Movies about Stock footage
Stock footage. Stock videos. B-roll. Archival footage. Does any of these ring a bell with you? No worries. Whether you’ve already heard of it or not, you have definitely seen it. Superbowl commercial, for instance. Last year, Jobs site, Indeed, and a mortgage service platform, Guaranteed Rate, have used the same stock video for their Super Bowl commercial.
How about paying millions of dollars to advertise in the superbowl so they end up using the same video stock. Hope they at least don’t put them together! photo by @MusebyClio cc @Adweek @adsoftheworld #SuperBowl #superbowlads
— €. (@Profeta999) February 4, 2021
The footage appears at 0:28 in this Indeed ad about finding a new job.
And at 0:52 in this ad for mortgage lender Guaranteed Rate.
As you can see above, stock video is a pre-filmed video that can be used in a variety of projects and films saving creators the time and budget of shooting original material. Moreover, as the role of video content is getting bigger, the use of stock video is becoming increasingly popular as a digital marketing element.
Stock videos cover literally every category you need and guarantee high quality with a minimum resolution of 1920×1080. That means you’re totally able to create visually splendid video content by means of stock video. Today, I’ll walk you through the 10 marvelous short films made with stock videos that will inspire you.
10 BEST Stock Videos Short Films
| 1. Kriscoart
| 2. Josef Martin
| 3. Hanuko100
| 4. Crimes Against Film
| 5. Nick Sales
| 6. Ronnie Q
| 7. Matthew Hyatt
| 8. RobHK
| 9. Teppo Haapoja
| 10. unikid
Stock video is often used in a supplementary way to heighten the production value and improve the video creations. As you can see from the listed videos above, stock videos also enhance the story with powerful imagery and visual flow. The use of stock videos can be a great way to save time, money, and resources. You can buy stock video clips easily at a stock video agency and some are offering a royalty-free license that you can use under any conditions. Using stock videos you can create a very rich and professional product while staying within budget and saving precious time. So, what are you waiting for? Take the benefits of stock video now!
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- Konečný průvodce, jak se stát přispěvatelem do Stock Footage pomocí mobilního telefonu
- How to shoot professional videos with an iPhone
How Popular Movies Creatively Use Stock Footage
Many film creators use stock footage to save time and money. They also use this footage to create immersion in their scenes. Whether you are a filmmaker or video producer, you might have heard about film footage before. However, if you haven’t heard about it before, you might have seen hundreds of footage in popular shows and movies. Let’s understand what stock footage is and how it fills different storylines.
Co je to Stock Footage?
Stock footage includes short clips, filmed by different video producers. These clips are available on different platforms such as Artgrid so other producers can use them for their videos, saving significant time and money on production. Often, these clips are quite generic so they easily blend in with other projects. Here are some benefits of using stock footage for your video:
- Add production value
- Ušetřete čas a peníze
- Use difficult clips such as aerial and microscopic shots
- Use backgrounds and elements
- Make a whole film
- Use archive footage
Popular Movies with Stock Footage
Hollywood uses stock footage all the time. Since every film producer tries to make the most of their budgets, they include short clips in different scenes. Here are some examples for your reference.
1. Shootist
Shootist was John Wayne’s last movie as he was suffering from cancer during the production. John was the perfect fit in this movie as the storyline revolves around a cowboy legend with cancer. He was able to dive into the character because of so many similarities. Unfortunately, after the movie, we lost the legendary actor.
In the opening sequence, Ron Howard narrated the story about the western hero. However, in the background, you can notice various shots that blended well with the narration. Director took most of these shots from different movies and stock footage. Although the movie was from 1876, they still used short clips. The original scenes from the movie were shot in Carson City.
2. Jump Street 21
Even in the modern film industry, we can pinpoint numerous scenes taken from different movies or stock footage platforms. Let’s take the example of 21 Jump Street, který byl natočen v New Orleans. Klipy explodujícího melounu ze scény montáže drog nebyly natočeny 21 Jump Streetposádka. Ve skutečnosti produkční tým představil klipy během střihu. Při správném použití mohou tyto krátké klipy učinit scény poutavějšími, zajímavějšími a ještě zábavnějšími. Producenti mohli snímek pořídit pomocí vysokorychlostního vodního melounu, ale místo toho ušetřili čas a peníze tím, že do scény zařadili akcie.
3. Blade Runner
The ending scene of this movie, where Deckard and Rachael escape from the mountains contains stock footage from Zářící. Vzhledem k tomu, že v Los Angles, kde se natáčelo, bylo zataženo, záběry interiéru a exteriéru auta se neshodovaly. Převzali tedy sekvenci úvodních titulků z The Shinning and used it in their movie.
4. Star Trek: Generace
Projekt star Trek film, Další generace, filmed in Los Angeles, contains a scene in which Klingon Empires and the United Federation of Plants had a battle. Originally, the footage where the Klingon Bird of Prey blows, was filmed in Star Trek VI: Neobjevená země. Producenti však scénu použili i v Nových generacích. Mnoho lidí recyklované záběry nepoznalo. Viděl jsi Star Trek: Fourth Season yet? If not then you should watch it now. Maybe, you will find some re-used video footage in this season well.
Movies about Stock footage
tommynka / youtube / tommynka / youtube
Zaprvé star Trek movie featuring Další generace cast, the battle between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire was comprised of recycled footage from Star Trek VI: Neobjevená země. Both movies share the same scene where the Klingon Bird of Prey explodes.
8. Film: Občan Kane // Recycled Footage from: The Son Of Kong
Občan Kane is considered by many to be the greatest film of all time, but it’s also guilty of recycling footage from another movie. During one of the lavish picnic scenes with Charles Foster Kane’s new wife Susan Alexander, the background is lifted from the monster flick The Son of Kong. If you look carefully you can actually see animated pterodactyls flying in the background.
9. Film: Dobyvatelé ztracené archy // Recycled Footage from: Lost Horizon
The iconic map transitions in Dobyvatelé ztracené archy použil záběry DC-3 letícího nad Himalájemi z filmu Lost Horizon. Director Steven Spielberg rented stock footage from the 1973 film to save money on production costs.
Spielberg also used footage from the 1975 film Hindenburg to double as a 1930s street.
10. Film: Robin Hood // Recycled Footage from: Kniha džungle a Aristocati
In the early days, Disney animators frequently recycled footage from older animated films. They would simply draw over existing animation cells to make new scenes with characters with similar designs, characteristics, and movements.
1973 je Robin Hood featured footage from 1970’s Aristocati, 1967 Kniha džunglea 1937 Sněhurka a sedm trpaslíků. When comparing the films, you can plainly see that, in the dance scene in Robin Hood, Little John and Lady Kluck are doing the exact same dance as Baloo and King Louie from Kniha džungle. In fact, Little John and Baloo share the same character design and voice, provided by entertainer Phil Harris. Robin Hood and Maid Marian also do the exact same dance as Thomas O’Malley and Duchess from Disney’s Aristocati.
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