Movies about Street urchin
Pouliční ježci (Gategutter) is a Norwegian Movie, made in 1949, being the first Movie directed by novelist and Movie producer Arne Skouen.
The movie relates the life of several boys, most of them teenagers, living by, off, and on the streets in Oslo during The Roaring ’20s, a period of great social turmoil, strikes and class struggles. The actual «roaring twenties» are far from the harsh reality of the boys in question.
The main character is sixteen year old Karsten, a youngster looking for a job and a purpose. His great hope is to become an electrician, but noone is able to take him in as an acolyte. He and the other boys live by stealing from local trucks, and one of them, Gofred, is injured in the process. While Karsten is quite decent, Godfred is not. Karsten has a home and a mother, while Godfred has none. He lives by himself, hiding the fact that his mother is severely ill, or even dead. Of the other boys, one is even more well off, having both his parents alive and living with him, and he is the one filling them in on the political problems at the time. The youngest one, Sofus, is living with his grandmother, and wishes to become a tin smith. Sofus and Karsten gradually bond, after Gotfred turns to the worse, and harasses Sofus.
Most of the boys try to get jobs, but there are few jobs to be found. Karsten is taken in as an acolyte at an electricity store, but is tipped off, and is warned that he will never be an actual acolyte — he is just being used. When he tries to get his way, he is simply fired without more discussion, and is off in the streets again. Sofus, at the same time, helps off an old tin smith Close by, and because the old man actually acknowledges the boy, Sofus ends up with an occupation after all.
A big strike is on, and the boys choose sides, fighting off the «scabs» or strikebreakers. Thus, the entire gang get in trouble with the Law. Gotfred ends up in custody, while the others, who have parents, is let free with a warning. The movie ends with Karsten and Sofus walking into the sunset, dreaming of a better future.
The Movie can be seen here with English subtitles.
- The Antagonist: Several. «Big society» overall, Teachers, policemen, even the ones who distribute jobs. The working class Identity is pretty clear, in a time when the workers were struggling to get a foothold and barely made it.
- Goal in Life: For Karsten, it is becoming an electrician, for Sofus, to become a tin smith. Karsten even states that there is no better occupation in the world than an electrician´s work.
- Good Parents: Karsten´s mother, who also takes care of Gotfred for a time. Not that he is that thankful about it.
- Jerkass: Gotfred, as it turns out. Verging on Jerk with a Heart of Gold, when it turns out he has a knack for child care and looks after Karsten´s younger sisters. Karsten blows it by becoming jealous of him.
- Nice Guy: Karsten, who takes care of Sofus, and really cares for his mother.
- Parental Abandonment: Almost all the central characters. Gotfred is worst off, having none to relate to. Sofus has lost his mother, living with his grandmother. Karsten has his mother close, but his father is at sea.
- The Power of Friendship: All the way, crossing over into Class loyalty Territory. Even Gotfred is protected by the other boys.
- The Stoic: Karsten´s mother, being in a deadpan mood almost all the time. She has developed this trait after years of social struggle, and has a «seen it all» expression, even when she cries. She doesn´t crack a smile at all during the entire movie.
- Strawman Political: One of the boys, Reidar, is the son of a union man, and is impressively well read on the subjects of the time. He is the one who urges the others to fight for the fathers who are on strike.
- Street Urchin: All there in the title, but Gotfred is probably closest to the trope, living without any parental guidance.
- Tagalong Kid: Sofus, until Karsten takes him under his wing.
- Riding into the Sunset: Karsten and Sofus at the end of the movie.
- Working-Class Hero: Karsten. Also Reidar, the union leader´s son.
Street urchin movies and TV shows
The list contains the best, new and most relevant street urchin movies ordered by relevance. The recommendation service has sorted out realistic, touching, cult classic, humorous, serious and entertaining films and TV shows about / with street urchin, street kid, orphan, heroes, fight, society, chase, rescue, snow and violence plots mostly in Drama, Adventure and Comedy genres shot in USA, UK, Brazil and other countries.
