Movies about Stutterer
This fiction novel provides an excellent portrayal of stuttering. It’s clear that Roth researched the topic well. This fiction novel provides an excellent portrayal of stuttering. It’s clear that Roth researched the topic well. Show less
This fiction novel provides an excellent portrayal of stuttering. It’s clear that Roth researched the topic well. This fiction novel provides an excellent portrayal of stuttering. It’s clear that Roth researched the topic well. Show less
The film version of Philip Roth’s novel. The main character’s daughter stutters very much. The film version of Philip Roth’s novel. The main character’s daughter stutters very much. Show less
The film version of Philip Roth’s novel. The main character’s daughter stutters very much. The film version of Philip Roth’s novel. The main character’s daughter stutters very much. Show less
One of the lead characters, Bill, stutters. One of the lead characters, Bill, stutters. Show less
One of the lead characters, Bill, stutters. One of the lead characters, Bill, stutters. Show less
Kniha — 2017
Bill’s stuttering plays a much more prominent role in the book than in the movie version. Bill’s stuttering plays a much more prominent role in the book than in the movie version. Show less
Bill’s stuttering plays a much more prominent role in the book than in the movie version. Bill’s stuttering plays a much more prominent role in the book than in the movie version. Show less
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Kniha — 2017
A new character in the American Girl series who stutters. A new character in the American Girl series who stutters. Show less
A new character in the American Girl series who stutters. A new character in the American Girl series who stutters. Show less
The award winning bio-pic about King George VI. In real life, the King was not «cured» as the end of this film seems to imply, but continued to stutter through the rest of his speeches and throughout the rest of his life. The award winning bio-pic about King George VI. In real life, the King was not «cured» as the end of this film seems to imply, but continued to stutter through the rest of his speeches and throughout the rest of his life. Show less
The award winning bio-pic about King George VI. In real life, the King was not «cured» as the end of this film seems to imply, but continued to stutter through the rest of his speeches and throughout the rest of his life. The award winning bio-pic about King George VI. In real life, the King was not «cured» as the end of this film seems to imply, but continued to stutter through the rest of his speeches and throughout the rest of his life. Show less
This classic story hinges on an instance when Billy Budd reacted to his stuttering in a violent way, and the fatal consequences that resulted from it. This classic story hinges on an instance when Billy Budd reacted to his stuttering in a violent way, and the fatal consequences that resulted from it. Show less
This classic story hinges on an instance when Billy Budd reacted to his stuttering in a violent way, and the fatal consequences that resulted from it. This classic story hinges on an instance when Billy Budd reacted to his stuttering in a violent way, and the fatal consequences that resulted from it. Show less
A junior biography about a wildlife conservationist and how his experience with stuttering shaped his career choices. A junior biography about a wildlife conservationist and how his experience with stuttering shaped his career choices. Show less
A junior biography about a wildlife conservationist and how his experience with stuttering shaped his career choices. A junior biography about a wildlife conservationist and how his experience with stuttering shaped his career choices. Show less
A middle-grade book about a young girl named Jacky Hart who stutters and has trouble saying her last name — «Jacky Ha. Ha. » — so the kids call her Jacky Ha-Ha. A middle-grade book about a young girl named Jacky Hart who stutters and has trouble saying her last name — «Jacky Ha. Ha. » — so the kids call her Jacky Ha-Ha. Show less
A middle-grade book about a young girl named Jacky Hart who stutters and has trouble saying her last name — «Jacky Ha. Ha. » — so the kids call her Jacky Ha-Ha. A middle-grade book about a young girl named Jacky Hart who stutters and has trouble saying her last name — «Jacky Ha. Ha. » — so the kids call her Jacky Ha-Ha. Show less
Stuttering is the butt of many jokes in this comedy. The actor who pretends to stutter in the film, Michael Palin, felt so guilty about his performance that he later created the Palin Center for Stammering Children in Britain to atone. Stuttering is the butt of many jokes in this comedy. The actor who pretends to stutter in the film, Michael Palin, felt so guilty about his performance that he later created the Palin Center for Stammering Children in Britain to atone. Show less
Stuttering is the butt of many jokes in this comedy. The actor who pretends to stutter in the film, Michael Palin, felt so guilty about his performance that he later created the Palin Center for Stammering Children in Britain to atone. Stuttering is the butt of many jokes in this comedy. The actor who pretends to stutter in the film, Michael Palin, felt so guilty about his performance that he later created the Palin Center for Stammering Children in Britain to atone. Show less
Movies About Stuttering
Stuttering: a short animation film — this excellent 8 minute animation was made by 2 students from the Artevelde High School in Belgium.
Stuttering: For Kids, By Kids — is a really nice video produced by the Stuttering Foundation of America. You can watch it for free online.
There are some good movies that show people who stutter in positive roles. These are rated PG, so ask your mom or dad to watch them with you.
- «Paulie» (1998) is a movie about a little girl who stutters and her friend a parrot who cannot fly.
