Movies about Sleeping pill
The movie Sleeping Pills, released in 2003 and directed by Michael Lauter with Michael Lauter as cinematographer and editing by Michael Lauter.
Directed by | Michael Lauter
Cinematography by | Michael Lauter
Written by | Michael Lauter
Zvukové systémy
Dolby Digital
Country | USA
Jazyk | Angličtina
Žánry | Drama
Editační systém
Dokončovací systém
➤ Režie
➤ Kamera podle
➤ Napsal
➤ Výrobce
Přidružený producent
➤ Původní hudba od
➤ Oddělení kamery a elektro
Asistent fotoaparátu
➤ Redakční oddělení
Negative Cutter
Časovač barev
➤ Výtvarné oddělení
Associate Art Director
➤ Zvukové oddělení
Dohled nad editorem zvuku
Production Sound
Arcade Sound Effects
Editor Adr
Foley Recorder
Foley Artist
➤ Music Department
Composer: Additional Music
Composer: Additional Music
Sleeping Pills — modified: 2019-06-14 3:41pm [16550] [241961]
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Butterfield 8 (1960) — (Movie Clip) Better Than Sleeping Pills
In her mink swiped from the closet of the wife of a client who insulted her by leaving cash, call-girl-in-denial Gloria (Elizabeth Taylor) drops in on musician and childhood pal Steve (Taylor’s then-husband Eddie Fisher), in BUtterfield 8 , 1960, from the novel by John O’Hara.
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BUtterfield 8 — (Original Trailer)
Elizabeth Taylor won her first Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in Butterfield 8 (1960).
BUtterfield 8 (1960) — (Movie Clip) Put Your Assets Away
Condescending playboy client Liggett (Laurence Harvey) meets angered undeclared call-girl Gloria (Elizabeth Taylor, in her Academy Award role) in a Manhattan bar, inflicting pain on each other in their first scene together, in director Daniel Mann’s BUtterfield 8 , 1960.
Butterfield 8 (1960) — (Movie Clip) Vice-President In Charge Of Nonsense
Weve just met womanizing Manhattan executive Ligg (Laurence Harvey), getting a talking-to from a business pal (Jeffrey Lynn), then at the shooting range in the tony suburbs with his slightly-estranged but loyal wife (Dina Merrill), early in Butterfield 8 , 1960, starring Elizabeth Taylor.
Butterfield 8 (1960) — (Movie Clip) No Sale
Much of the acting done by composer Bronislau Kaper, party-girl Gloria (Elizabeth Taylor, in her Oscar-winning role) is enraged when she discovers her married one-night-stand left cash for her in his apartment, in a segment of the opening scene from Daniel Mann’s BUtterfield 8 , 1960.
‘The Devil’s aspirin’: Ambien, Elon Musk, and Hollywood’s sleeping pill nightmare
When a single tweet by a billionaire can unsettle the markets, or the most successful comedy on US television can be toppled by 140 characters,, it’s important to establish how these posts made their way online in the first place.
An interview with Elon Musk, the chairman and chief executive of of electric car maker Tesla, has shown him to be the latest high-profile star whose Ambien habit has, in the words of the New York Times: «worried some [Tesla] board members, who have noted that sometimes the drug does not put Mr. Musk to sleep but instead contributes to late-night Twitter sessions.»
Musk’s recent tweets have seen him attack analysts for asking “boring, bonehead” questions and call a cave diver who helped to rescue the teenage boys trapped in a cave in Thailand a “pedo guy”. He told the New York Times that he takes Ambien to help him cope with 120-hour work weeks, saying: “It is often a choice of no sleep or Ambien”.
His outbursts follow that of actress and comedian Roseanne Barr, who in May posted that Valerie Jarrett, the African-American former advisor to Barack Obama, was what would happen if “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby”. The outrage was swift and far-reaching. Within hours, ABC announced they would be cancelling the revival of Barr’s show, Roseanne.
Barr apologised for her tweet and said she would be leaving Twitter, but she was soon back on, to say that she’d posted it under the influence of Ambien, the sleeping medication used by millions of Americans.
“It was 2 in the morning and I was Ambien tweeting,” Barr wrote. Her declaration has incited only more scorn – and little sympathy – from online commentators. But just how responsible can a sleeping pill be for spewing offensive comments across the internet, and why is Ambien so beloved by Los Angeles’s biggest power players?
The US has a sleep problem. An estimated 50-70 million Americans have been diagnosed with insomnia, and four per cent of the country rely on prescription drugs to fall asleep.
Since the early Nineties, Ambien – the widely used brand name for the drug zolpidem – has rapidly become the sleeping drug of choice. In 2006, it was worth $2 billion a year in US sales alone, and had been taken 12 billion times globally.
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