Movies about Teen rebel
Být teenagerem je drsné, že? Snažíš se zapadnout do školy a je ti zle z toho, jak ti rodiče každé ráno, každý den a každou noc říkají, co máš dělat. Není divu, že teenageři hledají pohodlí téměř kdekoli. Mnoho z nich nachází inspiraci a podporu prostřednictvím filmů, ale ne ledajakých – filmů speciálně o teenagerech. Ukazují styl a ideologii, které podporují jejich vzpouru a ukazují jim, že být jiný je v pořádku. Filmy mohou také odpovídat na otázky, které mohou mít o životě, takže díky bohu, že existují.
Nyní je na trhu spousta mizerných filmů pro teenagery. U žen je to všechno o postavách, které jsou špinavé, obvykle blond, a loooooove nakupování. Jo, možná si rádi kupujeme nové oblečení, ale to neznamená, že je to jediná věc, na kterou myslíme! U chlapců je to obvykle o tom, že jsou drsní – často jde o sport.
Nicméně, za každý mizerný, teenagerský film, který si více než zaslouží cenu Razzie, existují skvělé filmy, ze kterých jsme jako děti prosperovali. Toto je 10 filmů, které dokonale zachytily úzkost, dobrodružství a ambivalenci vůči autoritám způsobem, který žádný jiný film nedokázal v době našeho dospívání.
1. ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ (1964)
Příchod The Beatles zahájil nový věk. Jejich zvuk a styl ovlivnily mladé muže a ženy. Zatímco dívky křičely a honily Beatles, chlapci kopírovali jejich styl mop top. Těžký den v noci je považován za nejlepší film Beatles, a i když je to opravdu odlehčené dovádění, film předznamenal éru hudebních videí a ohlašoval posun k nové, zábavné a moderní generaci.
30+ Great Movies About Juvenile Delinquents
The hijinx of troubled teens are rough to deal with, unless you are watching them unfold on the big screen. The top juvenile delinquent movies feature characters dealing with drug use, crime and rebelling against authority. This is a list of rebellious teen movies featuring everything from Heathers to Less Than Zero to City of God.
What movies will you find on this list of the best movies about juvenile delinquency? Fans of the classics might rank Rebel Without a Cause at the very top. James Dean became the iconic misunderstood teen in this 1955 classic. A Clockwork Orange , with its unforgettable portrayals of juvenile «ultra-violence» and teen rebellion, also appears on this trouble teen movies list. Kids shocked movie-goers with its content when it was released in 1995. Other films that appear on this roundup of the best juvenile delinquent movies include Bully , The Outsiders , and Boyz n the Hood .
Which teenage rebellion movies deserve the top spot on this list? Decide by giving your favorites a thumbs up and get in on the conversation in the comments section.
Most divisive: Less Than Zero
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The Outsiders
Matt Dillon, C. Thomas Howell, Ralph Macchio
The Outsiders masterfully captures the struggles of adolescence through its portrayal of social class division in a group of troubled teens. Director Francis Ford Coppola weaves together themes of loyalty, friendship, and finding one’s true identity within a gang of greasers battling their rivals, the Socs. The ensemble cast, including young actors like Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, and Emilio Estevez, bring raw authenticity to their roles, creating a bond that resonates with viewers long after the credits have rolled. As one of the quintessential films about juvenile delinquents, The Outsiders remains a timeless exploration of the turmoil and angst inherent in growing up amid adversity.
In the heartland of 1960s Oklahoma, The Outsiders tells the story of a group of underprivileged teenagers known as the Greasers. Ponyboy Curtis (C. Thomas Howell), an introspective youth, and his friends Johnny Cade (Ralph Macchio) and Dallas Winston (Matt Dillon) navigate their way through social inequalities and personal struggles. This coming-of-age drama, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, is built on themes of friendship, societal pressure, and the harsh realities of socio-economic divisions. The film has been recognized for its authentic portrayal of teen angst amidst class conflicts.
