Movies about Swinger party
If you like «A Swingers Weekend» you are looking for movies about / with swinger, swingers, swinger couple, wife swapping, mate swapping, sexuality and friend themes of Comedy and Drama genre shot in Canada.
Najděte své další oblíbené a podobné filmy ve dvou krocích: 1. Identifikujte všechna zajímavá témata z tohoto filmu (blok níže). 2. Vyhledejte je v uvedeném seznamu.
A Swingers Weekend (2017)
Žánr: Komedie, Drama
Země: Kanada
Délka: 90 min.
Story: Seemingly perfect couple Lisa and Dan plan a steamy swingers weekend, but things go south when a third couple drops in unexpectedly.
Plot: swinger, swingers, swinger couple, wife swapping, mate swapping, sexuality, friend, seduction, jealousy, yoga, seductress, infidelity, group of friends, husband wife relationship, one night stand, woman in a bikini, husband wife estrangement, engaged couple, skinny dipping, overheard conversation, sexless marriage, camaraderie, horny woman, cheating fiancee, kayaking .
Film v kategoriích
Most similar movies to A Swingers Weekend
The list contains related movies ordered by similarity. Recommendation engine sorted out captivating, sexy, erotic and humorous films with plots about swinger, swinger couple, swingers, female nudity, husband wife relationship, wife swapping and couple relations mostly in Drama, Comedy and Romance genres. Some movies like A Swingers Weekend: Swingers (2016), Escapades with Friends (2016), The Cabin Movie (2005), Palm Swings (2020), My Best Friend’s Wife (2001). The matching attributes are highlighted in bold.
Movies about Swinger party

- Austrálie
- Jižní Amerika
Dominikánská rep.
What Movies To Watch At Your Swinger Party
So you are throwing a swinger party and don’t know what to show? As you probably realize, I have a sense of humor and since you continue reading these posts, so do you. When Mike throws a swinger party he goes all out, and makes people feel right at home. In order to break the ice I would highly recommend a parody to introduce to your swinging friends. Laughter is best right?
First I would like to introduce you to “This Ain’t Avatar”. This movie is great, although it didn’t do as well as much as James Cameron’s Avatar, this is a must see flick. It is a romantic adventure cast in the same light as Avatar with pumpin humpin blue people. I am so glad Hustler made this, I mean when I first watched Avatar, I immediately thought, dang I wana bang that Blue chic. Seriously guy or gal, I know you were thinking the same I was. Who cares if the blue chic is 7-8 feet tall I could stand up to eat her out. Or better yet, you wanted to see if the blue dude had a 30 inch wiener.
Here is a preview below safe for work of : “This Ain’t Avatar”.
If that didn’t tickle your funny umm, er bone, then the next one might, It is called Simpsons — The XXX Parody. I mean seriously who doesn’t want to bang Marge Simpson with that hot blue hair? I want to know if the carpet matches the curtains.
Or better yet, how about Ned Flanders getting it on all religious style, probably favors the missionary position. Check out this preview below of the Simpsons — The XXX Parody:
Don’t forget if you are throwing a swinger party, make sure to post it here: Swinger Party
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