Movies about Stolen car
The list contains the best, new and most relevant stolen car movies ordered by relevance. The recommendation service has sorted out realistic, suspense, serious, suspenseful, tense and rough films and TV shows about / with stealing a car, police, car chase, car, on the run, police officer, fight, murder, car accident and chase plots mostly in Crime, Drama and Comedy genres shot in USA, UK, Germany and other countries.
TOP 10 movies tagged as stolen car: License to Drive (1988), Used Cars (1980), Bimmer (2003), Drop Dead Sexy (2005), Breathless (1983), Victoria (2015), Sweet Sixteen (2002), Lowriders (2016), Little Wing (2016), The Doo Dah Man (2015).
Nejlepší filmy
The Doo Dah Man (2015) | 6.1 |
License to Drive (1988) | 6.3 |
Strach (1983) | 7.2 |
Na hraně (2001) | 6.9 |
Breathless (1983) | 5.9 |
Nové filmy
Tancuj se mnou (2019) | 6.8 |
Zimní mouchy (2018) | 6.5 |
Netěhotná (2020) | 6.5 |
Cross the Line (2020) | 6.2 |
Konec věty (2019) | 6.7 |
List of stolen car movies
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Žánr: Komedie
Země: USA
Délka: 88 min.
Story: Teenager Les Anderson thinks his life can’t get any worse after he flunks his driver’s exam, but he’s wrong. Even though he didn’t receive his license, Les refuses to break his date with the cool Mercedes Lane, and he decides to .
Style: road movie, light, funny, entertaining, humorous .
Publikum: teenageři, rodinný výlet
Plot: high school, teenager, childhood, underage drinking, love and romance, nothing goes right, family relations, teenage love, high school life, friendship, teenage life, parents and children .
Doba: 80. století, 20. století
Místo: Kalifornie, USA, Los Angeles
je relevantní?
Žánr: Komedie
Země: USA
Délka: 113 min.
Story: When the owner of a struggling used car lot is killed, it’s up to the lot’s hot-shot salesman to save the property from falling into the hands of the owner’s ruthless brother and used-car rival.
Style: funny, humorous, witty, talky, melancholic .
Publikum: chlapecká noc
Plot: car salesman, brother brother relationship, car, father daughter relationship, stripper, public nudity, fraud, no bra, farce, rivalry, fight, topless woman .
Čas: 20. století, 80. léta, rok 1980, 70. léta
Místo: Arizona
je relevantní?
Žánr: Krimi, Drama
Země: Rusko
Délka: 110 min.
Story: Corrupt cops, street gangs, «Bratki» in «Bummers» (BMWs) steal and «Merins» (Mercedeses), angry truck drivers, beautiful women and death are what four friends in a black Bummer who go on a mission from one region of .
Style: serious, road movie, suspenseful, realistic, rough .
Publikum: chlapecká noc
Plot: russian mafia, criminal heroes, group of friends, gangster, corrupt law enforcer, intrigue, dishonesty, crime gone awry, bribery, on the road, murder, rivalry .
Čas: 90, 21. století
Místo: Rusko
je relevantní?
Žánr: Komedie, Krimi
Země: USA
Délka: 83 min.
Story: When their money scam runs aground, a group of would-be thieves turn to kidnapping in an attempt to blackmail their target.
Style: realistic, humorous, semi serious, captivating, tense .
Publikum: chlapecká noc
Plot: kidnapping, stripper, corpse, disorder, crime gone awry, unlikely criminals, nothing goes right, down on your luck, love, partner, criminal heroes, buddies .
Place: texas, usa, latin america, mexico
je relevantní?
Seznam souvisejících filmů
Žánr: Akční, Drama, Romantický, Thriller
Země: USA
Délka: 100 min.
Story: Jesse has to get out of Las Vegas quickly, and steals a car to drive to L.A. On the way he shoots a police man. When he makes it to L.A. he stays with Monica, a girl he has only known for a few days. As the film progresses, the police get closer to .
Style: sexy, neo noir, erotic, talky, suspense .
Plot: comic book, on the run, sensuality, chase, murder, nudity, police investigation, love and romance, attraction, passion, machismo, criminal .
Čas: 80. léta, rok 1983
Place: las vegas, los angeles, california, usa, latin america .
je relevantní?
Žánr: Krimi, Drama, Romantický, Thriller
Země: Německo
Délka: 138 min.
Story: A young Spanish woman who has newly moved to Berlin finds her flirtation with a local guy turn potentially deadly as their night out with his friends reveals a dangerous secret.
Style: suspenseful, intense, tense, realistic, meditative .
Plot: heist, gangster, bank robbery, running from police, drug use, male nudity, crime gone awry, bullet wound, death of friend, heist gone wrong, stolen money, language barrier .
Time: 2010s, year 2015, y2k, 90s, 21st century
Place: berlin germany, germany, peru
je relevantní?
Žánr: Krimi, Drama
Země: Velká Británie, Německo, Španělsko
Délka: 106 min.
