Movies about Skepticism
This is not a list of films o skepticism. Rather, it is a list of skepticism films, i.e., films that express skeptical thoughts and attitudes about many of our fundamental beliefs, most of the time by featuring «dramatized, fictional narrative versions of the hypothetical thought experiments that are part and parcel of philosophical reflection on knowledge and doubt» (Schmerheim, 2016, p. 3).
Because I’m looking for films that avoid giving the spectator an explicit or implicit answer to the skeptical challenges they raise, I’m not including films like The Matrix or The Truman Show.
Also, for clarity’s sake:
«Religious skepticism» means skepticism about belief in God. It does ne mean criticism of religious institutions.
«Cartesian skepticism» means external world skepticism driven by reflection on the dreaming, insanity and evil demon hypotheses.
These are listed in no particular order.
Eternal WIP but I’m not rushing this.
Schmerheim, P. (2016) Skepticism films: knowing and doubting the world in contemporary cinema. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
Sharpen your professional skepticism with these 25 movies
Warning: This list of 25 movies is not for you if you must have a Hollywood happy ending. Instead, these are edifying movies that will reawaken your professional skepticism.
There is no hero on a white horse who saves the day in these movies. Government investigators and corporate leaders are portrayed as incompetent, corrupt and greedy. The controls break down or were never there to begin with. The fraudster sometimes wins. The risk that we auditors are always warning against actually happens, and no one strolls into the sunset holding hands with a handsome prince.
But if you are in the mood to go to the dark side of humanity during quarantine, pop some popcorn and get out your notepad. You will learn something interesting about fraud, internal controls, greed and the importance of professional skepticism by watching any of the following movies that are available on either Netflix or Amazon.
Jack Black hraje ambiciózního imigranta, který využívá Ponziho schéma k dosažení amerického snu. Podívejte se, jak se jinak bezúhonný chlapík pomalu nechá zatáhnout do lži a jak se vládním regulačním orgánům nedaří potlačit podvody v zárodku.
At one point in this highly entertaining movie, Tom Cruise’s money laundering methods fail him, and he has a hard time finding places to store his excess cash. I had to laugh out loud when cash started oozing out of his closet, car, and refrigerator. Who knew crates full of cash could be such a problem. Federal bank regulators employ an auditor’s favorite tool – data analytics – to suss out Tom’s drug running operation. Near the end of the movie, self-concerned government agencies fight over who will get credit for taking him down.
This documentary is dry, but it is worth watching because the Enron debacle is something every auditor should be schooled in. Watch for the real-life examples of how a negative tone at the top can take a whole organization down.
Leonardo DiCaprio hraje v tomto divokém příběhu podvodu, chamtivosti a zhýralosti. Scény s Matthewem McConaugheym jsou děsivě dobré a ukazují lidskou chamtivost v té nejhorší podobě.
Watch Ray Kroc take McDonalds from the true founders. When it is over, you have to wonder whether Ray Kroc is a smart businessman or a fraudster.
V tomto skutečném příběhu o tom, jak Rusové dopovali na olympiádě, vidíme, jak se dají obejít i ty nejpřísnější kontroly.
7. & 8.
Lance Armstrong earned millions in endorsements from sponsors who believed in him. Along the way he destroyed the careers of anyone who accused him of using performance-enhancing drugs. Watch these films to witness the harsh realities of whistle-blowing and watch a master liar at work.
This classic black-and-white film starring Bette Davis isn’t exactly about fraud but is instead a character study of someone who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Deliciously chilling.
Další klasický černobílý film o skluzu kompromisů a chamtivosti. Hlavní postava, kterou hraje Bill Holden, pomalu ztrácí kontrolu nad svým životem, když se ze svého finančního dilematu snadno vymaní a dá se do chatrče s bohatou, stárnoucí hvězdou němého filmu, kterou hraje Gloria Swanson. Když se pokusí dostat pryč, skončí plovoucí tváří dolů v bazénu.
Tato temná komedie zobrazující skutečný příběh také představuje Jacka Blacka jako dalšího sympaťáka vtaženého do špatné situace. Tentokrát je jeho řešení přísnější než pouhé krádeže peněz. Ale kupodivu si ho na konci filmu nemůžete nemilovat. Texasané si vychutnají tento klip od Bernieho, který popisuje regiony Texasu, doplněný vtipnými urážkami a stereotypy.
Robert De Niro and Michelle Pfeiffer star as Bernie and Ruth Madoff in this amazing story of the largest investment fraud in history. As you would expect, the acting is top notch. You won’t be able to push pause on this one. Continue Reading Here.
Want to learn more about fraud? Check out this self-study bundle that shares lots of interesting examples and stories of fraud as well as tips for how auditors can prevent and detect fraud and corruption.
31+ filmů, které vylepší vaši profesionální skepsi
Warning: This list is not for you if you must have a Hollywood happy ending.
V těchto filmech není žádný hrdina na bílém koni, který by zachraňoval situaci. Vládní vyšetřovatelé a lídři korporací jsou vykreslováni jako neschopní, zkorumpovaní a chamtiví. Ovládací prvky se porouchají nebo tam prostě nikdy nebyly. Podvodník někdy vyhraje. Riziko, před kterým my auditoři vždy varujeme, skutečně nastává a nikdo nekráčí do západu slunce a drží se za ruku s pohledným princem.
If you are in the mood to go to the dark side of humanity this holiday season, go pop some popcorn and get out your notepad. You will learn something interesting about fraud, internal controls, greed and the importance of professional skepticism by watching any of the following movies streaming on either Netflix or Amazon .
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