TOP 10 movies tagged as street urchin: Captains of the Sands (2011), Aladdin (1992), Lucky Trouble (2011), Aladdin (2019), David & Kamal (2011), O Diabo a Quatro (2004), Chop Shop (2007), Kim (1984), Changeling (2008), Vagabond (2003).
List of street urchin movies
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Žánr: Dobrodružství
Země: Brazílie, Portugalsko
Délka: 96 min.
Příběh: O životě a dobrodružstvích gangu opuštěných dětí z ulice známých jako „Capitães da Areia“ (Kapitáni písků) v Salvadoru, Bahia, během 1950. let XNUMX. století.
Style: psychological, contemplative, unusual plot structure, light, independent film
Plot: poverty, homeless teenager, orphan, homelessness, teenage boy, street urchin, infection, boy, young boy, gang, outcast, death .
Čas: 50. léta, 20. století, 1950. léta
Místo: Brazílie, severovýchodní Brazílie
je relevantní?
Žánr: Animovaný, Dobrodružný, Komedie, Rodinný, Fantasy, Muzikál, Romantika
Země: USA, Japonsko
Délka: 90 min.
Story: Princess Jasmine grows tired of being forced to remain in the palace, so she sneaks out into the marketplace, in disguise, where she meets street-urchin Aladdin. The couple falls in love, although Jasmine may only marry a prince. After being .
Style: fairy tale, sweet, feel good, humorous, funny .
Audience: kids, family outing, family friendly, girls’ night, toddlers .
Plot: princess, desert, genie, love, arabian nights, disney princess, friendship, magic, unlikely couple, poverty, rags to riches, aladdin .
Time: middle ages, 90s, year 1992, 20th century, medieval times .
Place: middle east, saudi arabia, sahara, arabia, iraq
je relevantní?
Žánr: Komedie, Romantika, Sportovní
Země: Rusko
Délka: 90 min.
Story: Who said you have to win to be a champion? Slava Kolotiloff, a schoolteacher from a sleepy seaside town by the name of «Fingers» comes to conquer Moscow with the manuscript to his first novel in hand. But instead, quite by accident, he .
Style: realistic, sentimental, semi serious, humorous, light .
Publikum: rodinný výlet
Plot: wedding, contests and competitions, athlete and trainer, soccer, against the odds, disorder, mistaken identity, race against time, coach, street urchin, sport team, rivalry .
Čas: 21. století
Místo: Rusko, Moskva, Rusko
je relevantní?
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Musical, Romance
Country: USA, UK, Singapore, Canada, Czech Republic, Serbia, China
Délka: 128 min.
Story: A live-action retelling of the 1992 Disney film of the same name.
Style: fairy tale, romantic, entertaining, feel good, light .
Audience: kids, family friendly, family outing, pre-teens, teens .
Plot: arabian nights, wish fulfillment, genie, aladdin, princess, magic, disney princess, sultan, giant bird, palace, love, friendship .
Čas: rok 2019, 2010. léta, 18. století
Place: baghdad iraq, arabia, saudi arabia, middle east, iraq
je relevantní?
Seznam souvisejících filmů
Žánr: Drama
Země: USA, Izrael
Délka: 78 min.
Story: This story is about a 9 year old American Jewish boy, David, and Kamal, also a 9 year old and a poor street urchin of Arab descent selling postcards to tourist in the stone enclosed Old City of Jerusalem. At a first glance, Kamal seems bright and .
Style: captivating, contemplative, tense, suspenseful, psychological .
Publikum: děti
Plot: friendship between boys, coming of age, street urchin, friends, unlikely friendships, child protagonist, escapades, dishonesty, extortion, society, youth, humanity .
Čas: 21. století
Place: jerusalem
je relevantní?
Žánr: Komedie
Country: Brazil, France, Portugal, Switzerland
Délka: 108 min.
Story: Four people with different values and standards meet in the urban chaos of Copacabana. Rita and Waldick come from the country, and befriend two Rio de Janeiro native guys, upon arrival: the playboy and surfer Paulo Roberto and a pimp called Tim. .
Style: humorous, satirical, suspenseful, semi serious, psychological .
Plot: prostitution, street urchin, drug dealer, street kid, relationship problems, sexual humor, absurd humor, satire, prostitute, surfing, life is a bitch, beach .
