Movies about Stowaway
Summary On a mission headed to Mars, an unintended stowaway accidentally causes severe damage to the spaceship’s life support systems. Facing dwindling resources and a potentially fatal outcome, the crew is forced to make an impossible decision.
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Netflix (vyžaduje předplatné)
Summary On a mission headed to Mars, an unintended stowaway accidentally causes severe damage to the spaceship’s life support systems. Facing dwindling resources and a potentially fatal outcome, the crew is forced to make an impossible decision.
Kde se dívat
Netflix (vyžaduje předplatné)
Nejlepší obsazení
Anna Kendrick
Zoe Levensonová
Daniel Dae Kim
David Kim
Shamier anderson
Michael Adams
Toni Collette
Marina Barnett
Dan Barry
Scott Manley
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71% pozitivní
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Penna and his co-writer Ryan Morrison handle this existentially challenging material with grace, and Kendrick, Collette, Kim and Anderson deliver equally impactful, intense performances.
If you can buy the film’s unlikely core premise, you’ll be rewarded with persuasive speculative fiction in all its other aspects. Penna and company make it easy for audiences to do that, while putting four people whom they’ll come to really care about through all kinds of hell.
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This was an unexpected pleasure to watch. Anna Kendrick is outstanding. The story is gripping and emotional. The ending is crushingly sad. Go watch it.
this is a survivalist movie — a question of what will you do if you are in such a predicament? A tough question to find an answer to and that hooks you into the movie — this is not an action movie or a superhero one so be advised of that if that is what you are expecting to see. The cast is amazing! Anna Kendrick, Toni Collette, Daniel Day Kim & Shamier Anderson . need I say more?
Three years ago, director Joe Penna and his co-writer, Ryan Morrison, made their feature filmmaking debut with “Arctic,” a spare survival story starring a snowbound Mads Mikkelsen awaiting rescue. The film was gripping in its understatement and use of silence—it was practically dialogue-free—and a riveting exercise in exploring the detailed minutiae of human nature. Having an expressive and magnetic actor the caliber of Mikkelsen at its center certainly didn’t hurt.
Now, Penna and Morrison are back with a similar premise on a slightly larger scale: “Stowaway” is a spare survival story in space, featuring four characters on a doomed mission to Mars. (This is actually the first feature screenplay the duo wrote together, even though “Arctic” came out first.) It’s a clever take on a familiar genre with a terrific cast, but the slow burn may be too slow this time. Penna and Morrison (who’s once again the film’s editor, as well) more effectively established Mikkelsen’s character wordlessly than they do with Toni Collette, Anna Kendrick, Daniel Dae Kim, and Shamier Anderson having conversations with each other as they address various emergencies. And the fundamental reason they find themselves in their chief predicament, although it’s explained to us, still provides an implausible distraction.
In the near future, a team blasts off on a two-year trip to Mars. Collette stars as the ship’s commander, Marina Barnett, who’s making her third and final journey to the colony there. Kendrick is the mission’s medical researcher, Zoe Levenson; Kim is biologist David Kim, who’s studying the respiratory possibilities of algae. They’ve been chosen from thousands of applicants and undergone extensive training. But the film reveals in small, subtle ways that these two are indeed regular people and not superhuman astronauts. David suffers from vertigo and vomits not long after takeoff; Zoe’s delicate charm necklace floats up toward her face to indicate a loss of gravity, and once they’ve docked she unbuckles and exclaims to Marina: “Are you kidding? That was incredible!” (“Stowaway” depicts space travel, at least initially, not as a process that’s smooth and tranquil, but rather one that shakes you to your bones, to your core.)
