Filmy o slunci
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You might think that a movie villain harnessing the sun’s power is far-fetched, but the available energy solutions from the actual sun are very real, indeed. Over the years, Hollywood has referenced solar energy and power as something of the future when current technology offers accessible solar solutions today.
Here are eight movies that will help you imagine and realize just how powerful the sun can be:
1. ‘The Man with the Golden Gun’ (1974)
In this classic 007 movie, James Bond attempts to retrieve top-secret solar cell technology before it’s sold illegally to the highest bidder. Starring Roger Moore, this film succeeds in emphasizing just how valuable solar technology really is.
2. ‘Race the Sun’ (1996)
A new teacher takes control of a group of misfit high school students. After gaining inspiration, these Hawaiian students work to create a solar car, winning them a trip to compete at the World Solar Challenge in Australia. Although today’s technology far surpasses what’s shown in the film, it’s clear that gasoline isn’t the only thing that can power a vehicle.
3. ‘Gattaca’ (1997)
While this movie largely addresses future controversies such as designer babies, it does possess one scene that illustrates the use of future solar power. At one point, the two protagonists (Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman) enter a concentrating solar plant to view the sunrise together.
While the warmth and beauty of the sun get the spotlight, viewers are able to see the significance of solar energy as a thing of the future.
4. ‘Sahara’ (2005)
This action-packed film tells a story of explorers and treasure hunters seeking rumored riches aboard an old Civil War ship. Their quest leads them through a massive solar plant in the middle of the cruel Saharan Desert.
5. ‘Sunshine’ (2007)
Set in 2057, this futuristic film focuses on an international crew of astronauts and their dangerous mission to stabilize the sun using a nuclear bomb. Much like the movies listed above, this one adds to the mystery and interstellar importance of future interactions with the sun.
Without the power of the sun, the world wouldn’t survive.
6. ‘Megamind’ (2010)
Using the voice talents of Brad Pitt and Will Ferrell, this kid-friendly flick features a lovable super villain in his quest to defeat his nemesis, Metro Man. Through the use of a homemade “death ray,” Megamind uses his genius contraption to harness the “full concentrated power of the sun.”
7. ‘Ender’s Game’ (2013)
Young Ender Wiggin is chosen to attend Battle School for training to protect the Earth from the Formics, a deadly alien race. In one scene, Ender and the new recruits leave Earth in a spaceship waiting at base. Although thousands of solar PV arrays surrounding the base might appear to be trees, they are the power source for the military base.
8. ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ (2015)
its website to find out just what the sun’s power can do for you.
Sun movies and TV shows
The list contains the best, new and most relevant sun movies ordered by relevance. The recommendation service has sorted out suspense, serious, suspenseful, captivating, surreal and atmospheric films and TV shows about / with sun, survival, escapades, danger, water, beach, death, chaos, apocalypse and isolation plots mostly in Drama, Sci-Fi and Adventure genres shot in USA, France, UK and other countries.
TOP 10 movies tagged as sun: Sunshine (2007), After Darkness (2014), Exploding Sun (2013), Into the Night (2020), Solar Crisis (1990), Solar Attack (2006), Woman in the Dunes (1964), Solis (2018), The Suns of Easter Island (1972), The Quiet Earth (1985).
Nejlepší filmy
Invader ZIM (2001) | 8.4 |
Let Fénixe (1965) | 7.5 |
Into the Night (2020) | 7.0 |
Den, kdy Země vzplanula (1961) | 7.2 |
Johnny Got His Gun (1971) | 7.8 |
Nové filmy
Bláznivá země (2019) | 5.9 |
World Trolls Tour (2020) | 6.1 |
Konec světa (2018) | 2.7 |
Fatima (2020) | 6.6 |
Intrigo: Smrt autora (2018) | 5.9 |
List of sun movies
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Žánr: Sci-Fi, Thriller
Země: Velká Británie, USA
Délka: 107 min.
