow.
But they do not know that fate will take a turn as the two couples meet and befriend two fellow travelers on their journey home.
The film is very mysterious and suspenseful as it builds up tension between the audience as they watch throughout the film, so it is no surprise that this will also be added to your list of train movies to binge-watch.
Nezastavitelný (2010)
Angličtina 1h 38m IMDb
Ředitel:Tony Scott
Hvězdičky : Washington, Chris Pine, Rosario Dawson
What happens when a train carrying dangerous toxic chemicals suddenly roars out of control? The threat is so dangerous that a sudden accident would end human life and permanently damage nature.
The film has a straightforward enough plot but is a good action film inspired by actual events, and it is aimed at audiences looking for suspense, exciting and genuine thrilling films that they would want to add to their lists of films to binge-watch.
The director, Tony Scott, has made the film more intimate with the simplicity of the plot throughout the film.
zdrojový kód (2011)
Angličtina 1h 33m IMDb
Ředitel: Duncan Jones
HvězdičkyHrají: Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farmiga
This movie is quite different and has more sci-fi genre than the other train films on the list. The “Source Code” is about a soldier who suddenly wakes up in another man’s body, in which he soon discovers that he is in a classified military experiment that allows him to live the last few minutes in the man’s body.
Now, as he lives within a few minutes of the man’s body, he is confident that he can stop this tragedy from ever happening. This movie is excellent due to its thrilling and finely executed scenes throughout the film. Many moviegoers added this to their list due to its perk sci-fi related mixed with trains.
Snow Piercer (2013)
English, Korean, French, Japanese, Czech, German 2h 6m IMDb
Ředitel: Bong Joon Ho
Hvězdičky: Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, Tilda Swinton
Another sci-fi film, Snowpiercer, is probably one of the favorite train movies due to its message in society and its entertaining and thrilling scenes that the audience enjoyed quite a lot.
The film is set in an ice-game apocalyptic world where the poor and rich survive and are divided and living aboard a super train that spans around the globe.
But, a man from the inferior side of the train will start a revolution against the wealthy humans part of the train, which have better living conditions and are practically higher-ups than the poor.
The film is worthwhile to watch since it is wicked and violent, but also a deeply beautiful film with viewers on the edge of their seats. The film also has a message regarding the poor and the rich. It is about how unfair life is due to the rich making fun of those who had unlucky dice in their life.
Vlak do Pusanu (2016)
Korean, Hawaiian, English 1h 58m IMDb
Ředitel: Sang-ho Yeon
Hvězdičky: Gong Yoo, Jung Yu-mi, Ma Dong-seok
Due to the rising popular zombie flicks at the time, Train to Busan always had a place in everyone’s heart due to the depressing drama, horror, and thrilling scenes in the film that left everyone with a sad expression.
Train To Busan is a Korean film where a zombie outbreak that happened in the city of Seoul and is in pure chaos. Our lead in the movie is a father traveling aboard a train with his daughter.
However, they found themselves and other passengers trapped aboard a zombie-infested train. They must travel to different stations to get to a safe place where they can evacuate safely.
The film is beautiful and outstanding in its impact on the audience because they feel the sheer fear and horror in the character they are watching. The film had numerous awards because of its beautifully done directing.
And how the actors in the movie show their passion through their characters. This deserves a spot on the list of train films to binge-watch, as it is very worth it.
Dívka ve vlaku (2016)
Angličtina, Španělština 1h 52m IMDb
Ředitel: Tate Taylor
Hvězdičky: Emily Blunt, Haley Bennett, Rebecca Ferguson
This film is a mystery, detective, and thrilling one as a commuter one day gets into a missing person investigation. At the same time, the police suspected that she was now going in a dangerous line in the investigation.
She now had a task to find out what happened to the missing girl, where she was, and why she disappeared one day. The film is thrilling with its crime investigation going around throughout the entirety of the film, as the lead character works her way to investigate a stranger she barely knows.
This film will surely make you add it to your list as it has a thrilling mystery you would like to watch.
Vražda v Orient Expressu (2017)
English, French, Arabic, German 1h 54m IMDb
Ředitel: Kenneth Branagh
Hvězdičky: Kenneth Branagh, Penélope Cruz, Willem Dafoe
When a trip across Europe quickly turned into a nightmare where the orient express stopped due to a sudden avalanche, and then a murderer went around the trapped train.
