Movies about Suicide note
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Film Review: Suicide Note (dir by Jake Helgren)
Posted on February 28, 2016 by Lisa Marie Bowman
(While this review is meant to be a rather breezy look at a minor Lifetime movie, it’s totally possible that you may have come across this review because you’re feeling suicidal yourself. Maybe you googled, “suicide note.” Please, if that is the case, consider calling the following numbers: Call 24/7: 800-SUICIDE (784-2433) 800-273-TALK (8255) Text Telephone 800-799-4TTY (4889) Trans Lifeline 877-565-8860.)
On Saturday night, I watched and live tweeted the latest Lifetime original film. Unfortunately, I ran into a small problem. The title of the movie was Sebevražedná poznámka and, as a result, I ended up posting a few hundred tweets with the hashtag #SuicideNote. Apparently, some people were not aware that I was watching a Lifetime film and they actually thought I was spending two hours tweeting out an actual suicide note. One tweet in particular seemed to worry people:
Well, allow me to assure everyone: I was just talking about the movie. Adam is a character in the movie and he’s played by Stephen Colletti. Adam is a pre-med student with a temper. When his girlfriend, Emma (Kristen Ray), plunges to her death from the rooftop of her dorm, Adam is an immediate suspect. And why not? Before Emma died, she was seen having a drunken argument with Adam. A later search of Emma’s phone reveals threatening text messages from Adam. Adam is the logical suspect, except for the fact that Emma left behind a suicide note.
What does the note read?
The note reads, “I was not murdered so please don’t suspect my boyfriend.”
No, actually, it doesn’t. Instead it says, “I’m sorry, please forgive me,” or words to that effect. Nobody is sure whether or not the handwriting on the note is Emma’s but, since it’s the only evidence that the police have, they decided that Emma must have committed suicide.
However, Emma’s roommate, Molly (Kirby Bliss Blanton), doesn’t believe that Emma committed suicide. That’s because Molly once tried to kill herself and didn’t see any signs that Emma was suicidal. With the help of her painter boyfriend, Brady (Brant Daugherty), and her sarcastic best friend, Irene (Lexi Giovagnoli), Molly sets out to solve the crime. At first, she suspects that Adam is the murderer but this is Lifetime and that solution is way too easy. As Molly investigates, she discovers that there are all sorts of secrets waiting to be uncovered.
Sebevražedná poznámka is pretty much a standard Lifetime mystery. It takes place on one of those Lifetime movie college campuses where there’s only ten students and they all keep running into each other. Molly also has a mentor, a professor played by Gabrielle Carteris (who, my friend Holly tells me, was on the original 90210.) My favorite scene was when Molly and Brady were walking across campus, just to be confronted by a jogging and shirtless Adam. Adam yells that he didn’t kill Emma and then Prof. 90210 shows up and snaps, “GO TO CLASS!” I wanted Adam to ask whether or not he could at least go get a shirt before going to class but instead, he just jogged off.
One of the things that I did like about Sebevražedná poznámka is that it featured some genuinely creepy dream sequences. Molly has several dreams where she sees Emma’s ghost and several other unsettling things. The dreams are all very well-shot and brings a jolt of life to the film.
Jak jsem už dříve řekl, Sebevražedná poznámka is pretty much your typical Lifetime affair. If you’re not into Lifetime, the film will probably seem pretty silly to you. But, if you are into Lifetime, you’ll appreciate Sebevražedná poznámka for what it is. Just be careful about hashtagging the title.
Filmy jako Suicide Note
If you like «Suicide Note» you are looking for movies about / with love, suicide, party, bully, jealousy, dream and loyalty themes of Thriller genre shot in USA.
Najděte své další oblíbené a podobné filmy ve dvou krocích: 1. Identifikujte všechna zajímavá témata z tohoto filmu (blok níže). 2. Vyhledejte je v uvedeném seznamu.
Suicide Note (2016)
Original name: The Suicide Note
Žánr: Thriller
Země: USA
Délka: 92 min.
Story: Ambitious psych major Molly White is on top of the world as she preps for her grad program entry exams. After celebrating with boyfriend Brady, Molly finds her roommate Emma crying after an incident she had with her boyfriend Adam. The next morning, Molly is shocked to learn that Emma jumped from the roof late that night, leaving a suicide note behind. Refusing to believe that Emma would do such a thing, Molly starts having haunting dreams over Emma’s death. Driven to uncover the truth about what happened to Emma, Molly begins to search for answers positioning herself in harm’s way.
Plot: love, suicide, party, bully, jealousy, dream, loyalty, adolescence, nightmare, drinking, bare chested male, teenager, drinking alcohol, beating, bed, dressing room, lifetime, locker room
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