Movies about Tape recording
Marion Stokes was secretly recording television twenty-four hours a day for thirty years. It started in 1979 with the Iranian Hostage Crisis at the dawn of the twenty-four hour news cycle. It ended on December 14, 2012 while the Sandy Hook massacre played on television as Marion passed away. In between, Marion recorded on 70,000 VHS tapes, capturing revolutions, lies, wars, triumphs, catastrophes, bloopers, talk shows, and commercials that tell us who we were, and show how television shaped the world of today.
Before “fake news” Marion was fighting to protect the truth by archiving everything that was said and shown on television. The public didn’t know it, but the networks were disposing their archives for decades into the trashcan of history. Remarkably Marion saved it, and now the Internet Archive will digitize her tapes and we’ll be able to search them online for free.
This is a mystery in the form of a time capsule. It’s about a radical Communist activist, who became a fabulously wealthy recluse archivist. Her work was crazy but it was also genius, and she would pay a profound price for dedicating her life to this visionary and maddening project.
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audio and video cassettes
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In computer memory: Magnetic tape Magnetic tape, similar to the tape used in tape recorders, has also been used for auxiliary storage, primarily for archiving data. Tape is cheap, but access time is far slower than that of a magnetic disk because it is sequential-access memory—i.e., data must… Read More
printing and typography
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- In sound recording: The audiotape …layer of tiny particles of magnetic powder, usually ferric oxide (Fe2O3) and to a lesser extent chromium dioxide (CrO2). The recording head of the tape deck consists of a tiny C-shaped magnet with its gap adjacent to the moving tape. The incoming sound wave, having been converted by a microphone… Read More
- In Rock and recording technology …however, the much-improved medium of magnetic tape offered both superior sound quality and the crucial advantage of editability. From the simple tape splice to the more recent cutting and pasting of digital audio, the ability to edit gave rise to a “record consciousness,” an approach that sought to move beyond… Read More
- In video tape recorder …video information onto and from magnetic tape. It is commonly used for recording television productions that are intended for rebroadcasting to mass audiences. There are two types of video tape units: the transverse, or quad, and the helical. Read More
Talkboy Tape Recorder (from Home Alone)
In Home Alone 2 the sassy little madam Kevin McAllister uses a voice recorder with hilarious results on at least zero occasions. He does annoy the shit out of everyone a lot though. You too can piss off everyone you know by buying one of these Talkboy Tape Recorders for yourself. They come with record, slow play and normal play functions, enabling you to recreate classic scenes and utter some of Kevin’s most famous lines, such as ”Congratulations, you’re an idiot”. “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” “Merry Christmas you filthy bitch”, “I swear old woman, I will cut you”, and the timeless classic “Help me Officer, my dad makes me wear a bra”. Doesn’t that just bring back happy memories of a great family film? These Tape Recorders may or may not come with a luxury Macauley smell, depending on the source.
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