Movies about Territory
The small and shrinking indigenous Uru-eu-wau-wau people in the Amazon are threatened by land grabbers. They choose 18-year-old Bitaté as their leader, and together with activist Neidinha he is determined not to roll over. But when Jair Bolsonaro becomes president, the forces attacking them get free reign.
The Uru-eu-wau-wau are an indigenous people living in the Amazon. Their habitat and livelihood are threatened by loggers and land grabbers who want to use their land for agricultural development. When young Bitaté is chosen as leader of the tribe, he decides to take on a tough stance, forming patrols and using drones to track down invaders. Meanwhile environmental activist Neidinha does everything she can to get the authorities to defend the rights of the Uru-eu-wau-wau.
But the political climate is against them. Jair Bolsonaro’s violent rhetoric spurs a wave of attacks against indigenous leaders and environmentalists. And people such as farmer Sérgio and settler Martins think they have every right to take the Uru-eu-wau-wau’s land. The Uru-eu-wau-wau are becoming desperate: time’s running out before their land is completely taken away.
Director Alex Pritz Producer Will Miller, Sigrid Dyekjær Year 2022 Country of production Brazil, Denmark, United States Type Documentary Duration 86 minutes Spoken language Portuguese, Tupi Subtitles EN Production company National Geographic World Sales Dogwoof Dutch distributor Reveal Films
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Movies and TV shows like Territory
If you like «Territory» you are looking for tense, captivating and enigmatic movies or TV shows about / with legends and myths, magical creature, magic, riddles and clues, supernatural, wizards and magicians and legend themes of Adventure, Drama and Mystery genre shot in Russia.
Najděte své další oblíbené a podobné filmy ve dvou krocích: 1. Identifikujte všechna zajímavá témata z tohoto filmu (blok níže). 2. Vyhledejte je v uvedeném seznamu.
Original name: Территория
Žánr: Dobrodružný, Drama, Mysteriózní
Země: Rusko
Délka: 48 min.
Story: 19-year-old Egor Chudinov lost his parents: they went on an ethnographic expedition to the Perm region and did not return. Together with his uncle Nikolay, Egor goes in search. Philology students Nadya and Tanya join the heroes on their journey. All together they will get acquainted with the Komi-Permyak mythology, moving deep into the territory, which lives according to its own rules and laws.
Style: tense, captivating, enigmatic, suspense
Plot: legends and myths, magical creature, magic, riddles and clues, supernatural, wizards and magicians, legend, disappearance, magical power, secret, search and rescue, folk horror, religion, folklore, female nudity, mysterious disappearance, urban legend, female full frontal nudity, mystery, adventure
Territory Friday Favorites: Backyard Movies, Including Our Favorite Running Movies
Welcome to Territory Friday Favorites! In our very first installment, we asked the Territory team to share their favorite backyard movies. some classics, some childhood favorites, and a few run and adventure themed films to give you some weekend inspiration and maybe create a little bit of your own summer time nostalgia to look back on for years to come. Have a favorite to add to our list? Comment below to share with the community!
On The Edge, 1986: A former long distance runner, previously banned from competition, decides to enter the ‘Cielo-Sea Race’: a punishing and mountainous trail race, which most of us know as the DipSea Race, the oldest trail race in America. This is our favorite running film but unfortunately it is super hard to find. If you can get your hands on a copy comment below and tell us how!
The Sandlot, 1993: A coming-of-age story about a group of young boys growing up in California in 1962. The boys share a love of baseball and get into some entertaining adventures in and around their local sandlot.
Back To The Future, 1985: If you haven’t watched this 80’s sci-fi classic with Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd since you were a kid, now is the time for some nostalgia!
Losing Sight of Shore, 2017: This documentary shares the journey of four women who made history by rowing across the Pacific Ocean, from America to Australia. Over 8,000 miles and 9 months at sea!
Running Brave, 1983: Based on the story of Billy Mills, a member of the Oglala Sioux tribe in South Dakota, who was recruited by the Olympic running team and went on to win gold in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
The Goonies, 1985: Goonies Never Say Die!
McFarland USA, 2015: Kevin Costner stars as a new track coach at a predominantly Latino high-school, where he quickly learns of the boys incredible running talents and leads a team of cross country champions.
The Big Lebowski, 1998: Whip up a batch of white russian’s and enjoy this Coen Brothers hilarious tale of mistaken identity.
I Am Bolt, 2016 : This documentary follows the legend Usain Bolt as he attempts to go for a 3rd gold medal at the 2016 Rio Olympics in both the 100m + 200m sprints.
Divočina, 2014: Reese Witherspoon plays novelist Cheryl Strayed, who took on the PCT after the loss of her mother.
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