Movies about Skinny dipping
Rok: 2004
Země: Mexiko
Актёры a актрисы: Jorge Milo, Adrian Alonso, Ronny Bandomo Casanova, Alejandro Lago
Obsah: Three stories of three kids from Morocco, Cuba and Mexico, whose fathers have left their homes in search of better job opportunities. Although they are from different backgrounds, the children share a sense of desertion and loneliness.
In the first story, Prisciliano (Adrian Alonso from Zorro & Innocent Voices) watches his father leave his family in Mexico to work in the United States. Then we have Fatima, a Moroccan girl who crosses the Mediterranean in a small boat to Spain to follow her father. The final setting is Cuba, where a boy dreams of meeting his father, who left long ago. Each child makes an attempt to reclaim the love of their fathers who have gone «to the other side» — CVMC
Фильм добавлен: 27.12.2023
‘Al otro lado’
Honeysuckle Rose
IMDb 6.3/10 (1 826)
R FF 9.0/10 (1)
Rok: 1980
Země: United States
Obsah: After displaying his easygoing charm in a number of television appearances and a showy supporting role in The Electric Horseman, Willie Nelson scored his first leading role in this romantic comedy-drama in which he (appropriately enough) plays a musician. Buck Bonham (Nelson) is a country singer/songwriter with a loyal following in his native Texas and the neighboring Western states. However, Buck hasn’t yet had the hit record that would make him a star nationwide; in the meantime, Buck and his band keep up a busy tour schedule, much to the annoyance of his wife, Viv (Dyan Cannon), and son, Jamie (Joey Floyd), who would like to see Buck at home every once in a while. As Buck wonders if he should press on with his musical career or call it quits, his close friend and longtime guitarist Garland Ramsey (Slim Pickens) announces he’s retiring, and suggests a good replacement — his daughter, Lily (Amy Irving). Lily had a crush on Buck as a child, and now as a full-grown and very beautiful woman, her infatuation has only increased with time. Consequently, Buck must choose between Viv and Lily as well as his home and his career. Honeysuckle Rose was written specifically for Nelson, and his character bears more than a passing similarity to Willie and his life before the album Red Headed Stranger made him a star; the film also earned Nelson an Academy Award nomination for the film’s theme song, «On the Road Again.» — Mark Deming, All Movie Guide
Фильм добавлен: 18.10.2023
‘Honeysuckle Rose’
Ronja Rovardotter
IMDb 7.3/10 (11 722)
R FF 7.0/10 (45)
Rok: 1984
Země: Швеция, Норвегия
Актёры a актрисы: Hanna Zetterberg, Dan Håfström
Obsah: Během bouře udeří blesk a fyzicky rozdělí hrad na dvě části a také loajalitu jeho obyvatel. O několik let později se dívka (Hanna Zetterberg) z jedné strany pevnosti a chlapec (Dan Hafstroem) z její druhé, oba ve věku asi dvanácti let, spřátelí a utečou do divočiny, když se je rodiče pokusí od sebe oddělit. Mohli by tito mladíci dát všechny zase dohromady, než budou padat závěrečné titulky?
Фильм добавлен: 09.09.2023
«Ronja Rövardotter»
Feofaniya, risuyushchaya smert
IMDb 5.5/10 (107)
R FF 4.5/10 (4)
Rok: 1991
Země: Rusko
Актёры a актрисы: Victor Repnikov
Obsah: In Middle-Age Russia, a christian preacher arrives, proposing a new order. He threatens those who take part in a pagan festival with the flames of hell. But when strange crimes start to happen, local leaders decide to investigate. — IMDb
Фильм добавлен: 05.07.2023
‘Feofaniya, risuyushchaya smert’
Franz + Polina
Movies about Skinny dipping
J’ai deux amours
Rok: 1996
Země: Francie
Актёры a актрисы: Eloïse Charretier, Paola Debiasi-Huppert, Melody Gérard
Фильм добавлен: 20.01.2024
«J’ai deux amours»
Rok: 1960
Země: Kanada
Obsah: Když bobří hráz zaplaví otcovo seno, dva chlapci vymyslí plán, jak zachránit bobra před otcovou nelibostí.
