Movies about Sting operation
HLAS: Rebecca Braytonová
Scénář napsala Genevieve Methotová.
These guys are armed, dangerous and playing both sides. In this video, counts down our picks for the top 10 serious undercover movies. For this list, we’re focusing on those serious movies with plots that revolve around the taking of another identity, where the idea of “going undercover” is central to the film. If you didn’t see a film you think should be on the list, be sure to check out our video of the Top 10 Comedic Undercover Movies as well.
Zvláštní poděkování našim uživatelům Danielu Johnovi a Andrew A. Dennisonovi za předložení nápadu na naší stránce s návrhy na WatchMojo.comsuggest
Scénář napsala Genevieve Methotová.
Top 10 vážných tajných filmů
Tihle kluci jsou ozbrojení, nebezpeční a hrají na obě strany. Vítejte na webu a dnes odpočítáváme naše tipy na 10 nejvážnějších tajných filmů.
For this list, we’re focusing on those serious movies with plots that revolve around the taking of another identity, where the idea of “going undercover” is central to the film. If you didn’t see a film you think should be on the list, be sure to check out our video of the Top 10 Comedic Undercover Movies as well.
#10: “Gangs of New York” (2002)
This epic historical drama follows the vengeful scheme of a young man who goes to Manhattan to kill his father’s murderer. Taking to heart the old adage, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer,” Amsterdam Vallon infiltrates Bill ‘the Butcher’ Cutting’s inner circle. If the teaming up of Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese isn’t enough to convince you of the film’s merit, then perhaps the 10 Oscar nominations, including ones for Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Director, will do the trick.
#9: „Rychle a zběsile“ (2001)
This is the first in a series of action flicks that’d eventually make up Universal Studio’s biggest franchise ever. Following an undercover cop who’s trying to figure out a street racer’s involvement in a series of thefts, “The Fast and the Furious” features the late Paul Walker in a role that earned him mainstream fame. While wrapped up in the street-racing scene, Brian O’Conner winds up falling for the cars, the lifestyle, and the hot sister. Thanks to its exciting storyline and incredible action sequences, the film was a box office smash and spawned multiple sequels.
#8: “Reservoir Dogs” (1992)
In typical Quentin Tarantino fashion, this non-linear story follows a diamond heist gone horribly wrong. The band of thieves didn’t even know each other before the robbery, and most of them have adopted fake names. After realizing the police are always one step ahead of them, the group comes to believe that one of their crew is most likely an informant. Despite being produced on a modest budget, “Reservoir Dogs” boasted a stellar cast and became Tarantino’s big Hollywood break.
#7: “Serpico” (1973)
If this based-on-a-true-story movie teaches us anything, it’s that snitches get stitches. Al Pacino plays Frank Serpico, a truthful cop who goes undercover to sniff out the corruption that’s plaguing his own police force and ends up becoming a target. But what makes the crime drama so great is that the character’s honest efforts are hardly fictionalized, and the real Frank Serpico has since been recognized as a hero. Pacino also received an Oscar nod for Best Actor in a Leading Role for his depiction of the real-life legend.
#6: “Face/Off” (1997)
Before these two actors became more associated with Internet memes and weird antics, they collaborated on this little gem. John Travolta and Nicolas Cage take their commitment to going undercover to a whole new level when their characters – an FBI agent and a terrorist respectively – switch faces and assume each other’s identities. Despite the premise being incredibly silly and far-fetched, the science fiction thriller is actually quite entertaining, as far as action movies go. “Face/Off” also allowed the actors to shine by playing two different personalities, which was another bonus.
#5: “Eastern Promises” (2007)
David Cronenberg a Viggo Mortensen se spojili v tomto temném thrilleru o porodní asistentce, která se náhodou zaplete s ruskou mafií. To ji také přivede k tajnému agentovi, kterého hraje Viggo Mortensen, který se vydává za řidiče zločinců, aby proti nim postavil případ. Ačkoli Viggův přízvuk byl pro rodilé Rusy údajně nepřesvědčivý, jeho ztvárnění Nikolaje bylo dostatečně autentické, aby vyděsilo místní obyvatele, kteří si ho spletli se skutečným, a vyneslo mu kývnutí na Oscara.
