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‘The Night House’ review: A husband’s suicide haunts Rebecca Hall. Literally.
Rebecca Hall is the whole, compelling show in modestly scaled chiller “The Night House,” set in a carefully designed riddle of a lakeside home somewhere in upstate New York.
As with any effective screen tale of a haunting, and the haunted, the protagonist here, schoolteacher Beth, serves as audience conduit as well as human reaction machine. Many sequences pull us in with tense, nonverbal gradations of dread, without a lot of obvious engineering beyond the expected jump scares (including one terrific jolt). Hall excels in every detail, with each catch of the breath and dawning realization that she is not alone. And she’s not sure if she’s bad with that, or good.
At the start Beth is, in fact, newly and tragically alone. Her architect and contractor husband, Owen (Evan Jonigkeit), has recently killed himself, leaving behind a cryptic suicide note. Among the boxes she has yet to seal and remove from her life, Beth finds the bound edition of their home’s complicated, mazelike blueprints. These are filled with jottings such as “trick it, don’t listen to it” and “reverse floor plan.”
For a while in “The Night House” we never know if Beth’s nightmares — sudden, shadowy flashes of Owen in a window or a mirror, or music from the stereo scaring Beth awake — are sleeping nightmares or waking ones. Beth also finds underlined sections of a book dealing with Celtic mythology, with references to “reverse spaces intended to confuse or weaken dark forces.”
Director David Bruckner, working from a script by Ben Collins and Luke Piotrowski, reveals a few clues fairly early on regarding the man Beth thought she knew. Turns out there’s another house, across the lake near where Beth’s friend Mel (Vondie Curtis-Hall) lives. Beth’s friend and fellow teacher Claire (the terrific Sarah Goldberg, so good in “Barry”) knows more about Owen’s secrets than she’s letting on. Maybe. Does she? Beth doesn’t know who to trust, and as “The Night House” spins its methodical web of confusions, Hall keeps it all human-scaled rather than genre-dictated.
Things do fall apart a bit toward the end. The explanations become plainer, yet murkier, which is both a paradox and a frustration. Yet the key performance here never falters, and the “major actress in the making” I wrote about 13 years ago acquitted herself as major long before 2021. Hall’s range is formidable, and on the New York stage, in Sophie Treadwell’s jazz-age drama “Machinal,” she created a thrillingly vivid tragic hero out of what could’ve been an antiquated damsel in distress. In “The Night House,” narratively faulty but full of insinuating shivers, Hall once again expands her range. She intensifies what could’ve been just another woman with a flashlight in a haunted house movie, peering into the beyond.
‘The Night House’ — 3 hvězdičky
Suicide of husband movies and TV shows
The list contains the best, new and most relevant suicide of husband movies ordered by relevance. The recommendation service has sorted out serious, realistic, independent film, touching, disturbing and crying films and TV shows about / with suicide of husband, husband wife relationship, suicide, death of husband, death, murder, family relations, death of father, love and drinking plots mostly in Drama, Thriller and Mystery genres shot in USA, UK, France and other countries.
suicide of husband
TOP 10 movies tagged as suicide of husband: Where the Truth Lies (2005), The Night House (2020), August: Osage County (2013), Terrified (1995), Skin of Man, Heart of Beast (1999), Angel (2007), Brothel (2008), Men (2022), Wife of an Important Man (1987), Bodily Harm (1995).
List of suicide of husband movies
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Žánr: Krimi, Mysteriózní, Thriller
Země: Kanada, Velká Británie
Délka: 107 min.
Story: An ambitious reporter probes the reasons behind the sudden split of a 1950s comedy team.
Style: sexy, period piece, stylized, erotic, suspense .
Plot: murder, sexualized violence, threesome, investigation, journalist, hotel, lesbian, male nudity, sex party, sexual obsession, extramarital affair, sex .
24 Famous Movies About Losing a Spouse
Belinda McLeod, BA v sekundárním vzdělávání
Cake oceňuje integritu a transparentnost. Dodržujeme přísný redakční proces, abychom vám poskytli ten nejlepší možný obsah. Můžeme také získat provizi z nákupů uskutečněných prostřednictvím přidružených odkazů. Jako spolupracovník Amazonu vyděláváme z kvalifikovaných nákupů. Více se dozvíte v našem affiliate zveřejnění.
Some people find it hard to enjoy movies or other forms of entertainment that hit too close to home. For that reason, it’s common for some viewers to look for trigger warnings before consuming some type of media.
Skočte dopředu na tyto sekce:
- Modern Movies About Losing a Spouse or Partner
- Older Movies About Losing a Spouse or Partner
- Documentaries About Losing a Spouse or Partner
If you recently lost a spouse, you may want to avoid movies about this life event. But, on the other hand, some people receive comfort when they encounter characters who are going through similar hardships.
Please understand that you should be prepared for SPOILER ALERTS when you scan this article. With some of these movies, you’ll discover the death of a major character within the opening scene. Other deaths may take you by surprise. If you are worried about having your movie night ruined with a spoiler, select a different article on our blog to read.
Whether your goal is to avoid or find movies about losing a spouse, we have you covered. Here are some to consider.
Modern Movies About Losing a Spouse or Partner
Do you feel the need for a good cry? Here are some movies about death that will get those waterworks going.
Conversely, if you feel too emotionally raw to handle a movie about death, here are movies to avoid.
1. Nahoru
Someone needs to start a TikTok challenge that dares viewers to watch the first 15 minutes of the animated movie Up without crying. This beautiful movie accomplishes more in 15 minutes without words than most movies do in 120 minutes.
2. Žena cestovatele času
Who doesn’t like romantic movies about time travel? Even though the novel by the same name is much better than the movie, you will surely break into ugly sobs when watching Žena cestovatele času.