A famous detective must find clues on who the killer is before they strike another again. The classical yet stylish quality of the storytelling of a behind-the-times sort of murder mystery is the most enjoyable to watch about the Orient Express.
It is thrilling and suspenseful to watch as the detective races against time to find the killer, or he is too late.
Compartment No. 6 (2021)
Russian, Finnish, English 1h 47m IMDb
Ředitel: Juho Kuosmanen
Hvězdičky: Yuriy Borisov, Seidi Haarla, Valeriy Nikolaev
The last on our list, Compartment No. 6, is a significant part of human connection as the lead characters bonded and made a connection that they yearned for so long.
The story takes place in Russia, where a Finnish woman escapes a love affair and gets aboard a train. She then shares a tiny sleeping car with a Russian Miner, in which the encounter between the two leads to them being in unconventional love.
The film is terrific as it shows the nature of human connection with the same interest between individuals that slowly blooms more between them.
The beauty of this film shows the appreciation of small talk and conversation that will lead to friendships and love between strangers. So it will indeed have a spot in the list as it also has a high enough rating in the IMDB, and the audience loved watching this.
We have now finished listing the adventurous and thrilling 14 Best Train Movies. In case you want to watch train movies with a good story plot and dynamic characters of the film, enjoy watching the movies listed above that will surely make your movie night better.
All these films are enjoyable to watch and entertain you and your friends who would like to join in the train of binge-watching.
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Book a Ride on the These Trains Made Famous on the Big Screen
These cinematic trains have made appearances in all kinds of flicks, from Westerns to zombie movies.
Zveřejněno 12 v 27:2023
Location Scout investigates the intersection of entertainment and travel, delving behind the scenes of top movies and TV shows around the world to showcase their backdrops as prime travel destinations.
From the Hitchcock classic Na sever Severozápadní linkou to David Leitch’s 2022 film Rychlovlak, railway cinema has captivated audiences for decades. There’s something utterly romantic about those old-fashioned choo choos—with their gusty steam engines, long corridors, and well-dressed porters—that provide the perfect setting for love stories and murder mysteries alike. Or, if the train just so happens to be a sleek, high-speed railway á la Snowpiercer, it might just lend itself to a plot that’s far more dystopian.
If you’ve ever dreamed of boarding a train straight out of a film, chances are, that train actually exists—and if it doesn’t, there’s probably a real one that comes pretty close. So whether you’re looking to channel the magic of the Hogwarts Express or finesse a Před úsvitem-style meet-cute on your way to Vienna, here are the most cinematic trains across the globe, along with tips for scoring a cabin.
Vražda v Orient Express: Venice Simplon-Orient-Express
As far as cinematic trains go, the Orient Express is the blueprint. In 1882, Georges Nagelmackers, motivated by the romantic idea of uniting the East and West, launched a train service that would eventually become synonymous with Old World glamour and intrigue. The locomotive has provided a backdrop for Agatha Christie’s 1934 novel Vražda v Orient Express and Ian Fleming’s 1957 Bond story Z Ruska s láskou, both of which were adapted into films. The historic Orient Express harkens back to a golden age of travel—so much so that two luxury hospitality companies are competing to recreate it. Belmond’s Venice Simplon-Orient-Express has been operating since 1982, whisking passengers from Paris to Istanbul in restored vintage carriages, while Accor will debut their version in 2024, just in time for the Paris Olympics.
Jak rezervovat: While the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express typically offers the five-night journey between Paris and Istanbul once a year, they’ll be adding a second rotation in 2024. Tickets are now on sale for May, but consider this a bucket list journey: Cabins start at $19k.
Před východem slunce: ÖBB Railjet
In Před úsvitem (1995), Jesse and Céline set a precedent for railway roulette: What would happen if you struck up a conversation with a stranger on a train, and decided to spontaneously disembark on a European adventure? It’s the chance encounter that’s created an entire genre of travel stories, and if you’re looking to recreate that movie magic—or shoot your shot—ÖBB, Austria’s national railway company, offers that very route from Budapest to Vienna. If you opt for the Railjet bullet train, you’ll have the opportunity to make multiple stops on international routes between Germany, Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, to name a few, and thus increase your chances of finding love.
Jak rezervovat: An economy ticket (keep in mind it was a couple’s noisy quarrel that brought Jesse and Céline’s together) on the Railjet high-speed train starts at $32. The Budapest to Vienna train schedule serves 8 departures per day.