Místo: Brazílie, Rio de Janeiro
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama
Země: USA
Délka: 84 min.
Příběh: Alejandro, drsný a ambiciózní latino sirotek z ulice na pokraji dospívání, žije a pracuje v opravně karosérií na rozlehlém vrakovišti na předměstí Queensu v New Yorku. V tomto chaotickém světě dospělých zápasí mladý Alejandro.
Styl: ponurý, dojemný, realistický, vážný, upřímný.
Děj: dítě ulice, plnoletost, vztah bratr-sestra, sourozenecké vztahy, dělnická třída, pitbull, život v městském ghettu, život dospívajících, děti v nesnázích, rodinné vztahy, mládí, sirotek.
Čas: rok 2007, 90s, 21. století
Místo: USA, New York
je relevantní?
Žánr: Dobrodružný, Drama, Rodinný
Země: UK
Délka: 150 min.
Story: Adaptation of Rudyard Kipling’s novel.
Style: semi serious
Plot: military, monk, street urchin, society, state affairs, young heroes, espionage, escapades, heroes, rivalry, orphan, undercover .
Doba: 19. století
Place: india, europe, england, asia
je relevantní?
Genre: Biography, Crime, Drama, History, Mystery, Thriller
Země: USA
Délka: 141 min.
Story: Christine Collins is overjoyed when her kidnapped son is brought back home. But when Christine suspects that the boy returned to her isn’t her child, the police captain has her committed to an asylum.
Style: psychological, heartbreaking, sentimental, tense, bleak .
Publikum: chick flick, dospělý
Plot: kidnapping, serial killer, investigation, missing child, fighting the system, missing person, twists and turns, uncover truth, police corruption, disorder, life is a bitch, trial .
Doba: 1920. léta, rok 2008, 2000. léta 20. století, rok 1935 .
Place: los angeles, california, usa, canada, seattle
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama
Země: Maďarsko
Délka: 99 min.
Story: Karesz has been raised in an institution, his mother has a new family, and her husband does not tolerate that she meets her first-born son. Karesz tramps, joining up with his casual pals he washes the windscreens of cars, sells newspapers; sometimes .
Plot: dancer, dance school, street kid, burglary, arrest, street urchin, arrested, dance, practice
Place: budapest
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama
Země: Japonsko
Délka: 185 min.
Story: Aspiring to an easy job as personal physician to a wealthy family, Noboru Yasumoto is disappointed when his first post after medical school takes him to a small country clinic under the gruff doctor Red Beard. Yasumoto rebels in numerous ways, but .
Style: black and white, cerebral, realistic, emotional, touching .
Plot: samurai, doctor, poverty, medical profession, medical, medieval, intern, medicine, asian, japanese history, knight, time travel .
Čas: 19. století, 1800. léta, rok 1965
Místo: Japonsko, Asie, Tokio
je relevantní?
Žánr: Krimi, Drama, Romantický, Thriller
Země: Argentina
Délka: 92 min.
Příběh: Ve 13 letech se chlapec z ulice známý jako «El Polaquito» živí převážně zpěvem tang (původně zpívaných jeho jmenovcem, zpěvákem «El Polaco») v příměstských vlacích v Buenos Aires. Zamiluje se do 16leté prostitutky, .
Styl: realistický, vážný, dojemný, ponurý
Děj: mládí, prostitutka, dítě z ulice, vlak, milostný románek, život teenagerů, sirotek, kriminalita mladistvých, život je svině, vzpurnost, láska a romantika, záchrana.
Čas: 21. století
Místo: Argentina
je relevantní?
Seznam souvisejících filmů
Žánr: Dobrodružný, Rodinný, Fantasy
Country: UK, USA, Netherlands
Délka: 107 min.
Story: The first half of this film, set hundreds of years ago, shows how the old man who eventually became Santa Claus was given immortality and chosen to deliver toys to all the children of the world. The second half moves into the modern era, in which .
Style: slasher, mysterious, sweet, feel good, humorous .
Publikum: děti, rodinný výlet, přátelské k rodině, mladiství
Plot: christmas, holiday, santa claus, christmas season, xmas, christmas spirit, saving christmas, snow, magic, immortality, love affair, folklore .