3. Duch
We know this movie is far from “new,” and it might realistically belong in the following category. However, we think the pottery scene has aged well.
Zda Duch is modern or old, it tells the story about the violent death of a man (played by Patrick Swayze) and the grief that follows.
4. PS Miluji tě
The main character, Holly, loses her perfect partner when he dies after suffering from an extended illness. However, he leaves behind messages that guide her through her grief. The movie stars Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler.
5. Sleepless v Seattlu
Začátek Sleepless v Seattlu shows a man and his son living in Seattle. They relocated to the West Coast from Chicago after losing their wife and mother after an extended illness.
This movie about grief and new beginnings has always been a crowd favorite. After all, who doesn’t love Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan? However, this may be hard to watch if you recently lost your partner.
6. Upřímnou soustrast
Technicky, Upřímnou soustrast is a TV series. However, this show, starring Elizabeth Olsen (the younger sister of the Olsen twins), chronicles the grief of a young woman who learns a lot about her husband after his death. Stream it on Facebook.
7. Tohle je místo, kde tě opouštím
While most of the movies on our list depict characters who are heartbroken over their loss, Tohle je místo, kde tě opouštím shows the complexities of the familial relationships that sometimes make grief complicated. The movie stars Jason Bateman, Tina Fey, and Jane Fonda.
8. A Star Is Born
Of course, there have been several versions of A Star Is Born . But, regardless of whether you prefer Lady Gaga or Barbra Steisand, this movie that shows the effects of addiction is so timeless that we could probably expect another version to be made 20 years from now.
9. Muž zvaný Ove
In this article, we should have another category called “movies about losing a spouse that you should skip and instead read the book.” Muž zvaný Ove is a beautifully written account of a gruff older man who is lost after the passing of his wife. The movie is okay, but we recommend the book highly.
The theme of this book/movie is finding a purpose after losing a spouse . Please note that the story starts on a very dark note.
10. Projekt Tvář lásky
Annette Bening and Ed Harris star in The Face of Love , a movie about a widow who seeks solace from another man who looks just like her deceased husband.
11. Smrt při pohřbu
What would happen if you uncovered something scandalous about your father after his death? Would you tell your mother or pay blackmail money to keep it a secret? This is the plot of Smrt při pohřbu . There were two versions made of this comedy.
12. After Life
Fans of Ricky Gervais may enjoy this show about a man whose personality changes after losing his wife. Please note that this is a show, not a movie, and can be found on Netflix.
13. Koupili jsme zoo
The loss of a partner and mother is examined in Koupili jsme zoo . In this movie, a man buys a large house with a zoo after he suddenly loses his wife. Even though he hopes to become closer to his children, the man and his son struggle with their relationship.
14. Potomci
Potomci has a similar theme to the previous movie on our list. In this story, a man (George Clooney) struggles with raising his daughters while at the same time deciding whether to end his wife’s life support.
15. The Art of Racing v dešti
The synopsis for this movie states, “Through his bond with his owner, aspiring Formula One race car driver Denny, golden retriever Enzo learns that the techniques needed on the racetrack can also be used to successfully navigate the journey of life.” One of the “journeys” the race car driver experiences is the death of his wife to brain cancer.
16. The Sixth Sense
No one saw the twist coming the first time they watched The Sixth Sense . Ultimately, this movie is about the death of a spouse.
17. Tři barvy: Modrá
This obscure selection is part of a trilogy of French dramas. In this story, the wife of a famous composer copes with the death of her husband and daughter.
This film shows the destruction and distancing that often follows a tragic event.
18. Věci, které jsme ztratili v ohni
In Věci, které jsme ztratili v ohni, Halle Berry is a grieving widow when her husband’s best friend moves in with her and her two children. The man, played by Benicio del Toro, is recovering from heroin addiction.
19. Harry Potter Série
At its essence, the entire Harry Potter series is about the death of loved ones. Several characters leave partners behind in this series.
Older Movies About Losing a Spouse or Partner
Sometimes people think they are being kind when they spend time with a person who recently lost a loved one. But, unfortunately, your best intentions may backfire if you plan a movie night and inadvertently choose a film about death and loss.
Here are some older movies that might trigger an emotional response from your friend.
20. Nepřítomný
From 1952, this movie is classified as mystery/drama. It tells the story of a man who lost his wife in a car crash. He decides to investigate the death to determine if foul play was involved.
21. Opravdu, šíleně, hluboce
We guess a movie from 1991 could qualify as an “older movie.” In this film, a young woman (Juliet Stevenson) grieves the sudden death of her boyfriend (Alan Rickman). When the boyfriend shows up as a ghost, the woman has to decide whether to dedicate her time to her ghost boyfriend or go on with life.
22. Duch a paní Muirová
This classic film from 1947 follows a widow who moves into a house by the sea to escape her meddling in-laws. She forms a relationship with a ghost, who is played by Rex Harrison.
Documentaries About Losing a Spouse or Partner
So far, all of the movies on our list have been fictionalized accounts of loss. If you want to view the real-life heartbreak that comes from losing a spouse or partner , consider one of these documentaries about death.
23. Konec života
Konec života is described as a “beautiful and uplifting film.” However, please be advised that this documentary shows the last years of life for five different people. You’ll see the patients’ homes and hospital rooms in this very real account of the end of life.
24. Předávání
This film is described to be “conversations about death and dying.” This documentary explores how people approach end-of-life issues based on their beliefs and culture. The documentary addresses the idea of death being the “great equalizer.”
Select a Movie With Care
Whether you want to avoid movies about the death of a spouse or partner or wish to watch characters who are struggling with the same issues is up to you. However, if you are selecting the movie for someone who recently lost a spouse, you might take care when picking the flick.
- Filmy o smrti
- Loss Of Spouse Or Partner
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