Movies about Substitute teacher
No one likes to hear it, but it does happen. Emergencies occur and even the most prepared high school teacher may have to suddenly miss a day of work.
While having a substitute teacher packet ready to go is ideal, sometimes a teacher has to be out for a few days, or worse, three days when a flu strikes fast and hard! Sometimes having the substitute teacher show a movie is the best way to preserve next week’s lesson plans. In an emergency, there isn’t a guarantee that the educator subbing will be prepared to fully execute your lessons as planned. These are the times when a movie is the way to go.
The following list describes some of the best movies to keep on hand in case there isn’t a viable substitute teacher available to continue the lessons planned.
Remember, these aren’t passive movie watching periods for students; they should be expected to take notes and write daily journal responses to the themes and ideas in the movies, ensuring they are still thinking critically and working on their writing.
These films are recommended for high school students.
Společnost mrtvých básníků (1989)
A film about a straight-laced, by the books prep-school where an English class is inspired by an understated, yet passionate new teacher who shows students how poetry is more than just something to study, it’s about life itself.
This film is wonderful for inspiring your own students to become excited about poetry.
Stand and Deliver (1988)
Based on a true story, an inspired math teacher is able to bring hope and passion to his apathetic inner city students and lead them to become the top-scorers in the state. Their improvement is so incredible, the school board accuses the students of cheating.
A reminder to students that no matter where they come from, they have the potential for greatness.
Akeelah and The Bee (2006)
An 11 year old girl in South Los Angeles discovers her impressive talent for spelling and sets her sights on competing in the National Spelling Bee against all odds, and even misgivings from her mother.
An inspiring tale of hope and perseverance that all students can learn from.
Říjnové nebe (1999)
In a 1950’s mining town, an outcast student finds inspiration from a teacher that helps him discover his passion for rockets and helps guide him to the life he deserves.
More inspiration about seeking out your passions and following your dreams with the help of great teachers.
Opřít se o mě (1989)
A radical principal heightens the discipline of his wayward high school, and even though his extreme tactics upset teachers and students, he eventually is able to turn around the education failings of his students and help them find success.
A film that reminds students that teachers and principals ultimately have their best interests at heart.
Rocková škola (2003)
The funny pick of the bunch, a failed rockstar finds his true calling of being a music teacher and helping his young students find the power of rock.
A film that celebrates an education in the arts.
Inside Out (2015)
The modern animated movie for all ages that explores the changes growing children experience emotionally, taking a poetic look at how it’s important to understand the purpose of all emotions.
An animated film to help students feel better about all the emotions they are going through as they continue on the path to becoming young adults.
21 Movies You Definitely Watched In Elementary School Whenever You Had A Substitute Teacher
There was nothing like getting to school and finding out that you had a substitute teacher. It only meant one thing: a break from regular programming. When you were a kid, sometimes having a sub even meant that you’d get to watch a movie during class instead of actually working. It was less of a hassle for the sub a your regular teacher, not to mention the class. The movies you watched on low-key elementary school days could be a treat, or sometimes they’d be hiding a lesson plan and would be followed up by an essay assignment. Even if that happened, the experience itself still felt like a bit of a freebie, which why these nostalgic films you watched when you had a substitute teacher are definitely worth rewatching.
Maybe the instructions were to show your class something that was secretly educational. Maybe it was something calm and relaxing to ensure that everybody behaved. Or maybe your teacher was seriously cool and just thought you all deserved a day of fun. Whatever the selection, there was nothing like that moment when the lights would go down and you knew that you wouldn’t have to answer any questions or read aloud in front of everybody for the duration of the class period. Give yourself a break today and revisit one of these nostalgic gems.
1. Charlotte na webu
This movie was a classroom classic. Teachers definitely loved showing Charlotte na webu, especially if the class already read the book.
2. Old Yeller
Old Yeller was the one movie I vividly remember my substitute, mostly being inconsolable when (varování: spoiler) Old Yeller gets bit by a wolf.
3. Aladdin
A magic carpet ride was always twice as magical on a day when a substitute teacher was there.
4. Projekt Tajná zahrada
This movie made recess time even more imaginative. I mean who wouldn’t love to play in a secret, forbidden garden?
5. Volný Willy
Did anyone else cry when they realized that they couldn’t have a whale as a pet?
6. Lví král
I honestly think the musical selections are what made teachers keep this film in rotation. Students couldn’t help but get focused when Simba started singing.
7. Tajemství Nimha
Tajemství Nimha is an animated film that follows a widowed mouse Mrs. Brisby, who must move her children out of their home in a field before the local farmer starts plowing — heavy stuff.
8. Projekt Zvuk hudby
I think I must have watched this film at least six times in elementary school. Julie Andrews, the beautiful countryside, the love story, and an exciting escape made this one a classroom classic.
9. West Side Story
For all the music teachers out there, this film about star-crossed soulmates always delivers.
10. Jurský park
Dinosaurs + classroom free time = ultimate substitute teacher movie day.
11. Deník Anny Frankové
You read about her in class, so of course this dramatized adaptation of Anne Frank’s story was part of the curriculum.
12. Toy Story
Getting classroom full of kids quiet was as easy as turning on this movie.
13. Matilda
This movie and Ms. Trunchbull really made you appreciate all those nice, wonderful teachers you had.
14. Homeward Bound
This one was a Cesta, and an emotional one at that — especially for kids with pets.
15. Díry
Shia LaBeouf’s first starring role in a feature film had all us crushing.
16. Kotě
The story of the little pig that could was a tearjerker for the kids and the staff.
17. Peter Pan
Never growing up seemed like a pretty good option back then.
18. Život brouka
Flik is an inventive ant who’s always messing things up for his colony. This one probably made you feel a bit more industrious.
19. Bílý
Bílý was all about a brave wolf-dog hybrid who risks his life to rescue a community by delivering a medicine that will cure the whole town. What a brave little guy!
20. Zázrak na 34. ulici
Holiday season is also flu season, so if your teacher called out that meant popping in a classic like this one. A man named Kris Kringle fills in for an intoxicated actor in Macy’s annual Thanksgiving Day parade, then insists that he is really is Santa. He’s taken to court to figure out the truth.
21. Kniha džungle
It’s the movie that made us all believe that animals could raise a human child and everything would turn out just fine.
It was usually back to work the next day, but these classroom movies were always a welcome surprise. It’s hard work being a kid.
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Key & Peele’s ‘Substitute Teacher’ to be a movie
Key & Peele are bringing some class to the big screen.
Paramount has signed on for a movie version of the duo’s popular sketch «Substitute Teacher» from their Comedy Central series, the studio confirmed today. (Uzávěrka first reported the news.)
Napsáno Klíč a Peele co-producers Rich Talarico and Alex Rubens, the film will star Keegan-Michael Key again as the easily agitated Mr. Garvey, a substitute teacher from the inner city who pronounces the names of his suburban high school white students a little differently during roll call. Jordan Peele will play a rival teacher who is aiming to win over the students.
Before school is in session, though, Key and Peele will be studiously working on another film. Next month, the pair are slated to begin shooting Keanu, a New Line feature penned by Peele and Rubens about two buddies who pretend to be drug dealers as part of a scheme to retrieve a stolen cat.
Key and Peele also signed a deal in late 2013 to write a big-screen project with Judd Apatow that they would star in.
The duo will be back on the small screen soon as Klíč a Peele returns for the second half of its fourth season in July.
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