Příběh: Skotský teenager z drsných poměrů, odhodlaný vést normální rodinný život, jakmile se jeho matka dostane z vězení, se vydává získat peníze na domov.
Styl: znepokojivý, realistický, sentimentální, ponurý, depresivní.
Publikum: teenageři, batolata, teen drama
Děj: heroin, plnoletost, ztracená nevinnost, teenager, obchod s drogami, kriminalita mladistvých, vězení, drogový dealer, pád, dysfunkční rodina, rodinné vztahy, život je sviňa.
Čas: rok 2002, 90, 2000, 21. století
Místo: Skotsko, glasgow skotsko, Evropa, Spojené království
je relevantní?
Genre: Adventure, Crime, Drama
Země: USA
Délka: 98 min.
Story: A young street artist in East Los Angeles is caught between his father’s obsession with lowrider car culture, his ex-felon brother and his need for self-expression.
Style: suspense, unusual plot structure, disturbing, hood, hispanic
Plot: ex convict, stealing a car, car chase, boyfriend girlfriend relationship, breaking and entering, released from prison, car, friendship, love, brother brother relationship, husband wife relationship, mechanic .
Místo: Los Angeles
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama
Country: Finland, Denmark
Délka: 100 min.
Story: Little Wing tells the story of 12-year-old Varpu, who’s quickly growing to adulthood, and about her mother, who doesn’t want to grow up. Varpu lives with her mother and has never met her father. One night Varpu has enough of her riding .
Style: captivating, serious, suspenseful, touching, uplifting
Plot: childhood, parent child relationship, mother daughter relationship, search for father, single mother, motherhood, stealing a car, father daughter relationship, child, coming of age, woman, single parent .
Čas: 2010s
Místo: Finsko
je relevantní?
Žánr: Drama
Země: USA, Velká Británie
Délka: 92 min.
Story: Set in 1980, The Doo Dah Man tells the story of JAKE, a 20 year old college student living in New Jersey who, after fighting with his absentee father, decides to run away from his life and hitch hike across the country. Along the way he is picked up .
Style: road movie, touching, exciting, rough, captivating .
Plot: intergenerational friendship, teenage boy, on the road, friendship, stealing a car, scam, photographer, teenage protagonist, on the lam, young man, on the run, father son relationship .
Movies about stolen cars
The list of the best films about stolen cars selected by visitors of our site: Lowriders, Shark Lake, I Am Wrath, Lethal Weapon, Dead in 5 Heartbeats, Coin Heist, Blindspotting, Oceans Rising, Dope, The Hollow Point.
Nahoře jsou nové filmy roku 2019, popis děje a upoutávky na filmy, které již vyšly.
Mark | imdb: 5.6 |
Žánr | drama, dobrodružství, zločin |
Země | Spojené státy americké |
Mladý pouliční umělec ve východním Los Angeles je chycen mezi otcovou posedlostí kulturou lowriderů, svým bývalým zločincem a potřebou sebevyjádření.
Mark | imdb: 3.4 |
Žánr | horor, akční, thriller, drama, dobrodružství, zločin |
Země | Spojené státy americké |
Trvání | 03:22 |
Meredith Hendricks je shodou okolností nejlepší policistka ve svém klidném městě u jezera Tahoe. Když je obchodník s exotickými druhy jménem Clint na černém trhu podmínečně propuštěn z vězení, něco, co pustil, začne dávat najevo svou přítomnost. Plavci i milovníci půdy se začnou neuvěřitelnou rychlostí stávat součástí potravního řetězce. Meredith a její tým zjistí, že neloví jen jeden žací stroj, ale celou jejich rodinu. Ne každý z toho vyvázne živý, ale kdo ano, nikdy nezapomene na letošní léto u Žraločího jezera.
Corvette Summer — (Original Trailer)
Mark Hamill followed Star Wars playing a high school student in search of his stolen car in Corvette Summer (1978).
Related Videos
Corvette Summer (1978) — (Movie Clip) This Is A Field Trip
Unveiling the car rebuilt by the advanced auto shop class at fictional LA-area MacArthur High, taking it out to cruise on Van Nuys Blvd., Mark Hamill as Kenny, class genius, Eugene Roche their teacher, Albert Insinnia as Ricci, Danny Bonaduce as goofy Kootz, in Corvette Summer , 1978.
Corvette Summer (1978) — (Movie Clip) We Found Our Car!
Delightful opening from producer, director and co-writers Hal Barwood and Matthew Robbins, Mark Hamill known then only as Luke Skywalker, and company, with their auto-shop teacher (Eugene Roche), finding their project car at an LA junkyard, in Corvette Summer , 1978.
Corvette Summer (1978) — (Movie Clip) Hasta La Vista
Joining a friendly conversation between hero Kenny (Mark Hamill) and a low-rider (Isaac Ruiz Jr.), whos offered a lift en route to Vegas to regain his stolen ride, then picked up by co-star Annie Potts, her first scene, as Vanessa, in Corvette Summer , 1978.
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