Movies about Situational comedy
Mrs. Maisel performs a final set, Owen Wilson channels Bob Ross, Rob Lowe and his son craft a charming sitcom, ‘Schmigadoon!’ enters the Fosse era, and much, much more.
WSJ Arts in Review Staff
Aktualizováno 5. května 2023 1:46 ET
Here’s a roundup of the most noteworthy movie and TV comedies to watch right now, as covered by The Wall Street Journal’s critics.
Rachel Brosnahan and Reid Scott Photo: Amazon Studios
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Season 5 (Prime Video)
Still breathless after all these years, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” enters its fifth and final season, a marvel in many ways and—doing what? Will the show flash forward to show its title character evolving into a road-hardened comedy legend who is as brittle as her jokes? Or will she finally heed the advice of her in-laws, give up all this showbiz meshugas, attend to her children and make sure they don’t grow up to hate her, or go live on a kibbutz?
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Sitcoms have been a beloved staple since the dawn of TV. From iconic classics to contemporary favorites, these situation comedies deliver the laughs you’re looking for.
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The best comedy movies and TV shows of 2023
It was a comeback year for the movies, but if we’re totally honest, it wasn’t a great year for comedy movies. Sure, the biggest film of the year was an off-the-wall feminist satire of the world’s most famous doll franchise. Beyond Barbie , though, true LOLs were hard to come by at the cinema – and it wasn’t much better on the small screen. But just because something is hard to find doesn’t mean it’s not worth seeking out. On the contrary: in a down year for comedy, it just made us appreciate the stuff that did make us laugh that much more. That stuff included a dancing murder doll, a coked-up bear, a giant phallic monster – and of course, Ken. Hey, come to think of it, maybe comedy in 2023 wasn’t so bad after all.
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Best new comedy movies
When it came out that Greta Gerwig, of all people, would be directing a live-action Barbie movie – with a screenplay co-written with her husband Noah Baumbach, of all people – no one had any idea what the finished product would possibly end up looking like. And when the chipper, eye-burningly neon trailer finally dropped, launching a million memes without revealing much more than Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling’s garish ’90s rollerblading gear, the question then became, ‘Can this possibly live up to the hype?’ That it became the pop-culture event of the year is less surprising than just what kind of movie it turned out to be: a feminist fantasia following the titular plastic-fantastic heroine on a journey of self-discovery, taking the absolute piss out of both men’s rights activism and the Mattel overlords along the way. Was it sometimes a little try-hard, maybe preachy? Sure. But above everything, it was damn funny, especially Gosling as the Ken of All Kens, the anatomically incorrect himbo who tries to bring the patriarchy to Barbieland and ends up stealing the movie – just like a typical man.
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