Příběh: Padesát let do budoucnosti slunce umírá a Zemi ohrožují arktické teploty. Tým astronautů je vyslán, aby oživil Slunce – ale mise selže. O sedm let později je vyslán nový tým, aby dokončil misi jako poslední lidstvo.
Styl: futuristický, napínavý, filozofický, psychologický, atmosférický.
Děj: cestování vesmírem, vesmír, konec světa, slunce, vesmír, země, sebeobětování, expedice, vesmírná loď, astronaut, hrdinská mise, nebezpečí.
Čas: budoucnost, rok 2007, vzdálená budoucnost, 2000, 21. století
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Země: Mexiko, USA
Délka: 98 min.
Story: As the Sun burns out, an American family gathers at the end of the world, their hopes for rescue slowly crumbling as they also confront long lasting divides amongst each other.
Style: tense, exciting, futuristic, apocalyptic
Plot: apocalypse, sun, end of the world, mass destruction, family relations, human existence, riot, destruction, survival, chaos and mayhem, civilization, parents and children .
Čas: budoucnost, 21. století
je relevantní?
Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Země: Kanada
Délka: 174 min.
Story: The world watches in awe as the Roebling Clipper is launched into space. Using state-of-the-art scalar engines to fly around the Moon and back in just hours, the maiden voyage of the first-ever trans-lunar passenger ship is about to make history. .
Style: suspenseful, serious, tense, suspense
Publikum: teenageři
Plot: disaster, sun, survival, space travel, save the world, race against time, spouse in danger, chaos, danger, technology gone awry, escapades, outer space .
Čas: 21. století
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Země: Belgie
Délka: 35 min.
Story: When the sun suddenly starts killing everything in its path, passengers on an overnight flight from Brussels attempt to survive by any means necessary.
Style: apocalyptic, suspense, tense, unusual plot structure, suspenseful .
Publikum: teenageři
Plot: apocalypse, sun, end of the world, airplane, survival, hijacking, flying, post apocalypse, struggle for survival, worldwide chaos, airplane trip, sunrise .
je relevantní?
Seznam souvisejících filmů
Žánr: Sci-Fi, Thriller
Země: Japonsko, USA
Délka: 112 min.
Story: A huge solar flare is predicted to fry the Earth. Astronauts aboard the spaceship Helios must go to the Sun to drop a bomb equipped with an Artificial Intelligence (Freddy) and a Japanese pilot (as a back up if the Artificial Intelligence fail) at .
Style: futuristic, exciting, apocalyptic, anamorphic, independent film .
Publikum: chlapecká noc, teenageři
Plot: disaster, natural disaster, space, spacecraft, end of the world, post apocalyptic, fantasy world, space opera, alien, space travel, apocalypse, nasa .
Čas: budoucnost
Místo: New York
je relevantní?
Žánr: Akční, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Země: Kanada
Délka: 91 min.
Příběh: Když rostoucí vypuzování plazmy ze slunce hrozí zapálením metanu v naší atmosféře, mezinárodní napětí stoupá, zatímco vědci závodí o řešení, jak se vyhnout přírodní katastrofě.
Styl: napínavý, napínavý, strhující, napjatý, apokalyptický.
Publikum: chlapecká noc
Děj: přírodní katastrofa, katastrofa, přírodní síly, vesmír a mimozemšťané, hrdinská mise, zachránit svět, nebezpečí, apokalypsa, eskapády, přežití, vztah bývalého manžela a exmanželky, vědec.
Místo: Šanghaj, Detroit, Pentagon, Washington DC, Nový Zéland.
je relevantní?
Žánr: Dobrodružný, Drama, Historický
Země: Polsko
Délka: 103 min.
Story: In IX century Europe, on the brink of Poland’s birth, a cruel prince, Popiel, murders his cousins to ensure his son’s succession. His crimes lead to an uprising of his subjects lead by the former commander of Popiel’s army, Piastun, .
Style: exciting, suspense, brutal
Plot: viking, medieval, worship, warrior, god, power struggle, barbarian, bloodbath, sorcery, sword and sorcery, male protagonist, sun .
