Movies about Street racing
While we certainly don’t endorse street racing – Říkat prosím a děkuji take it to the track – that doesn’t mean there aren’t a bunch of very entertaining movies out there based on the culture that surrounds illegal night time exploits on the highways and boulevards that crisscross the globe.
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In addition to one very famous, near-inescapable blockbuster series, there are a number of other must-see street racing movies out there that try to have fun with, document, or dramatize the antics of those who simply can’t drive 55. Here are our favourites, as picked from the last 50 years of street racing cinema.
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10 best street racing movies that get underground car culture right Back to video
Rychle a zběsile (2001)
Co je to? A fantastic remake of Kathryn Bigelow’s Point Break, only this time instead of surfing, it’s import street racing; and instead of Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze, it’s Paul Walker and Vin Diesel. What makes it cool?
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When this mid-budget gem hit theatres in the summer of 2001, no one could have known that a plot about a buster infiltrating a gang of street racers stealing DVD players from moving 18-wheelers would blossom into a billion-dollar superhero franchise.
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In fact, the movie is far better if you re-watch it for what it was at the time: the first serious cinematic take on late-’90s/early-2000s import drag and tuner culture with a caper plot mixed in for flavour.
Find another way home, pizza boy.
Rychle a zběsile: Tokyo Drift (2006)
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Co je to?
Japanese drift culture gets its only American cinematic moment in a rare $85-million movie where Hollywood allowed characters of colour to dominate the cast.
What makes it cool?
Formula D was in its infancy when Tokijská jízda introduced touge racing to the mainstream. It’s also the last movie in the Rychle a zběsile series to be completely focused on car culture, and specifically the action on the other side of the Pacific, which until 2006 had been chronicled exclusively by Japanese films that were rarely seen outside the island. Audiences in the U.S. stayed away at the time of its theatrical release, but it helped set the international template that would dominate the rest of the franchise’ casting decisions.
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Mischief 3000 (2002)
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Co je to?
Tekademics sneaks its uličnictví series into an early running of the Gumball 3000.
What makes it cool?
In a pre-YouTube world, if you wanted to see video of people hooning cars and generally making bad decisions behind the wheel you had to seek out speciality VHS and DVD flicks put together by those willing to risk being ID’d by local law enforcement (like Toru Kirikae taking his Ferrari F40 to 200 mph on a Japanese highway).
This particular Tekademics documentary was for many their first entry into a heretofore hidden world of stickered-up exotics running triple-digit speeds across the American heartland, with occasionally disastrous results.
Počáteční D (2005)
Co je to?
A live-action adaptation of the drifting manga that became a global cultural phenomenon.
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What makes it cool?
The story of Takumi the tofu delivery driver’s dominance over the Mount Akina drift scene in his Toyota AE86 Corolla is one of the most enduring works of street racing fiction to ever have been immortalized on film, in animation, or on celluloid. Although no cinematic masterpiece, Počáteční D předdatované Tokijská jízda v kladení tvrdý action on the silver screen, and remains an important document of its era.
The Wraith (1986)
Co je to?
Charlie Sheen is a car, and a ghost, and potentially just a normal dude, who murders his murderers while street racing.
What makes it cool?
What, that description wasn’t enough? Wraithové posits a world where a street racing teen can be reincarnated as the Dodge M4S Turbo Interceptor supercar, while also sort of still going to high school and hanging out with his buddies. Oh, and every time there’s a street race, he manages to use the ‘Wraith’ (the name given to the M4S) to get sweet, fiery revenge on his killers. Just go with it.
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Megalopolis Expressway Trial (1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1996)
Co je to?
A six-part film series based on the ‘Mid Night Club’ freeway racing scene surrounding Tokyo’s Shuto Expressway that was actually banned in Japan at the time of its release (and still is).
What makes it cool?
Také známý jako Zkouška Shuto Kousoku a Freeway Speedway, this six-parter follows the exploits of street racers determined to set the best times – and show each other up door-to-door – on the stretch of Tokyo expressway called the ‘Bayshore’ route, or more commonly Wangan-sen. The original movie capitalized on the hottest period of illegal Wangan exploits, and features amazing footage of classic JDM metal repeatedly breaking Japan’s restrictive speed limits.
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Banzai Runner (1987)
Co je to?
Japanese freeway racing brought to America’s deserts.
What makes it cool?
Banzai Runner is based on an actual series of high-stakes underground races that took place on the then-empty highways running through the desert landscape outside of Los Angeles, California in the early 1980s. The movie adds the element of a man trying to infiltrate this elite group of exotic-driving miscreants in a bid to bring them to justice for the death of his brother.
