Movies about Social misfits
Some of the movies’ most memorable characters are the ones who march to the beat of their own drum. From quirky to charming, we’ve rounded up our favorite movie «misfits» in this list.
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Předškoláci pro všechny věkové kategorie (2–4) Malé děti (5–7) Velké děti (8–9) Dospělí (10–12) Dospívající (13–18)
Peppy holiday favorite for both kids and parents.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2003)
Nekonvenční temný fantasy klenot je intenzivní, někdy děsivý.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1996)
Nancy Drew
Big-screen teen sleuth is cute, if a bit bland.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 2007)
Časoví bandité
Fun fantasy has a bit of bite.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1981)
Classic ’80s adventure has lots of swearing, some scares.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1985)
A realistic look at a teen’s coming-of-age.
Na DVD/streamování (rok vydání: 1986)
Přejděte zpět na začátek
Other great lists from our editors
- Best Movies for Family Movie Night
- Praštěné komediální filmy ke shlédnutí s mladistvými a dospívajícími
- Offbeat Animated Movies
- Movies to Watch with Tweens and Teens That Don’t Make You Look Like a Dork
- 5 Tips to Make Family Movie Night a Success
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The 17 Best Movies About Lovable Oddballs Coming Together
Pracujte na tom is just the latest in a long line of teen movies about outcasts and underdogs striving for something great. The movie, which debuted on Netflix in August, follows some familiar territory, contrasting a group of creative misfits with a more traditional, well-trained rival. There’s nothing we love as much as a good underdog story. After all, chances are we were all misfits once, and there’s something so heartwarming and reassuring about watching a group of people who don’t quite fit in for some reason achieve greatness and prove the naysayers wrong.
Just because the genre itself is fun, though, doesn’t mean every entry in it is great cinema. Ahead, we’re looking at all the underdog and outcast movies from the past several years — see which ones we loved and which ones didn’t quite make it to the top.
Perfektní skóre
Every teen stresses out about the SATs, but the teens in this movie take that to the next level. Worried about their futures if they don’t get the scores they need, a group of classmates team up to break into the testing company’s office to steal the answers so they can all get perfect scores. It’s a fun premise, but also a prime example of uninspired and cheesy teen flicks from the early 2000s.
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
Nothing says «outcast underdogs» like «dodgeball,» and that’s exactly what makes this comedy so funny. A group of employees and members from a failing gym decide to enter into a dodgeball tournament to try to raise enough money to keep it from being demolished. It’s almost a parody of the «underdog» story (as you might guess by its title), and while it’s got some great moments, it also is very much a relic of a specific brand of mid-2000s cringe comedy that hasn’t aged well.
Radostný hluk
A small town is hit hard by a recession, making their local choir even more of an underdog in the annual competition. Although the rival leaders can’t stop bickering, a budding romance between one’s daughter and the other’s grandson might prove to be just what the choir needs to lift them up above the competition. It’s cute, and has a great cast (Dolly Parton, Queen Latifah, Keke Palmer, and Jeremy Jordan), but it’s fairly forgettable too.
It’s the classic «battle of the bands» story, as a group of teenage misfits form a band in hopes of winning a recording contract at the annual «Bandslam» competition. Of course, personal drama, betrayals, and love triangles soon threaten to tear the band apart, and if they can’t figure things out, they might not be able to perform at all. The movie is pretty tropey, but at least it’s fun!
Directed by Rene Villar Rios, this teen drama takes place at a tough love work camp for teens that is a cross between The Lord of the Flies and The Breakfast Club. As the cruel warden and brutal guards make their lives miserable, the ensemble of troubled teens confront each other and numerous problems facing their generation.
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