#4: “American Hustle” (2013)
V tomto komediálním dramatu hrají Amy Adams a poněkud ošuntělý Christian Bale pár podvodníků ze 70. let, kteří jsou dopadeni FBI. Poté jsou donuceni pomáhat agresivnímu agentovi provést zákeřnou operaci s cílem zaplést spoustu politických osobností. Film s působivým obsazením hollywoodských crème de la crème, jako Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner a Bradley Cooper, byl nominován na deset Oscarů, včetně nejlepšího filmu.
#3: “Point Break” (1991)
Before Paul Walker learned to drive with street racers, Keanu Reeves was learning to catch waves. This totally tubular film follows an FBI agent who goes undercover as a beach bum in order to investigate a string of bank robberies believed to be committed by a group of gnarly surfers. Directed by Oscar-nominated director Kathryn Bigelow of “The Hurt Locker” fame and also starring Patrick Swayze, this bitchin’ film has rightfully earned its stripes. It was a box office smash and later became a cult action classic.
#2: «Donnie Brasco» (1997)
Toto kriminální drama založené na skutečném příběhu sleduje agenta FBI, který převezme identitu zloděje šperků jménem Donnie Brasco, aby se mohl stát součástí newyorské mafiánské rodiny. Ve své práci je tak dobrý, že se v roli málem ztratí. „Donnie Brasco“ je jedním z těch morálně nejednoznačných příběhů, kde se diváci mohou ocitnout v naději, že Johnny Depp a Al Pacino spolu odjedou při západu slunce.
Než odhalíme náš nejlepší výběr, zde je několik čestných uznání:
— “Rush” (1991)
— “State of Grace” (1990)
— “Hard Boiled” (1992)
— “A Scanner Darkly” (2006)
— “The Raid 2” (2014)
#1: “The Departed” (2006)
A remake of the 2002 Hong Kong film “Infernal Affairs,” “The Departed” may seem like your typical undercover crime movie. But the star quality of everyone attached to the project made it a shoo-in at the Oscars. With cops trying to find the mole in their department while the mob guys simultaneously look for their rat, “The Departed” plays with the theme of identity in a complex, and entertaining way. Scorsese really outdid himself and even earned his first Oscar to prove it.
Souhlasíte s naším seznamem? Kdo je váš oblíbený dvojitý agent? Pro zábavnější top desítky publikovaných denně se nezapomeňte přihlásit k odběru
15 Undercover Movies We Love
Cops, gangster, pranksters — Before there was Jenko and Schmidt going incognito in 22 Jump Street, there were many masters of disguise and we’ve put together some of the most memorable undercover movies.
The Departed (2006)
Marty Scorsese directs the crime thriller about young cop Billy (Leonardo DiCaprio) who infiltrates an Irish gang to bring down Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson).
Donnie Brasco (1997)
The film’s based on the true story of undercover Agent Pistone’s (Johnny Depp «friendship» with Lefty (Al Pacino) and the take down of the Bonnnano mob family.
Bod zlomu (1991)
Začínající agent Johnny Utah jde hluboko do světa surfařů, aby chytil bankovní lupiče nechvalně známé jako Ex-Prezidenti.
Face/Off (1997)
This action thriller takes disguise to a whole new level when FBI agent Sean Archer gets a surgical face transplant to avenge his son’s death and bring down terrorist Castor Troy. Then Castor does the same surgery to look like Sean. Hardcore.
Reservoir Dogs (1992)
Barevný kriminální thriller Quentina Tarantina (a první velký hit) se objevil na Sundance v roce 1992.
Eastern Promises (2007)
While going undercover to take down a Russian mob family, Viggo Mortensen has a very memorable fight in a bathhouse.
Charlieho andělé (2000)d
Nobody does disguises better than Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu in this campy take on the sexy 70’s TV series.
Spěch (1991)
Small town cops go undercover to catch a major Texas drug dealer, but go too deep and become addicts themselves.
Policajt v mateřské škole (1990)
Detective Kimble (Arnold Schwarzenegger) goes undercover on his hardest job yet — teaching five-year-olds.
Tajný bratr (2002)
Secret Agent, aka Undercover Brother, comes to the rescue when a presidential candidate’s campaign gets compromised by ‘The Man.’
Miss Congeniality (2000)
Sandra Bullock not only nabbed the bad guys in her role as a socially awkward FBI agent turned beauty queen, but nabbed a Golden Globe nomination as well.
Starsky & Hutch (2004)
Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson go undercover in this silver screen reboot of the classic 70’s TV series.
