Filmy o dospívajících superhrdinech
Seznam Teen superhero films includes Entourage, X-Men: First Class, Kick-Ass, The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D and The Amazing Spider-Man. The list consists of 60 members and 7 sublists.
Animated teen superhero films
- Velký Hero 6
- Spider-Man: Do Spider-Verse
- Gen¹³
- Phantom Boy
Power Rangers films
- Turbo: Film Power Rangers
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
- Power Rangers
- Emily Maddison
Sailor Moon films
- Sailor Moon R: The Movie: The Promise of the Rose
- Sailor Moon S the Movie: Hearts in Ice
- Sailor Moon Super S The Movie: Black Dream Hole
Teen superhero comedy films
- Kick-Ass
- The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D
- Sky High
- Kick-Ass 2
- zoom
Teen superhero drama films
Teen Titans films
- Teen Titans Go! Do filmů
- Dospívající titáni: Jidášova smlouva
- Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokio
- Liga spravedlnosti vs. Mladiství titáni
- Teen Titans Go! Vs. Teen Titans
Filmy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- LEGO příběh
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Tajemství bláta
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Americká filmová franšíza superhrdinů
Přehled: X-Men is an American superhero film series based on the fictional superhero team of the same name, who originally appeared in a series of comic books created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and published by .
Datum vydání: 10 2014 května
Žánr: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Ředitel školy: Bryan Singer
Výrobce: Tom Cohen, Todd Hallowell
Spisovatel: Simon Kinberg, Jane Goldman
X-Men posílají Wolverina do minulosti v zoufalé snaze změnit historii a zabránit události, která má za následek zkázu jak pro lidi, tak pro mutanty.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Film franchise based on the comic book series of the same name by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird
Přehled: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a fictional superhero team created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, have appeared in six feature-length films since their debut. The first film was released in 1990 .
Datum vydání: 29 července 2014
Žánr: Animation, Adventure, Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Ředitel školy: Jonathan Liebesman
Výrobce: Michael Bay, Ian Bryce
Spisovatel: Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec
When a kingpin threatens New York City, a group of mutated turtle warriors must emerge from the shadows to protect their home.
2015 film by Doug Ellin
Přehled: Entourage is a 2015 American comedy film written, directed and produced by Doug Ellin, and serves as a continuation of the HBO television series of the same name. It stars the principal cast of the show .
Datum vydání: 27 2015 května
Žánr: Komedie
Ředitel školy: Doug Ellin
Výrobce: John Alves, Wayne Carmona
Spisovatel: Doug Ellin, Rob Weiss
Movie star Vincent Chase, together with his boys Eric, Turtle, and Johnny, are back — and back in business with super agent-turned-studio head Ari Gold .
X-Men: První třída
Superhrdinský film z roku 2011 režiséra Matthewa Vaughna
Přehled: X-Men: First Class (stylized on-screen as X: First Class) is a 2011 British-American superhero film based on the X-Men characters appearing in Marvel Comics. The fifth installment in the X-Men film series .
Datum vydání: 30 2011 května
Žánr: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Thriller
Ředitel školy: Matthew Vaughn
Výrobce: Tom Cohen, Gregory Goodman
Spisovatel: Ashley Miller, Zack Stentz
In 1962, the United States government enlists the help of Mutants with superhuman abilities to stop a malicious dictator who is determined to start world .
Přehled: Kick-Ass is a 2010 black comedy superhero film directed by Matthew Vaughn from a screenplay by Jane Goldman and Vaughn. It is based on the comic book of the same name by Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr .
Datum vydání: 12 2010 března
Žánr: Action, Comedy, Drama, Crime, Thriller
Ředitel školy: Matthew Vaughn
Výrobce: Adam Bohling, Jane Goldman
Spisovatel: Jane Goldman, Matthew Vaughn
Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and comic book fan who one day decides to become a superhero, even though he has no powers, training .
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D
Film Roberta Rodrigueze z roku 2005
Přehled: The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D is a 2005 American fantasy superhero adventure film co-written and directed by Robert Rodriguez and originally released in the United States on June 10, 2005 .
Best Superhero Movies for Kids
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s . some of our favorite superhero movies! If you’re looking for a great family movie for your comic book lover, then this list is for you. Superhero movies have never been so popular, but some are better than others. Our picks are all excellent, action-packed, and full of strong role models. These men and women are sure to save the day and beat the bad guys when it really counts. From Úžasňákovi na Černý panter, there’s something here for every superhero-loving kid, tween, and teen.