Čas: středověk, středověk, 9. století
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama, Thriller
Země: Japonsko
Délka: 147 min.
Story: An entomologist suffers extreme psychological and sexual torture after being taken captive by the residents of a poor seaside village.
Style: atmospheric, surreal, psychological, philosophical, black and white .
Plot: existentialism, surrealism, trapped, desert, love affair, isolation, metaphor, sun, insect, samurai, obsession, beautiful scenery .
Doba: 60. století, 20. století
Místo: Japonsko, Asie
je relevantní?
Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Sci-Fi
Země: UK
Délka: 92 min.
Story: Following an accident, an Engineer of an asteroid mining company endures the extreme limits – both physical and psychological – of human survival, trapped inside an escape pod as he helplessly idles towards the Sun.
Style: suspenseful, disturbing, suspense, neurotic, minimal cast
Plot: trapped in space, rescue, space, outer space, space travel, astronaut, spacecraft, race against time, struggle for survival, death threat, life risking, space station .
Čas: budoucnost
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama, Sci-Fi
Country: France, Brazil, Chile
Délka: 90 min.
Story: An international group of travelers trek around the world, from France to Brazil and Chile and, finally, to Easter Island, where some of their number are chosen to meet aliens who resemble small suns. One man who was not chosen tags along uninvited. .
Plot: extraterrestrial, journey, sun, island, group, space travel, alien, traveler
je relevantní?
Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Sci-Fi
Země: USA
Délka: 149 min.
Story: Sam Witwicky leaves the Autobots behind for a normal life. But when his mind is filled with cryptic symbols, the Decepticons target him and he is dragged back into the Transformers’ war.
Style: entertaining, exciting, action packed, surreal, semi serious .
Audience: teens, girls’ night, boys’ night
Plot: cyborgs, robot, androids and robots, alien, military, alien invasion, transforming robot, battles, heroes, shapeshifting, artificial intelligence, giant robot .
Time: year 2009, 2000s, near future, 18th century, stone age .
Place: egypt, new york, washington d.c., virginia, philadelphia .
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama, Mysteriózní, Sci-Fi
Země: Nový Zéland
Délka: 91 min.
Story: After a top-secret experiment misfires, a scientist may be the only man left alive in the world.
Style: philosophical, mindfuck, mind bending, surreal, apocalyptic .
Plot: post apocalypse, apocalypse, alone, end of the world, male nudity, dystopia, post apocalyptic, disaster, distopia, vestiges of humanity, love triangle, cyberpunk .
Čas: rok 1985, budoucnost
Místo: Nový Zéland
je relevantní?
Seznam souvisejících filmů
Žánr: Horor, Mysteriózní
Country: France, Greece
Délka: 88 min.
Story: Greece. A seaside resort struck by a heavy heat wave. Water is scarce and violence is ready to explode. Ashraf, a solitary immigrant, is looking after a villa while its owners are away. On a dusty road crushed by the sun, he is stopped by a .
Style: unusual plot structure, psychological, suspense, suspenseful
Plot: water shortage, heat wave, immigrant, seaside, isolation, hostility, isolated house, alone, loneliness, police, beach, male nudity .
Čas: budoucnost, blízká budoucnost
Místo: Řecko
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama, Romantický
Země: USA
Délka: 85 min.
Story: Ura Hee’s sexually charged Emmanuelle in Rio tells the tale of an world-famous fashion photographer who is constantly dealing with the romantic advances of a music-video director. Their passions erupt in the exotic city of Rio de Janeiro
Plot: sexual pleasure, emmanuelle, dancing, sexual arousal, nudity, oral sex, erotica, voyeurism, lesbian, female nudity, lesbianism, female masturbation .