It’s thoroughly ridiculous, and very entertaining if you love watching Porsche 928s and even a surprisingly fast pickup truck engage the afterburners across an abandoned vista.
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Two-Lane Blacktop (1971)
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Co je to?
James Taylor and Dennis Wilson (of Beach Boys fame) roam the land in a ’55 Chevy making money on all the street racing action they can pick up.
What makes it cool?
Blacktop se dvěma pruhy is emblematic of the school of ’70s cinema that left plot by the wayside and just focused on moody visuals and brooding characters without much to say. There’s sort of a rivalry with a Pontiac GTO (whose driver is also named… GTO), but that’s not important.
Forget the story and just get lost in the weird dreamscape of street racing and soundtrack painted by director Monte Hellman, who would go on to direct such notable releases as Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch out!
Børning (2014)
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Co je to?
Without question, the greatest Norwegian movie ever made about street racing.
What makes it cool?
Now awaiting its second sequel, the original Narození posits a race from Trondheim to Norway’s North Cape by a motley crew of surprisingly adult gearheads. Main character and local racing hero Roy’s ’67 Mustang has ‘Official Chevy Killer’ written on the door, there are a bunch of sweet jumps, and more than a little photo-radar mayhem. It’s the kind of home-grown street racing movie America hasn’t yet been able to produce.
Wangan Midnight (1991-2009)
Co je to?
Another take on Shuto Expressway racing, only this time with a supernatural twist.
What makes it cool?
‘Freeway racing is cool and all, but you know what would make it better? A haunted Datsun Z!’ That’s how we imagine the pitch for the original Wangan půlnoc movie went after a film exec chanced across a copy of the manga that inspired it.
The story centers around a cursed S30 driven by a high school student who is trying to both stay alive behind the wheel of his ‘Devil Z’ while also beating back the RX-7s, 911s, and Skylines that dominate the Bayshore route. Oh, and they made 13 movies and 14 video games based on the same general concept. No joke.
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10 Best Movies About Street Racing (That Aren’t Fast & Furious)
Fast & Furious is a beloved action franchise, but there are many other amazing films that focus on the adrenaline rush of illegal driving.
S Rychlé X set to bring Rychle a zběsile billion-dollar franchise to a conclusion on May 19, 2023, there’s a question of what will satisfy the audience’s need for on-screen speed in the future. Luckily, the street racing genre does not begin and end with rychle a zběsile.
There are plenty of movies out there with cool cars and crazy stunts that express the love for street racing and driving in more subtle ways. What brings them all together is the characters who throw the rules out of the car window and turn the road into their playground. From 1970s Academy Award winners to 21st-century neo-noir masterpieces, there’s a perfect street racing movie for every type of cinema lover out there.
Two-Lane Blacktop (1971)
Two drag racers, the Driver and the Mechanic, played by musicians James Taylor and Dennis Wilson, set out on a cross-country race against an enthusiast car driver GTO (Warren Oates). The 1955 Chevrolet Bel-Air coupe and 1970 Pontiac GTO head towards Washington DC, but it’s unclear if either will reach the destination.
Blacktop se dvěma pruhy is a big departure from the comforting and familiar rychle a zběsile series. It’s a visually pleasing and atmospheric story about characters that allow four wheels and the road to take control over the course of their lives. The director, Monte Hellman, beautifully depicts the car culture of the ’60s and ’70s, complicated human relationships, and the genuine unpredictability of life.
Americké graffiti (1973)
Is there a better way to commemorate the end of high school than to embrace the nightlife on the streets of California? That’s where the group of young adults ends up during the course of one summer night in 1962. The stakes are rising when the proclaimed drag-racing king, John (Paul Le Mat), in a Ford Model B, is challenged to a race by the new player in town Bob (Harrison Ford), who drives a black Chevrolet 150 Coupe.
Director George Lucas acts as a great “street painter” and visualizes his experience growing up in California. This Academy Award-winning coming-of-age story about the rock-n-roll culture of the 1960s shows that navigating feelings and emotions can sometimes be as tricky as street racing. American Graffiti připomíná The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, which focuses on a troubled young man finding himself through drift racing in Japan.
Death Race 2000 (1975)
Far less serious in terms of execution, though not in concept, Death Race 2000 is a science fiction film set in dystopian America where an intentionally murderous cross-country race is turned into a media event.
Starring David Carradine as Frankenstein, the champion of the Transcontinental Road Race, and a pre-skalnatý Sylvester Stallone, the 84-minute runtime blazes by just like the wild driving in the movie. On top of that, it is filled with dark humor, car explosions, and anti-government philosophy. Even though the rychle a zběsile films are incredibly rewatchable, Death Race 2000 is a fine choice for those who have long wanted to see a more extraordinary approach to portraying street racing on screen.
