Movies about Supermarionation
The definitive documentary about the iconic television series developed by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson and their production companies (AP Films and Century 21 Pictures). Supermarionation was a revolutionary technique used in all their programmes throughout the 1960s including Stingray, Captain Scarlet and, most famously, Thunderbirds.
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V příštích 14 dnech se nevysílá žádná televize. Přidejte si jej do seznamu sledovaných, abyste mohli dostávat aktualizace a upozornění na dostupnost.
Obsazení a štáb Zobrazit vše
Gerry Andersonová
Jamie Anderson
Sylvia Andersonová
Nejnovější zprávy Zobrazit vše
Oblíbené filmy Zobrazit všechny filmy
1 hr 35 min
Zkoušky a trápení včelaře z New Yorku.
2014 NR Dokument, Ostatní
Kde se dívat
Jeden život
Klíčové momenty v životních cyklech různých tvorů zachycuje tento přírodopisný dokument, který se zaměřuje na zvířata, která na plátně ještě nebyla viděna nebo která jsou natáčena novým způsobem.
2011 NR Dokument, Ostatní
Kde se dívat
Luther: Nikdy příliš mnoho
Luther Vandross začal svou kariéru podporou Davida Bowieho, Roberty Flack, Bette Midler a dalších. Jeho nepopiratelný talent si vysloužil platinové desky a uznání, ale snažil se prosadit mimo žebříčky R&B. Intenzivně vedený, překonal osobní i profesionální výzvy, aby si zajistil místo mezi největšími vokalisty v historii.
Dokument NR 2024
Kde se dívat
2000 mezků
Nejprodávanější autor a cenami ověnčený filmař Dinesh D’Souza odhaluje rozšířené, koordinované podvody s voliči ve volbách v roce 2020, které stačí ke změně celkového výsledku. Na základě výzkumu poskytnutého skupinou pro integritu voleb True the Vote nabízí «2000 Mules» dva typy důkazů: geotracking a video. Geotrackingové důkazy založené na databázi 10 bilionů pingů mobilních telefonů odhalují propracovanou síť placených profesionálních agentů zvaných mezci, kteří doručují podvodné a nelegální hlasy do poštovních schránek v pěti klíčových státech, kde se rozhodlo o volbách. Video důkazy získané z oficiálních sledovacích kamer instalovaných samotnými státy potvrzují důkazy geotrackingu. Film končí zkoumáním mnoha způsobů, jak zabránit opakování podvodu.
2022 NR Dokument, Fantasy, Jiné
Kde se dívat
Bůh a země: Vzestup křesťanského nacionalismu
„Bůh a země“ se zabývá důsledky křesťanského nacionalismu a tím, jak deformuje nejen naši ústavní republiku, ale i samotné křesťanství. [také] si klade tuto otázku: Co se stane, když víra postavená na lásce, oběti a odpuštění nabude politických chapadel a spojí moc, peníze a víru v hypernacionalismus?
2024 PG13 Dokument, Ostatní
Kde se dívat
Dlouhý stín
Investigativní novinářka Frances Causey a její spolurežisérka Maureen Goslingová, obě jižané, sledují historii otroctví ve Spojených státech od založení země až po to, jak se jeho účinky šíří moderní společností. Prostřednictvím rozhovorů s odborníky film rozšiřuje historický kontext rasismu a poskytuje informace o našem chápání moderních problémů, jako je masové věznění, rasově motivované přestřelky a hnutí Black Lives Matter.
Natočeno v Supermarionation
Natočeno v Supermarionation is a documentary about the many series created by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. It was released in October 2014. The documentary features specially filmed footage of the puppets themselves, behind the scenes footage, rare archive footage, recreations of the Special Effects techniques used in Thunderbirds and other Gerry Anderson shows and «brand new» high-definition restorations of the original shows.
It is based on the book of the same name, written by Stephen La Rivière.
A scene from the show
The Book [ ]
- Autor: La Riviére, Stephen
- Vydavatel: Hermes Press
- ISBN / EAN: 1932563237 / 9781932563238
- Formát: Brožovaný
- Stránkování: 208 pages, chiefly col. Illustrations
- Rozměry: 292 x 229 mm, 839 grams
- Country of Pub.: United States
- Datum hospody: 29/03/2009
- Dostupnost: Publisher out of stock
- Cena: 39.99 29.99 $ / XNUMX XNUMX £
«For the first time, a complete history of the Gerry and Sylvia Anderson television productions which pioneered science-fiction special effects. Film historian Steven La Rivière, whose documentary about Supercar was the final word on the series, takes you behind-the-scenes and covers every aspect of the creation and production of such television shows as Supercar, Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Secret Service, and Joe 90. The book also covers the Anderson’s efforts from the beginning including Torchy and Four Feather Falls. This full-color art book is packed with hundreds of never-before-seen production photos, artwork, and illustrations making this the definitive book on the subject.»