While they’re all upbeat and provide polished, perfunctory answers during an initial television interview from space, their polite workmanship is shattered with the realization that they’re not alone. There’s a man—hidden, unconscious and bleeding—in the ship’s hull, which Marina discovers when he comes crashing through the ceiling on top of her, breaking her left arm as she tries to catch him. When he comes to, the crew discovers that his name is Michael Adams (Anderson) and he’s a launch crew engineer and graduate student. Somehow, he got knocked out during final checks and became trapped, unbeknownst to anyone. Now, he’s unwittingly hurtling through space. How is this sort of thing possible? I’m not an aeronautical engineer—I got a C in chemistry in high school, hence I write about movies for a living—but I found the explanation for Michael’s presence on board to be extremely unbelievable. The film’s production notes detail Penna and Morrison’s thorough attention to detail in wanting to make the story scientifically accurate, and it probably is, but this crucial plot point just seemed impossible.
Regardless, he’s there, so four people are now using up the ship’s resources instead of just three, for whom they already were going to be stretched thin within this cramped area. He understandably freaks out when he realizes he’s in space—there’s a great shot of him seeing Earth from afar amid the blackness—and Anderson makes his sense of panic palpable. Additionally, he’s left his younger sister, for whom he serves as legal guardian, alone back home. But the real crisis is that Michael critically damaged the carbon dioxide-scrubbing mechanism when he crashed through the hull, making it impossible for everyone to have enough oxygen to survive the entire journey.
It is literally one thing after another, but Penna portrays the increasing feeling of doom not with histrionics and a hyperbolic score but rather through long tracking shots and muffled bits of conversation in faraway corridors. As in “Arctic,” he’s wise enough to let his actors convey so much of what their characters are experiencing though their faces: subtle expressions of disappointment, anguish, fear. One call in particular to ground control reveals Collette’s ability to balance the truth of Marina’s anxiety while sounding poised and capable to the folks on the other end about options. Meanwhile, Zoe remains perky and optimistic, while the older and more pragmatic David realizes that someone’s got to go and takes steps to make that drastic change happen.
The makings are all there for a fascinating character study, which “Stowaway” more closely resembles than a sci-fi thriller. But the fact that we know so little about these people beyond a few basic traits makes it difficult for us to feel as emotionally invested as we should in their fate. And so a death-defying space stunt toward the end, which Penna renders in an intimate, low-tech way, is dizzying but lacks the suspense and emotional heft it should carry. The actors all give solid performances, especially the relative unknown Anderson, who holds his own opposite these veterans. He also manages a degree of mystery as to what his intentions are, which never truly pays off in the script. Ultimately, though, “Stowaway” feels like a frustrating cry into the void.
Dnes na Netflixu.
Christy Lemire
Christy Lemire je dlouholetá filmová kritička, která od roku 2013 píše pro Předtím byla téměř 15 let filmovou kritičkou pro The Associated Press a spoluhostila veřejnoprávní televizní seriál «Ebert Presents At the Movies» po boku Ignatiye. Vishnevetsky, přičemž Roger Ebert slouží jako výkonný redaktor. Přečtěte si její odpovědi na náš Dotazník filmové lásky zde.
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Suspense, peril, language in emotional outer-space drama.
Film NR 2021 116 minut
Rodiče říkají: věk 13+ 5 recenze
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Co v tomto filmu najdete – a nenajdete.
Gender and race aren’t barriers to careers in rock
Marina is a commanding and respected leader for he
Násilí a děsivost
The spaceship rocks violently on launch, causing o
Sex, romantika a nahota Nejsou k dispozici
Produkty a nákupy Nejsou k dispozici
Two of the astronauts have a Yale vs Harvard rival
Pití, drogy a kouření
A character jokes about giving another a beer when
Rodiče potřebují vědět
Rodiče to musí vědět Černý pasažér is a suspenseful story in which the characters’ lives appear to be in jeopardy for most of the film. The suspense comes less from moments of extreme fear or action and more from the emotional drama of the unfolding situation on board the rocket ship. When three astronauts …
Pozitivní zprávy
Gender and race aren’t barriers to careers in rocket science or engineering, nor to leadership positions. Humans are capable of space exploration and scientific discovery. Humans are also capable of humility, self sacrifice, and caring. The crew must work together to solve their problem.