Čas: rok 1985
Místo: New York, USA
je relevantní?
Žánr: Akční, Krimi, Drama, Romantika
Země: Indie
Délka: 154 min.
Story: At an early age, Kishen, to provide a better life for himself and his younger brother Karan, entered the underworld. To prevent the same fate from happening to Karan, he sent him abroad, but before this had happened, Karan had fallen in love with .
Style: cult classic, entertaining, serious, realistic, weeping .
Plot: brother brother relationship, murder of friend, assassination, wedding, gangster, friendship, murder, anger, teacher, love, organized crime, corrupt cop .
Place: mumbai india, new delhi, asia, india
je relevantní?
Žánr: Krimi, Drama
Země: Velká Británie, USA
Délka: 103 min.
Story: The classic Dickens tale of an orphan boy who escapes the horrors of the orphanage only to be taken in by a band of thieves and pickpockets.
Plot: charles dickens, orphan, siblings, young boy, imprisoned, thug, sibling relationship, imprisonment, street kid, children, murder, street urchin .
Time: 1830s, 80s, victorian era
Místo: Londýn, Anglie
je relevantní?
Žánr: Akční, Sportovní, Thriller
Země: USA
Délka: 92 min.
Story: Kick-box champion David Sloan arrives in Rio de Janeiro for an exhibition fight. He and mentor Xian take pity on Brazilian rascal Marcos Coasta, an urchin who offers guide services but routinely steals from tourists for himself and his older sister .
Style: serious, realistic, suspenseful, brutal, intense .
Plot: martial arts, kickboxer, fight, heroes, tough heroes, danger, gory, shooting, one man army, one against many, tough guy, mixed martial arts .
Místo: Rio de Janeiro, Brazílie
je relevantní?
Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Sci-Fi
Země: USA
Délka: 135 min.
Příběh: Prostřednictvím série odvážných eskapád hluboko v temném a nebezpečném kriminálním podsvětí se Han Solo setkává se svým mocným budoucím kopilotem Chewbaccou a setkává se s notoricky známým hazardním hráčem Landem Calrissianem.
Styl: sága, akční adventura, futuristický, psychotronický, vzrušující.
Publikum: děti, teenageři, dospělí
Děj: hvězdné války, cestování vesmírem, pašerák, kosmická loď, organizovaný zločin, mimozemšťan, vesmírná loď, mezidruhové přátelství, vesmírná opera, gangster, hazard, vesmírná bitva.
Čas: 2010, budoucnost
Místo: vesmírný západ
je relevantní?
Žánr: Komedie, Muzikál
Země: Řecko
Délka: 94 min.
Story: A feud develops between a taverna with bouzoukia and a club next door that plays modern music.
Plot: fall in love, rich girl, nightclub, dancing, girl, wealth, street kid, barber, vocalist, street urchin, gypsy, merchant .
Místo: Řecko, Atény, Řecko
je relevantní?
Seznam souvisejících filmů
Žánr: Akční, Komedie, Drama
Země: Hongkong
Délka: 122 min.
Story: Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays .
Plot: martial arts, con artists, female fight, family relations, street kid, community, woman dressed as man, bar fight, homelessness, pickpocket, street performer, kung fu .
Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Sci-Fi
Země: USA
Délka: 144 min.
Story: After the re-emergence of the world’s first mutant, world-destroyer Apocalypse, the X-Men must unite to defeat his extinction level plan.
Style: exciting, epic, intense, entertaining, suspense .
Publikum: přátelské k rodině, chick flick
Plot: comic book, superhero, mutant, superhero team, transformation, superpower, heroes, teleportation, technology, x men, good versus evil, psychic .
Time: future, year 1983, 2010s, year 2016, 80s
Place: cairo egypt, poland, egypt, west berlin west germany, berlin germany .
je relevantní?
Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Komedie
Země: Hong Kong, USA
Délka: 114 min.
Story: The dynamic duo of Chon Wang and Roy O’Bannon return for another crazy adventure. This time, they’re in London to avenge the murder of Chon’s father, but end up on an even bigger case. Chon’s sister is there to do the same, but .