The One Show [ ]
To promote the documentary to the masses, a special edition of BBC1’s Jedna přehlídka was aired on 10th October 2014, which involved show presenter Chris Evans dressing up in a shiny blue International Rescue outfit, and guest appearances from Parker and Brains. The show started with five interesting facts about Thunderbirds:
- Mezinárodní záchrana was inspired by a real-life mining disaster in West Germany in 1963.
- Each character in the show had five different heads, for their expressions. (In reality though, they had až do five different heads).
- Scott Tracy is modelled after Sean Connery, who was James Bond in the years Thunderbirds was in production and originally on air.
- The National Physics Laboratory once wrote to Gerry Anderson, saying Thunderbird 2 is aeronautically impossible.
- Closer examination of Thunderbird 1’s hangar shows a lemon squeezer on the wall.
Then, Parker gave the audience an insight into Century 21’s early days, of making TV shows and adverts with puppets on strings. David Graham was later interviewed and also talked about the story about the Pub and waiter who helped him invent the voice for Parker.
‘Filmed in Supermarionation’ Arrives on Netflix UK
Natočeno v Supermarionation, the 2014 feature documentary from the team behind Century 21 Films, is now available to stream on Netflix in the UK.
The film tells the story of the Supermarionation art-form and the team that developed and employed it. Lady Penelope, Parker and a host of original cast and crew take the viewer on a two-hour journey through the history of Thunderbirds, Stingray, Kapitáne Scarlet a další.
Meanwhile, the book upon which the film is based has been republished in a newly expanded paperback edition. Further details are available HERE.
10. 2022
10. 2022
Natočeno v Supermarionation, the 2014 feature documentary from the team behind Century 21 Films, is now available to stream on Netflix in the UK.
17. března 2022
17. března 2022
Following on from its online premiere, the second series of Nebula-75 is set to make its home media debut on DVD and BLU-RAY.
29. prosince 2021
29. prosince 2021
Following its acquisition by Tohokushinsha Film Corporation in Japan, Century 21 Films’ Mlhovina-75 is now set to make its theatrical debut alongside Thunderbirds: The Anniversary Episodes ve 120 kinech po celé zemi.
29. prosince 2021
16. prosince 2021
16. prosince 2021
Following the UK premiere of Nebula-75’s second series of episodes, Century 21 Films and distributor Tohokushinsha Film Corporation have announced that the show has been acquired for broadcast in Japan in 2022.
16. prosince 2021
16. prosince 2021
16. prosince 2021
Karneval karneval, Century 21 Films’ feature-length documentary look at the history of the animated art-form in its earliest days, is set to premiere on UK television this December. The Sky Group have acquired rights to broadcast the film at 9am GMT on Sky Arts on Sunday 19th December.
16. prosince 2021
16. prosince 2021
16. prosince 2021
Following the announcement that the Japanese Tohokushinsha Film Corporation will be releasing Century 21 Films’ anniversary episodes of Thunderbirds as Thunderbirds 55 in January 2022, it has additionally been revealed that Thunderbirds 55 will also be made available on DVD and BLU-RAY. Copies of the release will be made available at every cinema where the compilation film is playing.
16. prosince 2021
16. prosince 2021
16. prosince 2021
Television rights for Century 21 Films documentary, Century 21, Slough, have been acquired for Japanese broadcast by the Tohokushinsha Film Corporation.
16. prosince 2021
13. 2021
13. 2021
Thunderbirds Go Go, the official title for the Japanese theatrical release of Century 21 Films’ Thunderbirds: The Anniversary Episodes, has launched an official website with accompanying teaser trailer. For more information, visit
13. 2021
12. 2021
12. 2021
Century 21 Films has announced the forthcoming publication of a third edition of Stephen La Rivière’s comprehensive Supermarionation history, Filmed in Supermarionation. The book is now available to pre-order exclusively from the Century 21 Films store.
11. 2021
11. 2021
Following the series’ UK premiere, digital screening and home media release, Mlhovina-75 has been sold to a broadcaster for television screenings. This is Century 21 Films’ second Supermarionation series to sell to Television this year after Thunderbirds: The Anniversary Episodes, which have screened on Britbox UK and are set for theatrical release in Japan in 2022. This development also marks the first time a newly produced Supermarionation series has been sold to a broadcaster since 1969’s tajná služba.
More information on Nebula-75 can be found at the series Official Website
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