Pozitivní vzory
Marina is a commanding and respected leader for her crew. She makes difficult decisions and keeps calm in emergencies. David and Zoe have dedicated years of their lives to research that could benefit humankind. They’re both willing to make extreme sacrifices for the well-being of others, though David first asks someone else to do so instead. Michael cares for his younger sister on earth and tries to be useful to the crew in space. The crew is diverse.
Násilí a děsivost
The spaceship rocks violently on launch, causing one crew member to get ill. Michael is discovered when blood from a serious gash in his side starts seeping out of the space where he suffered a concussion and lost consciousness. When his body falls from the ceiling, he lands on Marina and crushes her arm. Zoe treats them both in procedures that look painful. Michael still bears the physical and emotional scars of losing his parents in an apartment fire as a child. Zoe tells a story about trying to save a man from drowning and nearly drowning herself. Two of the crew members take a dangerous and physically challenging spacewalk. One crew member gives another the means to kill himself in order to save the others. A final spacewalk could prove deadly.
Věděli jste, že můžete nahlásit pochybný obsah? Upravte limity pro násilí a děsivost v průvodci zábavou vašeho dítěte. Začněte Zavřít
Věděli jste, že můžete nahlásit pochybný obsah? Upravte limity pro jazyk v průvodci zábavou vašeho dítěte. Začněte Zavřít
Produkty a nákupy
Two of the astronauts have a Yale vs Harvard rivalry going.
Pití, drogy a kouření
A character jokes about giving another a beer when he feels ill. A needle is said to contain something powerful enough to kill a person.
Věděli jste, že můžete nahlásit pochybný obsah? Upravte limity pro pití, drogy a kouření v průvodci zábavou vašeho dítěte. Začněte Zavřít
Rodiče potřebují vědět
Rodiče to musí vědět Černý pasažér is a suspenseful story in which the characters’ lives appear to be in jeopardy for most of the film. The suspense comes less from moments of extreme fear or action and more from the emotional drama of the unfolding situation on board the rocket ship. When three astronauts (Toni Collette, Anna Kendrick, and Daniel Dae Kim) discover an unplanned passenger on board, they must make tough choices. In the opening launch scene, the ship rocks so violently that one of the crew members gets ill and the commander worries the engines are underperforming. When the stowaway is discovered, he and another crew member suffer painful wounds that need treating. Two crew members must take treacherous space walks to save the entire crew, and one gives another the means to kill himself in order to save the others. One of the crew members will have to die to save the others, prompting an ethical dilemma. Language includes «f—k,» «s—t,» «hell,» «jeez,» and «God.» A character jokes about giving another a beer when he feels ill. To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Family Movie Night emails.
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Černý pasažér
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Černý pasažér
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- Rodiče říkají (5)
- Děti říkají (6)
Na základě 5 recenzí rodičů
The dumbest space story ever.
It’s incredible how low of an opinion the screen writers have about general public. Or are they just that dumb themselves, which is another possibility? What about having science consultants? No need to be rocket scientist to wonder how these cream of them scream Harvard and Yale graduates who made it through the selection process for a Mars mission demonstrate such lack of common sense, problem solving, safety thinking. Leave alone such an unlikely lack of proper equipment or poor systems design. Movies are not only about good acting, and this ine was a total waste of good talent. What do mean exactly: first, it is unthinkable that a space walker would ever leave himself at any time unattached with a safety harness, and yet these two monkeys of astronauts seem to be completely unconcerned; second, brainless decisions while managing the life-saving cargo of the O2 tank by not having it tied to the tether during transition; third, after passing the pivot point of the solar panels module, there was no need to climb down with the bottle in the hands. All that needed to be done was to secure the rope to the tether to make sure it doesn’t fly away, climb just slightly towards the station to get a bit of that centrifugal force gravity, and lower the bottle on the rope holding onto the tether. That way only the weight of the bottle would need to be handled, rather than the weight of one’s own body plus the bottle. But the smartest of us all selected to be astronauts turn out to be the dumb and dumber morons clueless about the basic mechanics. Leave alone the whole stupid idea of launching a rocket into space without all the staff working on the launch pad accounted for. I would say this is the worst sci-fiction movie I have seen lately, and the two lunatics who wrote the scenario for this master piece should never do this again. I would even insist that no losers who flank high school math and physics should be allowed to write scenarios, this is truly painful to see millions of dollars thrown away to produce such idiocy.