More The Outsiders
- # 52 ze 400 nejlepších filmů 1980. let, hodnoceno
- # 313 z 772 v seznamu filmů s nejvyšším počtem opakování
- # 17 z 155 nejlepších filmů všech dob se souborem
Boyz n the Hood
Laurence Fishburne, Ice Cube, Cuba Gooding
John Singleton’s Boyz n the Hood delivers a powerful examination of adolescent life within the violent world of inner-city Los Angeles. The movie follows three friends — Tre, Ricky, and Doughboy — as they navigate the challenges of gang culture, family dynamics, and the limitations imposed by their circumstances. Groundbreaking in its portrayal of the violent urban environment, the film offers a stark look into the lives of young people struggling to break free from a vicious cycle of crime and hopelessness. Boyz n the Hood serves as an essential entry into the canon of juvenile delinquent cinema, offering a gritty, unflinching exploration of the trials of youth in a harsh landscape.
In the heart of South Central Los Angeles, Boyz n the Hood unravels a gripping tale of urban life. Tre Styles (Cuba Gooding Jr.), under the stern guidance of his father Furious (Laurence Fishburne), navigates through the challenges of violence and poverty. His friends Doughboy (Ice Cube) and Ricky Baker (Morris Chestnut) tread contrasting paths, offering a stark portrayal of realities in this crime-ridden neighborhood. Directed by John Singleton, this 1991 drama is lauded for its authentic depiction of race relations and social issues. Garnering two Academy Award nominations, it’s a pivotal piece in cinema history.
více Boyz n the Hood
- # 1 z 9 na John Singleton: Filmy režírované Johnem Singletonem
- # 163 z 675 v kategorii Nejlepší filmy Roger Ebert dal čtyři hvězdičky
- # 26 ze 464 v žebříčku nejlepších černých filmů všech dob, hodnoceno
Holly Hunter, Evan Rachel Wood, Nikki Reed
Thirteen dives headfirst into the tumultuous world of adolescent rebellion, exploring the blurred lines between friendship, self-discovery, and self-destruction. Director Catherine Hardwicke’s film showcases the unforgettable performances of Evan Rachel Wood and Nikki Reed as teenagers spiraling out of control, navigating a toxic world of drugs, crime, and emotional upheaval. The raw, at times disturbing authenticity of the film’s storytelling creates an intimate portrait of the turmoil that comes with the transition from childhood innocence to adolescence. Thirteen stakes its claim as a standout work in the realm of juvenile delinquent films, shining a harrowing spotlight on the all-too-real dangers facing young people today.
In the gritty drama Thirteen, Tracy Freeland (Evan Rachel Wood) is a promising student whose life spirals out of control after befriending the rebellious Evie Zamora (Nikki Reed). As Tracy plunges headfirst into a world of petty crime and substance abuse, her mother, Melanie (Holly Hunter), struggles to save her from self-destruction. Directed by Catherine Hardwicke, this stark portrayal of adolescence earned Holly Hunter an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress. Thirteen is a riveting exploration of teenage turmoil, peer pressure, and parental desperation.
- Dig Deeper. 13 Things You Didn’t Know About The Movie ‘Thirteen’
- # 66 ze 133 v nejnaprosto depresivních filmech, které kdy byly natočeny
- # 19 ze 73 v kategorii Nejlepší filmy o matce a dceři, jaké kdy byly natočeny
Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, Shannen Doherty
Heathers subverts the traditional coming-of-age narrative by delving into the darkly comedic realm of high school politics and teenage cruelty. Winona Ryder and Christian Slater give iconic performances as two outsider students who seek to exact revenge on the school’s elite by staging a series of seemingly accidental deaths. The film expertly navigates the twisted nature of adolescent social dynamics, exposing the fragility of identity and the lengths to which young people will go to maintain their sense of self. Heathers stands out amongst juvenile delinquent movies for its satirical approach to the struggles of growing up, offering a cutting commentary on the darker aspects of teen life.
In the dark comedy Heathers, high school senior Veronica Sawyer (Winona Ryder) finds herself entangled in an unusual relationship with the mysterious new kid, J.D. (Christian Slater). Amidst the social pressures of Westerburg High School, dominated by a clique of girls all named Heather, Veronica and J.D. embark on a rebellious journey against the popular crowd. Their actions quickly spiral into a series of disturbing events that blur the line between teenage rebellion and criminal activity. This 1988 cult classic explores themes of popularity, power, and the chilling lengths some will go to leave their mark on society.