The Darjeeling Limited: Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
While there’s no real Darjeeling Limited, The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and what some might call “accidentally Wes Anderson.” The narrow gauge steam railway, established in 1881 to expedite the shipping of goods between the hills of Darjeeling and the plains, runs between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling. Nicknamed the “Toy Train,” it’s a real feat of engineering, making use of zigzag reverses and loops to ascend the Himalayas. Take in the stunning views of the mist-covered mountains and you’ll understand why Wes Anderson sent those three brothers to this neck of the woods for a spiritual journey.
Jak rezervovat: Choose between the “Darjeeling Mail” route from New Jalpaiguri to Kurseong and Darjeeling or the “Joy Train” from Darjeeling to Ghum and back, both of which are offered daily. Tickets can be booked online, or in person at the DHR stations of Darjeeling, Ghum, Kurseong, New Jalpaiguri or Siliguri Junction. They start at around $12, and entry to the DHR Railway Museum is included in the fare.
Casino Royale: Czech Railways SuperCity Pendolino
Ve filmu 2006 Royal Casino, James Bond meets Vesper Lynd for the first time on the train to Montenegro, and what ensues is an undeniably iconic tête-á-tête. If you’re interested in recreating the scene, hop aboard the Pendolino tilting train of Czech Railways. The train doesn’t actually go to Montenegro, instead operating on the Czech main line between Prague and Ostrava, Bratislava, and Vienna. But if you’re on the hunt for more of the movie’s locations, stop by the Mill Colonnade in Karlovy Vary, which serves as the train station where Bond and Vesper arrive.
Jak rezervovat: Tickets for the route between Ostrava and Prague start at around $10, so you might want to splurge on first class. You’ll receive a small refreshment and a daily newspaper. We can’t promise, however, that the bistro carriage will offer “skewered lamb.”
Harry Potter: The Jacobite Steam Train
Platform 9 and ¾ might not exist, but the Hogwarts Express does. Some of the carriages of the Jacobite Train in the Scottish Highlands, known as one of the greatest railway journeys in the world, are used in the Harry Potter films. Perhaps even more iconic, though, is the sweeping scenery of the Glenfinnan Viaduct, which the train passes through in the movies—particularly in Harry Potter a Tajemná komnata, when Ron and Harry take a flying car to Hogwarts, swooping in and out of its arches. On the 84-mile journey, you’ll encounter sweeping scenery, like the highest mountain in Britain (Ben Nevis), pause on the viaduct for a photo opp, then end the trip at the charming fishing village of Maillain, nestled between Loch Morar and Loch Nevis.
Jak rezervovat: In 2024, the Jacobite will run from March to October, operating seven days a week, with morning and afternoon services. Round-trip tickets start at $82 and you can start purchasing them online now.
Vlak do Busanu: KTX High Speed Train
Yeon Sang-ho’s 2016 Vlak do Busanu proves just how well sliding train cars can move the plot forward—and in this case, that plot is a zombie apocalypse. There’s something eerily sanitized about high-speed bullet trains, which Sang-ho uses as a foil against the hordes of reanimated corpses. But don’t let the paranormal potential stop you: the KTX 101 train from Seoul to Busan is an excellent example of how advanced South Korea’s train systems are. This ride in particular will connect you from the north to the south of the country in less than three hours. As you ride the Gyeongbu Line, you’ll stop at some of the biggest cities in the country—Suwon, Daejon, and Daegu—all while enjoying scenic green mountains and super-fast WiFi.
Jak rezervovat: Economy tickets start at $79, while first class tickets go for around $111. Be sure to book online a few months in advance, especially if you plan to travel on a weekend or over the summer, as tickets sell quickly.
Butch Cassidy a Sundance Kid: Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad
The Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad in Colorado is ο Western movie train, appearing in flicks like Utíkej do úkrytu (1955) Cesta kolem světa za 80 dní (1956), a Jak byl dobyt Západ (1963). But perhaps most popular is its appearance in Butch Cassidy a Sundance Kid (1969), which follows two outlaws on the run after a string of train robberies. Founded by the Denver & Rio Grande Railway in 1880, the narrow gauge railroad was originally constructed to haul gold and silver from the San Juan Mountains. Now it serves as a tourist attraction, chugging through the Cascade Canyon, Animas River, and San Juan Mountains.
Jak rezervovat: Tickets are now on sale for the Winter Excursion experience, which takes you to the snow-covered peaks of the Rocky Mountains as you enjoy the comfort of heated coaches. They start at $89.
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