- A Family Thing is a movie about a Black police officer who stutters (played by James Earl Jones) and his half-brother (played by Robert Duval.
- The Right Stuff — a movie about the «space race» has several scenes portraying a woman who stutters, Annie Glenn, the wife of John Glenn.
The next movie was rated R for a «bad word» but it is still an excellent movie about a man who stuttered. Watch it with mom or dad.
- The King’s Speech is a movie about the King of England during World War II. It won several big awards!
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“My Beautiful Stutter” – No hesitation [MOVIE REVIEW]
“My Beautiful Stutter,” the elegantly profound documentary directed by Ryan Gielen and written by Steve Sander, will open your eyes to this affliction. There are almost 70 million stutterers in the world, more than 3 million in the U.S. It affects one in twenty children. Many stutterers undergo speech therapy in hopes of finding the key to fluency. There is no key; there are no tricks of the trade. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn’t. Some stutterers “outgrow” this affliction. Many famous people have “overcome” stuttering. President Biden is an example but so are Marilyn Monroe, Samuel L. Jackson, and Astros World Series MVP George Springer. Winston Churchill stuttered as did James Earl Jones.
Stuttering is a neurological disorder that creates an involuntary disruption of speech. Not everyone stutters the same. There are several theoretical triggers, only one of which is genetics. Pressure and emotional trauma have been seen as root causes, but so have brain injury and developmental delays with or without speech and language problems in childhood. No one knows. People do not stutter because they are emotional and anxious. Quite the contrary: the act of stuttering is what makes them emotional and anxious.
Although you have certainly come across someone who stutters, whether in the classroom, the playground, or at work, it is equally likely that a stutterer might never have met another stutterer.
Think back to the last time you encountered someone who stuttered. Did you try to finish their sentence either out of misplaced compassion or impatience? Did you make fun of that person’s speech either to their face or behind their back? You’re not alone. Stutterers are easy targets for rude humor. The psychological and physical bullying that is inflicted on them is found everywhere, especially in the classroom where teachers are often part of the problem.
“My Beautiful Stutter” follows five kids who stutter. They are between the ages of 9 and 18 and from different socioeconomic and ethnic groups. What they have in common is their sense of despair, isolation, exhaustion, and defeat. Finding their way to the Stuttering Association for the Young (SAY) was their lifeline, sometimes literally because suicide was never far from their minds.
Taro Alexander, founder of SAY, suffered depression and isolation as a result of his stuttering. He had never met another stutterer until he was 26 years old. It was a revelation to discover he wasn’t alone. Thus began his journey of self-acceptance and he realized that this was a path through which he could help others. Fluency is not the only means toward effective communication. It was okay that he stuttered.
Followed over a period of a couple of years, we meet a group of young people en route to self-awareness and acceptance. All had tried various therapies and for most of them the only thing that worked was maintaining silence. Stuttering is physically and mentally exhausting. For many of them, entering SAY’s arts-based program was the first time they encountered another stutterer and it was here that they found their home base.
“My Beautiful Stutter” takes us to Camp Say, a two week summer experience for young people in the Poconos. The campers are a wonderfully interactive rainbow coalition from all different ethnicities and socioeconomic classes with one thing in common–‑they stutter. We meet Juliana for whom speech can be agony but who finds her voice in singing. As a speech pathologist suggests, speaking is left brain activity and singing is right brain.
Juliana teased mercilessly has found an outlet in her singing and songwriting. Malcolm is a young middle schooler who experienced major trauma as a young child. His ambition is to become a famous baseball player. He has endured endless bullying in school and was suicidal. Sarah from Chicago has been taunted all her life. Emily from Portland was already on the way to self-acceptance with the help of a very supportive mother and sister. Camp Say gives them a much needed community and safe haven. Normal camp activities are paired with counseling sessions. They are encouraged to speak publicly. There are no time constraints so they are not pressured to express themselves quickly. Everyone is in the same boat and knows just how important patience is.
Will and Malcolm in “My Beautiful Stutter.” Photo courtesy of Passion River Films.
Each camper is paired with a buddy, another camper to work with, confide in, and share his or her life experience. Malcolm was paired with Will, an exceptionally gifted high school senior preparing for his college applications. While one might assume that this pairing was for Malcolm’s benefit, that would be a mistake. Malcolm’s life experience has been so overwhelming that Will is moved and changed positively by his friendship with the much younger Malcolm.
The parents of Juliana, Emily, Malcolm, and Sara are interviewed which enhances the stories told by the students themselves about their lives. All of those parents reveal a support, empathy, and loving understanding of their children that one comes away with the hope that each child will fulfill their ambitions. That first, most important step is parental support to not let fear dictate daily life.
“It’s okay that I stutter” is a credo to embrace. Shaquille O’Neal no longer fears his stutter. “I still stutter to this day,” he says. “But I’m more cool with it now.” For some it may take a lifetime. Armstrong hopes that his program will speed that along.
Bill Wither’s classic Opři se o mě plays as the credits roll. Withers was a stutterer.
Premiering March 11 on Discovery+.
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