Movies about Sunday
Sunday Night Movies features Leanne Shapton’s watercolors of resonant moments in black-and-white cinema. Selecting a brief fragment of each chosen film, she creates an indelible image that is both a hand-painted movie still and a personal response to a fleeting celluloid moment.
Together, the seventy-eight paintings create a valentine to the world of cinema. Shapton’s journey through film history becomes a wistful celebration of the subtle moments in stories, which can often slip by unnoticed. What could be a simple title, still life, or portrait of an actor becomes both illusive and allusive through the medium of these personal paintings.
Shapton’s bestselling Petit Livre book The Native Trees of Canada took a decades-old government catalogue and reimagined it, employing bold colors and stark shapes to represent familiar trees in their majestic glory. The book was a sleeper hit and went through multiple printings. With Sunday Night Movies she brings her love of film to light, and the effect is restrained and fanciful, familiar and all new.
163 Best Sunday Movies To Watch — A Good Movie To Watch
There’s no time quite like a Sunday afternoon for settling in front of a good movie with a snack. Whether you’re into action-packed dramas or lighthearted comedies, here are the best movies for a lazy Sunday, across genres.
Paddington (2014)
A family adventure that’s funnier and more meaningful than it has any right to be
Scrapper (2023)
An expectedly sunny, funny film about childhood grief led by a charismatic young breakout
Mike Birbiglia: The Old Man and the Pool (2023)
A profound reflection on mortality packaged as a one-man comedy special
Paris Je T’aime (2006)
An anthology ode to the City of Love stacked with talent behind and in front of the camera
vévoda (2021)
amc theatres on demand
The loveable Jim Broadbent stars in this irresistibly endearing underdog story
Lev (2023)
A modest animated offering that’s better at being an absurd comedy than a musical
Nováček (2023)
A slight but incredibly sweet teen lesbian romcom centered around volleyball
The Company of Strangers (1990)
A stunning, heartwarming docu-fiction tribute to the resilience and openness of its ever-youthful cast
Eight movies that are perfect for a Sunday
You’re cleaning the house / room / party from last night, you’re in the depths of a severe hangover, you’re trying to get started on that thing.
So what better way to put off all that by sitting down with a decent film? There are some definite criteria for a Sunday movie.
Firstly, you’ve probably seen it a couple of hundred times. Secondly, it’s got to be familiar, but not so familiar that you’re bored. It’s got to hold your attention, but not so much that you have to watch every scene. You need to be able to fall in and out of attention with it and still know what’s going on.
We’ve put together a short list of eight perfect films for the day. Stick ’em on, let them play in the background.
There’s a decent chance this is on TV anyway, but it works nonetheless. You’ve got Harrison Ford and Karen Allen in their heyday, a great story and a story that doesn’t tax the brain all that much. Depending on the level of Fear you’re currently experiencing, you can switch off the last ten minutes when they open the Ark and their faces start melting.
Yes, it’s a sort of Indiana Jones rip-off, but who doesn’t love seeing Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas flirt relentlessly with one another in Colombia? Also, bonus Danny DeVito and Eddy Grant doing a track for the film, too.
There’s a good few to pick here. Sleepless In Seattle. French Kiss. You’ve Got Mail. We’d throw Top Gun in here, as well, although she technically wasn’t front and centre. Yes, Meg Ryan was in Top Gun.
Pick one, they’re all basically the same. No, that’s not fair — but still, at this stage of a Sunday, they’re all interchangeable. We prefer The Two Towers, FYI.
Even if you know every joke, every quote, every bit of Steve Carrell’s dialogue, you still find yourself coming back to it because dammit, it’s one of the best comedies of the last ten years. Shame about the sequel, though.
Maybe there’s something really calming about Wes Anderson’s consistent use of symmetry. Maybe it’s Alec Baldwin’s dulcet narration that does it. Or maybe it’s the fact that this is a damn fine comedy with some great writing and a fantastic cast.
I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle.
Pleasing with pop soundtrack? Check. Throwback cast who are still on TV? Check. Heartwarming story that’s completely implausible? Check. Three Men And A Baby is our go-to Sunday movie and it’s not just because we want their apartment. It’s also because we want their lives. New York in the 1980’s and everyone’s inexplicably rich? That’s the dream right there.
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