Style: entertaining, funny, humorous, feel good, exciting .
Publikum: dívčí noc, rodinná, teenageři, chlapecká noc
Plot: martial arts, buddy, murder, fight scenes, chase, good versus evil, creativity, friends, partner, two man army, female martial artist, chases and races .
Time: 19th century, victorian era, year 2003, 1880s
Place: china, england, new york, nevada, europe .
je relevantní?
Žánr: Akční, Dobrodružný, Fantasy
Země: USA
Délka: 116 min.
Story: A rogue prince reluctantly joins forces with a mysterious princess and together, they race against dark forces to safeguard an ancient dagger capable of releasing the Sands of Time – gift from the gods that can reverse time and allow its possessor .
Style: exciting, epic, entertaining, fairy tale, visually appealing .
Audience: family outing, kids, chick flick, boys’ night, teens
Plot: sword fight, time travel, betrayal, princess, fall in love, brother vs brother, heir, medieval, danger, escapades, rivalry, king .
Čas: rok 2010, 2010., 50. léta
Place: persia, asia
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama, Rodinný, Hudební, Romantický
Země: USA
Délka: 170 min.
Story: A snobbish phonetics professor agrees to a wager that he can take a flower girl and make her presentable in high society.
Style: feel good, romantic, period piece, costume drama, light .
Audience: date night, chick flick, family outing, teens, kids .
Plot: high society, cinderella story, class differences, love story, fall in love, love and romance, opposites attract, rise to the top, aristocracy, culture clash, broadway, makeover .
Time: 20th century, 1910s, victorian era, edwardian era
Place: london, england, britain, persia, europe .
je relevantní?
Seznam souvisejících filmů
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Drama
Země: Rusko, USA
Délka: 90 min.
Story: In Los Angeles, Dr. Sarah Hathaway hired private eyes trying to find her missing son, the painter Thomas, who ran away from their home ten years ago after a quarrel with her. She finds a clue in a catalog of a panting exhibition in San Petersburg .
Style: serious, psychological, tense, suspenseful, realistic .
Plot: missing person, mind game, investigation, uncover truth, haunted by the past, amateur detective, obsessive quest, private detective, estrangement, family relations, riddles and clues, parents and children .
Tokai as painted by Rafiqun Nabi. Tokai is the oldest and most famous Bangladesh cartoon character.
One Jump, ahead of the bread line
One Swing, ahead of the sword
I steal, only what I can’t afford — And that’s everything!
—»One Jump Ahead», Disney’s Aladdin
A kid, usually an orphan, who has lived on the streets for most of his short life. Survival is a matter of stealing whatever they need, doing odd jobs, and/or stuff you’d probably rather not think about. He may actually have a home or family, but the situation there may be so bad that living on the streets is preferable, or they’re out stealing for their family’s sake.
The vast majority of them usually grow up into street gangs or worse, but the ones we usually deal with have a run-in with the hero of the story. Older characters usually end up becoming an older brother or father to them, or at least friends.
Street Urchins are usually boys, but having the character suddenly revealed to be a Tomboy is just as common. Not quite a Wholesome Crossdresser, she just really doesn’t have the money for any feminine clothes. Not to mention that, in many places like this, it’s probably for the best that some people ne know you’re a girl.
If the character seems perfectly happy with their lot in life and practically seems to thrive on the streets, then you have yourself The Artful Dodger. If this character grows up into a hardened survivor and is proud of his hungry years, you’ve got a Satisfied Street Rat.
A very sad case of Truth in Television, but far, daleko worse out here.
Examples of Street Urchin include:
Anime [ ]
- Duo Maxwell in Gundam Wing is shown to have run in a gang of urchins in the prequel manga, Episode Zero. He ends up getting set on the path to being a Humongous Mecha pilot when terrorists hold his friends, and the Nun and Priest caring for them, and offers to steal a mobile suit to get them freed. He actually pulls it off, too, but true to his later persona as a Broken Hero, it doesn’t end well.