Фильм добавлен: 17.01.2024
«Bobří přehrada»
Máta peprná-Frieden
IMDb 7.6/10 (114)
R FF 7.5/10 (2)
Rok: 1983
Země: SRN
Актёры a актрисы: Saskia Tyroller
Obsah: Film o životě malé Marianne v malé vesnici v letech 1943-1950. Mír přichází v podobě amerického vojáka, který všem dětem přináší žvýkačky, vojáka, kterému říkají pan Frieden. Mariannina hlava je plná strachu z války a víry, že se válka vrátí. — Mattias Thuresson, IMDb
Фильм добавлен: 13.01.2024
Tragédie Macbeth
IMDb 7.4/10 (14 744)
R FF 6.8/10 (10)
Rok: 1971
Země: Spojené království, USA
Актёры a актрисы: Mark Dightam, Keith Chegwin
Obsah: Verze Shakespearovy tragédie Romana Polanského o skotském lordovi, který zavraždí krále a usedne na trůn. Jeho žena pak začne halucinovat v důsledku svého komplexu viny a syn mrtvého krále se spikne, aby napadl Macbetha a odhalil ho, že je vrahem. — IMDb
Фильм добавлен: 10.01.2024
„Tragédie Macbetha“
Pod přetížením
Rok: 2021
Země: Dánsko
Актёры a актрисы: Julie Frendrup Skovborg, Karl Peter Kjær Houlind
Фильм добавлен: 06.01.2024
„Pod přetížením“
IMDb 7.3/10 (46)
R FF 2.0/10 (1)
Rok: 1972
Země: Nizozemsko
Актёры a актрисы: Lucas Wolf, Hans Javing, Gerald Snijders, Bert Hadderingh, Eric Ziengs, Geert Jansen, Bard de Vries, Roelof Hadderingh, Luc Krol, Jan Krol
Obsah: Iedereen kent het: ‚Ik bid nie veur brune bon’n!‘. Vanaf prosinec 1972 zond de NCRV de 7-delige série Bartje uit. Willy van Hemert vertaalde de populaire streekroman van Anne de Vries over een Drents boerengezin naar een onvergetelijke dramaserie.Een unieke tv-klassieker in de vaderlandse geschiedenis.Deze 7-delige series is, vanaf nuver3kriing de obaxvogering DVD Box se 3 DVD’s.1 Zobrazená zoon2 Škola3 Další 4 Převzaté 5 De klabatse6 Překrásné 7 Režisér:Willy van HemertHerci:Arend Kuik, Bert Hadderingh, Hans Javing, Ina Schadenberg, Jansen Kroola, Jansen Jaap Weurding, Jobkien van de Hoeven, Johan HilbrandsBeeldformaat4:3GeluidsformaatDolby Digital 2.0OndertitelingNederlandsTalenEngels — IMDb
Фильм добавлен: 03.01.2024
Utolsó padban
IMDb 6.7/10 (40)
R FF 6.5/10 (8)
Rok: 1976
Země: Maďarsko
Актёры a актрисы: Imre Etelka
Obsah: Mladá cikánka se se svou rodinou přistěhuje do města, kde však čelí rasovým předsudkům. — IMDb
Фильм добавлен: 30.12.2023
«Utolsó padban»
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Nothing says summertime like clocking in some quality pool time. But if you’re anything like us, your favorite kind of pool time is the naked kind, right? Yeah, we thought so. Which is why we rounded up some of the absolute steamiest (literally) skinny dipping scenes, you know, just in case you’re looking for a little late night inspiration.
Here, we celebrate everything from Jaro Breakers na Twilight sága: Rozbřesk — 1. část to the classic of all classics, Wild Things, as they present to us the best reasons to take off all your clothes and get in a pool. There’s a lot of splashing, a lot of sex, and not a whole lot of clothing in sight.
And if there’s one thing we’ve learned from all these films, it’s that skinny dipping is best done with friends. New friends, old friends, boss friends, stalker friends — it’s all a good time! Of course, skinny dipping is also the result of a Truth or Dare game gone well (very well), so let this also be a reminder that you’re gonna want to choose Dare every time. Every. Time.
But for now, jump in and enjoy the hottest skinny dipping scenes in movies.
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