Movies about Teensploitation
Welcome to the Grindhouse Cinema – The Vast World of Sensational, Sleazy, Sexy & Dirty Classic Exploitation Flicks
Welcome to the Grindhouse Cinema – The Vast World of Sensational, Sleazy, Sexy & Dirty Classic Exploitation Flicks
Midnight Movies, Grindhouse Flicks, Double Features & Video Nasties — A Comprehensive List of the Vast, Dirty, Shabby, Fascinating World of…
Genre: Exploitation (100 Years: 1896-1995)
Junesploitation 2023
Filthy Flamingo’s logged list for F This Movies Junesploitation event
1 – Teenagers! 2 – Monsters! 3 – Poliziotteschi! 4…
Originální mazivo
«It’s so many years ago, 1971, hard to imagine how different it was, but the idea that we were seeing…
Genre: Exploitation (100 Years: 1896-1995)
Genre: Exploitation (100 Years: 1896-1995)
100 Years of Exploitation!
All the films from my exploitation lists, bundled into one mega-super-list-to-rule-them-all!
HBO & The Movie Channel drilled my eyes
Movies I watched too many times on HBO and The Movie Channel circa 1980-1985
80s Teen and Teensploitation Films
Teen and teensploitation movies from the 80s. I skipped slashers and most horror movies since there are so many and…
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Movies about Teensploitation
Appassionata (1974)
Chci tě (1998)
Crime, Drama, Music, Romance, Thriller
Nina errante 2018
Cellar Door (2016)
Europe, She Loves (2016)
Krvavé narozeniny (1981)
Me and You (2012) / Io e te (2012)
Queen of Hearts (2019) / Dronningen (2019)
Egon Schiele: Death and the Maiden (2016)
Biografie, Drama, Historie
Les naufrages (2015)
Kráska a zvíře (1983)
Carne (1991)
Short, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Voleurs de chevaux (2007)
Action, Adventure, Drama, Romance, War
Movies about Teensploitation
Action, Drama, Mystery
Loverboy (1989)
Martha (2008)
Tayny dvortsovykh perevorotov 2000
La seduzione (1973)
Desierto adentro (2008)
Sparrows 2015
Pamatujete si Dolly Bell?
Komedie, Drama, Romantika
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