- The novelization of The Movie takes it a step further by showing his life before the church: he was the second-in-command of a group of street urchins lead by a young man named Solo. When Solo caught a nasty disease whose vaccine was reserved for the rich, the boy stole some but didn’t make it back in time. He never got sick himself, which he attributed to Solo watching over him, and took on the name «Duo» to symbolize that they’d always be a team. Duo becomes the gang’s new leader, which is where he is when his chapter of Episode Nula začíná.
- Also, Tohsaka used to be one as a kid.
- Also, Gin and Rangiku.
- Same goes to his Four-Girl Ensemble, whom he specifically took in as he saw his past situation reflected in theirs.
Comic Book [ ]
- Storm from X-Men started out as one of these after an airplane crashed atop the Cairo home of her Black American father and Kenyan mother. She had a solid claim to being the best pickpocket and escape artist in the city by the time she hit puberty only to wander south along the Nile on impulse, have her powers kick in, and spend the bulk of her adolescence as a Weather Deity made manifest on the Serengeti.
- To this day, her street urchin skills come in handy in combat. She hasn’t met a lock she couldn’t pick. In fact, when wearing a costume that features it, her tiara contains a number of lock picks.
- Jubilee too. After the murder of her parents she spent a few years living on the streets of LA, doing fireworks shows with her abilities, before being picked up by the X-Men.
- Another DC comics example is Cindy
Fanfic [ ]
- Dee from DJINN Way to Homeleft her foster parents after her foster father tried to molest her and lived on the streets for a year before the story begins, getting some help and advice from an experienced older homeless woman and passing herself off as a boy. She’s actually Bifauxnen enough to fool Will when they first meet. Her experiences in the foster system and on the streets has given her the determination and skills to become a good Keeper of the Heart, but also ladens her with several severepersonalissues.
Film [ ]
- The Kid in Dick Tracy.
- Jamal and his brother Salim in milionář z chatrče grew up like this after the slum they lived in was attacked during a religion riot.
- The Dead End Kids, who starred in many gangster movies from the 1930’s and 40’s including Slepá ulička a Andělé se špinavými tvářemi. They always played the same characters, a gang of orphan kids living in the street and always up to no good.
- Abu in Zloděj Bagdádů.
- The scary ass kids from the movie Hostel.
literatura [ ]
- Oliver Twist, někdo?
- When Sherlock Holmes needed info from the street, he could always count on the Baker Street Irregulars, a gang of street urchins who have eyes and ears všude on the streets of London.
- Většina postav v Les Misérables had this kind of childhood, but Gavroche in particular embodies the trope.
- Vin from misborn by Brandon Sanderson was a street urchin who survived in relative physical and psychical health only because of her yet undeveloped but useful awesome magical talent.
- v Zeměplocha román Noční hlídka, the young Nobby Nobbs is described as a street urchin, on the grounds that he’s small, prickly, and smells like fish. As the book was a pastiche of Les Mizerables, he served as the stand-in for Gavroche.
- Arya in Píseň ledu a ohně spends some time playing the street urchin, both genuinely and as part of learning to be a magical assassin . In the Dunk and Egg stories, Dunk recalls his earliest memories as an urchin in the slums of King’s Landing. The streetfighting skills he learned there have saved him on more than one occasion.
- Bean of the Ender series was one, as revealed in Ender’s Shadow. His friend Poke was the cross-dressing kind, though everyone knew she was a girl.
- Everyone knew after Achilles took her gang out from under her. It was one of his techniques for undercutting her. She just wasn’t hardened enough to survive. After all, she didn’t leave Bean to die after getting his ‘good idea’ out of him.
- Card got pretty graphic here. The swollen bellies of hunger and just how much a meal counts, and the long-term emotional abnormality you get from trying to be self-sufficient so young were both interesting.
- And all the kids he deals with in the aptly named Street Magic. Evvy later got her own book.
- Briar’s Book also had street kids in the opening, before it became a magical-epidemiology-procedural drama.
- For that matter so was Skif, at least to start out with.
- There was also another young Herald-Trainee in Šípy královny who gets a mention on one of the Mage Winds books. He was one used for unsavory purposes.
Živá akční TV [ ]
- Chiana in farscape before she joined the crew.
- Ariel the «Street Waif» from Rebelde Way .
- Gleb Zheglov from Místo setkání nelze změnit was one in his childhood.