A Nod to the Solar Eclipse: 6 Movies With Sun in the Title
It’s official! On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will be visible within a band across the entire contiguous United States for the first time in almost a century. This event is causing mad news coverage and a nationwide rush of preparation for safe viewing of this heliocentric magnificence. We at CultureSonar want to honor this golden moment in silver screen form and as such have whittled the large selection of “sun”-titled flicks down to six stellar entries. So whip out your smoked glasses to keep the dangerous rays at bay while getting the best possible visibility…indoors.
1. Sunset Boulevard (1950)
An undisputed masterpiece, directed and written by Billy Wilder and among the first batch of films to be preserved in perpetuity by the Library of Congress for its cultural significance, Sunset Boulevard is a creepy, cautionary tale of the cruelty of deranged stardom and the casualties it leaves in its wake. William Holden plays the doomed “kept man” of aging, obsolescent movie icon Gloria Swanson, who plays her tragic character Norma Desmond with dementia-riddled zeal. Swanson was 50 at the time but this ended up her signature. It is dark, funny, self-referential to Hollywood and utterly unique.
2. Slunce také vychází (1957)
Adapted from an Ernest Hemingway’s novel. Still, Slunce také vychází should be obligatory viewing for all those interested in the grand sweep of Cinemascope. The production values are spectacular and the cast is memorable (Tyrone Power, Errol Flynn, Mel Ferrer, Robert Evans, and the most gorgeously world-weary Ava Gardner). Many will be enthralled by the famous “running of the bulls” scene; others will be rightly horrified. Regardless of which side you fall on, this one remains a landmark in cinema.
3. Zatmění slunce (1961)
A poignant, even wrenching adaptation of Lorraine Hansberry’s classic 1959 play, this historic movie follows the plight of the Younger family, who wish to better themselves via a $10,000 life insurance windfall. That ten grand by make it possible to purchase a small home in a safer neighborhood but the brave, upstanding Youngers are up against the rot of racial prejudice as they look to make the move. The mere notion of a black family moving into suburban Clybourne Park throws its insidious residents into a tailspin of self-serving self-mindedness and bigotry. Sidney Poitier and Ruby Dee helm this memorable, humane classic that packs a powerful punch and sadly has not lost its relevancy.
4. Říše slunce (1987)
This is a worthy pic from Steven Spielberg’s canon of exquisite, sweeping, family-themed movies. It is the coming-of-age tale of a wealthy British schoolboy Jamie Graham (Christian Bale) living the soft life in Shanghai until he gets wrenched from his parents and placed in an internment camp by the Japanese in World War II. He gets friendship and support from fellow prisoner Basie (John Malkovich), but mainly shows his own unaided adaptability and spirit as he navigates this separation from his parents. Only 13 at the time, Bale’s fine acting chops are already on full display and the backdrop of war-torn Shanghai is picturesque and powerful.
5. Pod toskánským sluncem (2003)
Diane Lane is an endlessly enchanting actress and Pod toskánským sluncem is a likable confection with colorful characters, a lightweight love story, and lyrical views of Tuscany. As beautiful author Frances Mayes, Lane makes her way to Italy in search of a re-set button after her husband leaves her for a younger, pregnant woman. Restoring some dilapidated digs with the help of her vibrant neighbors, Mayes also weathers a (literal) storm and restores happiness to one divided family. Relaxed escapism? Sure, but Lane received a Golden Globe Award for this performance, too.
6. Věčný svit neposkvrněné mysli (2004)
Quirky romcom meets sci-fi mind-bender when both members of a broken-up couple patronize a sketchy company that completely erases memories from their brains. Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey are adorable as the estranged couple as Winslet kicks into her wild, free-spirited soul mode and Carrey tamps down his usual schtick for something more genuine. Told in a deliciously twisty, convoluted way, Věčný svit neposkvrněné mysli is an amusingly touching affair with an edge, a wink, and a heartfelt sob.
PS. Before summer ends, you may also want to check out the movies in our post Five Films: Surf Films Are in Season.
Photo Credit: Public Domain image of Sunset Boulevard by Paramount Studios (courtesy Wikimedia)
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