- # 14 ze 106 na 100+ nejlepších filmů o střední škole
- # 435 z 696 na The All-Time Greatest Comedy Films
- # 125 ze 400 nejlepších filmů 1980. let, hodnoceno
Rebels With Cause: The Movies’ Greatest Teen Rebels
The ’84 classic Footloose may not have defined a generation, but it definitely holds a soft spot in the hearts of ’80s kids who grew up tapping their toes to Kenny Loggins and rooting for these small-town teens who just want to get their groove on. As Kenny Wormald steps into Kevin Bacon’s dancing shoes with the remake this week, let’s hear it for the boys—and girls—who speak their minds and stand up for what they believe in.
James Dean, Rebel Without a Cause
Let’s just get this most obvious pick out of the way first, shall we? At war against his parents, his friends and pretty much everything around him, Dean as Jim Stark set the bar (and the uniform) for teen rebellion movies to come.
Christian Slater, Heathers
When Jason ‘J.D.’ Dean comes to town, he merely seems to be your typical bad boy with a motorcycle and. handgun? The torment inflicted by the school’s clique of Heathers is bad enough, but when J.D. goes about taking out the in-crowd one by one, Westerberg High becomes a scary place indeed.
Judd Nelson, The Breakfast Club
Don’t you forget about this detention-time dissident, a snarling, smoldering, begloved ball of rage named John Bender, who takes out his anger at his abusive father on everyone from the school principal to his hapless fellow students stuck in the library with him one Saturday.
PJ Soles, Rock ‘N Roll High School
What would teenage rebellion be without a hefty dose of rock n’ roll, and punk rock from legends The Ramones at that? As Riff Randall, Soles leads Lombardi High’s rock music-loving students in a school mutiny after the principal starts burning—gasp!—records.
The Kids in Blackboard Jungle
Hey, ho, Daddio. Speaking of rock music, 1950’s Džungle, about rebellious teens at an inner city high school, was the first film to really show teen violence onscreen and include a rock song («Rock Around the Clock») to boot. Riots and vandalism at movie theaters reportedly ensued.
Matthew Broderick, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Movie rebels don’t always have to ride motorcycles, smoke cigarettes and growl their lines. Ferris was boyishly cute, popular, and his enthusiasm was nothing but infectious—even if it meant him and his friends were destined to get in trouble for skipping class.
Nikki Reed, Evan Rachel Wood, 13
As Evie, Nikki Reed is already big trouble. When mousey, unpopular Tracy (Wood) falls in with her, nothing good comes of it—pretty soon they’re staying out late with bad boys, doing drugs, stealing clothes and piercing their tongues. Parents, beware!
Elvis Presley, King Creole
Danny Fisher’s mom is dead, and his dad lost his business. Now Danny’s skirmishing with everyone in authority—the teachers he thinks are out to fail him, the principal who thinks he’s just a hood, the local crime boss—when all he wants is a better life. Pissed off and the whole world owes him, Danny makes Jim Stark look like he’s having a case of the blahs.
Johnny Depp, Cry-Baby
One of John Waters’s more accessible features starred Depp as leader of a Baltimore, Maryland gang of delinquents known as the «Drapes.» His claim to fame? He can woo the ladies by shedding a single tear.
Ellen Page, Juno
Juno MacGuff loves punk rock, swears like a trucker, sasses most everyone and then gets knocked up by her good friend (Michael Cera). Abortion seems like the easiest way out, but stubborn and idealistic Juno opts against that. Against all odds and facing scorn at school, she decides to have the baby—but give it a good home through adoption.
The Girls in Foxes
Four Valley girls (Jodie Foster and the Runaways’ Cherie Currie among them) head over the hill to the bright, mean streets of Hollywood to party and meet boys.
The Greasers in The Outsiders
Poor white trash and happy to be so, the «Greasers» (Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, C. Thomas Howell, Ralph Macchio and Matt Dillon) skip school, ignore authority and regularly rumble with the «Socs.» These rebels, though, have heart: they quote Robert Frost poems and read Uplynulý s Wind.
Matt Dillon, Over the Edge
Before playing a «greaser» in The Outsiders, Dillon made his debut with this little-seen gem about bored kids in a generic suburb who have nothing to do but do drugs, have sex and create mayhem while their parents are off at work. When one cop shoots a teen, all hell breaks loose at the junior high.
Marlon Brando, The Wild One
Does it get more iconic than this? Brando as Johnny Strabler leads a group of thuggy bikers into a small California burg and quite literally turns it upside down. «What are you rebelling against?» The response: «Whadda ya got?»
Who’s your favorite onscreen teen rebel? Comment below.
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