Movies about Sunken treasure
Doug Kenck-Crispin, who covered the story for WW, is one of the filmmakers behind the movie. Watch the trailer here.
By Bennett Campbell Ferguson August 24, 2023 at 2:22 pm PDT
For nearly two decades, the Maritime Archaeology Society has struggled to solve the mystery of the Beeswax Wreck, the elusive vessel that inspired One-Eyed Willy’s treasure ship in Goonies.
Now, that search is the subject of The True Quest for Fabled Treasure on the Oregon Coast, a new documentary about the treasure hunters seeking the wreck by filmmakers Doug Kenck-Crispin (who covered the story for WW in 2023) and J.B. Fisher.
Část série Secrets of the Mysteries Presents, the duo’s feature follows a group of history enthusiasts as they pursue the legend of a downed Spanish ship and its silver, gold and jewels (which were allegedly hidden on Neahkahnie Mountain).
While Ancient Mariner Pictures will release The True Quest for Fabled Treasure online this October, there will be plenty of chances to see it on the big screen. On Friday, Oct. 13, the film will play at Astoria’s Columbian Theater, and on Sunday, Oct. 15, it will have a matinee showing in Portland at the Hollywood Theatre.
Last summer, Maritime Archaeology Society president Scott Williams told WW that while evidence of the missing ship was mounting (in 2013, a commercial fisherman discovered a cave of waterlogged timbers that supported its existence), much remained unknown.
“Now that we know what ship was wrecked, what really interests me is the effect the tsunami of 1700 had on the wreckage: Is part of the ship still offshore, or is it all on land?” Williams said. “If the tsunami picked it up and deposited it on land, what is the offshore source of the porcelain and wood that continues to wash ashore?”
More recently, Williams told WW that the Maritime Archaeology Society is not affiliated with the film (and does not condone treasure hunting; the “treasure” ship, Williams points out, is not the Beeswax Wreck, the treasure story having been spread by American settlers).
Doufejme, The True Quest for Fabled Treasure of the Oregon Coast will provide some answers. Here’s the trailer:
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Filmy a televizní pořady o potopených pokladech
Seznam obsahuje nejlepší, nové a nejrelevantnější filmy o potopených pokladech seřazené podle relevance. Služba doporučení vytřídila vzrušující, napínavé, vážné, realistické, napínavé a strhující filmy a televizní pořady o / s potopeným pokladem, honbou za pokladem, eskapádami, lodí, člunem, nebezpečím, potápěním, pokladem, oceánem a zápletkami podmořských scén většinou v Dobrodružné, akční a dramatické žánry natočené v USA, Velké Británii, Francii a dalších zemích.
TOP 10 filmů označených jako potopený poklad: Fool’s Gold (2008), Into the Blue (2005), The Treasure of Jamaica Reef (1974), The Mystery of The Trinidad (2003), Lost City Raiders (2008), The Precipice Game ( 2016), The Deathhead Virgin (1974), Inseln vor dem Wind (2012), Renegades (2017), Coast of Skeletons (1965).
Seznam filmů o potopených pokladech
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Přihlaste se k odběru nových a lepších doporučení
Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Komedie, Romantický, Thriller
Země: USA
Délka: 112 min.
Příběh: Lovec pokladů Ben «Finn» Finnegan potopil své manželství s Tess a jeho věrný člun ve své obsesivní snaze najít legendární královnino věno. Když najde životně důležitou stopu, která může konečně určit, kde se poklad nachází.
Styl: romantický, lehký, dobrý pocit, vzrušující, zábavný.
Publikum: chick flick, rande, chlapecká noc, dívčí noc, rodinný výlet.
Děj: honba za pokladem, poklad, hledač pokladů, dobrodruh, krásná krajina, jachta, oceán, obsedantní hledání, rivalita, pod vodou, zlatokop, obnovená láska.
Movies about Sunken treasure
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11 Treasure Hunt & Quest Movies on Netflix 2022
January 13, 2021 By Karen Kelly
Odkaz zkopírován do schránky
Stories of Treasure Hunting seem to stick in our heads and Movies with Treasure Hunting plots are rarely forgotten.
Aktualizováno na 2022
Netflix may no longer have Hugo, Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider or the Mummy available for your viewing pleasure but they did add a few Treasure Hunt related titles to their catalogue. So if you fancy a little armchair Treasure Hunting, pop the corn, grab your favourite beverage and settle in for one of these flicks.