Špinavý trik (2013)
This movie has it all: con artists, corrupt politicians, government stings and great 1970’s fashion. Not sure what is more memorable — Amy Adams low cut dresses or Bradley Cooper’s perm.
Dům velké mámy (2000)
Mistr přestrojení/Agent FBI Turner (Martin Lawrence) se zblázní, když se promění v jižanskou babičku známou jako Big Momma.
22 Jump Street (2014)
Chaning and Jonah are back for a second assignment, but this time they’re heading to college.
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REVIEW: “The Stranger” (2022)
Actor, director, producer, screenwriter, and playwright Thomas M. Wright helms “The Stranger”, a new psychological crime thriller inspired by the real-life police investigation into the murder of 13-year-old Daniel Morcombe. In 2003, young Morcombe was abducted while waiting at a bus stop. Eight years later, police arrested Brett Peter Cowan and charged him with Morcombe’s murder. Cowan was eventually sentenced to life imprisonment.
“The Stranger” is based on Kate Kyriacou’s non-fiction book “The Sting: The Undercover Operation That Caught Daniel Morcombe’s Killer“. Wright beletrizuje intenzivní tajnou operaci bodnutí, která nakonec přivedla vraha před soud. Z úcty k rodině byla všechna skutečná jména změněna a film se (naštěstí) nesnaží znovu vytvořit chlapcovu smrt. Místo toho se soustředí na policisty – ty, kteří pracují skrytě v terénu, a ty, kteří pracují v zákulisí, skládající kusy dohromady, aby sestavili případ. Pohybuje se ve svém vlastním jedinečném rytmu. Ale jakmile se s tím dostanete do kroku, je těžké se odvrátit.
Wrightův příběh se odehrává v roce 2010, asi osm let po únosu a vraždě mladého chlapce Jamese Listona. Policie podezřívá muže jménem Henry Peter Teague (tajemně mrazivý Sean Harris), ale chybí jí důkazy pro odsouzení. Založili tedy a Mr. Big úkon. Tehdy policie vytvoří propracovanou lest, která má oklamat podezřelého, aby se přiznal. Často spočívá v tom, že policisté v utajení vytvoří falešný kruh organizovaného zločinu a poté nalákají podezřelého, aby se přidal. Poté si vybudují vztah s podezřelým v naději, že si získají jejich důvěru.
Joel Edgerton plays a cop going by the assumed name Mark Frame who works in the Undercover Crimes Unit of the Western Australian Police. He’s good at his job and committed to every case. But it’s starting to take a toll. We get references to stress, depression, and trouble sleeping. He’s haunted by terrifying dreams, often connected to his work. And we see him laboring at home to be the best father he can be to his young son.
A fellow deep-cover officer named Paul (Steve Mouzakis) strikes up a conversation with Henry Teague on a late-night bus ride. Paul offers to let Henry in on some small jobs for the make-believe gang he works for. Henry accepts and is introduced to Mark who who takes him under his wing. Mark’s job is to loosen Henry up over time and get him to start talking. But this proves to be difficult and taxing. Since Henry is considered too dangerous for densely populated areas, Mark is ordered to isolate him. But that leaves Mark unprotected and unobserved (aside from his unreliable recording gear). Exasperated and worn down, it becomes a question of whether or not Mark can keep it together long enough to get the confession they need.
While Mark works in the field, Wright routinely cuts back to Detective Senior Constable Kate Rylett (Jada Alberts). Her side of the story plays as a serious-minded police procedural as she works to put together a case against Henry that will stick. While her scenes feel a bit underserved, they’re still compelling and Wright uses them to offer us another side of the police-work that goes into cases like these.
Jak ukazuje „The Stranger“, tento druh policejní práce mění lidi a Mark není jiný. Je to dlouhodobá blízkost zla? Je to zdrcující stres? Je to pocit izolace? Wright ukazuje, jak všichni tři opotřebovávají jeho hlavní postavu. A Joel Edgerton je nezbytný pro předání Wrightova poselství, dokonale přesvědčivý ve svém ztvárnění mučeného muže, který pomalu ztrácí své ostří. Je to ústřední kousek tohoto nenápadného, ale strhujícího thrilleru; klíčová složka, díky které toto chladné, náladové a evokující pomalé spalování funguje tak dobře. „The Stranger“ se nyní streamuje na Netflixu
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