Filtrovat podle:
Předškoláci pro všechny věkové kategorie (2–4) Malé děti (5–7) Velké děti (8–9) Dospělí (10–12) Dospívající (13–18)
Phineas a Ferb: Mission Marvel
Hilarious movie combines the best of two cartoon worlds.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2013)
Film The Powerpuff Girls
Vtipné, vzrušující a poutavé.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2002)
Batkid začíná
Nesmírně potěšující, pozitivní dokument pro všechny věkové kategorie.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2015)
Podívejte se na naši recenzi
Velký Hero 6
Úžasný příběh o původu je akční, zabývá se smutkem.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2014)
Podívejte se na naši recenzi
DC Super Hero Girls: Legends of Atlantis
Super-brave, super-capable girls win the day and sell toys.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2018)
Špičková akční zábava pro celou rodinu.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2004)
Lego Batman film
Clever, creative, action-packed adventure/toy ad.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2017)
Podívejte se na naši recenzi
Scooby-Doo & Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Witty crossover adventure has comic book violence.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2018)
Batman vs. Dvě tváře
Clever animated throwback to ’60s Batman has some violence.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2017)
Stan Lee’s Mighty 7: Beginnings
Unlikely hero team has positive social messages for kids.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2014)
Superman: Film
Super-nostalgic superhero adventure still soars.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1978)
Superman II
Witty, action-packed superadventure with big themes.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1981)
Spider-Man: Do Spider-Verse
Excellent, intense adventure has thrills, humor, heart.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2018)
Podívejte se na naši recenzi
Spider-Man: Napříč Spider-Verse
Spidey sequel is an action-packed delight; peril, violence.
We Need More Teen Superhero Movies, Dammit
This week at CinemaCon—a convention that was invented five years ago so movie studios could get people hyped over the things they’re working on the way comics fans exult over Marvel and DC movies—Sony announced the title of its forthcoming Spider-Man re-reboot set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Spider-Man: Návrat domů. It’s a totally on-the-nose pun, but a seemingly confident one, levied with the knowledge that if they can’t get this movie in which Marvel’s most popular character gets a story set in Marvel’s world right, they’ll probably have to give up. There’s also a more obvious layer to the pun: It’s very much a high school story.
That’s not unusual for Spider-Man films—the first Spider-Man started in high school and moved through graduation, while The Amazing Spider-Man had all of its characters firmly in high school—but as is common in Hollywood, these high school Peter Parkers were played by grown men in their mid-to-late twenties. Tom Holland, the new Spider-Man, is nineteen years old. He is, at least for his debut in next month’s Captain America: Občanská válka, a rarity: A teen playing a teen, a young and inexperienced superhero fighting against and alongside older ones. That’s a dynamic that’s both integral to the character’s early comic book stories and unseen on-screen, because as far as superhero movies go, teenagers don’t really exist and that’s a damn shame.
It’s not like there isn’t a cinematic canon of respected work exploring youth either—lauded directors have made it a focal point of their entire body of work, from John Hughes to Richard Linklater to Sofia Coppola to Gina Prince-Bythewood. American culture is fascinated by youth; it is endlessly dissected and criticized and vaunted up and torn down. We’ll never stop telling stories about it, because while adolescence can be a lot of things, it’s almost never boring.
Right now, the interest in young actors and characters seems fueled by economics, as the grown men and women playing superheroes (particularly on the Marvel side) have gone from relatively low-profile actors to full-blown (read: expensive) movie stars. It’s also easier to ask a nineteen-year-old eager for a big break to sign a contract committing them to a movie every other year than it is an established, older name with plenty of options available to them.
But there’s also a creative reason to embrace adolescent characters in superhero movies: Teens work best when there are a bunch of boring-ass grownups for them to rebel against. The Avengers are great and all, but they’re WASPy as fuck and don’t have téměř as much fun with their ridiculous superpowers as they could. Teens are just as likely to wreck the world as they are to save it in their search for catharsis and meaning, and the fact that we already have an established canon full of older heroes for them to play against (even conceptually! the old heroes don’t even have to show up) is fascinující.
«Being a superhero is amazing,» says Kate Bishop, the younger, cooler Hawkeye featured in Mladí mstitelé by Kieron Gillen Jamie McKelvie. «Everyone should try it.»
od Mladí mstitelé #1 by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
Good luck getting Jeremy Renner to ever be that cool.
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