1. Jumanji (PG) 1995
When two kids find and play a magical board game, they release a man trapped in it for decades — and a host of dangers that can only be stopped by finishing the game. This is the original with the great, Robin Williams that has been remade in recent years.
2. Castle in the Sky (G) 1989
Young orphan Sheeta and her kidnapper, Col. Muska, are flying to a military prison when their plane is attacked by a gang of air pirates led by the matronly Dola. Escaping from a mid-air collision via a magic crystal around her neck, Sheeta meets fellow orphan Pazu and the pair join forces to discover the mystical floating city of Laputa while pursued by both Muska and the pirates, who lust for the city’s myriad treasures.
3. Dora and the Lost City of Gold (PG) 2019
Another one for the kids, Dora, a teenage explorer, leads her friends on an adventure to save her parents in the jungle and solve the mystery behind a lost city of gold.
4. The Legend of Cocaine Island (PG13) 2019
Next up is a comedic documentary. A family man with no drug running experience searches the Caribbean for a lost stash of cocaine said to be worth at least $2 million.
5. Monthy Python and the Holy Grail (PG) 1975
Komediální záběr ponurých okolností středověku vyprávěný prostřednictvím příběhu krále Artuše a orámován novodobým vyšetřováním vraždy. Když mýtický král Britů vede své rytíře na výpravě za Svatým grálem, čelí široké škále hrůz, včetně vytrvalého Černého rytíře, tříhlavého obra, kádru rytířů zmítaných křovím, nebezpečného hradu Anthrax. , zabijácký králík, dům panen a hrstka hrubých Francouzů.
6. Finding ‘Ohana
On Oʻahu for the summer, two siblings from Brooklyn connect with their Hawaiian heritage — and their family — on a daring quest for long-lost treasure.
Geocache champion Pilialoha «Pili» Kawena, age 12, is abruptly lifted from her busy New York life and dropped into rural O’ahu to help care for her grandfather. Initially sceptical about her new surroundings, Pili finds a cryptic pirate’s journal in her Papa’s studio hinting at a 200-year-old shipwrecked treasure hidden away in the island’s caves and mountains. With her older brother and new friends in tow, she uses her clue solving skills to lead them on an adventure of a lifetime through the natural wonders of Hawaiʻi. As she learns to respect and love her native culture she also discovers not all secrets should be shared.
7. The Dig (PG13) 2021
Ralph Fiennes portrays Basil Brown in this movie based on actual events. In 1939, Suffolk landowner Edith Pretty hired local self-taught archaeologist-excavator Brown to tackle the large burial mounds at her rural estate in Sutton Hoo and the excavator and his team discovered a wooden ship from the Dark Ages.
7. The Rundown (PG13) 2003
Beck (The Rock) is a tight-lipped bounty hunter who doesn’t like to use a gun and accepts any job without asking questions. When Beck’s employer, Walker (William Lucking), sends him to the Amazon to locate Walker’s cocky son, Travis (Seann William Scott), Beck discovers a population controlled by a tyrannical treasure hunter (Christopher Walken). To survive, Beck and Travis must work together, without their affections for a mysterious rebel (Rosario Dawson) getting in the way.
8. The Adventures of Tintin (PG) 2011
Tintin , accompanied by his faithful dog, Snowy, buys a model of an old ship called the Unicorn. A shady character named Sakharine and later an American named Barnaby try to buy the model from him, but Tintin refuses. The lad discovers that the ship contains a clue about a hidden treasure.
9. Outer Banks (Seasons 1&2)
Not a movie but worth a mention.
Outer Banks is a coming of age story that follows a tight-knit group of local teens (the «Pogues») in the beach vacation destination of the Outer Banks of North Carolina. When a hurricane kills the power for the summer season, it sets off a chain of illicit events that force the friends to make life-altering decisions. The search for their ringleader’s missing father, forbidden romances, a high-stakes treasure hunt, and the escalating conflict between the Pogues and their rivals turn their summer into one filled with mystery and adventure they’ll never forget.
10. Black Sails (Seasons 1-4)
Another series is Black Sails, a pirate adventure that centers on the tales of Captain Flint, who has a reputation throughout the West Indies as being the most brilliant, most feared of all the Golden Age pirates.
11. Detectorists (PG16) (Seasons 1&2)
Again, not a movie but pickings are bit slim on Netflix at the moment
This charming and heartwarming sitcom series is about a Metal Detector Club in England.
Did I miss one? Which one was your favourite watch? Let me know in the comments below.
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