Realism in Space
Without having to resort to any violence, sex, or gore, this science fiction movie portrays a serious sociological problem that will be over the heads of younger children but is important to help older kids see the importance of life-changing decisions. Very good role models are present as all characters are highly skilled in their professions, while all are also realistically flawed. Girls should benefit from seeing women in significant and highly responsible leadership roles. There is also a diverse racial element. Science and space buffs will surely enjoy the intense realism.
Jaký je příběh?
STOWAWAY begins as three astronauts (played by Toni Collette, Anna Kendrick, and Daniel Dae Kim) are taking off on a rocket ship to Mars. Their mission will last two full years. But after just 12 hours, they discover a man (Shamier Anderson) locked inside one of the ceiling panels of the ship, apparently knocked unconscious before the launch. His discovery causes damage to some key hardware, resulting in a loss of oxygen aboard the ship. The crew quickly realizes they only have enough oxygen for three humans to survive their trek, not four. They’ll make a series of increasingly risky attempts to solve the problem because their lives depend on their success.
Je to dobré?
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Rodiče říkají (5):
říkají děti (6):
This film follows a long tradition of space movies that combine psychological drama with action. Really, how could traveling to Mars be any different? Černý pasažér puts its astronauts in a dire situation that requires self sacrifice and quick scientific problem-solving to survive, not unlike other recent titles like The Martian, Gravity, or Půlnoční obloha. And like these other films, the believability of the story rests on the actors. This is especially true when you’ve got just one setting and four characters (even the voice of the company contact communicated with back on earth is muffled, meaning the conversations are viewed as one-sided dialogues). The actors here do a fine job, but Collette stands out as the conflicted commander.
The rocket, situations, and solutions will sound scientifically valid enough to the lay person, though it’s never fully explained how Michael came to be locked inside the spaceship’s walls or how he could survive a rocket launch there. In any case, the psychological drama is much more interesting here than the action scenes, and the build-up is more engrossing than the resolution. Even on the space walks, the physicality of the challenge or the external threats are less intriguing than the characters’ reactions — will they have the emotional stamina to succeed? The characters stare out at the earth, receding further and further away from their spinning ship, a visual reminder of their dilemma, their solitude, and the uniqueness of their circumstance. Černý pasažér itself may not be so unique, but it’s an engaging, attractive, and well-acted drama.
Promluvte si se svými dětmi o .
- Rodiny mohou mluvit o tom, jak Černý pasažér compares to other sci-fi or space films you’ve watched. What seemed familiar and what felt different?
- The characters are researching how to sustain life on Mars. Why?
- Do you think films like this one are scientifically accurate? Why are why not? Where could you go for more information?
- The characters face an ethical dilemma when they realize they can’t all survive. What would you have done in that situation? Do you agree with David’s actions? What about Zoe’s?
Podrobnosti o filmu
- Na DVD nebo streamování: Duben 22, 2021
- Obsazení: Anna Kendrick , Toni Collette , Daniel Dae Kim
- Ředitel: Joe Penna
- Informace o zařazení: Herečky, asijští herci
- studio: Netflix
- Žánr: drama
- Top Nabídky: STEM , Friendship , Space and Aliens
- Charakterové síly: Týmová práce
- Spustit čas: 116 minut
- Hodnocení MPAA: NR
- Naposledy aktualizováno: Únor 17, 2023
Informace o zařazení poháněné
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