Kanónový běh (1981)
Pro racer J.J. McClure (Burt Reynolds) and his chief mechanic Victor (who has an alter-ego) set out on one of the best cross-country races from New York to California, all while avoiding the police by disguising it as an ambulance car with a hostage inside.
No doubt that the opening scene of Cannonball Run with a roaring Lamborghini Countach LP400S cruising along the roads is an iconic piece of cinema. Just like the rychle a zběsile movies, this one has gorgeous cars and awesome stunts. But the movie is also hilarious, so those who appreciate goofy and silly action comedies won’t be disappointed!
King Of The Mountain (1981)
Professional racer and mechanic Steve (Harry Hamlin) lives on the edge, spending most of his nights defending his title of King of the Mountain. Seeing his friends transition into the music industry and acquiring sudden love interests forces the racer to re-think what might lie outside the twisted roads of Mulholland Drive.
This drama feels like a laid-back version of Rychle a zběsile from the ’80s. Along with the compelling character journey, Král Hory offers amazing nocturnal cinematography, a slamming soundtrack, and some decent races. The tone of the movie has a very calming effect, but the writing still brings suspense to the story.
taxi (1998)
Hollywood is not the only place that is capable of delivering great street action material. Taxi is an original French comedy written by Luc Besson about a highly skilled cab driver Daniel (Samy Nacer) with a total disregard for speed limits. He is forced to help out a clumsy policeman (Frédéric Diefenthal) catch a group of German bank robbers while roaming the streets of Marseilles.
Everyone better fasten their seatbelts for an hour and a half of hilarious French wisecracks, inevitable explosions, a pumping soundtrack, neatly edited car chases, and a stand-out supporting performance from Bernard Farces. Those who love Deckard Shaw’s brilliant quotes from the rychle a zběsile spin-off, Hobbs & Shaw, won’t be able to resist a similar kind of wit and charm of the main protagonist, Daniel.
Death Race (2008)
A re-imagined concept of Death Race 2000 takes place in Dystopian America of 2012. The participants are highly dangerous convicts of a broadcast racing game where killing opponents means getting closer to freedom. An ex-con Jensen (Jason Statham) becomes a reluctant player in a race that he can’t afford to lose.
“It’s all about ratings, fast cars, and pretty women” — says the character of Coach (Ian McShane), while also describing the most essential idea of the online entertainment series «Death Race» and the movie itself. This non-stop action thriller has a grungy tone, attractive and talented actors, and plenty of brutal racing sequences. Besides, it’s the perfect excuse to see Jason Statham, the skillful mercenary of the rychle a zběsile family, in all his glory, for almost 2 hours.
Drive (2011)
Sometimes the criminal world sucks in the good people and makes them do morally questionable things. That is the case with The Driver (Ryan Gosling), a stuntman who moonlights by helping robbers escape from crime scenes.
Nicolas Winding Refn’s pohon is a methodical neo-noir action drama with high stakes, tons of blood, beautiful romance, and intense car-chasing sequences. And unlike the rychle a zběsile franchise, it is definitely not a popcorn flick. The smooth driving of Ryan Gosling is accompanied in the film by masterful camera work and impeccable sound editing.
Need For Speed (2014)
Toby Marshall (Aaron Paul) is an auto mechanic and enthusiast racer that gets framed for the murder he didn’t commit. When he regains freedom, his single agenda is to take his revenge on those who wronged him.
The famous racing gaming franchise, Need for Speed, gives the film its origins, but it follows closely in the footsteps of the first rychle a zběsile movies. It’s a well-directed, action-packed, entertaining movie with an all-star cast. The predictable storyline is compensated by the number of cool cars and thrilling chase scenes, for which the creators used almost no computer special effects.
BabyDriver (2017)
A getaway driver with tinnitus Baby (Ansel Elgort) loves driving, taking risky turns, and jamming to great music. His wish is to head on west with a car he can’t afford and a plan he doesn’t have with the beautiful waitress, Debora (Lily James). But such freedom is impossible when you’re a crucial part of a powerful crime syndicate.
Projekt rychle a zběsile franchise knows the significance of a perfect soundtrack that matches the tone of each movie, and Dětská Driver absolutely kills it in that department. “Bellbottoms” by Jon Spencer Blues Explosion plays during a banger-opening six-minute car-chase sequence and hooks the audience right into the action. From that point, it’s a smooth ride with compelling characters, sharp dialogue, and amazing sound synchronization.
Závodní filmy: Přehled
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