- Vince Noir sometimes claims to have been one of these in his youth:
Vince: I’m a cockney bitch! I’m a ragamuffin from the streets.
Howard: You’re a French Duke. You lie around in hammocks all day eating soft cheese.
- El Chavo Del Ocho
- Nancy and other kids from the Doctor Who episode «The Empty Child».
- Power Rangers SPD: Jack and Z were street rats at the beginning, and stole food and clothing for the other homeless people.
Videohry [ ]
- Uncharted 3 reveals that Drake was this when he was a child.
- Zaprvé Zeměplocha game there is a stereotypical Street Urchin.
- In angband, there’s the «Filthy street urchin». Being a Roguelike, you can kill them.
- Marco from Skies of Arcadia.
- Final Fantasy XII: Vaan and Penelo.
- Annah from Planescape: Torment grew up as the «stealing for her family» variant.
- Commander Shepard from Mass Effect, if one chooses the Earthborn Pre-Service History.
- Shows up in many a Fan Fiction involving Reno, but this seems to be Word of Dante more than anything else; his backstory really isn’t mentioned.
- Hector: Odznak krveprolití episode 2 has Lambert meet one who is living in an abandoned fridge, lost his hand in a shoe shining accident and had it replaced by a hook. After he helps Lambert, Lambert ends up adopting him.
- In Sampaguita, the 3rd game of the Yarudora série:
- Main heroine Maria and her adopted older brother Boy were this in their early life in the Philippines. They were doing little jobs such as selling sampaguita flowers in the street crossroads, doing their best to survive. The game treats the player with a Flash Back of these moments when Maria tells her past to the protagonist, after she has recovered her memories and fallen in love with him.
- A secondary character, Randy Santiago, also tells he was a Filipino street urchin in his younger days, while talking to the protagonist and giving him info about the Philippines.
- Yuri Leclerc, too. Like Ashe, he was taken in by a noble.
- Dorothea Aranult was one before being discovered by the Mitlefrank Opera Company.
Webový originál [ ]
- Cathalie Meguro and Mitch Gunther of Survival of the Fittest, though they lived in an orphanage instead of on the streets.
- Sahar, in the Whateley Universe. You do not want to be a girl who’s an orphan on the streets of Baghdad. Her powers kick in when she’s being dragged off by a pimp who plans to make some money using her body.
Web Comics [ ]
- Dream Catcher has Daemon, though for how long he’s been one is a mystery.
- In Least I Could Do, Rayne employs a young orphan boy, appropriately called Urchin, for various zany, self-serving errands and odd jobs. Eventually we learn that Rayne also keeps Urchin fed, sheltered and educated until he can be adopted. Somewhat of a subversion in that Urchin is no longer on the streets.
- Guttersnipe is all about this trope.
- The Dreamland Chronicles: Felicity lightly mentions that she grew up on the streets.
Westernová animace [ ]
- Tim Drake is portrayed like this in Batman: Oživená série, an amalgam of his comic origins and those of second Robin Jason Todd. His father was a criminal who ended up on the bad side of Two-Face, and he quickly found himself an orphan, just in time to get far too deep in the middle of one of Batman’s cases.
- The title character of Disney’s Aladdin is, more or less, a slightly more grown-up version, and both in the full-length features and the series many young children are shown starving on the streets of Agrabah.
- S’interesting because the original Aladdin depended on his mum for vše and was a shiftless wastrel living off her right up until he got the genie to rely on instead, and even then had her present his request to marry the princess after spying on her in the bath. Disney rightly decided that would make a terrible movie and wrote her out.
- The Sorceror even picked him to dupe because he so clearly had no character or will to make anything of himself.
- In the Disney version, he picked him specifically because the cave of wonders singled him out as a «diamond in the rough», but Jafar was all too keen to sacrifice Aladdin for his scheme because in his mind, who would miss one more vanished street rat?
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- S’interesting because the original Aladdin depended on his mum for vše and was a shiftless wastrel living off her right up until he got the genie to rely on instead, and even then had her present his request to marry the princess after spying on her in the bath. Disney rightly decided that would make a terrible movie and wrote her out.